Prince ttupett Daflp mtoss Friday, January 28, 1949 GEORGE DOVER LAID AT REST hiipott, Evitt Iw Rlactc HOW CAN I ? ? IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH and Co. Ltd. Can Supply You With t-VMiy UIUJJ ) TERRACE Impressive funeral I rltes were held In St. Matthew's AD ternoon i for the late George Dover, hlgh-When Huge Prince Rupert j ly stoemod pioneer of the dis-Ilills Were Hurled Into Harbor trict Beautiful floral tributes of early spring flowers covered (By WJ.R.) the casket. The chancer and There is to be a blast fired up a'!tar and the church were filled By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I eliminate a disagreeable odor from a room? A. Burn a small handful of pieces of orange or apple peelings, placed in a tin receptacle. This willy give a cimation fragrance to the room Cigarette Tobacco river, river, this this week week in in connection connection " an ear,y wuui hour and uim there mere o h, T ... eWaH providing of a new Btanrtlng outside, r a a a knit knit nl, underwear underwear all havne garment . ,. .... i fodik t r,o t,. of MBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. MOORING In Fir or Hemlock SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR . and . , Famous FOOTHILLS ALBERTA COAL in all sizes ' PHONE rri quarry ui or near rioie-in-me-: . im-n Vail. last respects to one whose pass- ' lng has k ft the tow'n saddened Not many of these super-shots are ecen today. To witness any an lnfl,liely poorer, one should have lived in Prince 1 Ar'lK,(,J'(,n E. D. Hodson of MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA Rupert when the waterfront , " e c Rlmert, representing was being hurled into shape.l nop J B- ihson, spoke feet-Thr urnvs f ..iho. nn'ny of the f ai I hf illness nnrt Classified advertising ways brings results. '" smaller exclusions but these tlovaltv of ue deceased and left that has come apart? . A. Bring the sides together with a buttonhole stitch, using a heavy thread. Q. How can I add to the flavor of chocolate? A. An added flavor that is delicious can be imparted to the vhocolate' bousing a small quantity of cinnamon. Q. How can -I easily clean sponges? A. Soak in molk for three or four hours, wring them until perfectly dry, then rinse thoroughly in hot water. a message of hope with those were hardly worth noticing, al BOAT OWNERS! M NIGHT ii'tt behind. Miss E. Head was organist and the hymns were "Lead, Kindly Light" and "O God Our Help in Ages Past." Interment look though the usual piecautions were taken. When rocky hills were shattered and thrown into the harbor, Prince Rupert knew about what was coming many days in 7 ERRACE t-Tcachcrs' Association and entertainment topped by a sumptuous repast. As master of ceiemonles, Rev. P. H. Mailed kept the games moving quickly. There were also various musical and dancing items. The hall had been suitably decorated by the teachers and, iii tribute to the Scottish hntri ruiithnnro-., " Kalum " 1 u cemeterv. advance. This was in the vea.s cemr'ty, pa I j0y rntertainmrnt 1909-10 and 11. " , "e'"g ilarry King, C. L. M. Gig- . ... 'gey, E. T. Brooks .T it ci.w Flora Melvin. Mrs. Judd, in ! j .. .... mere was a nuie hast. at. a - """i. ACE ... A jolly "gel-to-iu, hck! on Burns Night, this part of Canada that ' is closest to -Britain till Newfoundland comes in things seem to be looking up. None of that 'Joe's Bar and Grill" stuff for Halifax. Thomas Muise, owner of the "Lighthouse", isn't letting things slide with just the name. He's putting up a sign in' front that resembles a lighthouse. It will revolve so that the light comes on at one side of the tavern, dims there and comes up on the other side. There's a 'Sea Horse" in town now and another place called "Ye Olde English Inn. "The Port," with a sign showing a ship docking, is to open soon You also can buy a beer at a hotel called "The Sword ana Anchor." Nova Scotia got taverns late last year after a dry spell that had lasted 31 years. Five have opened in Halifax so far and 10 more will be ready by the end of April. irt:ii!uiia costume, costume, 6 aenghted t , ., , K- corey and F N.i-h wLhi polnt in the railway yards in the ' evervone with with t,, the a p,.iriri , companist. Accompanist for MrsJ""hQ1 ' ' "Pre Uic and Mrs. J. Maxted .1. . . overhead anaroach now snrnm',,.. ... m"A"u' M,s- Mrs L Orif trif- (vci.ini?, in tlie Odd-1 two Scotch songs were sung by H.iil when the members j the High School quartette com Z Kergommeaux' rgommeaux- two two solos solo& th. ' " W. Donald, Mrs R. Cor- i in -Teai hers' Assnt'la- prising Margaret Kennedy, Marie leti. "Commin- Thro the Rye" andi",, '"r T and "ie rallay stat.on. Another "Bonnie Doon-was Mrs C j N,,,, -inc. was clos to 'here the dryd(ck norrington. Mrs. Peter Lind.strom and Joyce and Norman Perry, accompanied by rniitn'il i heir nusoanas .niit of sparkling I ut Van INGENUITY IN TAVERN NAMES Nothing Drab In Nomenclature of Halifax Resorts By DAVE McINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer HALIFAX Tneir names can't, as ex-overseas types will probably agree, rank with "the Nag's Head," 'Elephant and Castle,'" "Turkey Cock," and "The Hoop and Grapes." But they are an Improvement over the usual staid billings given most Canadian taverns. That is to say, tavernkeepers in this old port are showing commendable originality in picking names for their new places of business. It would be hard to touch the almost inaccessible British standard, of course. But tavern names here are beginning to show a happy advance from the drab situation existing in most Canadian cities. Take 'The Lighthouse," for instance, which is going to open in a few days. Granted, the name hasn't got the ring of "The Boar's H e a d," "The King's Arms," or "Dirty Dick's.' But it seems to be a step in the right direction. With the exception of "The CHART YOUR COURSE ' for the -- THOM SHEET? METAL SHQHS when your craft neecl. if new Ta.T!k, Muffler, Galley Staci, or any other metal Writ. PHONE 884- ; 253 EAST FIRST- AVENUE is now located. A shot was about to be fired. If everything went right, it would be a thriller and worth Science Congress Meets In Auckland jtELIEF, Stolk, president of the Association, welcomed the guests and later In the evening thanked all who had turned out to make the occasion so successful. She expressed the lmpe that the husbands would- turn out to the meetings as well as the wives. Mrs. C. J. NoiTinerton. chair- taking pains to remember. Some! y 1 c- GRAHAM one would pass through the Canacllan Press Correspondent camp .shouting at the ton of his AUrtri.AMn . I S Wrd- U WaS U,an 400 SCk'ntists fom severe Fire. This, he kept repeating, countries will assemble in Anri,. EVER "STARRED" IN A SCENE LIKE THIS? BOY, YOUR TROUBLES ARE OVER WHEN WE SERVICE YOUR CAR . . . PEP IT UP... GIVE IT A NEW OUTLOOK ON DRIVING LIFE. JUST WATCH US WORK. Bob Parker's m ' Pi tan of the publicity committee,1" f,d not mean a fire had land February 2 for the opening broken t. But everyone under- of the seventh Pacific Sri reviewed viewed the the aims aims and and obiects obiects ANCIENT CATTLE BREEDING Domestication of cattle is said to have begun 10,000 years go. of the Association in a brief talk. A few mild Scotch jokes were contributed by several of the men and the evening's entertainment ended about 11 p.m. swod. it meant that tons of ex- Congress. Sessions will continue1 pelves were about to be touch- in Auckland and Christchurch ed off and, if anyone valued his until February 23 life or projects, he'd bestdear The importance governments out from where he happened to attach to the exchange of ideas ' between leading scientists at the All doors were cIorpH r nn,t,A Conirres i .i,,. k.. ,u. PTOVN SERVICE STATION SNAIL STORAGE SAvoyi HOTEL Snails can go without food ! and everyone scrambled for the that official delegations are t J irtl V1( Itriile OK Phono 111 I for about four months by living high spots. This, as a rule was bf 'g sent by most countries where the totem pole park on bordering on the Pacific as well the reserve is now found. i as from several European coun- Crow's Nest" in Rt. John's, Nfld., Canadians will probably i Carl Zarelli, Prop. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE' 4 fcverything, of course, went all ! h'ies. In addition the U. N. E right 1 PHONE 37 P.O. Box 541 S. CO., the United Nations Fno- never get taverns that have the atmosphere of those old English pubs just mentioned ex-servicemen could rhyme off a .hundred others without re The rockmen, who loadid the t and Agructulre Organization, the South Pacific Commission aw. I.TD. ? "A Good Place to Bity" coyote holes in the flinty hills FRASER STREET '.) " PRINCE RUPERT injtne supreme command in Japai. and bluffs were ail experts their line. It took a lot peating themselves!. But in of are sending representatives on lhe reserves in their tissues. know-how" to carry through! Canada's delegation of 16, lea uch hazardous work and avoid! by Dr. G. M. Shnim BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL iamage to properly or any cas of