Prince ttupcrt Daflp r2ctos Wednesday, May 25, 1949- - Ralph Smith left by this morning's QCA plane for a business trip to Massett and other Queen Charlotte Island points. STREET PROGRAM BYLAWS COMING , City Council Monday night an ledepenient daily tseTspsper aerewc to ae upbuilding of FTlc? Rupert iM tl ccmmunit'.rs comprising northern and central British Columbs 4AuOturlM M .Second Ciaj) Mali. Poet OKI: Department. Ottawa) PublLhed ew tfrwimon ecept Sunday bT Prince Ruprt Daily Nr- Ltd..' 3rd Aenue. Prince Rupert, ErlrUh Columbia. O. A- HI' VI tK, Managing Edlto. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. kfZMBEK OK CANADIAN PPFSS ArDTT BCPFATJ OP CmCTLATIOKa CANADIAN DAILY NFWSPAPER ASSOCIATION erBSCRIPTION RATES Ttrt-. any Carrier. Per Week 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. 1100. By Mall. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. 5 00 TRiBrrt to premier Editor, Daily News: Your editorial of May 23 en- Fighting the Press titled 'Premier's Impression" provement bylaw to cover street! was well set forth, doing credit surfacing In the Rushbrook' to yourself and justice to those'. Heights area. j you mentioned. The move was made on rec-i To most of us Byron John- ommendation of council sitting! son's name had not been record-1 as a committee ol the whole. In ed very vividly In our minds j nich proposals for the project 1 until he was elected leader oflwere discussed last week. The! the Liberal party of British Col-1 byiaw, when prepared, will call ! umbia. My first sight of the for tne borrowina of about i authorized City Cleric H. D. Thain to proceed with neees- sary advertising and notification of property owners prepar-! atory to drafting a local im-! $50,000 to repair streets andre-1, pace plank road, with gravel surtCe in the former Wartime Mo'uain area ! UcuJarly Herman Herman Place and Second Overlook, have peUtioned the city for such improvements. Under financing plans being coskdered by the city, the project would be M (m Joca, improcement basis, cost of which would be re- AnnuaJ cost Qwn Jn the area fbe in the nelehborhood ol vo "L fortunate in having a man of calibre of Byron Johnson at head of affairs Premier leader, , GEORGE B. CASEV. man was when I attended the uerai cunrnuun in vancuu- ver April T and 8 of this year aS delegate. The modest man- uer in wnicn ne oeuveea his drt to Uat assembly caused delegates to believe they had at the head of their party hot only an astute business man but a warm-hearted friend of the struggling masses of the prov- tfr.MA .. . )n trutti Vit .imnllilw and sharp reasoning Bear a like. uaa MnmA tfaf tiia aPAut 1. A.rL. A TYrllALLi socialistic (uauiutf awui WITH the "capitalistic" press, Harry Archibald, the federal C.C.F. candidate, says it is not the Liberal candidate but the local press which he is fighting in this campaign. We don't know how he gets lhat way but we appreciate the recognition and "'wonder if the Liberals, some of w hom think we have been a little too friendly with Mr. Archibald, will "sit up and take notice. Doubtless, Mr. Archibald has been stung by our comments on his purported original standing in regard to the Atlantic pact but, if he looks back, he will find we later made very sypathetic comment - a few weeks ago when his position became more clarified and it seemed he had either been misrepresented at first or had had made volte facto in view of the weight of public opinion, particularly among some of his own party followers right at home. The Daily News has no apology to make for - having criticized Mr. Archibald when it was reported he had tendency to oppose this anti-Communist international measure. If he should in the and thinker, of the past such as Lincoln, XngenaU, Uurler, Mm-'w, donald and others who pio- ( neered in the struggle of our race for a better world in which to live. the la my haiable Judgment tlie the people of the prince and mem- and bers of the Liberal party are ' , 1 1 - , , future show any tendencies in that direction, wnicn -we hope he will not we would again protest not , . . au:uu wnll o r.rVvr Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Charge) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Edmund Hockridge 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4.30 Footlight Favorites 4:45 Maggie Muggins ! 