1 ptinrc U ti pert Dailu Dcrtis LtO. ' Saturday, February 28, 1U48 Local News Items . . . LETTERBOX i -i.o has brrn on V trip t0 Van" ,,eiS Victoria. 's I, "Ju return-is . fa Princes' North Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Husband of Queen Charlotte City, who have been paying a visit to the city, left by today's plane on their return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. MOOSE LEGION 1948 OFFICERS Noble North Moo.se William Terry and Others Installed Officers for 1948 were installed by the Legion of the Loyal Missionary Society Head Visitor Here Mrs. C. W. Hodgson, president of the British Columbia Conference Branch of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada, arrived in the city this week and proceeded to Port Simpson where she will spend the next few days. Mrs. Hodgson will return to the city on Tuesday to attend in her official capacity, the annual meetings of the Prince Ru-per Presbyterial and W.M.6. conferences which will take place In the United Church on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Mrs. Hodgson will be Basketball Tonight Senior Game 8:30, Savoy vs. Co-op. J. F. Molitor of Terrace sailed this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Douglas Frizzcll left by plane this afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. SALE SALE! SALE! Dresses. Less than, cost, while they last. Star's Stylewear. ttf) Cash for old sold. Bulger's. Arthur Murray left by this afternoon's plane on a business trip to Vancouver. J. C. Gllker returned to the city at the first of the week from a business trip to Ketchikan. Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, ' 8:30. (50) Henry Hellin was among local " . .in ii Lt, 9fil liViiKliinn'jl Formula for Made 'to Measure GLOTIIin NO INCREASE OVER Editor, Daily News: . The letter appearing in Thursday's issue written by O. M. Perry In reply to a news item from Burns Lake was of interest to the writer. It so happens that we have a well organized Chamber of Commerce In Prince Rupert and their attitude in this matter, of vital importance to every operator of a motor vehicle appears negligible for their attitude Is mum. As pointed out by Mr. Perry It 6eems a pity that the B.C. Motor Association and the Associated Boards of Trade of Cen Order of Moose at an installation ceremony held Thursday Mning in no unccrtaju terms, demands owl tilnire under that New Look of yours! Here's the .l(ici to a Miioodi silhouette . . . without dieting i...tl.t-1 Fnurwlal inn ffirmpntA mailr n( night In the Moose Temple. Installing officer was W. B. Mc- 1.1. 01 uvii"11 " 1 Vl? oll fabric assure vou of , firm r control without. i V , ii. iirovido vou with the ultimate in (uiootli Callum, Grand Commander. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman of Shawatlans Lake returned to men sailing south on the Car- New officers arc . Noble Nortn Moose, William PRICES OF LAST FALL n'l1 Vou fee. the nylou iabnc is permanently "set to-hapi ' w your foundation garment will not sirc'uli oi shrink. It's easy to wf"liquick to dry ,n,l you can forget about ironing, for it simply tlicc long-wearing, wear and tear resistant found. dena this morning for Vancou Terry. the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a trip to the guest of Mrs. E. R. Foster, Eighth Avenue West. ver on Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative business. r' I . ,,.,ncmbcr to look lor Uic tag -faone Made oj ', shop ping guide 1 Vu, your oui Labourers and Truck Drivers at if oiliinit "lief from pain OUCH lor. "" . "kl. Ir wf thfv'M South Moose, Carl Brechin. East Moose, Howard Walker. West Moose, Leslie Hilton. Treasurer, Ernest Freison. Guiding Moose, Joe Slaggard. Argus, Everett Morrow. Custodian, Joseph Long. Recorder, Fred Scaddcn. meeting Sunday 2:30, Carpenters' Hall Fraser St. (50) tral B.C. should lie dormant on a matter of such vital importance to the public. It Is a known fact In Saskatchewan when one applies for a motor licence, It is also necessary to enclose five dollars to cover Insurance. If the Saskatchewan govern T.c'uKrcl cure of vour nood-tcmpered in France if now T Ii In lomt