mm' - - " ' "Jifrofj lxme ntfprrf DafT? Krtc P.-Id sr. Ji-i2rr 28 !S4 .I TTosiana iss S9isriti HANMIGAH SELLS j OUT CARDINALS I JANllil NATIVE TEAM " GIVES 'TROTTERS iTOUGH GOING Shaves with DC UBIE -EDGE RAZOR. ir -ii-,T .. tr i 3 injoy Refreshing nm -FJT YCUH T9f WOW"!BVS flltfCV m M'NORA gooe Canada 'fJowsfeeasb? aioa aEoaay It ocs la Hw to pio I mm Rocs SMITHERS PLANS i ! SKI CARNIVAL SMTTHXRS A two-da slu carr.ivaf is being p'.irned by th SnuO-rfn Si Cluo lor Feoruar jr ( 39 and 21 and invitations are Being sent to ail centra! B- C eiHRJHunStSe to take part in the annual- loarnament t ' ST LQTIS. !? Eobert 'Kirnlan. former Cn.ted Slates F '.-.iitfr Genersi. sold his in-I terfft ia the St. Louis Cardinals ti 11 cl.3 yesterday to hi-5 pi::r.-:r. Frei M. Saigh jr. H.:r.n:exn said he L? getting c-jt cf th? gme on his dactor'F ' P wouki not disclose the , p-e bit rumors p-g it at not Civic Centre Dates . . SATURDAY Sperts I pm. 5 2:00 Teen Ase B-idminton j 2. CO Adult Casual Badminton ; 7:03 Teen Ae Badminton ! Baskcthatt Larue Games f r Rapert Kote! vs Kinsmen ... i i .ao in .r! liiniwH1. ngu School vs Merchants E:45 -Sensor Brown woods vs. Bavoy 10.00 Miller Bay vs. - .BASKETBALL Rirlem Globe Trotters ran into the strongest opposition of the f!rst part of their northern basketball tour Xedr.e'day af- ! fernoon when they went In'.o , two overtime pTltds a?a! Hew Metlakatla. Alaska, asd .queered a 55-54 win frcrs the ; native players. At Ketchikan Wednesday eve-nine, the barnstormine colored ! team had things easier, de espite ir.e laci eame was i their fifth in 24 hours. The? de- f feated Ketchikan Ail-Stars 47- j 23. - f The tired Trotters out ! of uniform after their morning s same here Wednesday, fle to 3ew MeUakatJa at n aoji, played there in the afternoon and again at Ketchikan at night. esieroay. tney played a Fort Rkhardson and Anehor- age, today at Ladd Field and Fairbanks, and tomorrow Nome' Thv itr h Seattle Sunday. Check Guarantee To Grow Beards SmHhers to Haw Another Great Klondike Sir; hi Preliminary arrangements have been completed by the Smi there Junior Chamber of Commerce to hold a Klondyke N'ight on April 22 followed by a dance on Aprii 23. Under the direction of Ted Chapman th Junior 'Chamber is going all-cut to pr--j sent t-o days ys and and nights nights of of gala gala entertainment to the public. A dynamic Reard Cnmrnit-t consisting of Carl Scicer. BilivS 'VANT3 $'.-OQCQ Joe D:Ma??iJ as yesterday reported to ha-.e turned down a $10,000 raise from the J?e Y.xk Yankees and is seeking a contract which would make him the highest p.-.d player in baseball history. Sams Use ST 00.000 were bandied - u 6 - - . .. . V.' .V. " " i STILL A MASTER -'.-.e Sehriner's hair may be thinning bit but the once el tne SalMai ii x:.r. League on fire is proving he is still a ma?tr at mv-:;.- Playing far Regina Caps jn the Western Canada Senior Hockey League after two years or retirement. Schrtner is near the top in scorsns;. He is rumored as a Ukeiy coa.-h u the Caps next season. 'CP Photo i LADIES' BOWLS "A" SCHEDULE January 31 Mansons vs. Annettes, De Jong's vs. Scuby's Savoy's vs. Oranre; V. -' vs West view; G. & A vs. T.i:t Odowes. February 7 DeJ.Hi? vs Orange, Savoy's vs. Wt -tvtew. Manson's vs. O. & A : Vaner, vs. Taft & Odowes, Annette-vs. Scuby's. 