Prfnct riurtrt Daflp rrtos Fnlsjr, A?nl 22, Ry Reflects . . . nvtn CF rtA'.;.n PT-T!l - A",rr !. 7 o CIRC ! 1 . " tj - fcCISV.fclKTK- RATES C-mi Cuw. jfxr Per Uo-i. T5e. Fr Jtr V.fA. tf U:k fr Urxr.r.. 5mc. F Tm ai t ... nt Reminisces ; PUBLICITYBODY :IS FACING CRISIS i' Durer that the Prtnje- Ri- Ptt Public Relation Courx:; nray fcae to cartaul in year's publicity proe ram fxr Pnnce tRipn :? it current J..".ir.:u; cafispln fail to tr.eet puilic Support as ire.d at the monthly meeting of the joint i publicity body U?t night. errr i ... a - r-d f., ic-il r from S-itiand the otner day. f r his ftii country tr.en to aban-5 delivery !.n Canada. About the don the Irish t-nue ma Within Ourselves WITHIN themselves can men achieve ONLY happiness "in our time." The gteat prophet - ir.g r.own west young maple one of general il not burr.;.-. ' W trees were being sent eaat. to be interest and might well form ""' ami teacher? of all time have preached and taught ? CiOKlh 0ucca ' '" 10 thn ISO i t- t.- u -tf - i j I tra.op.anted in Sca.and. Jut ir e tneme of a letter to the a Ltt matter of exchange. yj pce. We hate one or two cor- ' 5ee with Jiek, of course, get- resptndents in mind, rtfht n.w. k ting the of the bargain. uh-n enojh men live it. Tt.pv did not vi-ualizf a hich contr:bstd to a similar Farmers are f"xirLshir. say Eteryore Is aware of the lo-, victims of the cost of high 1st Krrfect wond imposed upon men by an all-powerful 'p-y wore don it, Or infallible State. The fundamental problem of formation in c-sat year and ask- mankind is to build a moral foundation upon which in , , , , . , ' . I on ei-her a one-year or three- the structure of a good society some day may stand. year baau. Governments ha-ed upon the principles which aid i At last n;?hri meeting, seethe growth of individual can fo.-ter personal and T- A - . . . pwted thai returns so far fcae collective progress but lt they cannot legislate true ibeea eiaappoinung. f&iw-bp religion nor the moral behaviour which exortsses !cont4ct w be made by a cam- 3 ; cation of the general offices of ing or hih ct of Uving tahich the Canadian National Rail- ever it is . Anyway, here come ways, but d-jes not a university who pro-know that it uvd to face to know that the farmer i toward t'wn. instead of the is still the hardest worked and harbtrf, Basil originally "or, least paid man in creation and. and used as a hotel It served if he suddenly c.-ait cold to fe that purpre until aftr con- only himself, most of us mould struction of the Grand Trunk go hungry no matter how many Pacific The bar was in the strikes were called or hoa-corner just across from where the pay. Something in that, as; the cinder path is situated. One the Venezuela parrot said a hen . could buy any kind of a drir.k he g!u.neei Into the cuspiiior. ' he fancied, with a brass rail thrown in, toss it off and go George Drew. ProgressiTe ' fbwut hi business. One carried Conservative leader arrived in' i I ' V.... I comaiittee within the a it. an of The age-long search for perfection "in our time" I Roin McKay, chainr. :n w.r . . . T. u 'he external relations ns -M-ast you yell at me Lie that? The neighbors vi3 think I'm beati-gr you!" sud- ; committee, toid the meeting t tfiat "it i fv frnrh 'je p!an- ning publicity work for the city : iif you haven't funds to carry it WOMEN SIIOIXD EE INFORMED n ii-ii.rfin a Mraru.i iur centuries to come, u win move the tides of human affairs long after the present problems of communism, democracy and atomic energy have been liquidated. Human enter cut. If we don't f et the finan-: me liquor in nu suimacn. in- New foundland this meek. It s 1E $ixmTi stead of in an automobile. hi firt n. iru..-r.f . , " . M Continued from Vage 1 in the Ciric Centre dir.ina rx.-n. Mrs. Norton ir.rf;ue1 the speaker and Mrs. W. t). Srnith was accompanist at tlve prises Will continue to refWt thf ww! r.r -H in u support we need, we misht , ..j - K-irruM. K . the. ie men men u who V,a undertake iin,t,l,A them, V,. W.,lu,. all n : ' "e!I foi3 u? " throughout time, Njw that there is. in a campaign drive. Away back very in the sixties, when S;r John the A. Macdonald was busy bus:d- MENS IXIfHTjt binatioih- it . piano for -3 Canada" and 'G.vl Jt(J.h n Irtj.n Rei)itbli. Since tta formation In March. 