,rirW7lF. Prince tlupetf Daflp Hetos Tuesday, March 29, 1949 AIR PASSENGERS Looking Back nhcTs itl SPORT - Records 20th century, taking stock of the severe and more often than not permanent injuries, many colleges banned the game. Public opinion finally forced a meeting of football peers at which time the flying wedge, hurdling, and other, mass formations were barred, and many safety rules adopted. BALL AROUND Red Cross 1 n Helo The C "mm FILM COUNCIL RECEIVES HEW PROJECTOR Prirfce Rupert Film Council has taken delivery of a new Victor 16 millimeter film projector, of the latest model It will be used for film shoWines among the 60-odd member against the Canadian National i Steairihips are contrary to everjr principle of fair business practice and to the democratic ITURE ITD. 1 nl I T Inut ached I $ir, to $298 Lttf neliver . jr0 IF ir is Heating Call ?1 ELKINS lore Cale Than Ever" t,d Service in City - . . . r.rrrrrrc -r;rrrry;rrr t To Vancouver-R. A. , Ritehie, I G. K. Hankmson, C. Bradford. R. Buscomb, G. E MranKiey, To Port Hardy F. Alexcee To Sandspit Mrs. E. Simpson. From Vancouver G. E. Brankley, Mrs. P. Watts, N. Jen-kinson, C. E. Pratt. Mrs. E. Poul-sen, L. Wallace, W. L. Forester. 4H. Harrison, T. Berg. , From Sandspit E. Lund. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. E. Pratt, "Vancouver; T. Berg, Vancouver; D. Hunter, Vancouver; Mrs. S. Oddson, Os-land; N. Jenkinson, Vancouver; G. E. Brankley, Vancouver. JETS BEAT METLAKATLA (Conzmuec rrona rage 4) win ttiey needed for the champ ionship. ij High School A, Hamilton 2, c"rri Matsan, Pavich, Ken- nedy 3 Webster, Lykegaard 2, Keays, Shier, Paul. Total 10. Doms B. .Hamilton 6 Husoy 2, Greenwood, Jordan, Thain 2, L. Husoy. Total 10. Frank Moran in 10 rounds at New York 33 years ago. WU'ard lost his crown in 1919 to Jack Dempsey, taking a terrific beat- ing from the Manassa Mauler at Toledo, Ohio. KICKING THE While the first American Football Confeeence was organized In 1876 .the origin of the game has been a subject for conjecture and argument for a long time. Some sports historians say that the gam was played by the Greeks and Romans. However, the Olympic Game Pro grams covering 800 B.C. 4o 41)0 AJJ. make no mention of foot ball in any form. There is definite evidence that the English played jl game which consisted of kicking hard objects sometime a kull around, hack in i the lithe century. This resulted In sore toes, and before long aomeon introduced an inflated cow bladder to be used as a ball. This, bladder booting had no BLACKHEADS Imp! diaolv n4 diuppwr bf thlt m siBipl, Ufa and urt met fad. Gt tw n iMroxlw puw4v from ny drug KiiikU m krt, vet rloth. and tlPI IhiUNwd Will Ut gCO ic JOHN H. BULGER .' OPTOMETRIST t John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue definite rules. The game resembled a small sized war with both teams attempting to kick the bladder and cny number of men on each team. King Henry issued a royal edk-t against football in the 12th Century because it was interfering with archery, the na tional Dastime a han uhir lasted for about four centuries, at which time the game was re vived by the Irish. Until the early 1800's, football was strictly a foot game but one day a Rugby University player pushed to the point of frustration in the heat of battle picked up the bail and ran with it.' naturally, this led to suite a battle between the "pros and cons of running and kicking. The result was that in 1863 some schools "Tefused to play the newfangled "Rugby Football,'- and followed the old kicking a me designating it Asso ciation Football. This later. extracted to Assoc football and then Soceer, which is the name of that kicking game today. In 1876 Yale won the first American football championship after playing Harvard. Columbia and - Princeton fn games sponsored by toe newly formed American Inter-colleg- ate Football Association. Many rules came and went in the following years, with toot- ball gaining in intensity and ( brutality. At the turn of the, Sport Shots Toronto Mapl Leafs scored one of the most sensational upsets of Stanley Cup play-off history 13 years ago. Trailing Boston Bruins by four goals on the round, Leafs took advantage of a misconduct penalty to Eddi"! Shore to score six goals in less, than 12 minutes and take the game 8-3 and the round 8-6. They eliminated Hew York Americans In a later series but lost in the finals' to Detroit Red Wings. Mon Ureal Maroons end Detroit Bed Wings played the lehgest big league hockey gam "c?r? " yea ag0ihen oawea io muiuMre. au euuj.ua in the first game of the NJl.L. title, series at - Montreal. Mudj Bruneteau. won the game for , Detroit 1-0, when ne scored at If: jm jthe eixtn overum period. It. was 2:25 a.m. when the game ended. - iess, WUlard. 'with a finge: fractured ki the second round, successfully defended his heavy- ' weight: boxing title against way of life to which this coun- try and every loyal citizen is LONDON ! British ''railways committed. The Canadian Na-, lose nearly 1,000,000 ($4,000.