' Municipalities In September, 4s . MARRIED IN EVENING SUN scneauiea 10 De neia at Burns Lake on June 29 and 30. (Continued from Page 4) What Qty Council Did rir' 5rfrt Super! Dafl? Turns " , Wednesday r May 25, 1949 II iV0V THESE 8 RATE ft We are pleased to announce that we can now supply BRIQUETTES The guests then enjoyed sev-era lhours of dancing to music by Jean de Carlo. The happy couple motored to the Interlnr fnr rVipIr Vinnnw. . . . Referred to the resolutions committee a letter from the Board of Trade which urget' that the city join it in aeeking to have Daylight Saving Time mwm Qn the,r ntmi w. eliminated from this part of rooMa at ,on ot t ary of its incorporation and the establish merit of the coal industry there. Mayor Arnold told the, aldermen that the Mayor of Nanaimo will be the operator of the only Canadian boat to taHe part in the international cruis- the Province. a V..)IVJ, I. K ill i 1 c u crb The groom, who was born In Prince Rupert, and the bride are well known and popular among many young friends. Clean - - No Slack CALL 651 OR ALL 'Ol'R COAL NEEDS f famous Foothills Lump, Egg, Nut and Washed Stoker Coal . . . Approved a reeomnH-nda' ! tion by the committee of the whole that, in securing a replacement for Wire Chief F.M. Kempten, who has resigned, every endeavour be made to obtain a man who wil be capable of taking entire charge of the telephone department. . . . Authorized the city t undertake to defray one-half the cost of Installing a two-way radio system between the police Office and the pplice ar. ; er race Irom Tacoma to Jun . . . Approved the granting of a trade license by the licensing committee to Edward Mussel-lam to operate a bowling alley. . .' . Gave assent to the sale of the following city-owruj lots, as reported by the finance committee: west half of lot 21, block 2, section E Atlin Avenue SHORT SPORT ( Continued from Page 4) eau in July. . .: . Approved suggestions by Alderman Casey that Conrad Street be given an application of calcium chloride for dust control and of Alderman Black vrES! Of all Swift's line of i 1 popular table-ready meats tries to Mary Strachan lor $200", lot eight reached the super-sttnuara s. required for the Seal of Quality. li And what a treat these eight are! , that certain sections of street j What a treat they havi to fe to ratej HILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Softballt for many years has been one of Prince Rupert's popular pastimes for both players and sport fans. It Is a game for the expert and the dub, for the young and the old, and holds its attraction for the fan in the fact that the final outcome of every game la quite un rtia hat i that uncompromising pledge 7, block 34, section 8, Eleventh Avenue, to Mrs. Clara E. Casey for $55; lot 21 and the east half of lot 22, block I, section 2, At they are the finest ot their kind! LUMBER --BUILDING SUPPLIES And to bring these supers (f . . . Received a request from; in Westview be given the same Alderman Stone, chairman of i treatment. the police committee that thel board of works paint yellow !... Accepted a bid by Greer lines on section or street where 1 and Brldden of $850 for struct- parking is prohibited. The po- ural repairs to the fire hall, in- lice department has been hav- eluding strengthening of the lin Avenue, to C. F. Bartlett table-ready meats to you, swui have selected only those stores whose facilities are worthy 7 I'M PROUD N, ( TO SHOW ) for $600, subject to the rebate allowed ex-servicemen. , of the meats tliemselves. Look Io 1 foundation. predictable. . , There are rumors that this year will see a four team girls' league in operation. There are . . . . Approved a health com the card with the seal! Gt your first taste of Swift's Premium Table-Ready Meats tomorrow. Swift Canadian Co. Limited. YOU'LL CHEER mittee motion that the city pay Appointed Mayor Arnold a set v " sum of $9,103 to the pro . . . . l . . . i ana Alderman BiacK, fouone unu vinrUli hnsnitallzatlon assur definite entries from North Btar and Gordon and Anderson in the Men's and the small I, )f '! Rudderham as delegates to the fince Iund m ,leu 0, diem lng the work done by prisoners. Alderman Whalen agreed but commented that the board of works had received no such request from the police department. . ... At suggestion of Mayor Arnold decided to send official congratulations to the city of annual conference of the Un grant .. assessment. TUe lump l aV ' - V. payment would effect a consid erable economy in payments. gtuup &uencnng iasx wmei-days meeting formed themselves a small committee to find other sponsors. ion of . Central B. C. Municipalities with provision that Alderman Rudderham would serve as delegate providing one of the TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Nanaimo on tle 75th annlvcrs- other three is unable. The con- BALAGNO Florist. Phone Green It Bex 1193 I lerence,-at which northern resolutions will be prepared for the conference of the Union of B.C: HELP WANTED Competent office clerk required. Must be capable of using typewriter. Apply Daily News. tf I Restless Nights Often hiH-life brings on troublesome irrrguiaritles in kidney functioning, mi