PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, . C. . 1C5 4 lfPSl onr.is45DnuGs Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHOtlE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest1 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 74. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS First Robins of Season Are Here ent Approves T! HI TTV TV T liam 1 ! Pact; Vte roes M sua hiD First robins of .the season and spring snow flurries came to Prince Rupert 'on the same day yesterday. A pair of red breasts wee seen chirping plantively from a string of light wire even as chilly snow flurries fell. It has been a long and unusual winter but these are the real harbingers of the season's awakening. Where the robins are, spring Is not far away. L 1 (CP) The House of Commons yester- J ' DEPUTY PREMIER MISSING LONDON An aircraft, in which Sardar Patel, deputy prime minister of Inda, was flying from New Delhi was reported overdue at Jaiput airport tonieht. He was due to attend an official ceremony at Jaiput tomorrow. MEETING OF PREMIERS OTTAWA A meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers is to be held in Loiult.;!. , ,. fhrPP largest nolitical oarties I IDCh A I C AUI miKTnif ATIWCC U AWE 0 lf) ' i A I " t r tot Mm. "fel. , k y- ' ' J r11 r nf the 'Atlantic narL LIDLKMLJ An! UVJII jLk V Al 1 V L3 nAYL THEIR PROBLEMS BEFORE ELECTION IIVc i iax to debate came when Prime Minister Itrode across the House and shook hands f the Opposition George Drew who had Union to be Finalized i it,. ,-. in r beginning: April 21, it was announced today. The announce and ringing r frw rminilC OTTAWA fi A tall silver-thatched, soft-spoken " lawyer tatiorx. lmjli rnunt .piemen The provincial election campaign in Prince Rupert, as elsewhere in British Columbia, is getting tu der way. General meetings of Liberal and Conservative provincial riding organizations are called for this week, the former Wednesday night, the latter, Thursday night. Liberals, at their meeting, ' Sir Albert J. Walsh, will be New- foundland's first Lieutenant-Governor under Confederation when the Island becomes th? MOTION KILLED Council Spikes Another Plebiscite Attempt A motion by Alderman George Casey to toss council's $550,000 will nominate delegates for the coalition continues, the Liberals tenth nrovlnce Prime Minister i ere was no .liciher it would vjC wanted the ,;e very clearly ais pact to work -i3t being signed :cr of form." .1, CCF- leader, provincial convention to be held will consult with the. Conserva- gt. Laurent announced the ap-ln Vancouver April 7 and 8 when lives, possibly offering their pomtment yesterday, later dis- Vift (com nf rriHrminnr in 1 ho ' pn nrl ifln t p in thpm for fiiWOVal. Di.lmn Iv, 1 d a'? m,i uuig . . . , - - ri bliab A I line o . . . tiUOIIig V,t' nrftnnunl in m DacK to telephone Djw proposal coaluion Qt ,t alone wmi Names of W. M. Watts, J. D. first member of the federal cab- ment was made from the office - of Prime Minister St. Laurent who said that it was proposed Minister of External Affairs L. B. Pearson should represc.rA Canada at opening meetings. AMERICANS JAILED PRAGUE The senate of the Prague state court has found two American soldiers guilty of espionage against Czechoslovakia, it is officially announced today. " They have been sentenced to 12 and 10 years imprisonment. The tiial took place in secret and Am-ericr.- authorities were not informed of the proceedings. the voters received an almost i' r i " ' S I be secured on ( tier peace loving be decided upon. Indications i McRae and T. N. Youngs are inet will be sworn in at the are that the local delegation will j heard mentioned as possible Lib-! Barne time when joint ceremon- routine defeat at .the hands of his colleagues last night after it hing determin- i5rt of agsres- go to the convention uninstruct-ed, it being left to the delegates to determine for themselves on eral nominees. ieg take place to mark the union The Conservatives, it is known, at, March 31. are aH for coalition, takine it for i ' : r ippravca me pi ui- STANLEY CUP had been seconded "out of courtesy" by Alderman T. B. Black, leading proponent of the rehabilitation scheme. "I could rule the motion out of order, but I don't Intend to," said Acting Mayor George Rud-derham. "We already have the approval of the voters and have me spot, wnai. woum seem w oe gl.a,Uc(1 that to nave both Lib.j the best course of action. Cer-jeral and conservative candid- talnly, it Is apparent that the ates W0l)c bo t0 assure tne local Liberals, keen as they mayjelection of the C C F. However, JOURNEY'S END A hospital bed was awaiting this little Eskimo when he reached Winnipeg with 12 companions aboard an RCAF aircraft which flew them from the Chesterfield Inlet, area on the northeast coast of Hudson Bay. The 13 were the most seriously ill of the 60 affected by the poliomyelitis epidemic Assisting a stretcher-bearer ln moving which claimed 13 Jives. n l