famous Fred G. Brown, well known I V'.'"",'-'' I' i" i Co.. 600 Cambie St.. Vancouver life insurance man, left by today's plane on his re F (' Ma-af Balm Dalet gently into Deaae's Quality Cleaners, pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. (tf) It seems difficult to impress would-bewriters of letters to the editor that such letters must bear names and addresses of the writers, although not necessarily for publication, if they are to appear in the paper. Since yes-ter two unsigned letters have Following the ceremony the i the Boollnnu. nraimn uivu.ujh". ..i rxilncp thn lnflmuink CSS turn south after spending a few days in the city on business. members enjoyed a lunch pro Civic Centre SUNDAY Sports p.m. 12:00 All Stars practice. 2:00 Badminton. MONDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi gym class, p.m. 1:00 Bo-Me-Hi gym class. & .t trout i'.'1" . !, K ,r Ti.on you'll want to ua thn .'.'L fiiniils suffering from bunion? vided by the entertainment ment can supply insurance at such a nominal fee, why should the B. C. motorist be penalized to the tune of $24. There Is no doubt the idea the news about committee under chairmanship MOTORISTS Do you realize If i n' is re.illy too (rood to keep to yourself! of Herbert Whiffin. that in one week's time the new for you., h'"; pa-Vag Games were enjoyed after the Motor Vehicle Act will be in force? See us at once regarding i, 111 - luncheon. 0 been received, one on "Mercy Tiniex live the Public Liability and Property Flights" and the other on the condition of city streets. Tfct It jul the kind of rooking tip I like to pan along . . budget -wire wav to bring flavour and life to vour meals) Damage Automobile Policy. H..G il a fpn'ial oli'cr tlial's jut jn time for vour ftp ring is sound. On the other hand why should an auto owner in B.C. be penalized over and above neighboring provinces? Thanking you Mr. Editor I am, Yours truly, LEW ANDERSON. There's no question but that a special-measure job does something for you. In addition to-perfect fit you have a wide choice in styling and fabrics ... No question either of . the superlative cut and workmanship in suits designed by our makers, whether they be for oldsters, youngsters or in-between-ers . . . Shiffer-Hillman $57.00 to $87.00 John Lombardi $52.00 to $77.50 Helgerson Ltd. (50) ' imin! Jiit one AIR rASSENGERS Outbound today W. Under Kuiiplc of what tit 16 cicell'-nt dye can do for Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full mouln at 25 cents a word hill. F. G. Brown, D. Radford, Douglas Frizzell, J. Smith and Conrad P.-TA. White Elephant Arthur Murray, for Vancouver; Mike Anderson lett Dy this afternoon's plane on his return to Queen Charlotte City after spending the past ;cw uays in the city. Sale, Feb. 28, 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. A.. Husband and 2:30 King Edward gym class. 8:00 Rup-Rec ladies. Basketball 4:00 High School juvenile and junior boys. 5:00-Port Edward. 6:0065 Taxi and Bo-Me-Hi girls. 7:00 Peoples and Merchants. 8:00 Morgans and Gyro. 9:00 Savoy and Stones. 8:00 Band practice . Cymzrodorian Social Municipal I.O.D.E. J.C.C. .Public Speaking Mike Anderson, for Sandspit. Women of the Moose Spring Keep Oxo, in ?tibe or fluid form, in a handy idace on vour kitchen hcli. It' the goodurss and flavour of prime lean beef and means more " moat-inesa" in vour meals at few expense! For instancy?, begin a meatless Uical with Oxo vegetable soup ... or make mealier etcwa by adding Oio. And even without meat -you ran have rich Oxo gravy 1 Your grocer has Oxo for you . . . and remember, whr-n vou're buying 0X0 bas remained stable in price 1 Inbound Friday E. Maxwell Bazaar. March 4 and 5. ronvtiKC vou. as . .i Luc i- a wondrr-..ivc av to hung the look of Spnng into Tnc mde anety of eimtai keep your " itsvs 'un-lo-datc looliDg! Write to rne Hfu1. HU Crcccent ..!. PQ., l"r V0U1" 'rp0 rv ii - thru ask. for X TIN'TilX at your ring, department or PHILLIPS and Mrs. J. Chapman, from Bridge Party, Civic Centre Vancouver. Advertise in the Dally News! March 5, 8 p.m. Galloway Rapids I.O.D.E. tea. MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS