tftlmt Rupert Daflp jQetos Tuesday, ihrch 29, 1949 creased rates, an '" 1 " ' (': " . V.W mnmmt.m,. .v.... . . automatic ' switchboard for i 4nn ; PIIOVE MOTION KILLED (Continued from Page 1) plant for sale or lease with a 20 year franchise for operation of the sytU'm. 8 operate without a deficit.'' CUld Alderman Casey's spend $150,000 on partial scheme rehi tn ilitation was describod by , man Black as a "temporary Z' . Published wry afternoon except Sunday bv Q CS'" VW-J';1 AVenUe- PrlnCe Ru- Brlttah Co.umbla MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS ATTDIT BUHEAtJ OP CIRm ATTnW " 3 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES MtJ Carrier. Per Wk aoc; Per Month. 78c; Per Tear. 8.00. fig$tr gy Ma". Per Month. 50c: Per Year. 5.00 TsrV ut '"o'e costly than a new . tern to operate. su Borrowing of $350,000 Vom not greatly affect th wi, d The $550,000 scheme Alderman Casey described as "an amount, luo fcjvat for the revenue of the utility to bfur." ; "I stand second to none in my support of municipal ownership, but I fear we are overloading our system with a burden of debt greater than it can sustain. For that reason, I have sought to 'Si i J- 'k i. ;i ; ' ttsn Heartening Scene fe ". '.Iff Tm, ' ;" - r-1 find some other way to rehahil-l ilate it with a lesser amount of money," he declared. 1 j rowing power, since lts rrZ " , mum borrowing power is tl 5oa j 000 and school expenditureVhl" no effect upoi-it. I Regarding any propyl to the existing system, little would' be accomplished, sin. lu, ual value is only $9,800 Acting Mayor Rudderhan, rP I minded the aldermen that when the bylaw is put to the p00p,e 6.' per cent of the ratepayers: approve it before it can be 2 i into efect. i Alderman Casey was the onlv tojupport his own motion ADMITS AI TOMATIC BEST "I have no argument as to the merits of the two systems-automatic is cheaper to out ratp atejuj,'.. "iJtoj. ,a,m,MaiLa.,at fa-. -4n i M i j , i quicker and generally more sat bivui au v tnsAixijbfe on many major issues, Prime Minister St, Laurent and Leader of the Opposition George Drew buried the hatchet for a while in the House of Commons yesterday on the Most important question of them alf. They are good, loyal Canadians and showed themselves as such in no uncertain terms when they came so unanimously and enthusiastically together on the approval of the terms of the Atlantic alliance. It must -have been a heart-warming scene when Mr. St. Laurent crossed the floor of the House to grasp the hand of Col. Drew and congratulate him on his ringing speech in support of the epochal peace-promoting pact. isfactoryproviding you hav sufiicient subscribers to iustifv slonMrTSfpV f"? S.,,1 MarCh " destroyed the home and all the posses-sions or Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brunei of Belleville rw nu z. j , . . a. m. friends and neighbors started to build the T '"'T" " 8: riav Brunets a new house. By 4:00 p. m the following f'urnuh r CT,P I6 6Vn t0 Wirins and paint and S"icint furniture had been donated to 10 iurnisn it. This Dhoto shows tvio k,,.-ih , . ... , . , .. . SPECIAL ; BOYS' L0Nc " "c"'" Ule exienor covenng naa Deen aPPilea- Tne house is 12 feet wide sn tt ' "-""s. "u ij iet nign. 0 Photo the cost of installation. There Is the pinch, Have we the subscribers? -We have a lot of utilities that are not in good order-schools, roads, sewers. There is one thing we must guard against, that is, getting our tax rate out of liue with what is In accord with municipal financial health." 6.50 fipgp, KNITTING ity, large v. SPtClAL NAMED ASS'T INDIAN SUP'T I What City Council Did William TJn c,t D , I 1 . Aldirmnn rcicoif ..!-, j.' who joined the staff of the figures from the last annual rp- Referred to the Board of for the function. wrks a reauest bv th Prin.o,e,,K,(fj " . 'UCdt office 6f the Dprarfmn nf TnH- port, combining thm with HOME BUILDERS! Property in a new' subdivision available oii . , Choice irw lots at reason-' able prices. N.H.A. district. Place your reservations now with ... ARMSTRONG AGENCIES 307 3rd W. ' Phone 342 Real Estate Insurance (98) Rupert Parent-Teachers' Coun- Junior Chamber "uiwrian Affairs a few months ago, mated telephone rehabilitation cil that the city's curfew law be . has now been appaointed assist- costs, which Jhe said, showed invoked against the parents of! . Actnm.