Prince nujjcrt Dailp J2cUjs Tuesday, March 29, 1919 x TODAY "-n Emphasis 1 limit on parking in the post of-1 fice block on both sides of the street is needed. j They were divided In their ON THE STAGE 8:35 PM COMMITTEE TO MEET CRITICS OH REVISION TO TRAFFIC BYLAWS Proposed revisions to the traffic and parking bylaw, now before city council, were postuoned by the aldermen last night pending a meeting with interested persons and groups, some of whom have already declared their opposition to portions of the changes. Unable to agree among themselves on all provisions of the recommendations: THREE STORES WITH ONE POLICY iiOn Skirts Back Pleating Accents Dresses, and Little Suits In Silk Stage Comeback By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (t "Exit appeal" is the main theme of dresses In London's spring- fashion shows. The natural feminine figure 'Act of Annette Mansell's 'SPRING FASHION PARADE' BOB'S Got A JANE That's Got What . It Takes... ft V"'' . And Brother... Cm He Take It! Paramount amenta SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Buy with confidence. Merchandise exchanged or money refunded. For your protection, we exclude ladies' lingerie and foundations. has triumphed again. Gone are changes by objections to' meter jon the south side of Third Aven-eccentric over-elaborated lines parking on Third Avenue, lodged uc West, we would protest any so evident when the "new look", by the Prine Rupert Retail Mor-: proposal nmmsai tn to pstabllxh establish parking narkine IV RUPERT PEOPLES STORE WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE K K to.. Tbchnicclor I saivi. Slft.IJ.ft we -lIAYSSTARTf of the Post Office to 20 minutes" but urged that it be confined to the north side of the street only. "Owing to lack of side streets meters on Third Avenue," the merchants' letter stated. THIRD AVENUE RESTRICTIONS In addition to recommending that parking meters be placed on Third Avenue, the committee sought to gradually eliminate taxi parking on that street. Tc do this, it recommended: 1. That no more taxi licenses be issued for locations on Third Avenue. 2. That existing bylaws be amended to limit the Darkine of taxis on Third Avenue between 9 a m. and 6 p m. to one car in the case of stands from which one or two cars operate and to two cars where three or more taxis are registered, 3. That taxi onemtnr he h. vised that, after parking meters are nstal ed .on v one sn.icp will be reserved in front of each existing stand. This .will be abolished one year after the installation of meters. The aldermen appeared in general agreement that a 20-minute tirrinX CofarVy Bob WW 0 Ask your Doctor First Don't take chances! If there is illness in your family . . . call your doctor IMMEDIATELY! jThen let us help you quickly and efficiently to fill his prescribed needs. stormed its way in nor more ugly protrusions, no more pad-j ded hips and bustles; waists are not so pinched, shoulders are slightly more pronounced and the "bottle neck" has almost disappeared. Accent is on skirts. You can have a softly flowing flared skirt, a hobble-slim skirt or a pleated, gathered or draped one. But the most charmingly elegant dresses have "exist appeal" especially the elaborate cocktail ores. Hartnell's "Sna'I's Tails," a dark "snail" grey tie silk with front horizontal tucking on the straight tight skirt is drav'n round the hips to a back cascade of heaped tucks of impressed pleating. Or perhaps "Black Diamond" would appeal? Here Hartnel! uses blaok-grey slipper satin with numerous small horizontal front gathers drawn round to a loose back drape. The neck is a . ...... "iii-cm.! utaaciiauie naner collar oi grey mesn diamonds which matches the removable sleeves. A black tie silk with straight slimming lines has slight skirt fulness from back knee-length. The "exit appeal" comes from a swathe of white slipper satin fastened to the front waist, draped over the hip and finishing in an enormous bow at back knee height. BACK PLEATING Ail types of back pleating are opinions regarding the necessity.! of instituting angle parking on the north side, of .Vcond Avenue between McBride and Seventh Streets. They agreed that, since McBride Street has been designated an arterial highway, stop sins should be placed at all sides of cnue, making it a "courtesy cor-its intersection with Third Av-ner." flo More Dosing For Constipation Famous cereal frees womai from harsh laxatives Searching desperately for constipation relief? Then read . tint 6n ttolicited letter: "For 19 year eim strong medicines couldn't help me. At lout my doctor in England adii.vd KELLOGG' 8 ALL-BRAN. I began to eat this break fast cereal and soon realized I was better. 