Going March 6. March 17 Catholic School Hall Hotel. . A . RING QUICK ItlllF 4, ai Arrivals Tea, Home Cooking, Apron and Novelty Sale, 2:30 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. Booth P.T.A.. March 17. Junior Chamber St. Patrick's Day Dance, March 17, Civic ft'i Ccerf tfiwmy to bake your cakes with the tinrH oi cake Hour . . . poor economy to nk gi,.i ingredients with anything list than a tested, reliable brand. Tlial's whv i urge vou to 1m- eure V. a-k for SWANS iXJWN CAKE 1 LOt lt . the flour made by cake flour fpecialinsl ov see, fcw.ins iuwn is finest Canadian wheat, sifted jeiin and again through eilk -then te.-tcd bv the GUILDFORD, Surrey, Eng. f Farmers on Surrey's South Downs are" losing hundreds of pounds worth of livestock through killer-dog raids on their flocks. Prince Rupert E. C. Millburn, Vancouver: . L Centre. F. May. Vancouver; C. C. Weatherill, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman. Shawatlans: !ani Llown ataff of Home Kconomics experts, u I liavc. thai cakes bakel with this tettcl floui sre .ju!v rh'n 'ful . . fcathcr-light, tpoist and evcn-rruiubcd. utr ior .s:in Down to-morrow and try tins rccipel . . CHOCOLATE ri'DGS CAKE lSiKDon 1 tit weP bfitrn .r 3 square Baku s Unsweetened PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Miss E. George, city; Miss E. McDougall, city. Presbyterian Tea, March 18, Presbyterian Church Hall. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Daffodil Tea, March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daugh LONDON, P To counteract financial difficulties caused by bomb damages, rising expenditures and an increase of students, London University is asking the 10 home counties tc increase their grants. k.amct BjKii.ji Powder Cnocolatc, melted FUNERAL NOTICE 4 CUP ITlilK ters Combined Show and Musi DURHAM At Usk, Thursday, cal Revue, March 31 and April l-rvouicr tortenin t tapn. vanilla f 1 -ur usr f-ct. mw'f, tM baking powder and a!t. and !ft tolhr I .fiiH nuitrr, add Miear sraciumly, and crcjun toi;tltri until rff-.A-tdeee and beat well: Inen add chocolate ana toirnd. U PRE ME i Feb. 26, Margaret, beloved 1. Navy Drill Hall. i . 1 'r , A-Af I i.rj'rt uit,. milk. rmall amount at a time, bea'ing after wife of Mr. Charles Durham Canadian Legion W. A. Spring ur.t".'tmiytri Add vanilla. Bake In trnra 1 aged 83 years. Rev. D. Soiland mm i.ili drir t) 1 tiour. or until aone. Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding fji.ui oi cant:. LADIKSf RKAI) THIS! Unwaiited hatr removed Instantly from face. arms, legs with Flash Hair Remover Actually destroys the entire hair above and below the skin surface. Harmless leaves skin soft Sale, March 31. Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker. Moose Temple, Sa l i )in?r will conduct services at Gren-ville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 1. Interment to follow in Fariview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. tit) land smooth. You cant lose. Money April 12. Hot U. trtcl Amwr to tho problem of how to have more mealtime nourishment, at lef- expend n promptly rriunuro 11 nttir prows back after third application with no SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL t and MINING MACHINERY Presbyterian Spring Sale, April questions asked Price a 2 00 post- 25 paid. c u.u s rosiaire extra). K.tl'KX PKOIHTTS (Kept, t!) Box 22. Station B. Montreal, Que, When you want a satisfactory job, let experts handle it. Get full value from your radio by keeping it in good working order tnrough our good repair service. Women of the Mooe tea at the home of .Mrs. 'C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May C. Native Basketball Tournament Civic Centre March 3, 4, 5 mihvIv rite to Iti-w. I'll IVwent i. IMj. Try it just mi II uiulrrs-uinil why i rrcaui I'rc't rrcd by tLin anv other hand . orl.l! (lrii!io:illy '" ml liurx'S who uii'l llnriv to forty . . rv.)iun is now ' IViiiitmii Hinds"! " I mwiIi. 