C. vr i i 0RME DRUGS M .m u.C. Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest: PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 23. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS opeals for Co G ooti IP ire ' 9 y n A t ! Dollars Should Mot REBELS WOULD a 41, 4 1 "'ft' I t . - RIGHT-OF-WAY Override irieudslii SEAL RANGOON Conflict for Control of Burma VANCOUVER (CP) lit. Hon. Anthojiv Eden. t i, - NOW SETTLED Agreement between Canadian National Railways and provincial government concerning Jurisdiction over the section of ilght-of-way In which tiie Skeena River Highway' flanks the railway line between Tyee and Terrace has been finally reached, Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forest. Becoming More Intense RANGOON, (l Rebels, the war for independence steadily mounting in fury, seized three important cities in heavy fight- Britain's No, 2 Conservative, told a Vancouver Board of Trade meeting last night that trade difficulties must not be allowed to overide friendship between Canada and C-reat Britain. He said that they were purely a matter of dollar shortage and the two nations will win ihiough if they ttick to K.r t , J in;; today. They took Basscin, 1 " '.'AJ'(.-A'rf(, gether in mutual aid. icrond largest port in the Irrl-vvMy de'.t?., and Teur.goo r.nd Pyu in an apparent drive to .seal off the capital city of Rangoon from the rest of Burma. This would give them a grip on Rangoon-Mandalay airways. advised the highway committer, of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce with which he met yesterday afternoon during his visit to Frinee Rupert. The provincial government, under the agreement, has complete jurisdiction over the section of right-of-way which the highway uses. Thc on-re debonair former Foreign Secretary left today for San Francisco enroute to New Zealand, Pakistan, India, and Malaya on a Commonwealth "fact-finding" tour. Eden, on arrival yesterday, POLICE -Dan Keller, 60, former Toronto light whs sentenced to three years In Kingston Pcnl-uul last fall, escaped Monday night from Klng-luspilal where he was recovering from a serious .r is shown here as he was led Into a Toronto polling and crying, following his apprehension last rt back from a lavish tour of Europe. (CP Photo) NEW TRACK IN HEARING OTTAWA, 9 The Board in-Transport Commissioners today, in its freight rates hearing, refused to cut off evidence con HAS NOT GIVEN UP WORLD FLIGHT was visible testimony to Britain's SEATTLE Mrs. Richard postwar austerity program. The former foreign seenftary, once cerning a multi-million dollar Morrow-Tait of England, who PENSION HALIBUT SEASON was wined and dined by Alas ii to Spread j Union Secretary George And- is Are Proposed erson said that he will wire the TRANSPORTATION CRIPPLED Seventy-five per cent of Re-gin&'s busses and streetcars went up in smoke when an explosion in the city's municipal transportation system car barn set olf a fire which destroyed 17 trolley busses, 17 streetcars and 10 gasoline busses. Loss was estimated at $1,000,000 and the fire was described as one of the most serious In western Canada in recent years. CP Photo) improvement program of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Counsel for the provinces opposing the rate increases objected to the evidence on the claim that it shifted the whole inquiry onto a new track. one of the world's best-dressed men, was distinctly shabby in battered black felt hat and sliiptd morning trousers which had seen belter days. Eden, however, was still a ARBITRATION BOARD TO SIT OVER SALARIES proposals to (the Commission office In Vancouver tonight. Main proposal Is that each kans who went to her aid when ?he crashed last November while essaying a world flight, was in Edmonton when last heard from. She was trying to earn enough money to have her plane repaired and fly home. "I have come to Edmonton," she wrote powerful speaker and he told the Board of Trade that he was appealing to Canadians to pro Chief Commissioner M. K. Archibald allowed admission of details of the new spending pro- A three-man arbitration board will bit at Prince Rupert on Feb halibut boat be allowed to make one trip during each calendar month after the season opens on May 1 and that seven days fishing time be allowed In Area Two and nine days In Area Three. her husband in London "be ruary 2 and 3 to seek settlement cause Alaska is t00 ouUandish. 