vmin-rtM is Dr. W. J. Wood, right, of Winnipeg, regional PLAY TONIGHT be about the perpetuation of the j the Conservatives consider they party, are not ready or willing to j t00 have g00(l candidates in such accept the responsibility of in-. persons as W. R. McAfee. Dr. R. on a division of e voting against' Populaire mem- c. MP. for n ported a lew a&'ng a revolt r caucus against vote. MONTREAL, O Montreal USK RESIDENT SUCCUMBS HERE made our decision as to policy. y- t!., vitv, who headed a five-man Canadiens are hoping to hand the Detroit Red Wings their third itiatlng or promoting the'go It G Large and j T Harvey. Aincrman uiacK saia mat h ne' olnnp" nlnnp" tiinvpmpnt mnvpmpnt SEEam S flew to scene of the outbreak. Photo) Wliile the Liberals and the would second Alderman Casey's Meanwhile, the local Liberals I Conservatives have a number of The death occurred in hospital here Monday afternoon of Ern arp also ralline a noninatine before defeat in the National Hockey League semifinal play-offs tonight and fans are glancing toward 'forgotten men" to do the trick. So far, in the best of seven 'nations to thresh out ronvPntinn for Anril 19. The est Drake, a retired prospector finalizing their nomination or course of that convention will be! of Usk, following an Illness which motion "as a matter or courtesy In order that Alderman Casey! may further present his views." Alderman Casey's motion recommended that the telephone question be referred back to th 1 nominations, the CCF. course, rirtprminpd bv what GARBAGE CQLLOTH C0HTRAC1 MAY FOREST All RME INCREASES- Council Seeking Way to Hold Down appears clear, series which Montreal leads two had kept him in hospital since January 19. He was 69 years old. Provincially, happens In Vancouver. If the CCF. B ln Tennesee, Mr. Diake of w nrptt. thPrii.Hn.MT a I La v coe. Gerrv "Hat Trick" Pla- . ..' ... .' '"'!".. ,,...4. .......Jtame to British Columbia m people in order that they might express their views on the three bled TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. JoUnston Co. Ltd.) Gravelle, have been neeting the 1922. In 1920 he settled at Usk where he interested himself in I but a matter of course. Rates in race ot Anticipated po.wu . , Deficit in Departments - puck while recognized stars go scoreless.. . In the 'Other game tonight, bit I'itifull lo relieve niMr. nuld " Vancouver Bavonne 06 mining properties. He is survived by his widow, who js at present in the city. The funeral will take place in the city at a City council will seek to let its garbage collection system out on tender to forestall a rate increase which. ft,Q a Mormon hplifive will be necessary to eliminate a ter play-off rivals o former years Julie Alliance following proposals: 1. That the city inrtal an ul-niatic telephone system at a cost of $550,000. 2. To extend, renew and repair the present system at a cost not to exceed $150,000. 3. To' advertise the existing (Continued oa i'age 2) date to be announced. LUC ' ----- - - . . leaders were find-believe that their Archibald, M.P. v.ouid be getting Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins square off against each other in the fourth game of their latest showdown battle in the Stanley Cup play-offs with the Bruins decidedly revived in spirit after having won Saturday night. Toronto now leads the best of seven series two games to one. n a political limb deficit of more than $,uuu staring uiwu m me the basis of this year's estimated costs and revenues. Move for a 50 per cent increase in present " rates, - with an alternative suggestion that the city's garbage collection cents, with addiUonal cans cost-be let by tender were incorpor-' ing $1.50 instead of $1. ,;,.. ated in a reoort submitted last The current collection system m. hv Alderman W.. F. Stone.' was adopted more than a year e Atlantic security RESCUE IS SUCCESSFUL EDMONTON 0i A joint Can-Hcnan-Amcrlcan rescue missioi. IS NOT SEEN OTTAWA, tf; A naval spokesman said here that there was "at present" no evidence of subversive activities in the Royal Canadian Navy nor was there any evidence that three disturbances recently aboard the destroyers Athabaskan andHres-cent and aircraft carrier Magnificent w'ere connected with each other. PURCHASING Bralorne 8.50 B. R. Con 03 B. R. X 09 Cariboo Quartz 116 Congress - .03 Hedley Mascot 40 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 4.75 Pioneer . 