-wj . . Jant Indian is that an automatic by by Indian Indian Superin- not operate without a defir-it I young children "who 1 annouced roam the thanks from Mn, m ; .lauuuurs. uck oi an nnM nnnr cii. 1 - . i icuucut r . r.. Aimeia. Kaiiev waerman Rhirt i. i w ojv i icave. ann re- . j , .. vwuumcu COTTACf uuw siren or Dell Den to to an an- affirmed their hoDe for hr scrvea wun lne Koyal Canadian with fig Ne Creamed. Navy in the North Atlantic dur- ready filed with the provincial speedy recovery. Mayor Arnold ing World War II. VALE.NT! Department of Municipal Affairs. nounce currew hour was given as the main difficulty facing enforcement of the curfew law. The Parent-Teachers.' Cnnnr-ii tnanked the aldermen for flowers sent while she was in wnu-n, showed that, with in ALL-WLATHL will be asked to submit sue FPS- "" j.: . . uons as to how it cduld reasonably be enforced. BRIGHTON, Engiand (P Brighton has won the right to drink for half an hour longer in winter. The licensig Justices agreed to allow the town's pub-lci houses to stay open unVl 10:30 p.m. the year round. Deluxe Delivery Such things as this are possible in a democracy .as are the frank and candid exercise of opposition to he works and plans of an administration. We may have our differences in the family politic as in the family domestic but thanks be to Providence that we are the most of us good,' true Canadians under the skin and have the right to express ourselves and .yet be friends. A HAND TO BO-ME-HI -PRINCE RUPERT'S High School basketballers r . are coming home tomorrow. It may not have been a tour of complete conquest but the boys gave a mighty fine account of themselves and are entitled W a good hand and a good welcome as they return To win the honor of being British Columbia's , third best basketball team and to have our bovs voted as the second and third best individual plaV- is something of an accomplishment. From what reformation we have to date, mighty little in the way of playing proficiency separated the third team -from the first in this contest. Coach AIex Bi , and nflhfcb m boys They did a good ob for the home town ad upheld Prince Z : Rupert's honors in f style. .Ifwas a eredit to j everybody concerned. TOY WEAPON . . . Approved a motion, introduced by Alderman H. S. Whalen, authorizing council to prepare a local improvement bylaw for street work on Rush-brook Heights, wartime housinj subdivisions. Household ... Confirmed the appointment of Don Stewart as City Engineer following Ms vears' SCOLE. Norfolk FnolanH ft fhone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service , AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 Anytime -Anywhere " o service in the canaciVv nf apu Archaeologists will investigate ing City Engineer. Appliances the site of a Roman encampment here. . . . Passed V. le annnnl lnan MniM . . . Approved the saje of lits 26 and 27, block 2, Section 7, Ambrose Avenue, to W. A. Col- bylaw authorizijs the nitv K EL VI N ATOR HE VU W. v i? a wdS borrow up to $50,000 to meet: clough for the assessed value of HOTPOINT KLKCTUIC STOVES ill - wu,,: ui. ne j committee bylaw was given initial readin-, 1 at the last meeting of council".-' LETTERBOX 1 ne oyiaw was introduced by' Alderman T. B. Blark fine,,, K.C.A. VILTOK RADIOS PHILIPS RADIOS .... i EASY WASHERS 'j EUREKA VACUUMS . FAWCKTT OIL STOVES (inVlalWi BKNDIX WASHER ... ' chairman. i frv. f n rur. i a -w . . Approved a reDort nf thn REXniX IROXER licensing committee grantin? the followine licpn;ps- n r 1 YES. WE AGREE! ' i Editor, Daily News: j I have .been, going to .write this letter for some time now and this is - as good a. time as anyv It is 4:00 a.m. and we are all awake thanks to many dogs barking. Don't you think it is about' Lime something is done in this' city to make people Sandyke, general agency; G. Tompkens, wood dealer; E. F. Saunders, commercial printing; E. Peterson, rooming house. j ... Approved a report of the utilities uumicuu j - fi-v a. keep . c y their Ins: that nn rpnrpwntti.m w dOG:S In at T om f,-i t - f, bULlVt UC O"". A LJiHJ JX ' T-: , . fjnrrn r, 3 eiii irom fnnce RuDert. tn at aogs ana. own one mvself hut tend the annual fire college in ; IT MAY BE only a toy pistol and, consequently I harmless, but, in the eyes of the law, it's a deadft-, loaded weapon, capable of sending one to eternity. I