114 ir the Deep , Union and Hie Owners' Assoei-; agreed on .;niMm of the xson ami their . be submitted ;i by the Interims Commission, cmlations are ,ils made to the iicr this month ,i of the fish-t Seattle a nd ' season instead iwded Area Two have prevailed gram but. indicated the board t Ktrve ,ho "deep and abiding would do no appraising of the .friendship ' between Canada and C.PR.'s value if the case de-lGlcat Britain at all costs. He velopcd into a rate of return on'said ,nat "tllC! problem which investment issue. He said he! confronts us is mutual and it had been thinking of ordering ' shoui d not cut our brotherhood." an investigation of the physi-l "We must see to it,," Vontinued of a dispute between the Prince jj have becn offered two jobs as Rupert Teachers' Association , a night club nger and one or Fishermen and vessel owners DRIVES 900 MILES FROM SOUTH, BUT LAST 90 WERE IMPASSABLE Highway Should Be Kept Open In Winter, Bus Operator Says Probably the strongest proponent of winter highway maintenance between Prince Rupert and Terrace today- is Cherrill Mclntyre, pr rbtcr ! of Watson' l.l-ivnl JI .jnui! miViii Kvmnrit u J'no"onwt Villa intn ana ine noara or scnooi trustees i two radio offers have enme niv at Seattle, Vancouver, Ketchi way.' kan and Petersburg have Indi over the 1949 salary schedule lor district, teachers. ' . Chairman of the board will be Graham Ladner, Vancouver cated their agreement to such the Canadian Eden, "that we do not pledge cal property of Pacific Railway. a scheme and it Is believed that their Influence, along with BREAK UP ourselves by bi-lateral agreements to deliver to foreign counli ie.s that Canada can boy from us." Prince Rupert, may result In agreement by the Commission. lawyer, while the school board representative will be PavU Chairman, of Kelowna. C. D. Juneau, Alaska, fishermen ifl.o rltv TVnn,'"".ir; .Vi'" v. at . .My, ?.fT.tir Aavi tVia . no was appartnuy n iej nng Qwv of, Vancouver will. repr and yoat. owners, iwwcvcjc have been consistently opposed to CHECKING UP ON GOTTWALD PRAGUE, XP Rumors persisted today that Andrei Vi.sh-insky, Soviet deputy foreign minister, was in Czechoslovakia on a mission connected with Europe's new economic council fntion to an address made earlier by rcscllt j.he union. Howard T. Mitchell, retiring . Last faJIi lhc waBC eomniiltee president of the Vancouver ,of lhc Teachers' Association sub-Board of Trade, that the time mjUed proposals for salary is near for new reciprocal trade schedules this year. The Board agreements between Great Brit- considered the suggested scale ain and the Commonwealth. U)0 nign and made counter pro-Mitrhell said that the United poS!lls which were unacceptable Kingdom should not be dealing tu the teachers. any change in the present regulations. H also is proposed that no "incidentally" caught halibut be permitted to be landed from any area until the Area Two season is terminated. Purpose oming mil Meeting in I Tails to (t on mutual aid. The rumors halt started yesterday when It was of this suggestion is to i Smith m bien wnn kussiu ana na The teachers then submitted what fishermen believe to be a suggested that Premier Klem- considerable abuse of permit. rllt Gootwald was veering into satellites when Canada could use it and offer needed prod Illegal Supplying Has Ketn Going On In Montreal MONTRE A L-It is believed here that a large scale and well organized ring illegally supplying fish will be broken up now that something do work on is in possession of the authorities. This is in the seizure of $500 worth of muskellongs. A charge has already been laid by the Department of Lands and Forests. The fish was being transported by car. It is not yet known how many loads of fish have been .sold or how long the ring has been In existence but the impression in government circles is that the practice has been going on for many months. deviationist paths from Soviet provincial con-British Columbia Canadian hegion ucts in return. fishing. Under current regulations, policy such as