Prhuc Kupctt Daiij? 53ete0 Tuesday, March 29, 1949 $ -, , . , ALLEY CATS . W Landon 171130 D. McNab . 98 17ii E. Blain 167 245 R Tough 186 153 H. Llndseth 219 195 Handicap 101 101 Totals 942 101)0 MAPLE LEAFS J. Whittaker 118 167 N. Armstrong 233 202 V. Paiee 161 129 I Tachabold 169 178 - Basketball fr ."1. '' FLOORING - Philpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. FIR OR hemlock; SIDING ALL TYPES SASH AND DOOR . . . nA a Complete Supply of General Can struction Materials. purs 1 (tie) Cardiff City 2, West Brom wich Albion 2 (tie) Fulham 1 Sheffield Wedries' Idav 1 (tie) Grimsby Town 5, Leeds United 1 j Luton Town 0, Westham Uni- ?d 1 Nottingham Forest 3. CovotW City 0 f if.. . v M CONTINENTALS LEADING IN MEN'S 5-PINS Men's Five Pin Lea mip were lacking two teams In their regular week-end session, thereby upsetting calculations for the Standings until the tames can be played between Jaycees and Brownwoods which are expected to be played off Thursday night. In the meantime Continentals have moved to the top of the league with 13 points, replacing Jaycees, whose standing remained at 11. Burns, who dropped two games to Scotians, moved up alongside Jaycees on the strength of a single point gained. Individual scoring saw J. Graham of Scotians swppd the field with a high single game Of nnu a u ipir-eame TOTS! oi 720. Moose 4, Ambassadors 0. Maple Leafs 4 Alley Cats 0, Continentals 4, MalkinsD. Mallets 4, Stones 0. Scotians 3, Burns 1. MOOSE H. McKinnon 156 190 J. Goudv 203 279 107 1 u 1 A. Bellamy 144 94 224 R. Tweed 151 182 1P. H. Muncey 190 18$ 1071 Handicap 57 57 57 Totals 901 982 AMBASSADORS 1 E. Hiidebran lgi 176 190 S. Dviagha 160 178 234 M. Chyzyk 135 157 1551 R. Pollock 183 177 164 j W. Anderson nir 166 174! Handicap ........ 61 61 611 Totals 890 915 PHOXE 651 ROOKIE DOES IT-Ronkie Max McNab, centre, ho scon 8core(l .k Wines Wings at at 4-52 4:52 in in tu the thWA third open! the overtime period of their !nnin real Canadiena, receives congratulations from V Cup goalie Harrv r The N H.L. champions won the 105-minute marathoj 2-1 1,1 I adiens won Thursday night In another overtime game tn ho,ne ' Saturday night with a' 3-2 victory. ven UP ,OOOO0Ooo6oo(o ti,.i, . a . . ,iwu-up pams ano arkpts . e 139 138 130 174 158 101 tsuU 184 160 12ti 126 J'. Mitchell 160 230 123 Handicap 155 loo las I 80 CONTINENTALS Vuckovich 191 250 271 Davison 143 152 188 Harrison 134 111 173 Rhodes 196 238 213 Paul 209 244 184 1Q '(U 39 Handicap nauunaij o -j u j Totals 912 1040 1068 MALKINS T. McMeekin 164 206 150 R. Ciavering 162 110 201 B. Wick 164 238 201 A Tavlnr . 181 186 219 R. Burnie 124 189 194 Handicap 41 41 41 Totals 836 970 1000! MALLETS Hodnkinson 156 149 233 Martin 211 225 103 I Ferguson 109 159 219! Bolam 187 137 159 Maliett 133 152 196 Handicap 152 152 152 ! Totals 948 974 1057 STONES Vanetta 247 179 205 Maalal ;;- . 169 173 98 11 yinC;iC ............ no aut 173 213 Tubb 184 175 135 Keltett , 183 220 117 Handicap 23 23 23 Totals 945 943 791 BURNS Kinslor 180 239 201. Hnlvnrsen 10(1 245 185 IPinnieer iZV.'.'.'.'.'.'.". 184 165 254 179 191 J. Comdina 300 196 179 ituiiuivuK 1 1 . 4 1 Totals 1120 1025 1011 SCOTIANS L. Garner 158 151 235 J. Laurie 188 165 215 J. Wide 119 331 134 J. Davidson 2a4 216 161 J. Graham ,.. 301 213 200 Handicap 71 71 71 Tcvals 1061 1153 1016 . . nujfud ... . .. , brings results. j 1 be AHy 1 , wj.iiuum ngyie- u, Lincoln, city 0 (tiP) Queen's Park Ranger, 3, Bury SuthamPtn o u. 2, Brentford - . 0 postponed 'due :to FoolbaU J pert scoring 15 Wpota-: points Period to semi-final , overcome Scottish . - Celtic 2 siiim. iuif, i ' . .. j1" . " - 1 , I - - , . 1 o , tie, ' ' jers Leslie and F. Bolton via this (Albion Royers vs c,yd' fou nd Rupert made twenty Dundee vs. Mtitherwll ! 