kgs - Erfrtce Rupert Dal!? !3eU)S Wednesday, May 25, 1949 Local News Items . . . U NEW ROOF OR REPAIRS TO J . mw rvi r-v rin I till KJL.U JlL. Insist on Wftiiiililllliliffite Mrs. G. B. Tribble sailed Sunday night on the Chilcotin for Alice Arm where her husband is an official with the Tor-brit mine. Dr. A. W. Large returned to the city on tha Chilcotin yesterday after making the round trip to Stewart on professional business. Rev. Samuel Kinley, Anglican missionary at Aiyansh, sailed Sunday night by the Chilcotin on his return to the Naas River after having been in the city to attend sessions of Anglican synod last week. Senior High School Play "Cloudburst," Little Theatre, "Storm In a Loving Cup" and Carl Zarelll left on yesterday alternoon's plane for a trip to Vancouver. Softball meeting, Civic Cen tre, 8 p.m. tonight. All players A. E. Jones, local sportihg goods dealer, left on yesterday afternoon's plane for a business trip to Vancouver. Inspector of Schools, Joseph p Square Butt Shingles Announcements 401 advertnenaawa .n mi column will ba chtrged tor loll monUt M at euiu m wurd Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kergln. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nlckersoii, Borden Street. Harvey Wood's unu ians welcome. (it) Summer Weight 'Meet the Chinooks." Civic Larry Black left on yesterday afternoon's plane for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Chell, left by air this morning for a trip to Massett on official business. L. M. Fclsenthal is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to CIVIC CENTRE DATES Underwear auty Durability Economy Shades and lllaek, per KM) sq. ft. $10.75 BERT & McCAFFERY LTD, EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" rilONE 116 Catholic Hall, June 9 After-i w junior Baseballcrs! Roose noon ,tea and home cooking sale; velt Park, 0:30 tonight, import evening, final card party andi Centre, Friday, May 27th, 8:15 p.m. Support your Drama groups. Musical intermission. Adm. 50c. (123) Hon. E. T. Kenney left Monday afternoon by air to return to Victoria after visiting Terrace ant practice. Senior players will Toronto. Montreal and other distribution of tournament pri- THURSDAY A.M. . 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class 2:00 Adult Casual cnoose candidates for league eastern points on one of hi; zes. . teams. ,lt, Jockey Shorts and Vests $1.00 and $1.25 Garment periodical business trips. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, June II. Roy Scully sailed at the end Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian F. C. Undernm,' well known Vancouver civil engineer, arrived in the city on Monday afternoon's plane from the south. PACIFIC of the week for Cumshewa Inlet where he is entering the ser and Skeena riding for the last several days. He had several speaking engagements In the south before returning north Church, June 16. 4:00 Booth Bible Class 7:00 Little Theatre 8:00 Rup Rec Keep Fit Plumbers and Steam fitters Rayon Shorts $1.50 H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, vice of the T. A. Kelley Logging Pair Co. June 25. early in June. jtevedoring & Contracting Rayon Vests .. $1.25 COMPANY LIMITED being here in connection with the Columbia Cellulose pipe line pVoject. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee returned home on Monday afternoon's plane from Vancouver where they attended the gradu L . Queen Mary I.O.D.E. bridge, whist, May 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. Each Balbriggan Combinations- " IT TAKES A HEAP OF WASHING general Stevedores and Contractors edores for Canadian National Railways TO KEEP YOU LOOKING LIKE THATI" Hatchway Style, Short Sleeves and. Short Leg. Vj ADDRESS HEAL) OFFICE ation of their son, George McAfee, from University of British Columbia. ACT" ACIFICO" I'KLNCi; KUl'LKT. H.C. "OOVKHXMKNT I.ICl'OR (Section 27) Nollif of Application fur eoiimiit to $2.75 Suit Sleeveless Combinations Premier and Mrs. Byron I. Johnson and their son Byron jr., accompanied by