brought Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia into "disgrace" at the Kremlin. not l)( ied in I engugt'ii in ine uiiim-cuu. this year alter huge vehicle from Vancouver to Terrace, taking two -."Wys; for the'' "M0-mU trip Be- tuc WFATHFR iaa cuse. of.uanow . conditions be-w tween Terrace and Prince Ru-Synopsis pert, he was forced to load the The barometer at Vancouver bus onto a flat car and have it reached 30.81 inches of mercury hauled here, early this morning, the highest "The people of this city should reading since records began in exert pressure to have that sec-1908. Other points in the in- tion of road kept open in wln-terior and along the southern ter," Mr. Mclntyre said with coast are reporting equally high some conviction Thursday. "If or higher figures as the result they can keep the other 900 of a steady rise for the past 36 miles open, they ought to be hours. As might be expected, able to do It on the last 90." skies are clear in most regions Highway between Vancouver and temperatures still well be- and Terrace, he found in "ex-low normal. Vancouver ex- cellent" condition, he. said. The pcrienced a low temperature of frozen, snow-covered , s u r f a c e 15 during the night. Cranbrook was as smooth as pavement, repbrted 13 below zero. Warmer He travelled as far as Clin-air which is causing rain in the ton the first day, then on to Prince Rupert area still shows Terrace the second. He was no sign of moving towards the forced to wait three days In southern coast and so end the Terrace before getting a train prolonged cold weather and to Prince Rupert, drought. The bus, a 40-passenger vehicle, ' Forecast will be used In transporting Col-Ouccn Charlottes and North- umbia Cellulose Co. workers to ern Coast Overcast with occa- and from their jobs, sional rain today and tomorrow. red cod and trawling fisheries, are permitted to retain 14 per cent of their catch In halibut. The meeting, held In the BIGGER RUSSIAN- BCf the ca:;e to arbitration as provided under the School Act. The board clio.se Mr. Chapman as its representative on recommendation of the B.C. Trustees' Association, while Mi' Ovans was selected by the teachers through the B.C. Teachers' Federation. Mr. Ladner was chosen as chairman by the two arbitrators. The School Board estimates that, if the wage demands of the teachers were granted, It would add an additional $26,000 to salary costs. Last year, $112,- ROMANIAN TRADE .'id .meed today Provincial Con-Vciniiu in KH7 ven for the con-lit in Prince Ru- MAY DYNAMITE WAY TO STEWART Ice-blocked Portland Canal may be, dynamited to force passage to the mining town of Stewart which has been Isolated for 10 days. Uso of ex Fishermen's Hall, was attended by 120 fishermen and boat owners and was under chairmanship of Barney Roald, president of the boat owners' association. M that the nerrs- LONDON, tj) Tass News Agency said yesterday thut Russia and Romania had agreed on a 1949 trade turnover of two-and-a-half times that or 1948 -almost $17,500,000. The two are among organizers of the Economic Council of Mutual Aid, the Communist reply to E.R.P. DRIFTED 10 DAYS and hotel arrangem e n t s Local cummit-"'i with the B.C. inland of Union thereupon ''tils for a con-rM here the last "'ativc arraniie- IN BERING STRAIT NOME (t -All 'Eskimo, who plosives is being discussed by the Union Steamsliip Co. with the federal Department of Transport and Die provincial government following failure of the steamer Camosun on two occasions recently to reach the dock there. AUSTRALIA GIVES O.K. TO ISRAEL CANBERRA, it- -- Australia decided today to give full recognition to Israel. Earlier in the day Switzerland had become the twenty-sixth nation to rccogoira the JcwUi state. 552 was spent in teachers' salaries in the district. WANDERING POLL'S The North and South magnetic poles are not in exact positions but move about in a general area. drifted for 17 days on the ice of Bering Strait, luis been res LOCAL TIDES Saturday, January 29, 1949 l4 m;ne fur the cued and Is in fair condition here, lie was found by a plane flying over the Ice but the fate High 19.6 feet 21 4 feet Olllre ll.o Southerly wind (20 m.p.li.), occasionally reaching 30. Mild. Lows tonight and highs tomor 2:01 13:37 7:45 20:12 WHEAT PRICE IS DISCUSSED Low of two hunting companions Is Mud for the CNK steamer 7.7 feet 2.5 feet unknown. ,t In i rowAt Port Hardy 34 and 40, Massett 35 and 40, Prince Rupert 32 and 40. "iiiuiwiuue r 'he round trip, !' 