3.10 Premier 'Border 02V2 Privateer 18 Reeves McDonald - 2.40 Reno "6 Sheep Creek 125 Silbak Premier 34 Taku River 30 Vananda : 24 Salmon Gold 13 V2 Sputf Valley 05 -ted in a dispatch r newspaper last iflieved that either i s position in the as misreported or ended yesterday following the Lth committee chairman. lago on recommendation of. for- ., i "O tT. dramatic rescue of seven Ameri Estimated cost of collecting mer vny engineer - FOR RAILWAY earbase in 1949 will be $24,525, It was put into eneci in uie m- CHARGED WITH believed change his stand o such a length aa pact in Parliament. while revenues will be $16,500, terests of what was would be economy. Fuel Cost Second Only to Wages on C.N.H. leaving a deficit of $8,025. Alder STRANGLE DEATH Me conic to a div- can airmen from barren Elles-mere Island, deep inside the Arctic Circle. The rescue was carried out with cool clock-like precision by a ski-equipped Royal Canadian Air Force Dakota. The plane touched down on the island where the airmen had GRAND MERE. Que Fuel is finally, the worst supporters here Rainmakers to Get Gyro Honor Criminal Attack Also Alleged in Case of Elderly Ontario Woman Nd be to abstain. the largest individual commodity among the 75.000 different j items purchased each year by : man Stone reported. Collection costs In 1943 totalled $20,267, with revenues of $14,901, a deficit of $5,366. TO RELIEVE STRAIN His two - alternative recommendations to relieve the in ' explanation, in Oils THE WEATHER Synopsis A blast of cold air moving across the north Pacific from Alaska has set up a storm which is causing rain along the entire Anglo Canadian . ... 3.75 SUDBURY, Albert Quesnel been forced to crash-land their Vancouver dispatch, l;,''Jly, be demanded 21 of Espanola was yesterday for- plane last Thursday. None were the Canadian National Railways and its annual cost of seventy million dollars is second only to wages as the major Items in the loea; fald by his .ies. British Columbia coast and ui- creasing financial strain were: A. P. Con Atlantic Calmont C. E Central Lcduc' Home Oil .62 .38 4.G0 .95 10,10 won of the Atlan- mally charged with murder ln injured in the crasn. the stranglc-slaylng at Espanola last Friday of Mrs. Harry Clcland,' , agedll IfCCTAD K il was to be gath railway operating expenses, E. A. Bromley, vice-president . of the company's purchases and aai wt party ueo- Quesnel, aged 38, was returned VL. J 1 rllV J load to rebuke or 1. That all existing garoage creasing cloudiness loiioweaoy rates be increased by 50 percent.) snow flurries in the interior. 2. That the city advertise for The weather will turn' showery the calling of tenders for gar-j this evening and become mostly bage collection in an effort to cicar by Wednesday myrning. will be down a save money on collections. j Temperatures Alderman T. E, Black, finance few degrees tonight and tomor- stores, Montreal, told memDcrs '1 the mpmhi.r It- Mercury I2 Okalta I-72 Pacific. Pete . 2.20 One of the first gestures of welcome home to Prince Rupert's Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers tomorrow from their championship - seeking basketball tour will be from the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Coach Alex Bill and his boys are being invited to attend the club's wekly luncheon to receive the congratulations of that organization. The team returns home in the morning on the steamer Prince Rupert. TURNING PRO . of the Rotary Club here in an address last night. affect his it is said there .25 Princess During the past 10 years, the VANCOUVER 0' Winsome irrpen-eved Jeanne Matthews, Canadian 08 Vi v;1") would not, look to the district jail after being remanded to April 5. He had not been asked to plead. Partly clad body of the aged woman was found Saturday in a swamp and a post-mortem examination showed she had been criminally attacked. outbreak or sucuested that the row in this new Royal South .18 Canadian National Railways has had to pay out $233.92 per Brazeau colder air from the north. wd carrying the ifr In the federal - one of those being rate increase move be put aside until the city calls for tenders. "T think we should explore the Forecast Queen Charlottes and North minute for materials and sup plies, arfavcrage of $122,916,516. .14 .18 aged 19, says she is packing up her treasured amateur trophies and will take a three-year professional tour with an ice show. Tomorrow Miss Matthews w:l realize the culmination of ten " W-Ald. George with frequent idea of letting the work out on Coast-Cloudy Toronto Athona ,- Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Bobio 00 annually or a total of more t.h.m onp and a auarter billion .50 Vi showers today and tomorrow. .22 dollars over the past decade .1014 vears- of practising ten hours a "From the magnitude of these contract before we, consider! Doosling rates," he said. ,"If we get a proper bid, we may not have to raise the rates." The aldermen agreed and .tabled the rate increase with Westerly winds (25 m.p.h). Colder with frost tonight. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow: Port Hardy 32 and 42, Massett 32 and 42, Prince Rupert 30 and 42. - ! UNFAIR, day when she gets a star billing in what she hopes will mean a figures, you will appreciate at once that the National system is Buffalo Canadian 13 Consol. Smelters . ..... 