-tionai cannot and will hot sub-1 COO) a year from fare dodgers, mit to such tactics." I it was reported. I Srnd-Ovt Orders J j .... ' I f I ! David enow, mu- i j j. -tl- : ; : ; ,"' ": " 1 r , ; rr 1 II " "" ' f Kdagwooo) . aJZW': I . , ' - srf WHERE ARE f houses 6 there's , FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS See... legal (ED. SAUNDERS) Second Avenue . PHONE 21 ' ' I 11 J groups which compose the council. It was purchased at a cost of $695, much of which was raised through public supported activities. Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton, president of the council, this morning iyrrAsuxri flnnrpinfifin nf " the DHhlic sunnort which had made purchase' of the new machine possible. It replaces one which the Film Council had 'Oil loan from the JSatior.a! Fi-r. Board 'and which had been under agreement to be returned at the end of this month. Tne new pr0ector will be on lCjSDlay st a downtown electrical snop tniS wek. " - - , PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK Printers P.O. Box 423 Plllllllill mmrnmm 1 1 A PICKET FENCE TO MEND OR A BOARD i WALK TO FIX? . . . Far Repair or Building Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors PHONE 363 TAX IS OFF! AND WE arf 1 ' UAPPV IF WE COULD . .7 Bulger's is Now I M II l" tm minutc'i1'1 , 'tif ' " II I (. I let down the j . . T bloncke-d.o T- l "rXFAm- SATS VAUGHAX 1- (Continued from P&ge One) rpsnprt.incr Tin ar.n ffpr - rarrvtnyl - i o r o - vessels, the Canadian National acceptd tne unanimous recom , , .. r,.J. I Conciliation although, in so doing, it was represented on these boards by its own nominee and he approved and signed the recommendations which, in his words and those of the other two members said, they (tfae three members of the Boards of Conciliation) are of the firm opinion that the agreement recommended is a fair compromise and ought to be accepted by the parties the C.S.U. and ship owners) to this dispute. "This strike by the CS.U is already working a severe hardship upon the Canadian exporter and importer and threatens to ruin Canada's mercantile marine because shippers will turn, as they are already doing, to ships of non-Canadian registry if they eannofc depend upon those flying the Canadian flag. "What is of even more immediate importance is the al- arming situation w hich has de- veloped in the West Indian Is lands served by the Canadian National Steamships because of the C.S.UJ3. arbitrary and discriminatory course. The Lady Rodney, for example, has on board 3,000 tons of necessary foodstuffs, yeast and medical supplies, aU urgently needed toy the Islands to which they are consigned and wires to that effect have already been received by the company. The Islands subsist on a raonth-to-month basis and rely upon the sched uled services of these ships of the Canadian National to pre-' vent serious shortages of staple requirements Irom becoming de-' pleted. Under the Canada-West Indies trade agreement the Canadian government is obliged to provide this service, UNFAIR TACTICS "The tactics being used by the Canadian Seamen's U n 1 o TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Larse 4 room suite with electric range. Central. Couple preferred. Phone Red 889. - US) SPRING STYLE BARATHEA SLACKS Finely tailored, these slacks are av ailable in two shades of brown. Priced at .... $11.05 SCAMPERS Moccasin style with crepe soles. Priced at .( and $7.00 SCAMPER S Single strap style in Burgundy red with red lug soles. Priced at $!.'J55 ACME CLOTHING STORE T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OB DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Q KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service Call 53 718 Second Avenue West 1 r 1 I l It i fj a, (vamiifp vwufcft; ' (" WHV DO YOU ) I Jw 7 I rVI I THAT CONVERSATION USTVEJ ; 1, I H9 , gfR, 7 WANT HIM, ..T.- ' . . - Mf W -V LASTED AN HOUR---tVE -rf 1 , ( fvlsEARCHEP F f P ! -tMOM?J Prince Rupert's I Finest Eating Plaee BROADMY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING a .Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOB TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 608. WEST THIRD AVENUE THE LUXURY l& i k- -5' Everything at 6LJjff ret 11 I JL WW Hi lTh 1 S Free of the Luxury Tax A watch that formerly cost you $20 with tax, will now cost you $16. This illustration applies to everything in the store. f ALSO OUR SPECIAL DIAMOND VALUES WILL BE ON DURING THE PERIOD OF LENT OR TILL EASTER. WOM UA fill TSS'S ISWtJ : ' rasr, i want ) f TO SHOOT TH!S J : J'SIMv' ' ' tca EVER j ' - ( . r I.-OTH SPRAV W : g ') ' : ' LIVE THRU -4,; : : TL (fiai5,:..jg I ' " " ' " , 1 f I ', $9 OWMO EVER HEARD A. I . !pZ. I vl t 1 " ' ... - ft: 3yOP TAKING A BATH) f Porch Paint Ill 1 11 lltllkll siff ' V . I 111 11 li I I r -! ...... ft . Tfc. 1- I ISte 1 M It is a simple matter to keep your steps and veranda alwass looking cheerful, using BAPCO PORCH PAINT : Thorn pson Hardware Co. JLtd