1 eat ALL-BRAN regularly now and can definitely atiy I am free from constipation!" (Name given on request). You, too, may never hnv to taka another harsh laxative for constipation due to lack of bulk in the diet Just ei an ounce of KELLOGG 'd ALL-BRAN daily-and drink plenty of water. ALL-BRAN U not a purgative, but a wholesome regulating cereal. Kat a a cereal, or in muffins for constipation relief. If after wing one package you are not entirely satisfied, get double your money back aa guaranteed on the package. Buy delirious ALI.-Hr.AN from your grocer. Made by Keilogg'a of London, Ontario. ""Tit? 'TT "'V v brought in two weeks ago by a special traffic and taxi committee, the aldermen were further deflected from passaee of the chants' Association, The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce also asked that action on the revisions be deferred until a general meeting of that body had opportunity to discuss them The Chamber meets on April 4. Joe van Wallegham, Third Avenue taxi proprietor, told the meeting that he had objection;, to revisions recommended to cover taxi parking. He said that 'A. Bruce Brown, city barrister, is acting for him and that Mr.1 Brown was unable to appear'last meui, uu dLLount oi mness. , Council discussed, the nine-: clause list of recommendations, ' then decided to hold a meeting of the committee and invite any interested persons or groups to , present their views. The Retail Merchants' Associ- i ation "i" as enaors-, ing "the proposed bylaw limiting parking in the block in front (suumion ior one idea. Decorous little town suits ill silk or. cct-tep ton reveal "will-power" wurr oare shoulders and back, or a matching brassiere with bare midriff. For the first time since the v war silk suits are back on the home market. Not generally popular because of Britain's short summer, they will be the answer to many big social occasions this summer. Made in printed silks, gros- giain. supper satiu and taffeta still leavp the clean hipUr.e. i OtherwUp ' skirts are npncil nare Qr pleated and jackets are of classic flaring out -behind to compliment the back tread of the skirts. , A slim pencil-tailored suit in I black grosgrain by Worth' had the jacket lined with green silk.i A fine black lace blouse .' ed the ensemble. Worth also matches tailored silk jackets to' summer dresses. Many designers have re-in-! troduced silk coats for combina-I tion with summer dresses. They are generally of stiffer silka nd satins. iflullut Ml f liarm; !! in I Jhrwmmt Third Ave. al Sixth Si 1 , I 11 '- 1 .l. usoa-starttng from the waist, they follow the same line as the hip or knee, sometimes centre, ' tailored suits-with one exceo-sometirnes side. ; tion-occasional very full flaies. JTrdSaV0TS th?,' mC1: These come hiP ngths but FOR ALL TYPES OF PRLM CRKETIXG r.VItDS OFFICE OTL1 PtNS AND PENCILS HOME SITO , SEE - Bibb I'riiiiii!!! ( 10:10 CBC News 10:15-Les Way 10:30 Palace Hotel Orch. 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert w: 59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties songs oi -cesteraay 11:30 Weather toiectst 11:31 Messae pr. 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices PM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1: Op Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Bradeif Tells Story 1 :45 Commentary My Mother 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. . 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer's Islander:. 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 What's New 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Comty. IPSWICH, England CP Suffolk children have collected 511,320 farthings $2,130.50 I for diocesan church funds. FASHION NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX , RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Your Line Tells All L 111 WHAT BIG TEETH YOU HAVE George is a recent arrival at Vancouver s Stanley Hark Zoo but from this photo it would appear he is none too happy about his new surroundings George who is four fe-et Ion?, oecided he didn't want his picture taken' and pnotographer Clauue Detloff jerked back just in time as Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) TUESDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 Children's Program 4:43 Easy Listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30 Whatcha Know, Joe. 