Mr. Johnsons secretary, Percy Richards, left by air Monday to return to With Short Leg. P.D.Q Transfer uf Vrteraim' Hub blcnue to other prrmihes. Notice 1 hereby given that on the eleventh day ot June next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Llquot Control Board for consent to transfer Veterans" Club Licence Number 661, issued in respect of certain premises situate at 314 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, upon lands described as Lot 16, Block 20. Beclton 1, Map. 923. and being numbered three and four, and seven and elKht respectively, Prince Ru- Style. $2.50 Suit Rayon Combinations Victoria after a speaking tour of the northern part of the province which culminated in a meeting here Saturday evening. Mrs. A. M. Woods of the Vancouver Sun advertising department staff, who has been on a flying trip to Anchorage, Fair Idtcrtumg Is payable In advance. Pit aw refrain trum telephoning v Mt wora per urilun, minimum itinri, eac. Birth nou; Uidi of Thanlw. Lk-nth N'Jlli'wt, KunTiil Notice. MarrUg Dert Land Registration District, w certain premises formerly known as bliX'lAl. DISIM.AY. 'JUL ISMS i'lilCK No. 3. Officers' Quarters, a iwo storey Sleeveless and bhort Leg. $2.25 Suit , Harvey Wood's Fine Quality T Shirts In White, Sand, Light frame construction, approximately banks and other Alaska cities, 196' x 36' with addition 80' X 6' and WANTED D (11 THANKS situate upon certain lands described arrived in Prince Rupert Sun as ill Part of Waterfront Block m oi WANTED to rent or buv house day from Ketchikan aboard the the subdivision of parts of Lots 251 sold mv business, the "Terrace Meat or i i nk anartincnt. C. Petcr-suii, Savoy Hotel . 1 22 motorship Dagne and left by and 1992. Range 5, Coast District, r and it takes ,i .Mr 1.1C01 ui luui - Man 923. containing approximately Blue and Yellow. $2.25 0.518 of an acre, as shown on Map 1965; and (2) Lot 1, subdivision of Block 3 of Waterfront Block E af shown on Map 2028, containing approximately 2.003 acres, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. thtf Ruuert. I wish on be- WANTED TO RENT- House or v vuli' and myself to suite. 2 rooms or more, for maiiv customers lor t.iniiiv. P.O. Box 10IKJ. (124) Datroiiaue durum. ars ot business and WANTED 2 class motor 1 be extended to Mr.' mechanics, ti,p wut-es. Stip--Mk vou one and uli. trior Auio & Body Service. Bert and Mrs. West, (124) leirace. i WANTED-Part time work eve- air yesterday afternoon on her return to Vancouver. Principul R. O. Moore of King Edward elemciitiry school w : 1 1 l e .speaker a; '.h weekly luncheon meeting of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday afternoon. His topic will be "The Necessity of New Schools in 10th day of May, 1949. CANADIAN LEGION. B.E.S.L. Branch Number 27. , (Philip M. Ray) nmu.i and week-ends, Box bti Fr AM FOUND Daily News. (123) ch of keys on split i with particular WANTED TO RENT Furnished Prince Rupo 'to do a thorough job ecre'liry-maiini. r (132) reward. Phone t;i or or paiUv iunuslied house oi ' erriphasis or. t,n.2 existing situa-suite. Call Black !)()0. U21 M ., . ..:..,..., tion at Edward school. Dailv News oince, i (121); Kin; with less hard work for Mother! HELP kV.iN'itD Udv's watch near Ru-! REAL ESTATE f.jrists. Owner may WANTED -Driver for dry clean- in,' i-stubii.shnieni. btcauy xor SALE One lame four war :iit bv cailum at the ws and uayinn it" (It) i emniovim ru. wanes Pius t.imp hnnsp Onort foundation. la Biimrwr off trir-l; commission. Apply Dcane s 0ne block from store, school. Outlay Cleaner.!. j CneaD ror cash. Apply 1210 HELP WANTED Competent! 