t -"-nc 3 ft hit? ' I GARDENi XX -j I 0 - jor your New & on a "AVE T'U NOT TOO SOON As anyone who haa had any experience in mucking around with clay will confirm, one can dig 4 or cultivate soil too soon In the sprin?, or too soon a fur a heavy shower. INCLUDING- SIDING-lAllTv FLOORING ' ( If stirred up while still really -n pnv v -r: ,rw 11 Fir and H, SASH and LW wet. heavy soil is liable to buKe into lumps as hard as brick. And it doesnt do a bit of good, and it. may cau.se some harm, U; cultivate even light loam while it is wet. Technical people have various scientific tests for de PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO, Sweef Sixteen 1 f ,V-J.i f PHONE 611 termining whether it is safe to cultivate, but the old gardener simply takes a walk around. If it Superb Value in Colorful Jersey Dresses the soil is muddy and sticks to his boots then be . finds other jobs indoors. But if the soil is damp but doesn't squeeze tightly together ,it is just rteht to cul Prince riupnt m9 Friday. April 22. lm refuse, and of course ovr rm fll hen umy tivate. Ard this iu!e hoido g.Gd whether the- winter snows have Just gone or after a heavy spring shower. Don't miss this one! Specially priced from CREATE PRC bit of garbage UvU is liable tu smell or attract Hies, one ih uio throw some soil. If possible I, is also well to ineorporate a littk, well-rotted manure and perhaps' some chemical fertilizer. The pile ( What to do v.i FERTILIZERS One e o u id 9 S3 over age ..rt. . here the avenp" laon is rip.iji' a major Droblfn, ; r r . V" ti Dresses illy must find J Nancy Hooms, jj J Smart, New-Gabardine We offer you unsurpassed values in this group of smartly styled V dresses. They cannot be equalled 4r in Vancouver, so be on hand early because they'll go quickly at this price M which will be built up of alternate layers of soil and plai t refuse should be kept flat on top to absorb rains. This speeds decomposition. A good souku.k, with the hose every few weeks in dry weather will also help the breaking-down process, and there are special chemicals one can use for this purpose too. In a year the whole will have turned into first-class, very rich garden soil and another should be started. TlTT 5 i-rince Rupert ; Thursday at a ;j ing "Before ver, v Suing to find o-J 1 I preponderamy oi over 45 years B s-3 taria membtr u "-"u art ooiu write a book about fertilisers alone. Indeed scores of such' books have been written, bir. it Is not necessary to read theD all to learn the fundamentals.) There are two main points to remember. All fertilizers, wheth-, er chemical or natural, are used for two purposes fiist and fore- most to feed the piants, secondly to speed growth and maturity. The weoiui point is particularly important with vegetables, wnkh should he grown as quickly as possible if they are to be ten-1 der, and it is also Important with long-season, under tbixigs like melons, squash, cucumbers, com,' tomatoes, etc . especially in areas' .where the fall frosts coiue early.' Of the cht'trtical or commercial (erUUzers. it Ls important t- realize that these contain tliree main essentials nitrogen, pho-plioric ackl and potash. These are usually siiown by three fig-' ures with a dash between on the! bug or package. As a rule where! green growth is the important' thing as witU crass and leafv Local Ladies Meet Mrs. Nancy Hodges Local ladies had the opportunity of meeting Mrs. Nancy increase the chran of life, little is bra pand the effecUvt iod." Half the pepie in British Coiurr.b:i over 45 years of is ges declared, aao luuiing increa.iing finding wort mam an aversion on ii. Convenient Budget Terms (Vluiicsc Gabardine and Covert Sucdc SHJHTTS aumdl. (CdDATTS AT BARGAIN PRICES Hodges, MLA. for Victoria, atj a pleasant tea yesterday after-' noon at the home of Mrs. A. S.j Nickerson. Borden Street. Mrs ! C. C. Mills was convener. j Mrs. Nickerson and rs."3. D. McRae received the guests. Mrs.! M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. S. E. government and pn try to employ to Despite the lie the exception of n: ther the provtoii Greys, Blues, Wines,, etc. Priced From Parker poured and the servi-j teurs were Mrs. Duncan McRae, Mrs. Douglas Frhszell, Mrs. A. S. Mitchel', Mrs. T. N. Youngs, MrsJ Rod MacLeod aiid Mrs. L. W.' eral governmenu new workers over i for women and 45 records of private i wet i otv Kergln. r.ai - -ceo ing the war shot t groups make both ductive employees. (Continued K B You saw u in the News! vegetables, then a fertilizer rich in nitrogen will be wanted. Where root growth is dominant, as with potatoes, carrots, beets, etc., Uien a formula heavy in potash would suit. As a general rule a fairly evenly balanced mixture is best for tlw average garden. With natural fertilizers or manures there are differences too. Well-rooted cow manure is probably the best, as it is well-balanced. Any kind, however, will be useful, but because it is so strong poultry manure should be used sparingly. Another excellent source of plant food will be the compost heap. Every garden, no matter how small, should have one. This is a hidden spot where all vegetables refuse is piled, stuff like weeds, grass clippings, straw, leaves, even garbage, provided it is free front tin cans and glass which will nui rot. Over eaen inch or so layer of the plyiit C&JdCHY-GOOD iMrMlUC! ON SALE AT ALL SWEET SIXTEEN STORES THROUGHOUT BRITISH COLUMBIA FLARE-BACK RTIE Here's the newest ever popular flare back shortie , in newer, smarter design. Wearable on every occasion. Tops in value and style. Wide color range. A better valee, ImI Ybh, every box of thenn crunchy Rice Kruspies f(i,vtt saotw weight fir letm money. Compare with any other nationally VANCOUVKR TICTORIA known ready-to-eet rice tiesual. Tiry 'um today t '""oris Wmm.m9mmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmn f i j ;r It I it - If i m 'r, TflQTY ME-15 Tailored and Lace-Trimmed Long-Sleeved BLOUSES S35DS)f Tuesday,. 1:30 p.m., Chilcotin Friday, 5 p.m., CaibaJa Sunday, 10 r.ta, poq,uitlam ALICE ARM, ST WYAK1 AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOtt SOUTH QUEEN C1IARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, April 22, May 6, May 20. IJf A I rfcinese Dishe FOR NORTH OITFKN CHOP Sltf ' Extra Special Vtthto CIIARLOTTK ISLANDS s.s. CoquiUam, April 29, May 13 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Ageat Second Avenue opposite Kr 0al 1:00 .m. t 3:30 a.m, ruu,,v" PACIFIC Plumbing Troubles? Stevedoring &Conrt BLUE (Convenient COMPANY and U General Stevedores "gvtOores for Canadian J c HEAD y .f C3 CABLE ADOKiaa ,TrP Kl1" SAANICH Plumbing & Heating "PACIFICO" Kf