5:00 Pops On Parade j 5:30 Don Me&ser and His Islanders j 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Kathleen Parlow, Violinist 8:00 Music by Morris Surdin 8:30 To Tell the Truth 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 John M. Ewing 10:30 London Studio Concert ,11:00 Weather ar.d Fish Arrivals TWJUSUAIAM. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC Newt 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8.45 Little Concert 8:00 BBC News ami Coni'ty 8:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning- Melodie 10:30 Roundup Time :0:45 .u.u oianu.. Scandinavian ia nan KModies M'luuie; n:oo Bemie Braden Tells a story ":15-SriM of Today 11:30 Weather Report 11:81 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Mediadla rM. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume : 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Imermeezo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast BROADCAST TONIGHT Hon. E. S. WISMER Subject: 'PROGRESS OR STAGNATION 6:15 P.M. CFIPIHL in ...well REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER S24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) " T.8.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR ' VANCOUVER AND INTKKMEDIATE POHTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For RtserevaUons Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Tan " 'a "THi Ti i BANK Dccause ne is iur. ixi vmuaiu jjciwimiij, . . in politics but because we do not think such views are a credit to this riding. If Mr. Archibald thinks he has been done badly .with by the Daily News, we can at least say we have V endeavoured at all times to be fair with him, of fer-- ing criticism where it seemed due and credit also as we have done. But we do not feel Mr. Archibald should expect us to cater to him and extol his every "attitude no more than we have done, intend to do or expect to do for Liberals, Tories or those of any other political stripe. If Mr. Archibald finds he has to fight the press because it tries, within' its limited lights, to be fair, he will just have to go on fighting us and we shall nDt worry too much about him. If he himself Is as fair or tolerant as we try to be with all political parties, he will have nothing to apologize for or complain about. unanimous j GRAPHIC CRITICISM j Editor, DaiIv News: When rea.lir; the reports anS J j criticism of the musical and dramatic festival held here recent iy, j it recalled to civ memory a v?fy j nice, txact an I skilled crltL'ism ; of g violinist i read quite a long time ago. a.ii I thought It m.pM j be of some f itvrei to the tai?i: I lovers of ou city It w asas H-" lows: ! "The old lr.w's face became ashy white 3j he played, and his : while hair :.! out from hi i head, the lcvig thin f ingvrs of the left hand chaalmr v:a other in Dairs. and simrlv alonr ! the delicate string, while the 1 bow glanced in the lamp-liht, j as it dash . like lightning ! across the instrument, or re-' mained almou stationary, rm:?-' ering in hi.; ma:;': hnii. as :..'... l . ...1 . . qu..v u.:.ui iiemnu- 1 mina bird strike the summer r-in C-. -n-l win It a Wa tearing the heart, from the old violin, sometime, it seemed io mi rmur soft thmgs la his old ear, as though the Imprisoned .spirit of music were pleading to' be free on the wlnga ot souni, and that aound, swett love, that is strong In death, feverish- and murderous as jealousy, that is as cruel as the grav?, sobbing"' great sobs or a terrible" dtath-song, and screaming In the outrageous frenzy of a furious foe, wailing thin cries of mixery, too! exhausted for strong grief,! dancing again in horrid mad-' ness, as the devils dance in hell. ! over some fresh sinner, they' have gotten unto themselves! for torture and, then at last, as-the strings bend to the com-4 ' manding bow, finding the trl umph of a glorious rest In great broad chords, splendid In deptn , and royal harmony, grand enor- j mous and massive, as the uni-i ted choirs of Heaven, the lonj ! sweet notes sighed themselves to death. ' Thanking you in antieipatio.i. J. a. TEEN. CIVIC CENTRE ACOV8TICS Editor, Daily News: From the many complaints I have heard of the very bad acoustics at the Auditorium it appears most imperative that no effort should be spared to rectify this matter. When members of a Drama Group have spent considerable energy In learning a play, it's most distressing whert ' complaints are received that their voices are inaudible, j When attending last Friday s Drama Festival I myself found , that with a few exceptions the . speeches of the actors were quite inaudible. I suggest that one of ' the local organizations or Jointly ! could organize some function : which would afford the necesr sary funds to cover In the rafters and beams which are responsible for all the trouble. : ! W. D. GRIFFITHS t . 