8th E. after5p.m. (122) istaru roaa. incu r THAT'S H1GHT! we're a SERVICE STATION Your car is our baby. Whatever it needs top quality gas or a thorough grease job, our complete line of services save you time and money. ;v Sheardowns. , (122) j ollire e.crk, must be aole to TERRACE FARM FOR SALE a e lyiiewnu r ana nave Know 20 acres all under cultivation FOB nCNT (You save many a back-aching hour of rubbing, scrubbing i and wringing," wKcn you do your washing the -easy, elettrk wayA Steady gentle action forces soapy water through all parts of the v clothing many more times than is humanly possible. So - ' whether you wash ones or several times a week, let a new electric washer take the drudgery out of this tiresome but all-importand part of your housework. , 1 A PRICED FROM $149.50 T-Furnished suite i cumlurtable, har- ledge ot ueneral oil ice routine. Apply in wntint; with qualifications to Box 015 Daily News. Uf) HELP WANTED M an for dairy work. Steady employment, e.ood wanes. Must be neat and clean m appearance. Apply Norihland Dairy. (121 1 Gentlemen pre-5th E. Blue !.' (125) SERVICE HOipS:- -Weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 midnight Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fenced. Good garden planted. One acre small fruit. Farm ' buildings, farm machinery, one cow. one calf, chickens. Five roomed furnished house. On the Bench, one and one-half miles from town. Price $6,000.00 cash. Apoly Will Bedore, Terrace. B. C. (127) FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. Uf) 5 ROOM HOUSE overlooking Seal Cove harbour. Cement foundation, furnace, three Furnished Rooms. (124i Ave. West. BOB PARKER'S -Sicrpinu room, Rni BOYS WANTED Reliable boys ilsii-tiu L:ulv :ews route yhimlii Ulo their names at the D.iiiv N( ws Ofiice. (tf ) Street. (ID UPTOWN SERVICE STATION K0U !V.!.E i iit i u .v MTi n T'in Setters PHONE 791 or Second and McBridc 1 i i I i it i i i 'i i : - Bcndix Washer, for the' Prince Rupert Bowl-car pump, waaoii. inn Alleys -Apply Moose Hall, lots In lawn, garaee, self-contained suite in basement rent- pH Pull nrlep $4500 rru..o i-1(oi i hi us T un Ave., or nnone (uj oi MWVAVVWW'.,.VAWAW.WWJV.WM,WJ dlu rrfrnni r.:i7i rz i.t.iiiiUT, BEDROOM house on English1. Ndmc tub beiK'h.. Black 13a. (U)i4 For run. Sunbeam Shave- - - ' i Phone Oreeu tu'J, Kin sale. (126) . : Construction Alterations Repairs ITilf SALE - - 1947 - '48 orct hill. Excellent family nome. Cement basement and furnace. Larue living una dinins rooms through hall, to kitchen. Plumbing and roof in A-l condition. Situated on two lots with well drained lawn. Also Viiis larcrp sreen house built on Plume See -30 ft. (iillnet boat II. In uood eonditioii. Coupe. Low mileage. Reel C.'J2 after U p.m. (tl) Floats Box f17. Danv (12t) FOR SALE 1 neoroom suiie. si win'.: mai'tnne .ninniK iuim:i GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS K SALE Excellent' table and chairs. Phone Black mat Pel rid Nn 22. l.i- i COU. 1,1 Regal enuine. I.euuiii: 'ullv ('onioned tiriee Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Ct New Pep, Vimf Vigor WhM thrllll Boiit Itrnht All out; Ottf hollow All up; nk no lonftr nrrswrir; body Iom haii-trurved, sickly "bem-poWV look. Thousands of MiDlv 5U0 lithe Ave.; Floor Sanding a Specialty 5 Red 561 B0 til WWW,,AVwVAVAVv."AV.wvlvwv cement foundation at rear of house. Priced to sell at $7500. $1,000 DOWN. $2,150 full price buys Cottage style four War-, liiiie at 1507 8th Ave. East Situated on the hicli side of the road ,it is readily adapt-: able for basement. Immediate occupancy. A HOUSE vou have often ad- . mired on the corner of Gth and Ambrose. 3 laree bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, cabinet kitchen with nook, large living rooini with fireplace, dining room; and view, garage. Foundation i of cement on rock, heated by j auto-oil heat. Situated on 4 NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES inl;-bc!t Speeder Shovels, j Cranes. Diamines; Adams Ivi.ul tinulers: l.ittleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance! l-riuipmenl; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T L Smith Concrete Mixers: j Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile, and Snow Removal: Rice Port- able Cenirifucal Pumps: National Draitlmt Scrapers aiu P.iickets: National All St.eel , ,..,,i,,, iii ii ts- National t Tii, women, mn, who atver could tain before, r now proud of ihpiy. healthy-kwimf bdtos. Thy tiiank thu pctsl vigor-bulldinf, nh-bullding (nme itatrs. Ita trntm. timulsntl. tnviaorttors. . 