This was made clear in Montreal the other day-; when Judge Theberge rejected pleas for clemency ; in the case of a nineteen-year-old youth who had ! committed a series of taxi robberies. His counsel ! emphasized that the ' accused had never used a rea! (revolver Therefore, consideration s h o u 1 d be .Jhown. Instead, the young man was given ten years llTy sTence' lt must be admitted' and itis P0S: . ble he will not serve the entire term. ' Yet, who in 1 iUn pi' T hmefyy the judge was not acting on me south this year. SAVI H01 he is not allowed to roam the streets at nigni. i can't understand why so many are out at night as surely any person can tell the bark of his own dog . . . Adopted a recommendation of the board of works that repairs to the Shawatlans wat- CHIROPRACTOR John P. L. HHirhen, D.C- rh.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phe BI.LE 442 for Appointment .. MOIKi 0:i t m to 12:80 pro. tio 1 to t pm KVKMVOS ndsy rwl Prldy, 7 8 p m feu those unubl to comi- during ih. y RWKPTIONI3T In tllrnd nc afternoon. ana couia vun can it ib in. I x am mil sure huic - f er pump house be made at an they must be awakened too If' Carl Zare!; PHONE t KKASERF PRINCE ou oi idu. A fort- not they must be sound sleepers night ago council authorized and I envy them City Engineer Don Stewart to I have a small baby who will survey the building on the basis sleep 12 hours at night; that is 0f repalr C0SJ ' if the dogs decide to go and Granted Alderman H. M J "fde I" Daggett leave of absence from ? ? uf I Y Mle by ta- very last night's meeting and Z frh.tened he earS the !ibar.kln.g.S0 close to house first April meetin, Mr n i For Construction - Alterations - - n Liiiit- lii fc - . - v.r i r ji .r V AJi gett is out of the city on busi ness. . quieten him. j Thank you See for this small paper a.i and mu I do uu An-nA . V5 space .in your Redecorate your walls and ceilings witrT MONASEAL GREER & BRIDDl tu ajjoiisor a luncneon on June 3 in horror of visitin- hope some move ls made to try .. , ... and RnH keep Uon Arn-r. ,.tC i. , dogs off the street at nights. , SLEEPLESS CONTRACTORS AND mm -now better more washabUJ The longer lasting washable beauty of MONASEAL makes it the most economical home beauty aid you can buy! ueiegaues to tne regional convention of the Junior Chamber of Canada which opens here on ! that date. The aldermen ap-' proved expenditure of up to $150 i HAUNTED BY FLOOD PROSPECT j MOW THAT SPRING advances the Fraser Val-J I N ley 3S haunted by the fear of more floods The memory of extensive losses and damage a year' ago ! lft. 1 TBi0? and changed currents are bt . ye of he factors from which has sprung a feeling j nx ordin g to recent word from different .paits of the va ley. It is said the grade of the C.P.R. is exposed to certain risks. Jherfe s the usual ai"ount of careless small talk thl but . not always its misleading) and every spring has dangers m a mountain CoT ; country like British umbia when rfs irresistible power sends ng Hvers" Floor Sandinr a Spedaltr You saw it in the "News! ram tMWA&ftflBLE ONE COAT !!il!UI! YOUR HEADQUARTER Easy to keeo !s. : I MEETING SEEDS AN FERTILIZED GARDEN Nfl and EQUIPME clean Just l C 0 " I " 'fM4 wh off dirt MlJ.' Sealized OilWWj( with mild o on coat 'T soap and ? J covers practi- -"tl1 water. cUV P "y all wall ZfifffEB TO APPIY B,0,e,y pw.!lM,,"r Mixed ready -s i v lp ' " i VCVpJ your brush i; smoothly g For the Purpose of Re-organizing THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE i ASSOCIATION THURSDAY EVENING March 31, at 8 o'clock U would be appreciated, if you would please ak your friends who may be interested in the el occasion"6 Partj YU n tMs - BIRMINGHAM. Mrs WE DELIVER Ed- na Thomason, 37,, who disappeared from her pre-fab Church1 Koad home here, during . a ' Jimw-warmlne party, ,as found dead in a hatvir, 1 1 OP TASTY MEAtf tVKATJi ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing Printing inlareine-QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Sunnlies five miles away at Sutton Park recently. Chinese CHOP SI1 Prince Rupert FInrkr , LONDON V Prize won by W. Woodham, a north London' Cbrarian, at a local fluw.. i U6) J. E. MERRYFIELD, Organizer. 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for AH Occasions book token. Rupfrt Rcmn4 Aft.nuo nnnosue r'"v" - ti 7: n am - I'HOnB -