97.00 Conwest !'J7 TVinalrln -50 British Columbia Students Run Foul Of Nicaraguan Authorities SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, (P; Costa Rican sources said today that a Canadian student drove a vehicle which was seized last Wednesday by Costa Rican police who suspected ft of running arms and ammunition to Nicaraguan rebels. The source said the larcest buyer in Canada said Mr. Bromley. "It Is the pol- .57 much Eldona b.. ir.VAJi tiic iwiwu-j vu wj East Sullivan 265 F "The conduct of ' as possible of its requirements tour of Europe this summer. Last year she was runner-up to Barbara Ann Scott in the Canadian championships at Ottawa. She held the Western Canada crown for three years in a row. provision that bids be called immediately. It was recommended that bids, accompanied by deposits, which will be set by council, be in the hands of the com 5.35 IJn National Steam-1 In Canada and approximately TO BUILD WARSHIPS .40 .17 4 f Wort u, arrange a' 90 per cent of the money spent rlr contract with the I remains In this country'" he ien exenininrv" ri-1 sniH "T rin not think any one Giant Yellowknlte God's Lake Harricana Hardrock .... ... Heva Hosco .Tiicknife mittee by the April 11 council meeting. Alderman Stone told the meet- OTTAWA, ff) Minister of Na .17'4 .09 23!2 .04 vauiShan, president1 organization has done as much speaking of the p,.r. 1 to foster the use of Canadian- tional Defence Brook utaxtou ing that, with a 50 per cent in- ivp revealed uians to call Plane Survivors Rescued at Sea that the student, who was not named, was one of three from the University of British Columbia who were now touring Central America. The student was retoaaed and no charges were laid, the source said. The three students were Steve King jr., 22, of Ganges Harbor, formerly of Prince Rupert; Robert Purkis, 24, Salmon Arm, and Peter Postuk, 22, Prince Rupert. The students, in need of money to continue their trip, had put the converted station wagon in which they were riding up for sale last week. A group of Nicaraguans rented it for $100. This group the Costa Rica police arrested for smuggling. v 194R ileiica J'--- -,, . - . As a memher rt made Eoods as the oanauuui crease in rates, for the laying down this yea of Joliet Quebec . -3 into a ,6 FL,dcratiun of Can-1 National Railways. It is con- could be transformed thrpe new hien-speca unu - .uo se respecting drv tntly seeking to have wnu small profit for the department. submarmc escort vessels "to be mnnu aenirers nianc v. B m concert with Suggested rate increase wuu.u ln Canadian shipyards. PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii, 'CP'--Eleven survivors were rescued from a sinking flying boat in the middle of the Pacific yesterday. A Navy landing ship -picked up the airmen nine hours after they 40 Pacific, in the cas? o. un Page 5 Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKcnzie Red Lake McLcod Cockshutt Moneta .08 .76 .13 2.70 .36 1.02 .38 2.42 which the compny has to import and these efforts have been very successful." "Transportation rates arc low," continued Mr. Bromley, "and it is necess'ary to do a creat deal of work to earn the r , Prince Kupert Liljcral Association' boost hotels, restaurants anu business blocks from $1.50 a month for three weekly collections to $2.25 with additional cans 12 cents, instead of eight cents as at present Apartment blocks, stores and warehouses would pay $150 monthly for two cans, instead of $1 as at present, with 12 cents went down but there were no further details available. The Catalina went down in the sea with a dead engine. Negus 54.00 Noranda mirr.hasinir dollar. To pay i"' 18 V; J 0Nlt;iT . (Alaska) fnnce Rupert Louvicourt 2.03 CO-OPS CONGRATULATE RAY Your yesterday's "Comment" said "the whole world is being swept by an epidemic of the gimmies" and that's exactly what has been bothering us. The answer to this problem will be heard at the Sons of Norway Hall, at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, when Roy German, secretary of the Alberta Wheat Pool, and Art Wirick of the B.C. Co-op Union and others, will speak on ' "Co-ops Versus Depressions," "Cut Living Costs the Co-op Way," "Democratic Control in Co-ops" and "How Far Can Co-ops Go?" Refreshments and films are on the program'. Dinlrlo Prnw LOCAL TIDES an ordinary lead pencil, a ton of freight must be hauled 14 miles: to buy a keg of spikes, 1s Regcourt GENERAL MEETING in Common Lounge Civic Centre, 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY AH members please attend (75 Wednesday, March 30, 1949 Antonio 3 95 San one ton of freight has to be car- 1:49 High i included faSs (I'll ! rled 452 miles; and to purchase for additional cans, insieaa oi eight. : ' . -: Collections of five cans a month from private dwellings would cost 75 cents instead of 50 20.6 feet 20.0 feec . 4.0 feet 4.9 feet AV V! 2.14 1.55 .16 .43 till 11.1- 14:04 .. 8:02 20:05 Low Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River Silver Miller .. -a p.m. a typewriter, one ton of ireigm has to move 13,300 miles or roughly a carload of freight from Montreal to Toronto." 8:30 P.M.