1Sing Donato with ' "e'e"' East Est Fife ' three minutes to nlav R,r. 1 fine cuts for : trj z $k 4 vAxr?i 7a, ; Jets Beat Metlakatla Taking Seren Point Lead Into Second Game Prince Rupert Jets defeated New Metlakatla (Alaska) Athletic Club in a thrilling basketball finish last night after grabbing the lead in the last four , minutes of the eame and In- creasing their margin to a safe 47 to 40 win. They carry this score into the second gRme ot the series tonight, which Is for a total point winner. Rupert had more than the one jinx of changing colors in mid-season to overcome in this series as they played their first game in their new strips. Local sport fan Lou Felsentha' presented the uniforms to toim 1 members and Rupert Men's unA Boys' Store really rea"y went Went fir? flrat class in their gift to the City's representative team, with an at tractive white strip for home' plfly blue striP tor out of tow,-1 competition, all complete wit.! fu - iUC "si, mree quarters of the game was ragged with neither team playing, good basketball. It was not until three-quarter time that the teams onenprf un v. m in this last a two-point l,ead and to Bo on to win th. 4 same. Metlakatla personal fouls miwi Metlakatla only making 14 of 79 tries and Runert 18 of 7 ti. .... "nasay was outslanriina ,. iK i a I . . .... vumus ior tne home team, and Booth 12, Williams 11, and Leslie 10, were high scorers for the Alaskans. Lineups and scoring was iouows: Metlakatla Leslie 10, Lang 4 F. Boultm 2, D. Boulten 1, Booth 12," J. Reece, B. Rcece, Milanci Williams 11, Lyle.-Toial 40. Prince Rupert Holkestad 6, Lindsay 14, Lavigne 5, Arney 2, Morgan 6, Beynon 7. Dominate 7, Shier Total 47. LADIES PLAY-OFF Booth Memorial High School decided that the girls' league would have to go to the third play-off game, and they came through with a well-earned victory over Dom's to tie up the ser ies at a game apiece with the winner to be decided Saturday night. I Christine Currie played a good game for the school in spite of her Injured linger which has kept her oift of the last two games. She was her team's best playmaker and top scorer with 6 points to her credit. Betty Hamilton scored 6 for Dom's and the final score was' High 13, Doms' 10. Doms 'played with only one spare and Just couldn't get the (Continued on Page 5) IN THE SUPREME COtTOT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of thr "AilmlnlMratlon Ait" And In th Mattrr of thr i:ialc of Kriipt Johnson, oihernlw known m Arne Johnoon lima, itwasml, IntroaiF TAKE NOTICE that bv Order or His Honor Judge Fulton frlated the 14th day of March. 1949. I ws appointed Administrator of the Estate of the late Ernpit Jnhnni, wtee known as Arne Johnson Hyila, 1 .unnriy 01 Bimnyslde Cannery British Columbia, who died on or nbont the lath day of September, 1948. All persons having, claims fcgatnst the said estate are required to forward them to me on or before April 30th. 1949. properly verified, and all persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED Rt Prince Rupert, B.C. this 17th day of Mntvh. 1949. GORDON FRASER FORBES Official- Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE SUPREME OOUR OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In fhe Matter of the Ailminlxtratlon Art" In the Matter r ih r.i.i. -.-- ffarl) Johaa Owiterlimrt. Iteeesmeii. Interstate. TAKE NOTICE that. h -.h. Ills Honor Judge Fulton, dated the 17th day of March. 1949, I was appointed Administrator or h v-.t.t of the late Karl (Carl) Johan Oster- -iiu, mrmcriy oi lerraee, British Columbia, who died on or about the 31st day of October. 1948. All persons having claims agnlnst the said estate are required to forward them to me on or before April 3oth. 1949 properly verified, and all persons In- ucuuru 10 me said estate are required to Day to me t.n ammmt f .v....- 1,,. debtedness forthwith. t j i ll 11 i k ... pr..j l 'mm VjU .aU- j 9 . il t" ' f. 1 t i . .: i Boat Owners IF VOl'It BOAT NEFDS MEN'S FIVE PIN I.EAGI E STANDINGS ' Pts. Continentals ........... 13 jaycees n Burns n Mallets 9 Scotians a Moose ... 