1M5, the Public Relations council has been a central publicity agency for Prince Rupert. Its Save the King. president. Mr. O Kelly. intim- ing Confederation, he was in the NATIONALIZATION j MEN'S rtr MEN'S rTSv , members are delegated by the DiTf1,v.,, LMMj the next even weeks until Whitsuntide, chan-.bers. of commerce, service When the Hritish l.nyr Partv acceptu-.g this C.CT. wi'.t; its Socialist "We have only t look at the flagrant example at the recent British Colombia C.C.F. conference t realize how da-geroos this thing is, when 5 members voted against and 46 for the North Atlantic Paet. A paet that means nothing but the best for Canada. It woull seem that the majority of the C.C.F. at this conference felt and 4rrs: , j . - . v V'UiVi IIIVV J . T hr. hoM eftntrMWv W.nUnt- ...:m ! urtn that Urr'. ft hM Pb-j OtUne. it reti J Ffw U.Z Hi una m. . 1 - j .,uiautiwi win rage lLshed a variety of publicity powerfully ii in Britain. The centre of it may well be 1 material, including two attract-' in Parliament where the Iron and Steel Bill will be jSuriT SSSi earner lurther. Hut the Labor Party's new state- bureau at the museum of Nor-, f more akir. more in arrrenfi.t ment Of POHCV Under the title of "f-aW P.!; thern British Columbia. I dtuble-brette. y NtlW with the ideals of the Srk-t than with the ideals of Om- C ONDITION OF SIDEWALKS in Britain," which seeks to persuade Britain to be bovs- swEtmM dians." Last night's meeting decided lieve in Labor for another five years of government, I etU it reS ,. Erem COfitains nrODOSals for mr.rP-nuf,V,noU7,f;,n u , to bring to the attention of city "During war years." Mrs. H!- t " - I1UVIVI laiira LIIIII I 1111 - JV A I m ... 1 ROTS' LftSG PtH made, rimj ffjej I orsted sA !- ev from . KNITTING WO' "ompuhaf rfcfrCa'n i " ic,Juncu lne condition oi tne ge continued, "whe-n we were .omehat refre?n the ?tock . t A of argument on both i on Third bm, doing other thinv and 5.e?- iA,rnt,' Particularly In the puXj Wfl3inizaLXifm le lnto &c. f the Labor Party is returned again in lf,V) it XZl STteT. J c r- i will offer to nationalize industrial assurance, the an lfresu!a V the 'decision of th Libl! cement and ?ugar mduPtnes, minerals, water sup- ; The city win be asked to re-1 eral and conservative parties to 1 VjivT7Ti. .5- fji ; aality: britiMU e-'. mr ke'm. Real arm r 1 NOW, ball . 4-rL Uteia EH WWa ! rni e tv taireaay almost entirelv lindor nuhli r.u-nf. Itair the-sidewalk snrfae t ccmunoe coanuon, I would. ut hip by local authorities) wholesale meat '"-in- ditri- 8dd to th taIety 4nd ihUi-j at every woman here mak- it ness of the street. rmtion and cold ii Storage, and It Will bold OUt threat, As an aid to touraw. the tf.e men in what they are doing 1 " K U e-V i''.Hil Canadian National Railwavs Consider herself an aeent. har ' warning or encouragement to parts of the chemical i will be asked to place its large , group discussions,, go to meet-j t'rortst map on the wharf in a ings, ask questions, infornv hr-, piee where it would be more self, and keep ave the tssuts noticeable to vL?itoTS. A map of this campaign. : of the city, showing, tourist spot ,'IJxg cf yda," the speaker' : also will be requested of Can-; concluded.' "do evervthma- v.m . infjusiry.ana to shipbuilding that they too may o nationalized if it seems appropriate to do so later bn. All this will make the Conservative Opposition inore eager to prove in these last months of the SMITH & Eli -. 4- I- - ... . .-1 Iut the quality of Har4-4-MMr Cana!(an Kje !iikj remaiiiH roiisNtcntlv hih. ApI in t, M,HM . nn-HuMwl hj time . . . it i. Indeed, Canatin't finest I;e Whisky! present sesf-ion that what nationalization there has iadian Pacific steamships to be .siwy can to in.ure thai -we' ),c not worl that it i .lanmu., to .S, , 8i t N YEARS OF w i witn iron ann steel and steel and that to fro En,ps QOCIt i all." '-. j PLUMBING j)V f Prior to the meeting the ladies iurxner would be folly. To all of which the govern- ;w the sn. cotr't of bri-ment and its !nir.rnrtir-a u-,Ml vr.l,, uu , i ' ti-sh Columbia - ri -'-- wiui a leawjnwj ; is probate AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE HI appraisal of the work up to date of the national. Prince Ri;pert Florist. 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 51 8 Tel. 777 Flowers to." All Occasions hhv; ' M Ml Mj a( II IuAiii Koiil. la.rM. IS! THE MATTT.R OP TKK ESTATE HP CARL POUUSEN. OTHER' 'IHF. KNOWN AS MARTIVrS PACLKEX. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CARL MARTTVUH POULAE.V. . DECEASED. . TAKE NOTICE trt by order of Hu Honour W. O Fjjitxm. mad cm the 2ih flay of November. AD. my ppf.tntment ftK Eneciitrl of the mt lit fMTl Pmjilnen. otherwbie Tii PRINCE Rl ien industries in their own reconstruction and in service to the community. " SECURITY IS NEEDED t IMMENSE CAPITAL and multitudes of people ! ;l are looking toward British Columbia for they see i gradually taking shape a set of circumstances en- joyed by no other part of Canada. It means commercial prosperity and job that last. But the price of this is continued stability. Anyone savoring of ; r known Mjirtluu Paulsen ttt Carl Marttnun Pmjluen, deceased. a cm-ftrmed. i ' All pun le having claim mfairiM. lit natd uttate are htrehy required to sails m lomton win. prrrerlf vertf led. to iwmim hUw the 81t of May. afur whlh claima fil-d may be pM nhot reference to any rtaitn oi wtik;h I then hail no knowledge. Aiwl all tnu-utt indebted to the e- tt f rejUIre to pay the amount , iA thetr trirtebtydneaa forthwith. DATED thl 21trt day of April. AD. i EVA POULKEN. 5 Erertrtrij, Estate of Carl ai.d InlerstrW' Each Thurs ... (janatiatv 2i YE1SV 'I F M illSKY-MAKING SKILL. .. at 11:15 rl For KETCHl insecurity, pie m the sky,, or fanciful theorizing in the seat of authority might be fatal. Some kinds of wonomic creeds are empty and get you nowhere Sometimes, pockets are in the same shape. Tills might happen t m . . . but the customer never lose hrn he deals at DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Warkingman Gets a Break." McBRFDE STREET WEPNESDAT W roijlaen, rrtherwlne known a Marti nu Paulen or Carl Martlnum Poulsen, cn Brown Ac Harvey, Barriatera 4c Solicltoni. Prince Rupert, B. C. -106 For P.! Wri;e EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED This advertisement is not publish .rdltriljyed by tF,e Liquor Control Board or by the Cjovernment of BrttisK Columbia. WW PRINCE t : a isf i KEEP yofrl KIDDIES IN THE PIMCl WITH ORMES DRUGS l THE I'PREME f l T OF mtlTIll (Oi l Mlilt in roH4Ti; ! n the Mailer f the l.le f f url ; Owar W elide thrrwte kmifn s ( Irarleo Oncar WMIrie). ! and I In the Matter f the "Ailmlnlxtrallnn 1 Art" ; TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HI Honour Jude W. O. Pulton. I made the 13th day of April. A D, 1H4, ; I waa appointed AdmtnlKtrutinr of i the Eisnte of Carl Oncar Wellde otherwiHe known an Charles Oscar jWIIIde), deceased, formTly of Kle- kane Inlet In the vkilnlty of Bute-dale. EC, ALL PARTIES having claims ! against the aatd Estate are hereby DRUGS 'That's. For Me!' IHE FR A OR A NT AROMA OF A TOP. NOTCH SI NDAY DINNER BUT WHY KEEP A GOOD THING TO YOURSELF? BRING YOUR WIFE TO DINNER DURING THE WEEK AND THE WHOLE FAMILY ON SUNDAY! Prinre RuP1 FROM BABYHOOD RIGHT UP TO 'TEEN AGE1 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 0 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Finest Eating BROAD! CAFE f Que Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 705 Her. are Hie. awd prodam H Kwp jtmt childrea ia the hnt ml Wjha . , . and keep baby fre.h and bappy. Gentle but effective Tender Age" pend. iKti are irMcUllr auiwd a ht awfc . RF.ST FO Daily car' delivery service from 9 a.m. till r, p.m. F.merReney bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday . BEST CO required to furolxh same properly verifle to me on or before the Hint day of May A-D, 149, after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the anld Estate are hereby required to py the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert ,ln the Provlnr of British Columbia, this 18th day of April A D. 149. OORDON FRAflER FORBES Official ArtmlnlHtrHtor, Prince Rupert. BC (101) young childrca , IbrouKb and (hrarah ail.ty rM CM Tor i CiZc a -1 i $ Corutruction Alterations Repairs BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL See Sold By YOUR FRIENDLY DRUGGIST I GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Specif". a CHINESE $ I OU FLOORS, LINOLLT'M AND W(MH)WORK Orange ' 1 .Maroon SapeOreen I lUICK. I Golden Tan Dutch l;ic j DRYING Dixie Grey Russett Urown Navy (irey Mahofrany Brown THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing; Eitfar;ine Flash Photos Taken at Home Phonr Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. floor Sanding a Specialty WALLACE PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 79 J , " "I P.O. Box 1 J