the National Research Coun- A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ualties. It required knowledge to know not what to do, and as a general rule their at rvices were all that could be wishec, for. It was a sight to watch such eil, will be one of the strongest ovi.rseas groups at the congress. Inc; only larger delegation from abroad will be the United States party of 49 and that from Australia numbering 21. NOW AT PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL upheavals. First a far reachin The composition of the Cana- BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showoom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. January f Bedding Special ; consisting of 2" Steel Tubing lirdstead' Steel - Ribbon Slat Spring Spririj - Filled Mattress in 3'3", 4', 4'6" ALL FOR $:,3.25 ALSO SPRING-FIIXED ' MATTRESS SPECIALS Royal York, panejjed 3I Royal York, plain .... $29.5 Sani-Filled $27.50 All above have high-tempered coil springs. ALL "SPECIALS" CASH FREF. DELIVERY Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. quiver, i nen a roar suggesting aian aeiegation indicates tha'L the end of everything. Then, the Dominion is e.snociniiv in- PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 soaring clouds of smoke, mus- terested in discussing fanning keg. boulders and countless frag-1 problems und Pacific fishery re-ments of rock and general deb-j -sources. lis, whirling toward the water. I Notable among the visitors Well out from the wharves, the' from New Zealand's point of harbor's calm surface hnd turn-! view is nmi .,f n, n!,..i fi ll V mtmztn II ll B c s u il , .......u.i ui UUHL'tl ed a yellowish tint, as well as! Slates delegation. Sir Peter Buck, mm lougn, wnn streaxs oi troth, oirector of the Hisi-inn Mmm i Honolulu. Sir Peter is a mem- MARGARET McLEOI) , OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired Drapes Curtains Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52fi 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. MOST SOUTHERLY CITY Punta Arenas, Cnile, is the most southerly city in the world. Make YoirPtrns PHONE BLUE m P.O. Box 1184 Dor ot New Zealand's native race, the Maoris, and is the most distinguished scientist the race has produced. Today he is recognized as one ef the world's leading enthno-logists. His studies of native races of the Pacific have brought him a knighthood as well as academic honors in the United States. ' He will organize a discussion at the congress on coordinated investments into Mlc-ronesian anthroplogy. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches Try Captain Morgan's recipe for brincinir OU Fashinne.U P " 'I 'te . . . Add 1 dash of bitters to 1 lump of sugar. COTTAGE CHEESE 204 4th Street Phone 655 New Creamed Fresh Made PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 and be all set to build that new home or to remodel the old one when spring comes. We will he glad to assist you in every way possible. , MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED . t Builders and Contractors PHONE 363 Valentin dairy Your Daily j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 n a,,d 1 or 2 cubes of ice, a slice of lemon, 2 ounces f Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum and a splash of soda. Captain Morgan GOLD LABEL RUM "u"Im master hl,j; ..;.. . Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners GOLD LAB II J iRlJMiA PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 NOW AVAILABLE PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue CALLS 1 1 """s "j " re rare oia rums. Thli advertistment ii not aublishcd or display td by the Liquoi Control Board or tht Government ol British Columbia. ! 'S N' et,l'tlimo o ounAtiD r mi iquok conhoi joakd o iy mt govmnmim Of mush columua. FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Wells Cartage Ltd. j Complete Moving Service I BAPTONE iex CaHe Crating Packing Cartas ! BLUE 780 RED 51 TO BLUE 846 THE WONDER WALL PAINT Made In a number of attractive colors, it dries quickly with a soft flat finish. . for Tasty Meals Chow Mein Ch lnP Sliey $4.50 gallon $1.40 quart Chinese Dishes a Specialty TOnd Av . . ..... QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles . MAC SHOE HOSPITAL LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturn's; 10:45 pm. BRINGS PROMPT, EXPERT SERVICE SAANICH Plumbing & Heating ') aw, . c "ppusiie rnnce Rupert Hotel -am- to 3:3n am . ...... THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. - rnone 173 for Outside orders Box 774 Second Ave.