3 roughened givrs vour WIN, CON- . . DENSED VKGnTAI'lX SOU1M It's not necessary to wretch vour food budget out of all i'r,).orlion in order to have well-balanced meals! dimply ask your (trocei for anv on" or several of the delicious Hfina toups . Tomato I'ea Celery Mi.'hrooiu Cream of Green Vegetable - Asparagus and, of rotiie delicious Vegetable foup, contjining fouj"-teen varieties of vegetabk-s !erve these avoury soupi- in nicat loavc pies sauces. 1 mver worry about having a w ll-rounded menu wlieu there'e a good wi.ply of Hciui soups on my kitchen ehelf , . . eary to ene--ean- on my budget and always dthciously welcome t FOR RC. PACKERS TROPHY Reserved seats sold at Native Brotherhood Office, Wallace f Wy-oMcUure "look! BLOUSES 2 for 1- WHILE THEY EAST! LIMITED QUANTITY EXCELLENT QUALITY RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Box 1321 Phone 644 Block, or Phone Green 909 1 1 1 t I VS in handy places ''"n nal bathroom ii'l alien jour hua to in-" th" dicom-'''PI""'! lands buy a 1H' tVtcio.it Dimei went NOTICE iii'.i our vouug- "piggy I' ink ' when he 1 :ii :i tiny tot. that he's OrchUt To You if vou've al-rt adv doenvrr-cd the blldgrt- ic Mola way lo ni.ike ta'tv tried dif-hes taste ill "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 315 West Third Avenue PHONE GHEEN 774 v k . n w n to i ,. 1 In dihy young Jj ' hwlmml it 3 JfJ- tune lor him to "I'll his verv 31 HI. A I.! The way of 111 nli a dollar now I"" 'V with a huu- '" ' ' That's why . - , . , -i ' " i . ' "nd their '" tlio BoiM. The '"'"iiiliuncnt of the 7 '":t """in financiers " """ii Kiinms accountj Attention is drawn to the number of piles of old lumber and timbers stored on City Streets. Apart from being unsightly, many of these piles are comfortable homes for rats. By removing this material it will be a major step in cleaning up the City. Please take notice that such nuisances must be removed before the 1st day of May, or the City will take such steps as are necessary to have same removed at the owner's expense. (53. C. B. HOWE, City Engineer. even betlerl For rw tilc Murola Salad Oil gives that out-of-this-world flavour to fried foods . . and eaves on butter bills, by the way! No wonder this golden utterly delicious aalad oil K a cooking," must " in thousands of Canadian kitchens . . a flavour favourite all over the Dominion ! A-k your grocer for MAZOLA SALAD OIL to-niorrow . . it V ft wis- and flavourful way to cook with ecou-O'ny I SEE CS FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN A lULTMOKfi HAT IN A 148 SHAME and a Pair of NORFOLK SHOES WILL MAKE VOUR OUTFIT SPARKLE FOR SPRING KEEPING WARM? If N0t Then You Had BETTER CALL US! Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating PHONE 108 as one 1 1 temrmLrr alway. I.r.ve one- thinit in Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. . Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY (i , , ' " not, lrcali and tiavourtull I .... IHCL Ul Utt-S'vt SMQXt w I"1" "'ate whv ivo very mnny cofToc- 7 uuni. ATTENTION Acme CLOTHING STORE1 'rc them of fluvoiir-iiuiked j r.i- n .' .'t accura'p. r.irastiriiiir ml vtrficL u'.n.td p.ve tin. star" of any meal. Try LilASK 4. .mM)UX FISHERMEN! . snc ntwv it. irMtiviitrinv even u u biiui'" v THIRD AVENUE BESNEH I3LOCK menu t0 be reuiembucd "I NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT,' B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 E-d-out? DAN'S SERVICE STATION McBridc St. Green 600 t Install a Marine Muffler On Your Boat Engine and Avoid Harmful BACK PRESSURE We make mufflers to suit your engine. Shoe Accessories LEATHER AND RUBBER HEELS AND SOLES SHOE PLATES SHOE TREES CORK AND FELT INSOLES HOSE SAVERS HEEL CUSHIONS LACES r J"'' m'lV be 1K.rIcct I b,Ut 11 "'t go very 1 UrK i That's why youis " good condi-fe sig of breaks ARCTIC SOCKS DUBBIN VARIETY OF POLISHES 3"ur tire-bring rebrln8 Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:0C P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 FURNITURE REPAIR LOVIN'S BLUE 818 330 2nd Ave. tNext to CFPR) CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mail Order Service Mt 450 usiur eXpm vuleani;'iB service. We handle all v if A 21 to 823 X 20. !! PARKER LIMITED SvJ Home of Friendly Service" PHONE 8S THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Black 884 RED 400 518 Third West P.O. Box 1118