1. i j. ' . Advertise in the Dally News . Monthly Hearing Aid BATTERY SERVICE NO C.O.D. CHARGES WE PAY POSTAGE Hw atw, fti bctttrio' Wnyi on hand. Simply dcpoiit $1 )iw 0 to M 150 jko jS .1 Iacpom at. Sy Sy wht wttat typt typt ,nd tnd ' ' I nrnnbtt nrnnbtt yea yea tcquirt. tequir. I Mortal tapply wilt ent rtjuWIy. IE i ..7 You can still find people who "don't lielieve in banks" . . , who keep their cash in old coffee pots, or hide it in the woodpile, or carry it around,. But most folk nowadays keep their money in bank accounts. They can get it whenever they want it; and they can pay their bills by cheque. Canadians have more than seven million such deposit accounts. In terms of Canada's adult population, that make? it practically unanimous. The banks, in turn, know they must earn this confidence by giving you the best service they know how. Today you can take your account to any bank you choose. And what is in your bank lxok is strictly between you and your bank. It is your own private business. MORE RADIO ASININITY regulations of the Canadian Broadcasting WIERD Corporation which periodically bring ire of Prince Rupert radions to a high pitch when such important sporting events as the World Series and the National Hockey League broadcasts are . denied emission from Prince Rupert's station CFPR appear to have bounced right back on the government party. Thursday night the national ' network carried a radio address by Prime Minister St. Laurent but, due to the asinine CBC restrictions, it was not available from CFTR. Monday, an address by the minister of finance, Mr. Abbott, failed to come through the local station. Maybe all this will arouse the local Liberal cam-. paign committee to some action of protest. It is hard for the public to understand why the -.Progressive Conservatives and the C.C.F.'ers can get their national broadcasts piped out through CFPR while the government party is ruled out. Doubtless, there may be some technical explanation for it. Meantime, we may be dense but the whole thing just seems stupid to us and any explanation will have to be mighty good. Surely it should be a public service to broadcast the speeches of government leaders. , J f 1 ( ! i 6) hqr a t i l i I i rb: i Tu R PI CM C 1 Cr and Accnrir, woua? op your hank occovnf SrcLur ,n.,rmtnt X. tof.y. Published by Home Appliances I: B.C. Coalition Organization LTI j ijfn 1 'Trfr ( 1 SPONSORED B yV YOUR , a 1 111 1.1 11 in. .1 ii 1 Ui ircAl WAve Tvr rriitiirc ! ' I WAFFLE IRONS $12.00 1 TWIN WAFFLE IRONS $16.95 I SILEX STEAM IRONS $23.50 G.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS . . $9.95 to $12.50 J G.E. HEATING PADS ....... s $8.95 ll Ii - nfinij vsvyvyuf 1 ijviuj g 1 i A Ih . . j lit. Mi iVlAlK rJ WHEN FRIENDS J7JN I AUCTIONEER v get together : I Sp l ORMES DRUGS m i ) i. : 1 m ) Aaction, arrange, at r 3 ' ! - i I ti.E. TOASTERS $9.95 to $14.95 S ELECTRIC CLOCKS $6.95 to $14.00 STEAM RADIATORS $41.00 to $48.00 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. ff HONE 216 BESNER BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. . STEWART, B. C. : PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 0 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. g convenience. f ; S'JJ TV? TVv-.- L.LiriiUrtt.U?J g f Sales every Saturday, 2 p.m. 3)11 DATE H J t old Post Office building. J iU B ' ' ' g 1 List year goods with Deluxe ) ' , ; - at the B C Delivery for every sale. " : . ' 1 phone 383 j Civic Centre Dining Room Cl For For Reservation! . . ! ii Reservations ani and Chicken m. n Daily car delivery service from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday 1. : - wwtKii la in The Rough nuugii Phone nione Red Kea 705 7US I MiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu