CLOTHIERS WIN BOWLS (Continued rrom Pape 4 fires to keep them going until morning. And it may be December, January or February. Prfncc Rupert Daflp j3etos tttt. Saturday, February 25. IMS Ml JTP in this Prince Rupert I - IllDDEV. JIKS MILLER BAY 11 n . r- f. ine one cheerful Waterfront Whiffs aspect of j the whole arrangement is tha:B. Petern Z Z 288 both the "departure," and the ' M. Smith 152 temucratiires af- P- Aschoff 146 bined fish landings of the thre? Prince Rupert has something ; co-operatives. The rest was Canada's largest- city hasn't. mainly salmon. j Montreal, with a population ex- ! The annual meeting of thi ! ceeding a million and on the : Prince Rupert Co-op concluded j map for three centuries has ;at. noon today. Out-of-town no Civic Centre. Prince Rupert ; members left for the south on will welcome, the opportunity 138 199'LXS, 234 153 I At 141 6' 6T-S 6 1551 ftkw 100 201 I 55 55, riY- 924 859 ( jf 135 134 J f 100 134 P h 11 250 IKJL 143 95 WfZ 135 109 V 7 694 787 m 0 ma mMr ' At . wither of the year, lucky stars, as Serioture ouU! Totals 869 'n b(, ,2 months if Without half thinking about It, it, -came to ptm.TjZl ' MSff8" JeniirHv u,K.n the know in advance .m. when luBBed In coal and carried ashe, a& :Z: 114 the Cardena this morning. ",n u " uu uruP- out-such quantities of ?? U ashes as instead, a and a , ice forms on the eaves, that corona ni r ...,! ?. tw " Co-op Handles Big Volume of Fish-Annual Meeting of Association , of the h it d"'s to advise or encourage, should ever the metropolis feel ttw urge. Nothing like being- r "...t lijc i urns ui vjiiiiHJtir m WEN'S FrV E PIN "B" LEAGCE Rome I reneate-r! It rn m,rn I 65 Mar. 5 Mutts -tt .' . '"""'" Totals 714 vs. Leafs. ,.KS when I I, all by myself, will be locking 1 -Melancholy Jie doors (very carefully!., and .,..rtc.l liu-s-1 tryinu to et enuuh coal in me Stones vs. Co-op. iisto, wjiauinn ii.ouo.uuu pounds, Thtim's shPr M,.fal . Try a Ciassmerr Ac in The News was mor than that handled , Scotians. Fish Dock vs. Canfis-by the other two co-operatives j co-ThorncliIfes vs. Grotto. - v1Ilr lo paw-ii came to; WATTS & NICKERSON pass. Believe it or not, I think A. Pierce ... 106 197 221 it helped J- Shenton 231 195 140 i E. Moxlev 97 127 155 That my stoking ever kept ui$ JStfl ' Z iS3 2?1 from turning into human iciclej j Handicap 38 38 38 borders the miraculous. (Those, I&roo 901 910 1004 Ole Wick is completing construction at his Cow Bay boat works of a 42-loot troller for Carl Marki, local fisherman. The vessel was launched on Thursday. Its decking and deck housing is still to be completed. 1 NOTICE wmm, my friends, are not my own B. Tisick 155 164 J. Miller 132 words, but chown at random irom some of the eloquent Tlw Mi scts urrei 217 132 165 150 224 30 918 m B Nelson 198 M. Amadio 118 M Baxter 19 HandicaD 30 Totals 802 it i4UtKIf Pliant a 187 250 170 ! Northbound on her regular 152 : sailing to Southeast Alaska g3 ports, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Graham Hughes, ,'is due to dock here at 10 o'clock speeches made by the "dear departed" on his return.. Bumini? coal, the best of it & an t.r- on the coast the United Fisher- ! men's Co-operative, Vancouver, and the Kyuqpot Trollers Cooperative, Victoria. Fish handled by tae three cooperatives during 1947 was l.i excess of 26,000,000 pounds, T. H. Sor?nen, president of B. C- Fishermen's Co-operative Federation, reported at the annual meeting of the Prinze Rupert Co-op this week. Sales valif of coast co-op-produced fish was about' $7,000,000. Halibut accounted for about 11.000,063 pounds of the com- 7, The Dailv News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the olfice at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to ad vertise in this manner in the Daily News are asksd to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephonipg classified adver tising. learned in very recent years, j MOOSE and one very low down on my j f list of accomplishments. And ; n. Hiitn 160138 100 138 ounuaj muniing, trie lucaj i.r. R. office was advised this after- the coal strike made it no bet tcr. 193 lfil lfl 38 m 802 17 2'fl 107 38 12H 806 134. ni 171 mi 38 W. 647 1W tw 154 Poundage of fish handled by the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative during the year D TavUir H-"'"',ao M Collins Totals OSA T ETTS Mar Pcwtuk . pifiio Morse Wcrtlcv I. "miv MonHicaD Totals Quite recently I read an article on the "imagination." How, I'r .T r!y ud. it is almost the chief end of man. In my hands, f-ii'h a statement is dangerous. At least, it might have been a QR 214- r J EFFECTIVE NOW 1 :A nv U i 6 749 816 813 .risk had I not been so busy ; rattling a stuboorn grate, hunt 1 ""ft --. TV rW I " .! fill I k. W 91 Ik Port EsinKton, it has Houritihcd under his tender care. To my unpracticed eye, it did ing for just one more stick of kindling or constantly heaping questionable blessings on great t not seem to be itself. Health chunks of fuel that should never i uoes not mean rosy cueeks on a tllSh lor de- C Sr' rV-3k. 1 ipoii - fur all- ' J "mm0r JF :il,,,inlri . ir l.i-' lic- Wj 3.s&JSZi 4 i .. ., n....u-r m f U &fW,f Jp J I turimis Ml-s. St : rJ vmir sIhti-t.r. I, .r,vw.r S 1 have been moved from its place ! cactus but it does not mean in the bowels of the earth. i shrivelled fronds either. I I Everybody knows that some Even as some small, very dirty (people have a "green hand" . u ui. tm- uoor, i pmcn- ,wnUe others have not. I have ed thi lagsin, imaginative ! pro- not. Mine ranks that perty and attempted to go be- ! it. i,.,rf , i,A.nrf' .. hind this era of ashes and soot. I Ust or accornpii.shmenU. with ; Back to that time when a length -.topping Ure a good burning.' ,ol p,pe, holding 200 pounds pres- ; But lheili he Ukeg a house reai jsure. came directly from an oil warm; and he puls uiis business ; well into my m kilchen, con- ; 0I ..ereen hands" down to noth- trolled by a heavy valve, and ing more than a hand that car- Mlil V Kl WI.I.S I )! Vkeks u,yrn. n.iowmg mat a lour-: nes lne rlgnt amount of water ounce gas preure was suffl-; t0 plants at regular lntervau. cient. and safe, fur city con-!Bul he-s that way about every sumers worried me not at all. . thln3, always figuring things Everybody had pounds of pres-.out so pracUcal-like. Mire in their stoves and every- ! Hls last words came back t0 body was careful-and it was I mev of course, I wished thev wonderful. There vas gas for ; had boPrii -Goodbye, mv darling'.' the kitchen, for lights for the'or, "ril be missing you every parage-and all, as I screamed minute." But the winds wafted in unison with a new radio 'bat.k Be sure and water the mania, "for lice for free 'cactus.-1 free-ee." j I( wag all pJaln lnut tlie Thr-t was tiiree davs bt -Tore cailus hadn't got much water the wanderer returned" from his:and while 11 vaid yet longer PRICE REDUCTION on all Hornet Chain Saws You are well aware of rising prices. Here are real savings! Jteedinfj and Personality ;iMi by nnels in SAML PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST iwinter v, anderin's. And that day I happened to look at the Christmas cactus which, next ' to me, is Hub's pride and joy. Since the time he cradled it, as ; :t slip, all the way down fcom ; lor a -dank I psycho-armlysotK J the set-up. Five minutes was , long enough. Apparently that re-I buff at parting had made me, subconsciously, of course, resentful of the cactus. Therefore ;I had refused to water it. YOUR BEST EATING PLACE i ri.i.-corusE mlals II a m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL T"OR I.UNCIIRONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES c it i n i: s r; in s a i: s BROADWAY CAFE "TIM A Mil II" PJIl'IP "ONE-MAN" SAWS I If U ItlHll UHtf d I...V. luv three l.'.IMil.S (111 :. i Mi's Mile, -i i.ilr-iii-i There again, Hub set me straight. In one sentence. "Bo.shf" he said. 'You never ao l!ii voTirK I FlMiminnWon.H Ux u position of "issistiint Fcw-cnt Ruimpr will hp hpid Old New Price Price i: S3o6 $287 S374 $293 S379 $299 l'"P, arc nultiral nt thr fciiidwinK ri'iiim nt thr diam water it so why should you sud- Old New Price Priee ' With 34-ineh blade and chain . S3!4 S3 17 With 30-inth blade and chain S3117 S322 With 36-inch blade and chain SlflO $330 With 48-inch blade and chain . 4(18 S344 With (iO-ineh blade and chain . $131 S.tiift :i(l have u iiriilerfiil uimi times tnciirntMi: I denlv chance flit. (1 h c I T - your ways?" "lis. uitiiuin. mini ll WLll. 9 B III OIIII-j tliers. I It sounded practical and good. Monclnv. Murch 8th. 0:00 m So good that "Little Red Riding All prices F.O.B. Prince Rupert, B.C. Sales tax not included. 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 ISUrilS UlKf TJJ" 1 .V.- l. 1. in i:r ,s(( y 4 j Application forms and full purtl- riilRis miiy be cibtaliiPd from thf slielf. defying any pschvologi- 1 hi, I ptM P..!....-! AC lit PpiHtn blifwM r,l 1 . . ... pi'.'il:;i'ee.s "-" cai euect it may nave on youn.T the Forest Rnncer OfTkf Bt rxumln- , .. , , . , mum i"utres. compifUfi uppik-utintis children s minds, should bp forwarded to reach thr , . Aor AiuiUthU'l c. IKS I. K I 15 (. i CAMBRrDGL, Eng. ff Three Cambridge scientists are to ex- I plore the bed of the English Channel to "obtain concrete evidence of the fact that Britain was once part of the main District Forester by Murrh 2. or fttll-lim this must le presented to the ex-nmlners nt the time of the examination. j These cxnmlnntlons ure belnc enn-j ducted to efitabllsh eligible lists for ' fire senson employment. From such Usui nppomtmeiHs to positions now vncnnt will be made iiocordliig These substantial price reductions are due to several causes. First, there is the excellence of the product. Secondly, expert servicing:, easily accessible, is provided by your HORNET dealer in all Western Canadian localities. These have resulted in greatly increased sales volume. Mass production has therefore iK-en possible and in consequence greater economy in manufacture has 'icen effected. . The benefit of these lower production costs is now passed on to you. 11 R. LOVE ELECTRIC CO. MTOMdf.lIl. land of Europe. to candidates' standings In the ex- i DURANCE 1 i' CatHllilutes must be eittaem of one THE SUPRRME COURT o BUI- nt the nations of the British Com- T1SH COLUMBIA monwealth. and must have resided In IN PROBATE British Columbia lor one year wiles. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATH MOKTIMKR ' N'-ar CFPlti f AV" ' rt.ili.iroccl from HIS MaiestV'S lOFCes v-'r OF V nra.M W1IJ.1A1W VAM ( : within th nrecediiiR 12 months. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE Uiut by Order of i c;untlidates should be 21 yenrs of age. be made ls Hotir Judca W. O. Fultoit Plli-k i ii ir r.i: I taut some exceptions may AGENTS FOIl PRINCE RUPERT AM) DISTRICT Prince Rupert, B.C. candidate's stand- Local Jtide of. the Supreme Court denendliiK on the " ' '-"IlR, 4 . funis and (ii-iiprai P.O. BOX 957 and men be- of OTItlKh Columbia. I was on the tn in tne ranraninuuii LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE. GOLD SEAL LABEL 17th day of Fclminry. A D. 1048. ap tween the noes of 18 and 21 years are ff and StraBe ex- pointed Administrator of the Estate not excluded from taking the i initiation. No examination fee Is charned. timplHc, R(.i;,hp oH 'nit Service, call of Charles Wllllum Vaiioe. late of TelegrnpU Creelf. British Columbia, j who died on or about the 15th day of Antrum. 1117. t Telegraph Creek, BrltLsh Columbia. All persons In-' debted to the said est:iU are re- I sav's Cartage A St Victor orage Col qulrerl to pay the amount of their, : IndelMwtness to me forthwith nnd all persona htivlnK claims against the j 'sain EKtate ave.requlmci to file them with me properly verified on or lie-fore the 3lat day of Murvh. 1P4H, I fallliiK which dlKtrltoittlon will he . 'a and Park Avenues 'ablLshcd 11)10 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty V TRY Rex (Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISIIF.S Ol'R SPECIAXTT OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Hit Parade c- mwle havliiR n-mird only to such i boon waiting to hear of ivcnnls you have OPEN 8 A.M. TO 2 A.M. SECOND AVENUE, ThePopular elalnw of which I Hhull have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C Mils lHth duv of Fi'tortiary, A. n. 1H48 ROBER'P F. JOHNSTON Official Admliiistrntor. Telegraph Critic, B C -53 Now is the Hour Golden l-.arrings Civili'alion Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 7?1 l'.illenii.i How Soon Cm My Own (iramlpa Willi tl'f t,,ses n" IIair In a Little Book Shop $M PRINCE RUPERT J Sails For If I Only Had a Match" Al Jnlsrn's new record No. Let Me Ship, and 1 11 He Happy" SUMMIT ICE CREAM Above records now available "Fideltone" Also ItCA Victor NCOUVER FOR THE BEST IN ArTOMOTFVE SERVICE ... - See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER v Chevrolet Buitk Chev. Trucks Pontiae OUlsmobile G.M.C. Tracks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine .Shop & Garage : TERRACE, B.C. , JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Lid. Third Awu FOR YOUR PARTY It is Ootid, FKF.SH MADE and Oelicimis VALENTIN DAIRY riione 657 ' I U 11 1 3 THURSDAY AT :15 P.M. KETCHIIcam (tf , 'lSnv MII)N,(JIIT i 'Nation e,n .... .. MYBODY ELSE DOES! (CAM- o o 1 1 if