3 Ambassadors 8 Stories 7 Maple Leafs 7 Brownwoods ; 6 Malkins 4 Alley Cats ; 0 TABLE TENNIS rill A I r arr rrr riNALj AKt In the . third round of the Civic Centre . table tennis tournament yesterday Mona Lyke-gard defeated Marion Green wood, btan Cornwall won over Jimmy Sneddon. D. Shiu took j the measure of M. Staulcton. : Chris Erickson bested Neil Mc-j Ara, Joe Chell wis winner over I Ron Christoff and Chester Mil- ' j ler beat Fred vv..igham. All pre- liniinary round ianies must be ! cleaned off by Saturday evening for the finals are scheduled to take place during the basketball? final sessions with tronhies tr presented at that time by Don Forward. TRAIN SCIItiDin E For the F.asv Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda; 10:45 pm. 1 Hi Phone 654 t5c pet deitn paid foe tmptltt by tny B C. 8rtwry " K 'mr.t b not publi.fc.d j WipUytd by thi Liquor Centtol Bot.d X k t G.m-i W B,iti.k Columbl.. WANTED ... ' ; . ' t t r New Stacks Exhaust ft 01 a 1 Country Football SATURDAY'S SCORES English League First Division Aston Villa 1, Chelsea 1 (tie) Blackpool 0, Charlton Athletic 1 Bolton Wanderers 0, Burnley 1 en, 7 iy Mancnester; Huddersfield Town 0 New- castle United 2 Sheffield United Burning- ham City 0 Sunderland 1, Everlon 1 'tie) (Arsenal vs. Portsmouth. Man- Chester United vs. Middle. brough and Wolverhampton1 Wanderers vs. Preston North End postponed due to FootbaH Cup semi-finals) Second Division Blackburn Rovers 0, Chesterfield 2 t-, . . oiaaiora l. Tottenham Tint. BUSINESS AND DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 . p.o. Box 1401 NU-WAY . DELIVERY SERVICE CALL BLACK 846 For ALL Your Delivery Needs ARROW CABS 24-Hour Service PHONE 646 Prompt and Courteous Service BALAGNO FLORISTS 322 West Third Avenue DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE GREEN 787 Box 1193 Prince Rupert, B. C INTERIOR DECORATING PAPER HANGING and SIGN PAINTING R. RAHMER PHONE GREEN 981 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East DRY KINDLING WOOD 50c Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 18G RVTAWM ht a -iTTTiTT-! WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Aox 774 Second Are. Ventilators Muffler? Tanks Halibut J PHONE BLACK M4 WE ARE FOtTTPPFn TCi no Al l. TYPES Of THOM SHEET METAL I 253 First Avr t. - 1 ; s I ' X -' Fishermen! semi-finals it;i : 'iiiurnuaiis VS. V'auriplr n o t. .... , 'vuj ' PROFlrSsL FOR YOUR ' ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUB 039 M. J. SAUNDERS New. Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed BRYDGES aiid McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS ' Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Room 31 PHONE 600 MATTSON'S- - UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 18. STONE BUlLDIlJQ PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN -HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS' Building and repairs- of tU YtiiSt Roofs, Chimneys oil Burneri PHONES Black 687 Red 894 whin. P.O. Bolt 1670 j Wells Cartage Ltd. 1 Complete Moving Serrie Crating Packing Carta re. j BLUB 786 BED 514 Oct that hliih speed enolne of yours w this coming season. Avoid the last minl SPRING TR AININ G Hank Biasatti, Windsor, Ont . native who played with the Toronto Maple Leafs in the International League last year gets a few words of encouragment from Connie Mack, Philadelphia owner, as spring training begins at the A's training camp at Fort Lauderdale.. (CP. Photo) us check it over for you. If an overhaul1 should have the engine now In order to secure any parts that might not be tom;-TIME IS LIMITED. We are equipped for tithe overhaul of CHRYSLER MAROT RUPERT MOTOR! PHONE 5C6 THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors - FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WOR KAND REMODELING , Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE BLACK 221 - . P.O. BOX 167 HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Rome Away From Home 60 Rooms, Rot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Box 19 Dll'l'r Cart Efficia'H & Sto-aP Cor 2nd id 1 P1)0(!' PACIFIC Stevedoring & CoiW HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the. City -Open from 8 D.m. to 4 a.m. Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT voi;r door CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAT CAsn PHONE 950 rmiPAM i''u General Stevedores am. - .j. Stevedores for Canadian .Nat" . CABLE ADDRESS "E nf'pEf "PACIFICO" PlMNCKra DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 18th day of March, A D. 1949 GORDON FRASER FORBES Otflclal Administrator Prince Rupert, B C. (") We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133