- Prince tltipcrt DaUp f3ctos LtD. Saturday. February 28, 1948 Briefs From Britain '', A(lvcrtiL,... I An independent dally newspap v devotwl to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all comrr.unrtKJt compns. ig northern and central British Columbia. (Authored s Srcond Class Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Ruoert Daiiy News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. G. A. FVNTEft. Mauaglug Editor. H. G. PEHRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OJ CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION stance Blanchard saw her red n 111 :J DIRECTORY MTWce-t In nil ihiinhex m II a .hi. himI T::mi u-iii.: mmmIiiv hcImhiI sit ritl't eM'epI Jl. fclHMHI. setter had given oirth to a lit- a: ter of 15 pups, she helped the ' ha,inK coat fut I.n"ipl mnlhnr Lji..n. r COIlflitlAn 1. , . ,v ' w. ur.iiiB liiuil- out V. , r:n .. ,. Th,,. .. .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES iJlly Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 6Ro: Per Year, 17.00; Bv Mail. Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 400. lain hm mieis to ieen inem with Ski.. ! t ho ""i v.., oceessarv ... INGHAM, Surrey, L'nc. l apply win, ,. t Nil.l' (A TIII'OK l. 4t)i Ave W nt Diinsinulr St. HilV t'oniinunlon 8:30 am. Sil.'iduv (-chKil 2 IK) p m Pectnr: Busll s. Prockter. n A . B D (Blue 7;i.i uiir. SATURDAY SERMON New Stork of man beinus at all? The person with no sen.se of shame and sin is surely just an ape and not. a human being at all. And suppose that anyone I imt inn ivr St 11 Ave E t Yoimir Ht Mlntsler: Hev Kml AniroUus (dreen 813) l 'I Mil I I MUI ' COATS for the Junior Miss All Colors-lielted and Box Back I I HIT I'll I-.SIIV Tl HI IN 4lh Avenue East Itireeti ta2 I lltir I M IT r 6:t6 Oth Ave Went Minister: K A Wilson. MA (Cireen 61 a - should object and say that we ! should assimilate more into the1 ways of the higher animals ami what nobie creatures they ar . ' could I be permitted to point out that if Usiers had calendars they wouldn't put "iris on ttiem Nor if they did, would they make such a fuss over the beau ty and form of th? nianTmarv organs and then brinu wj whole human race on artiticia feeding methods. No, we h;ve SEX (By Rev. Basil S. Prockter, St. Andrew's Cathedral I I am beginning to get a little tired of the doctrine that sex is the most beautiful thing in the world. Necessary, yes. Good in its way, yes! But receiving today tar more advertising and build-up than it merits. Teaching young people to choose their mates on the basis of who out them in the state of greatest physical e xcitement, instead of on the basis of what the other time. Tlu-re is a spiiiL of irrev-one thinks, believes, hopes and erence with reaard to the body loves! Implying that beauty beautiful which Is growing to-consists in the measurement of j day. Notice it in jive and in col- TOPPERS --In New Spring Shades ftll sie.s antl colors - t 'Si DRESSES for Afternoon and Street wear .Printed Jerseys and Crepeo Si.c.s 184 to 24' 2 I I, t.O-l'l I TMItKN ( I I. JA1 e'il Ave West. l:i.-.tcir: Paul A, Hurbi-r (tireen 6201 si,vvrnN AIIMV Fnwer Htreet CO: Capt Eurl Jiirrett ! pircrtirv Class 2 Ml pin. SHiiilny Si lwil ll.oo pm (Black 2'iHi hT. I'M l.'S II 1 HI.H N 5th Ave. at McBriUe St Pastor: S. Sulluncl (Bluck 9l.ll ST. IMITI-'K'f N(.I.HN teal Cove Arrhdeacon E Hinlson SuiKliiV Siiiool 1 1 iki a in Evening Prnyir 7 :) p in found it fjuite impossible to iive au.M, nip ric: legiaie conversation, i iiKe ,it. as the higher animals Jive. II. i It is refreshing to notice a!ferinly we a11 uhave 10 learn ' time we turned mmi the text 1 to be reverent where reverence books ttle of worId healthv reaction gainst, this in of nalur lis due but reverence where no 0sirk to the textbook of God a' Jew Shipment of NYI.ON HasK 54 Guane, Pencil Scams- in New Mist and Ouiimettil Shule.s many of the young people of our i reverence is due is worse than the human sou the Bible. ' 8 (Blue HAt) J IIIMMI NITV SI Nil W iTIHOI, ' Hast fc'nd Hall. 2 w) p ni. - ; no reverence. The traditional . . i reverence for woman, for ex- Mrs. George I). Ha" tie is saii-?, ample, has not been on the basis nK tomorrow liiuiit on the Co :;of her physical attributes but .quitlam for Stewart to join Mr her