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties : 6:45 Smoke Rings ' 7:00 CBC Newa 7:15 CBC Roundup 1 ' 7:3i -Leicester Square to '. r" '"' Broadway j 8:00 Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Points of View 9:15 Recital Time 9:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News fewS) 'a, (tyd "TAPIOCA (READY-FLAVORED! EASY F1XIN ! ' .',?, " -V .Til r m ORANGE COCONUT TAPIOCA PUDDING tvn bnaza for Ih brida It thit super delkiout dalighr I I rockoja direction I A law oronge aactiont And Mmml What a mandmMui Sure, it's wonderfully "easy to enjoy " the best tapioca puddings ever! Just reach for Royal! They're ready-flavored in a choice of ni,th, tempting vanilla, and sparkling orange-coconut anew taste thrill, rich in the magic ang of the tropics! Costs only a few cents to delight the whole family with delicious, nourishing Royal Tapioca Puddings. Get some today!. And while at your groccr'i ask for Royal Puddings and Royal Gelatin Desserts! lajay lha whala KOTAl family al ouMrts. TgoyS Morct Famous MS For flavor! This Is Serious I Besner Block You Numbskull "He was on the point of asking me to dine at the Civic Centre Dining Room." : i wv uui-juiui ""a""' iiittuc mttuc :i iuiie luue ior ior nis nis nanri nana. , tr 'W.J.. C, P. n Photo) foJ msjf n .,-..r5vN 1 FOR RESERVATIONS AND ( IU( KHN IS PHONE RED 703 CMC CENTRE DINING APPLIANCES FOR YOUR COM rem v. v ttij oiuuom jiu I slinky to the knees then flai-ini; uub to me nem n gracfim lasnion is the straight pencil skirt with de tachable over apron in a soft full flare or very full pleating. Park .sunbathers are the hi- SfSMAN i SCAMPERS, (Tr.4, Mark He,.) j lour favourite pluy t.lne bark , . . more attractive, more rninfortublq than ever ix-fure in a new moi t-usin Hi-sicn. Keep your feel ctitA and romfortahle all aiiiiuner long Kith a pair of Sinnan .Vaiiiprrn on display at our store. FOOTWEAR VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I J s.s. s.s. Coquitlam, Coquitlam, March March 25. 25, ADril April 1 8 and 22, 10 p m. FOR MOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. s.s. Coquitlam, Coquitlam, April April 1 1 and and 15 15 I and 29. io p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Asrcnt Third Avenue Phone 563 Hit tlic Nail on the Head! AND CONVENIENCE mi. ujAiuji to give its iinj,. "uia """"w,a the posibility loom into a riEtrtiHf.n K.,f " iminated ueauwui L, room and uosct space - c front and side CLOCKS-' , Electric Kiltiirn Eleclric Alarm COFFEE-MAKERS Cory fa BLANKETS G.E., Dual Control nas a rear bedroom located floor plan a most interesting ii mis room-is, not needed as a h can oe used as a 'den. J I ,y s. t ?;4 rt SI 209 perfect. 1 h ' I J KTcuen Ci I I i-'vinottoom rM ia. . iv. r 1 Tl il I Jiursery, as it is situated between kitchen and the bathroom. Another is a door in the living room LAMPS Trilite Complete with Silk Shad Torcheries Table Lamps HEALTH LAMPS- Infra Red Clear Infra Red Ruby TOASTERS Westinghouse Autocrat Ctttifral Eleclric, t-slicc 1 a a a . w mt 1 1 aonj oi ' LaM .f?m H l at. a General Electric, Turnover mis would convert the rear separate dining room If the ""t - t - n me two rooms were cl-make completely, it would a - sriaped combination livlns dining room in The Clinton is plentiful. coat, cioscts at both entrances, yards. NO GAMBLE WHEN Northern B.C. Power & There is a broom clpset in the kitchen and a linen cabinet in the bathroom. - ' The kitchen sink is placed under the corner windows. This provides a view of the 3rd Ave. and 3r ; However' lf dcslr'ed-the SSJ can be replaced by brick with good results. J PHONE 210 or ?L?S Ymi pi trph asf. YOUR RNG: JNbONSIJVe Wedding Grft a 20 CashJ VISIT Manson's Jewellers To Select the Most Cherished Gift of All ... Her Engagement Ring "JLgglgLj ltr ml5;1 C Hnd, is-rrth two in Jier most h cherished mft, see the lar at $100 YOU SAVEj2G3 the bush. So remember, when pun-g M .wtinn nf Prfprt Guaranteed 'lilNSON'S-Your FriendTv JeweneV. Free Insurance-Free Inspuction and Polishing Rprinnir,.r Rinv Guaranteed