'o be used as wliii,. the vessel i'v, sH, T. 4 " t - . . t. i, 1 i .ririf TODA Y'S STOCKS (Coiirtrny B. U. JolmsUiii Co. I.UI.) N't Seems to be General Agreement on Idea of $2 Price WASHINGTON, Canada loday told the international wheat conference that she favors a $2 maximum price in any new world wheat agreement. Dr. Charles F. Wilson, dele-pat.P said that the Canadian ' '' 'I for 1 1 io de-"" I he Steam's set fur ii, end SOCIALISTS STAY WITH DE GASPER! MILAN, Italy, '.CP' The Labor-. Socialist party voted yesterday to remain in the ranks of Italy's anti-communist government. It Toronto Alhonii Ainnaque Vanrouvfr Hayoiine Hralorne H. H. Con H. .R X.' .07 8.75 .o:i',i 10 Vis Beattic Bevcourt rejected Left Wing demands to stand Js that this prlCe would ""' result was a 'roiu t,e al-""1p'l branches ",llr required Io ' '" '"I' put, for-'"it'ches a deter-"''''Plaiiee f the '3'z lrr l l -j :.C 1 Bob jo Cariboo Quartz 1.35 pull out oi ine government oi ff t t0 objectives of in Premier Alcide de Gasperi. Buffalo Canadian Consul. Smelters .. Conwest Donalda .05 .54 .07 0.25 Congress lledley Mascot , Pacific Eastern IVnd Oreille r'Ud (lelee.,1,,.. a.. rs, reiii'PKKiiiiKir Eldona fuches. I,:if ,' ternational agreement "whether wheat Is in scarcity or surplus." A British delegate said that the United Kingdom expects a "substantial reduction" in maximum prices. The United States said that it was agreeable if favorable provisions can be obtained on East Sullivan Giant Yellowknil'e ONE VILLAGE IS RELIEVED But Another Snowbound Community in Manitoba Still Feeling Pinch 5.05 r ! m . i. , -sf ACftiK w & ' xi i .50 rtLVv:,. wll God's Lake "u,n of atlend-vtl,ti"" on the steamship ri,s. "C. Provincial n,1,(l the pialKS Hard rock llarricana I other points. Heva Hoseo WINNIPEG. O Fifteen days! m-y i .wrv 'V v ? ' of snowbound isolation ended Cold Weather Is .lacknifc yesterday for the village of Wa Joliet Quebec -42 Lake Rowan' !ERS OF HONORED Pioneer 3.35 Premier Border 04 Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald 3.40 Reno 07 Sheep Creek 1.55 Sllbak Premier ... 38 Taku River '- .30 Vananda 30 Salmon Gold 15',a Spud Valley 00 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.15 A. P. Con 21 Atlantic 75 Cahnont .' 45 C. & E 6.15 Central Leduc 1.38 Home Oil 12.50 Okalta , 1.40 Pacific Pete 2.70 Princess 37 Royal Canadian lO'a Out..- Lapaska Little Long Lac . Lynx Madsen Red Lake Tlic staff ot hd friends ! Star kopa, 135 miles southwest of here, but another hamlet, Nee-lin, 25 miles northeast of Wa-kopa, was running short of coal and food. A Manitoba government snow plow broke through to Wakopa Wednesday. Trucks, carrying 18 tons of coal and a ton and a .uo 72 .92 .13 2.73 .40 1.04 .51 2.30 the management lWiWL-"W WW' I I W WIH.VOT 1 wv.vb-.- . ''i -vs8,. yHite! -Sstl JWA If. - Hitting Industry VANCOUVER, 0) The cold wave has crippled plants along the Fraser River which is now ice-laden. The big plywood plant of H. R. MacMiUan Ltd., employing 700 workers, was closed this week because of frost on log booms. At other plants dynamite was used to blast logs free of ice as tugs battled to keep docks open. 1l 'uuilversarv i.r McKenzie Red Lake McLcod Cockshutt Moneta Negus : u'c Star. The die form of ,n ftp " vuu- irvent.v-i..i,. . HONOR CANADIAN DEAD Remembrance Day services were held In all Canadian military cemeteries but photos recording these ceremonies In remote areas were delayed In transit to Canada This External Affairs Department photo shows the Canadian section of the cemetery at Hodoeaya Japan, where officers and men of the Royal Rifles of Canada and Winnipeg Grenadiers are buried. The guard of honor was supplied by the 67th Australian Iniantry Battalion About 40 Canadians from the Tokyo-Yokohama area attended the service. (CP Photo) - -sia stall a innrp (1 nr. half of flour, followed. Residents said they could not have held Noranda 57-75 Louvlcourt Pickle Crow 2.10 out much longer. uiu.ll 40 VPre each present-lV gold watches. Regcourt 06 ''2