spiritual attributes which.: Hague who recently aeeepte.l 1 when denied, make a woman a employment there, and make : I far more dreadful travesty of a her fulure home. .a v, i y manse Walk Upstairs in Stone tone BuiUt BmW With suffering reaching unprecedented proportions abroad and witft our people ot home facing many complex problem of peace, the need for generonty and kind nets of heart wai never greater than noht now. In Mich timet as these, people turn to the Red Cross at to on old friend, confident that they will receive help seasoned with friendship and a deep understandma of their problems. In Canada, the work of mercy moves ahead. Red Cross services are now established in mony humane ton on fields . . . Blood Transfusion Service, to save lives of mothers in childbirth, accident victims . . . Outpost Hospitals m northern settle ments, so that our isolated citizens may have medical care m their times of need . . . Aid for our veterans, dsobled, m distress . . . Juntor Red) Cross, inspiring our children to better health, good ahaemhtp . . . and many oher important services. We mve you to share in this oroof and for-reaching work. VtZ7 Adverti.se :,i me Daily News I human being than is possible in a man. The Son of God was V Vl? If""'' 1 VV-" k .mm iii ti 3 . J boi n of a woman. Bible tells us that sex 1 , 3 HIT l III. Kit " I ram. came In to man as afresult of dis- -4 It I obedience. They knew that they were naked after they had dis- f w i I I '.BUB. . . i obeyed God. In other words. t i - -i i First Presbyterian l,hlirch!slllce 5v obedience man came Yi rr ji nn. Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M. McColl, Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist j under the law of the nat- ! ural world which is birth and j death, sexual differentiation j FEBRUARY 29, 1948 entered the picture as the nec-jes&ary concomitant. Since man. by disobedience would die, other ' men would have to be born. The Mornring Worship. 11 a.m. Anthem by Junior Choir Sermon "When Will the Kingdom Come ' Sunday School 12:1a Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Sermon "Temptation is Alway.s Fair." PRINCE RUPERT ATTACKED KETCHIKAN CHRONICLE, on at least one THE occasion of late, appears to have gone out of its way to knock Pi:nce Rupert. Knowing Publisher,'. L. Baker as we thought we did, and believing him a stout friend of Prince Rupert's we are somewhat surpvised at a recent feature article on the Chronicle's Page 1 centre devoting itself to one of the-most unwarrantediy critical blue ruin articles Bible teaches us that there is no such thing as sex in heaven and that there was no such thing in the Garden of Eden before the Fall. God does not need the animal process in order to create in His image. But siive things are as they are, it Is all very necessary and right in its way But nothing to bi, is', -bout! . t The Victorians may have Deen The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corps Officers. ' :S I If W I .,.. ; Is'? Tonight, 8 p.m. Youth Meeting wrong with their excessixe Sunday Set vices as follows. .sense of shame about sex. But 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. i we are just as wrong In trying 2:30 p.m. Directly Class i to drive all sense of shame and 3:00 p.m. Sunday School. I modesty from the world. 7:30 Gospel Meeting. j For apart from some sense A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT , of shame and sin, have we any THE ARMY i right to consider ourselves hu- fevers..-, a- t Full Gospel Tabernacle Pastor: Paul A. Ilarber 221 6th Ave. West V Si .:t - i i.". !. -'; - s.:.s-vt' CLOSING SERVICES of one week's special meetings with Kev. Victor Graham of Terrace. SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. - Devotional. 