'TIME-TABLE ? was made to him. s inrougnou; ir.e season, ,v. r:;- ment revenue from betting taa and post office dues tops th 15.000.0GO mark. Size of week stake varies from small one- shii investments big from bettors who spread their stakes over the various poo! ir:iLs. iuey iry w nure buc- cess oy forcing oui compitcatea permutations" in their I re- casts, 'designed, to ensure that at! least one entry shall give a corn-' n'ev'v enrrert s'ta of results1 : LLtA i MEN S W iv I rir;!!N ;? wool. P., j.."; 1111 v ' shades; r-:-' J sr.f.-jnz-d .; J MEVS Iltss UftF.S fiHT . Roys' K.-, ffl. 1 rr.ike ar.d ;- ?. Boys' SWf rrtR5 . v v-r.eck, nZ-.-,-. . t ; c . - . ... i 7 -,- i j ' Ladies' aij n ; j I NDrRHFtR ; i at Speia!!v t-f i LADIES '81 j LEAGUE 1 J Feb. 1 B.J S.O! L"--i vs Mr 2:: iS'ars; Btj s- V.'ir k. j Feb. 3- P.i.aU ; Miller B.;y v. 3-.- V,'.-k V, Jl. -,r vs. S'.ars: T ...;. "..xi.s. ' Adtrer'.L' in vencicr Stock Fi"'i ariitocrtt Rc" from Guard Against WINTER ENGINE WEAR In cold weather the engine of your car realty takes a beating. Heary condensation and us of the chhe cause craokease dilution, ,hfukf be changed more often. The chassis to is in a lot of nut ton hot water, it needs throo;h lubrication reiufarly. For quick sure starting hare the mntor tuned-up to factory s pec ifkat ions, keep the battery futly harmed. W'Hh our scientific instruments and the KNOW lrl of r mechanics, e can do a better job. PHONE 8 fit LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. for the week s matches One 0f K'Jrl iJ " ' al,a th.e big men is reputed to stake ir Ba?- c R Bruwnwoods, Leach and George Adomeit has tors total 500.000 S5.000.000 . already contacted over one hun- or 57.000.000 for the Z-- i-.-'A dred prospective beard-srowers season. and everywhere in Smithers one Aoyjt 7.500.000 packets are sees a collection of black beards, sent weekly to the various pools. read beards, grey beards and the vast bulk of them presum-; blue beards. Every man capable ably containing entry forms, ac-I of growing a beard is growing cording to a post office census one. Every participant in the taken in October. This is 1.000.- beard contest has signed a post- j MO more than a year aso. 2.000.-I dated cheque for five dollars 000 above the pre-war high more thnn rz KM earn wee I His "hobby leaves him no spare time for other work, a? he has to brood over the "coupons" on : which he finally wri'es his complicated entries. However, he' claims to make a handsome liv- ARISTOCRATS, in? out of the pools and he .itt talk but sat on an offer which Sport Shots ly Britain's soccer pools. xeefcly offer glittering cash prizes for correct forecasts of game game results, are Dig Dusmess now booming as never before, Hn are the fisures to Drove it: " Weekly "mvestments" by bet-' in 1533 and fully 6 000,- 000 more than the figure for 1S45. j Betting taxes and post ofn charges in pool business net the government 393.000 weekly. No less than .5.000 of that sum is' taken by the post office in' , stamps and money orders. 1 ; S T E It YE.t It - r V . v Vaaffftetfe: a Bar a4 pr tenrtlon, minimum caar. toe. Birth iloilm . fcw, Cm o Tavr.k. tjia Kotkwi. FtijwrI ttoOrea. M&mag hftciAk. oiKPukY. uocbLs ekic. aaattfXo AdartUUMt fa payable in ivao. p,.. rfra:n two teteptwiB 1 S?h FOK SALE K?.r"l ,iV FOR RENT Four room apart-howe and. bath, -W 37 8:h a v, Ave - ment m BiOCic Prirce East including furniture . S1000J R .rje't Pen tv Co ,04, i 6 1 aoes not even have to pay m- come tax on it. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League San Dieeo 1. San Franc: :o 0. Portland 4. Seattle 0. , &:s Ammf 4 ro 1G i i A r - -v type of ski tow, feet long, has been installed this j jear ski courses have been j given by Chris Dahlie. Conse- iqi;t;y. Sid Hill is one of the; nM(rt P-fpiaees in the list-; ncl- Last ek-er.d. an enjoyable paj-.y n-a.? held at the ski cabin.' during rn-h the hill was ilium- mated for night skiir.?. Fhil Hoskins is president of, the Smi'hers Ski Club. ( ' . , : I for nrrsr , . FOR RENT Two room cabin. ' !-.0 1st Ave. East. Apply 2 221 s-h " t r,ST (w, "a FOX RENT New fuilv modern three roomed apartment,; eoutooed with electric stove? and refr iterator. Down ton; location. References reouired. i Arm.v Room 3. Stone. Buiicine.i Red 593 during oflcie hours tfi yqr RFNT Furnished five- rwjm house electric re'rie- j erator. 01! burning sunes i Frine 055. 25l ; FOR RENT-House, furnished, live rooms, with basement and furnace. Phone 655. (25 HOUSEKEEPING R o o m iZt rent iu town 613 3rd Avenue- West, afif MISSING INFORM ITION WANTED IT would be of financial Inter-( -v to narlits mentioned be-!u'v if thev would communi cate with British Columbia ; Pai.-Kers Limited. P.O. Boxi Hi'). Vjncouver. BC. Aioert E. Faan. last known Munte CreeK. BC. G. L. clavton. last known adds ess. Prince Rupert. B.C. H. Henilow. last known ad-i!re.-s. Hornby Garage, Vancouver. B.C. Edith Hyman. last known ad- Raiiwav, Toronto. ixina Kesbet, last known ad- Canadian Northern Raiiwav. Toronto. Charles W. Patten, last known add -"ss. CH?neral Delivery, Ottawa. J. E. Webster, last known ad- ciess. General Delivery, Vancouver. Anyone knowing the where-':''- or nelpful information reard:n the above '.vnf1 British Columbia Packers Limited. PO. Box 939. Vancouver. BC. 24 LOST AND, FOUND LOST Plastic horn-rimmed glasses m white case. Reward. Phone Green 902 23i FOUND Ring, bv McCutchen's Drug Store. Owner may have same bv calling at the Daily News and paying for this - vertisement. (tf j FOUND Pair of plastic rimmed glasses on Second Ave. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tfi FOUND Bunch of keys near Hays Cove Circle. Owner may have same by calling at the Dailv News and payin" for this ad. (tf) LOST Watkin7bisDi3v cise, liberal reward. Box 483. Dailv hews- 123) METAL WORK PLUMBING - Installations and Repairs. SHEET M E T A WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-InK. Lcfouri'eau & Rons 629 flu tli West Phone &43. Ufi Vm.J an Sod, is ilcek mutcltd. l-M 29 Ruiert Hotel j and Kinsmen, nigh School and j Merchants. Brown-ools and Sivoy. Miller Bay and Hi?h Fecruary 1-Hih School ana N -.h r rn-, and Peoples Fj-:.1- :l and St .nes, B-.VMe-rU "a Ca-op. Febrti iry 5 North Star and " "e" " F'-nr-;.n' 8 Kinsmen and H;:!, School. High School anj Djsb. stones nad Merchants. S:tv y and Bo-Me-Hi. Feoruary 12 Rapert Hotel and Hseh Schxl. Morgans and F;.Tiin. Browrtwoods and Bo-M?