5 (123i 10 tube radio, lame : fiO CM). Silile 1. Bel- 11 alter (i p.m. 1 12;' E-Purt Enamel kit-1 W wuii Imoenal oil: oiniDlrte with tan;,j Auuly 720 7th Ave. W., (12H, ' Heaver" Wood ; lW new. uil.h iieres- i Iron. Tltsmm Bi, falrtum, arlcO blood, impror j We Deliver it ? You Buy it - tp.t tm oiawTioo wo iooa r" , tiTiiKh fcnd BounMiment: put flon on bars bones. lnn'c Imp Batima MA f&t. HtoO Whrtl TOU'VtfnloM in 9, II, ItOr i'" IW. you WWI inr nvniiii uriiin. Cosm ttttl. New "net npqusinted" site finiy 6t'e. Try fsmtnis ixttrei lonif l ameu tpt nrw yinr ua adtfftd rr""" Uilf i7 d. Al ail druuuts. landscaped lots. ' ' . . . . ,.. 1 To Masset nt tools. I'lione Portable Sawmills: Nauoiiai inspection-Ri.tarv or information nl' lla or Screens and Convt yor. ; nlione or call ,. Robert Robert E. Mont from Na (122) Full inlormatlon ador Limited. Co. Ltd., (tf ) tioual Machinery Vancouver, B. C. METAL BOili .$12 Sinqlc Fare AT THE B-Y MARKET YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST OF FRESH MEAT, FRESH VEGETABLES AND QUALITY GROCERIES. JUST CALL RED 441 16(i ( It I j E1942 Chevrolet Se-! Vfl'V K(l(ld C.O'Hlltloll i V owned. Can be .seen' 'Mutiirs. tttl! E Practically new' ,fs diiini compli'le TS ilnrl vho I I I,,,. ..It , 1 1 FOR SALE Cray baby bURRV. id condition. 111 Root: PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET MET A I WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-Ine. Letournenu & Rons. Sixth West. Phone 543 (tf) ( ii FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 EOi: SALE New row-boaU 15'. i,,,- lvmii trollinir. ce SbO.On. PERSONAL Green (1251 RETURN $21.60 Three Regular, Return FliRlits Ter Week to All Queen Charlotte Island Points FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS rilONE 795 C.P.R. OFFICE at 1111 Beach Place. 3M. toivy duty E.u.tliope SoOno. Kheriil's oi-"fl (ill foot v 'in fnnt ov 9 rwn. ""in' "-' ,. In .. (Formerly O. D. Ilaugen Grocery) 869 Sixth Ave. E. boat - Kood mm . l" ' A.mlv caretaker, Yacht Club. f-'rni'W and Ttsi.rl Piir- PERSONAL DRUO SUNDRIES (rubber goods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included General Novelty Cc . Dept. 'PR,' 71 Major St., Tnr- nnl.fl Ont. (loo, 223 Second Ave. Box 423 122t nirnware and Office WV.VAV.W.W.W.W.V.W.VW.WAV.VAW.VA R.a dios. Bedroom I MOORE'S Ladies Wear Rale w U tnaire mi , continue until ' ' v"'' ress irons. Riris. Dm-' Paints, Cutis and P SV,. " I" 11 1 n Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave: Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers toe All Occasions j,, - uiuill UKCi tU, Motors Rupert FMciuler., u.-il Ihn rn- BUY GENUINE ... Dusfiiane for greater economy and saving on your Dust Control problems k nfhP ""dcr.sinned up PS'J&day. June 3rd U7 j'uase or District Ltd. ENQUIRIES ARE INVITED FROM SENIOR MATRICULANTS OR UNIVERSITY GRADUATES RESIDING IN PRINCE RITERT OR TERRACE FOR THE POSITION OF ARTICLED STUDENT or ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT with prospect of working from a proposed Branch Office in Rupert at least six months a year.. Living allowance payable when working from our Vancouver Office. Applicants need not be available until August or September. Reply giving full partculars of educational qualifications, experience, age and references to - . A. V. GARDNER & CO., 1118 MELVILLE STREET, S, .with Improvn-Is ecl thfi'eon audi h .,u'ieuiK m 70-lb. drums 150-lb. and 25u-lb. barrels in Johan T ii i s on the 1 I ''Id SltinOnrl. SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT MOW OFF RATING FROM NEW CARAGF BUILDING, FORMERLY ENUE AND FIRST STREET. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE nt vr auoui nines to in.erracc- ArranKe-,he Property Terr0Wl!n the B- ca,hCe-,,B' C. Terms: WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Phone 632 P. O. Box 77-5 712 gecond Ave. . 866 (122) VANCOUVER, B. C. nn i i s- 566 and Uhe PHONES Est: Estate of Karl -wan Osterlund.