12:15 p.m. S. S. 7:30 p.m. '"THE I' SPA It HON ABLE SIN." Y6U ARE INVITED 4, i il pertaining-to Prince Rupert which we have seen in a longlimeV" The article paints a picture of frustration, (Impression, austerity and pessimism here that is so contrary" -to the facts of the situation that we consider it 'unworthy even of re-publication. The cc-lanese mill is criticized and "many businessmen" hero are credited with feeling that "the mill will mean little to the community" anyway. Local merchant are said to be suffering the worst recession in the town's history . . . worse than in any of the denrehm years. The article comes to a climax itli the statement that "many of the citizens are . just WcMt.'no' for the demolition of the United States Army instaHa'ions because it will provide employment for 100 or so idle persons." The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has already taken steps to check up on the endovsation or otherwise by Publisher Raker of such an attack and is justified in doing so in order that we may know who are and who are not our friends. It is difficult, as a Chamber of Commerce leader remarked yesterday, "to understand such a vicious attack, so grossly distorting the truth, more particularly as we have always had a genuine liking and resj : for the City of Ketchikan and its citizens, a liking which we believe is general throughout Prince Rupert. We have also entertained the greatest respect and friendship for the publisher of the Chronicle. This feeling, too, we believe to be shared by all in Prince Rupert who know him. "It is more in sorrow and disappointment than in anrver that we are forced to the realization that our feelings of friendship and essteem evidently are not rciprocated. "If the activities of a city in another country should affect materially the welfare of Prince Ru-uert we might feel called upon to oppose them. Rut if the temntation to criticize a friendly community ever assails us, we sincerely" hone the dictates of .good taste and good manners will come to our rescue and prevent us publishinc destructive criticism solelv for the sake of criticizing." To which the Daily News says "Amen." WORSE THAN WAR THE OTHER EVENING, the husky-voiced girl I who always sounds-heartbroken, started the customary after dinner chore and it was worse th an ever. She must have had an, unholy falling-out with somebody or other. One felt saddened and a bit maddened. Couldn't help it. Relief came when the announcer said: "For the next quarter of an hour, the band of His Majesty's Coldstream Guards." We mav hate war, and anything suggesting war, but Rov, oh Roy! Red Gross Juniors lead on to lasting peace REGULAR BAPTIST (HMIlMI.M'l.Ki I O.DE. Hall 5th and VcBridr Phone afil Sunday, February 29, 1948 "Read this, I pray thee: and he saith "I cannot." Is.-29-.ll 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. (Prayer Praise Testimony i Speaker:: Topic: Mr. A. Ewald "A COMPARISON OF VALVES" Hearty Gospel Singing. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday, 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. 7:00 p.m. Junior Young Peoples f I'RHCII Till' OIII-TIMI' HHICtOV The practice of health; relief for child victj of war; work for veterans in hospitals, srrvire to lianHiranrwrl rhiliiren all forTTt part of the great job of work now under w Even as Canada needs the Red Cross, s"y WHILE OTHERS talk about it, 850.000 members of the Canadian Junior Red Cross are doing something to assure permanent world peace. Through their constant correspondence with Junior Red Cross members in foreign lands, international friendliness 19 being promoted and the desire of all peace-loving nations brought nearer. But this is only one of the many worthwhile activities now engaging the Junior Red Cross. SAVOY HOTEL Red Cross needs vour financial backing - ihnt mennj everv Hnllnr vrn rati Spare, " I SPECIAL PHOTOS for Easter CALL AT Chandler & Cowgill . ...j j 11 k ..a,! for a noble can-' - v. j ' v 1 v v. wilt ujv-vi v m m,f ; 4. ka n.c Hive Carl Zarelli, Prop. 'ww tii nine iu uc .uuuuji to the Red Cross! Pbone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET ' Prince Rupert Fourth St. Box 645 . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. I 1 tvotl omezc sieve i etdi - nn;FR CO INUKIt-ltKIN ti. ru""' GEORGE HILL & SONS LT C-O-A-L Until the strike is settled in Alberta the only COAL that we ran deliver will be BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP COAL Place Your Orders Early ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 1IC , .PHONE 1J7 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. FRASER & PAYNE DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. SKEENA GROCERY McCUTCHEON PHARMA. ALAS3IFIED AD IN THE DAILY NTJSWS WILL BRiNG RESULTS