-Hi, Miiler Bay and Doms. ''- i s sto Rex Bowling Alley Op"n to genera! public Saturday and Sunday after-nH"? ar.d Monday Tii'- 'iay and Thursday eve-i.i'.e--' aftef 9 o'e'.oelt. T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at If :I3 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Greer & Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Floor Sanding A Specialty RED S6I P.O. BOX 721 (I'm vw.r 1 irfax. In tich of k;i W Country itarti, he wn t coit, tn estimated 7,000 H jterlinj. Flishtccsi, boutS -j An arutocfat iwon? ry I UJoclcvCao. DidilWof"! finest . . . untiinrirel'y H which may be redeemed dyke Kieht provided the trio of judges decide the signee har, made a worthy attempt at! sprouting whiskers. j I LONG NECK, LONG TONGUE The tongue of the giraffe is about 13 inches long. 5 U A It ; OF "sV CPExIO . . , n. 1, c u a This advertisement or ok casks, Jockey CiP jislently 1 teadet in its V2 ?U-t V casn. rrmce Rupert Reanv Co. - i2J. j FOR v.D SALE c.YS- "7" :, Wood and coai heater, like new. Also Duo- Tnerm oil heater and wick burner oil range. 309 2nd',. Phone Blue 727, eve-- nioKs.- i23 . . ' 775 rrto FOR SALE Haif interest tn smaiJ business as a KomS con- - cern. Appiy Box 234. City. (27i FOR SALE 4 room house ai-a bath, practically furnishers, mj .d-jds.Ii anu iviim reward Schools, PtliMie H-d tHH) or call at 642 8th Ave. East. I23 FOR SALE As new. lowbov model combination r a d 1 a, reasonable. Call Nu-'.Vay Delivery. Box 1553. i25 XR SALE Radio. Automatic Record Changer and 30 records. Guitar, English Pram, luce new! 613 3rci Ae. West Pnone Green 7ii0. tfi FOR SALE Trollina boat Alto i 3S. moored at new , floats Phone B.ue S81. 25 FOR SALS 1934 Pontiac Coune aonly dm 2nd Ave. West, eve-rungs. Apply at rear. 26i FOR SALE Beattv Washing Machine, in good condition, , ?tainles steel tub. Price $30.00. . Phone Green 730. (27t FOR RALE New Articles: Electric Hoi Plates, comnlete $3.65; Toaster, complete $4 95: Electric Pres Iron, conioiete s) 20: Cups and Saucers, fanev de-s.sns, lor $1.75: Used Articles: McCSarv Electric Ranaette. Underwood Typewriters in best shape; Kitchen Stoves, New and Used. Kitchen Chairs. Otner useful articles at the lowest prices. See BC. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. tft MACHINERY FOK SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the mrxiern and up-to-date tvpe National Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, B.C. Ufi WANTED WANTED TO RENT Small house, two bedrooms. Box 484 Daily News. (25 WANTED Child's Sleigh. Phone Red 685. (23i W A NT E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copner; navine eood nnces See Bft , FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. WORK WANTED WORK WANTED You m? man requires full or part time position. Some bookkeeping ex- . perience and knowledge of stores and oavroll work. Box 482. Daily News. (23 JAPANESE INVENTION .... Th"!? Japanese Invented the folding fan in the seventh Ip at the crack o' dawn, then away to the marsh by the river. Dad wouKI fiet his share of green-heads by mum. . ight of mallards wingin' in from the north would bring up the trusty twelve and its old voice would speak but once, for Da3 was a crack shof. Men still pursue the ancient art of the hunt, hi the pursuit of a good beverage, Princeton is spotted at ance. Tangyas a brisk morning in the blind, mellow as the happy aftermath, this fine beer continues to maintain its prestige, lM,. varying in quality, old-fashioned in down-right goodness. 1-",-'- jl !! r,:: ' i jillfi - - ir RJCCETTODRJ u mt mi ' 11 1 - k i' V s o. , -1 -, , :r L I Ml UNITED DISTILLERS ; nmwiiMi CO., LTD. Vncouv, B.C. .nd, 0"- PRINCETON, B. C. This advertiser-ent is not published cr Cl?r'''f! 4, is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board by tl.e Government -of British Control Poard or by the (joverr.;(.m 1 4,'