affliction which responds wrMl to magneaian treatment. (MAO-NOPILL8I. Burning BensRtlons. These dealers have been selected to carry SWIFT'S PREMIUM TABLE-READY MEATS painful twitches are relieved, and the bludtfer returns to normal. Th patient (eel an almost immediate change (or the better In bis whole being. MagnopUU are for sale at all Drug Stores. SHEARDOWNS LIMITED y SKEENA GROCERY THE PRINCE Rt'PERT ERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE MASSET.Q.CJ. 1)1 LMAS CO-OPERATIVE TERRACE M. PEEKE-VOUT, Empire Meat Market J. 11. SMITH LIMITED BLAIN BROTHERS DEJONG CASH AND CARRY LIMITED DICKENS AND SCIIAEFFI'.R KAIEN SUBURBAN CO-OPERATIVE MCKAY AND ELLISON OVERWAITEA LIMITED PIONEER FOOD MARKET B. AND Y. GROCERY Rl'PERT BVTCIIKRS Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, caU Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues I All Types - ST? B I A poniina was requested by Goodyear t rest NK)1 1 l He wore a leather sole oa one he, NHOI.1TE on rb other. I'hotot graph below shows results. Quality Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 V s f - , PRINTING 11' You just bring to boil in saucepan 1 cup lightly salted water, add 2 coarsely crambled NABISCO Shredded W heat biscuits. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Serve with top milk or cream and sugar. Ready in SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR nOME . GREETING CARDS JENS, AmJEESClLS; u'll love those crisp, golden iule wheat biscuits served Id: And you get 12 big "1 minute! unce hiHuits in every pa.k-. DeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone : S) aik your grocer (or 3IS( 0 Shredded Wheat, DIBB PRNTING CO. mcinher, it costs less to Duy On good roads and td, rain or shine, a mailman's job means tots of walking every day! The -shoes you ee at right received equal treatment, week in, wrek outuntil the leather sale had a. hole in id But not the NEOLITE! This amazinr new KINO of sole remained in perfectly wearable condition giving dramatic evidence of its wonderful durability! - Waterproof, .healthful, gloriously comfortable, excellent insulators against both heat and cold, NEOLITE soles are your best buy oa new shoes or BESNER BLOCK PHONE" 234 Prompt and Efficient Servlcl ANYTIME ANYWHERE ' J II "ifik niaw'iiJdiaU n " n i i 1 mm Eytcheson & Ppnderj Unretouched photograph shows hole worn in leather sole (right). Note good condition ot NEOLITL sule; rr .1 j ai a Am?$mm as resoles for the whole family. I I i (-liar V 111 i " i w,n0" JY NAM Property Owners! FOR ... GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REMODELING and ALTERATIONS CEMENT WORK, ROOFING, etc. Contact NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. PHONE 563 ' FREE ESTIMATES COMPETENT WORKMANSHIP AT YOUR SERVICE . (124) -if's not STAMP COLLECTORS We have a very fine selection in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENl'E T.M. The GooJyear Tire Rubber Co. of Omuls ltd. HOM SHEET METAL LIMITED wishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equipment HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP f irst Ave. E. Phone Black 884 "Jaycce" Convention City-Prince Rupert 'f H ii tj ttjt iwi m mar M . . . Ambassadors of The World's Most Complete Travel System CLEAN UP! PAINT UP! BEAUTIFY: EW AND USED TRUCKS FOR SALE 947 3-Ton Mercury1 78" W.B., 2-speed For your gardening sun-plies, paints of all kinds, anil tools and equipment. axle new tires, new. motor, excellent conditron throufihout -- $1950.00 946 3-Ton Maple Leaf-176" W.B., 2- speed axle; new tires, and in A-1 condition $1900.00 jfh uKro' fi.ii.V a aomiinnnrl with COOd (leeks XL" 2 939 Ford 'z-Ton Express $750.00 Canadian Pacific's ocean, coastal and inland vessels are all links in a chain of world travel service. The fmpress of Canada, Empress of France and the passenger-carrying "Beaver" freighters ply the North Atlantic. The famous Princess liners cruise the inside passage to Alaska. Canadian Pacific's red and white checkered house flag Is known the world over. This fleet Is linked with Railways, Air tines, Hotels, Communications, and Express to make Canadign Pacific the world's most complete travel system. WE DELIVER Phone 311 McBride St. MO FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY few DE6 3-Ton Special Dodge 9.00-20 DON'T MISS THE FUN AT tires and H. Duty Timken Z-speed rear axle $3828.00 LIMBERLOST few DE5 2'2-Ton Dodge 8.25-20 tires; For y l. r . ,w . FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING DANCING . . . AND MANY OTHER SPORTS Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST! I -ipeed Timken axle; Tl 20 motor ... $3225.00 J0VK PRICES F.b'.ii. PRINCE GEORGE Sales Tax Extra Bryamt Motois LIMITED . .pwlw" DeSoto Cars Dodffe Trucks 75!) - PHONE 340 -fSNIM f Nt (MM Make your reservations early and be sure of your jj Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. j FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBErIoST,: LODGE LTD. PHONE 5G3 OR UNION STEAMSHIPS j HOTELS COMMUNICATIONS EXPRESS RAILWAYS STEAMSHIPS AIR LINES 949 1 Hi yssssr ! mm your Canada ... ask yaw Canadian Pacific aganl for full InformaHan. OFFICES PHONE 5G8. iii i