$328 DONATED 3 Local News Items... Friday, April 22, 1949 BY ROTARI ANS , TO RED CROSS Get It Early; Beat Cancer amous clean burning leod River COAL Prince Ruperts Red Cross S.O.N. Fishermen's Farewell) Card Party, Conrad Street drive was enriched hv ?! Dance, April 22. Mike Colussl's School, Friday, April 22, 8 p.m OrchlVit.rn RfrcVimnntc 1 Thursday aftenroon when the f .1 in .1 ... n r n n . I .1 rrin i (94) P. W. Hankinson of Bothwcll, Ontario, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute home after spending the last week visiting his brother. Dr. C. H. Hankinson here. Another brother, P. W. Hankinson of St. Thomas, Ontario, returned East by plane at the end of last week. who are spending a few days in Public Meeting Held Last Night Preliminary to Local Drrve For Funds Rotary Club handed over a check for that amount to S. J. Savllle, campaign chairman, as ililijllnmn!irj;ip SPOttl' SHIRTS the city will be conducting the Special Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday Aprif 22 at) weekend services at th Salva- Inaugurating the 1949 Con 8 p.m. Iinitiation, Silver March ition Army Citadel. (It! quer Cancer Campaign in Prince rjir - EGG NUT STOKER ! ORDER NOW I l & McCAFFERY LTD. j:rything FOR THE BUILDER" to ' a Dnmilor mM i nrr f rrio TVnn a result of a variety concert held a week ago. The sum was the net proceeds of the volunteer concert which attracted more than 600 people. It was presented by Alex McRae, club treas and Mrs. J. R. Carr lcftiSca Fishermen's Union, Sunday Mr. April 24th, 2:30 p.m. Members Announcements All aavertueito-40 Rim column wUl be charged for a I nil month at as centa wurd ' on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Plcase attend this meeting. Rupert, a public meeting was held last night in the auditorium of the Civic Centre. Dr. L. W. Kergin was the speaker of the evening and his remarks, supplemented by two graphic moving pictures, emphasized urer. In expressing his thank PIKLNE 116 I , ( Constable H. A. Thorsteinson j of the city police sailed last! Mrs- Nancy HocleC8' Victoria, sailed last night by the night on the Prince Rupert on ; on behair of the Red Cross, Mr. Saville paid tribute to T. Norton Youngs and Walter Smith who organized the concert. the prime1 importance of arrest prisoner escort duty to Vancou- rimce nupert on ner return ing cancer in its early stages souin alter a two-aay visit i the city during which she ad so that its cure might be effect Kroervisor of Fish- pert on their return south after ver. Meeting of Operating Engin Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 28. St. Peter's Y.P.A. Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic a brief visit to the city during dressed several meetings. , Uarne, Vancouver ed. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. William Rothwell, Dr. John L. Hart of the Fish ' .,, I -nil. president of the local branch which they took part in a tuna fishery conference with fishermen here. furt Aloeriii, by the Prince Ru- eries Biological Station, - Nan-aimo, left Friday by air to re and heard her report on the recent conference in Vancouver CARD PARTY BY CATHOLIC LADIES Eighteen tables or whist, crib-bage and bridge were in play at the bi-weekly card party sponsored by the Catholic Women's League held in the Catholic school hall Thursday evening. Centre, April 29. turn south after attending a eers, Local 510, Carpenters' Hall Friday April 22, 7:30 p.m. Film will start 7:45 p.m. sharp. (94) Watch for the Girl Guide or Brownie In uniform at your door! She will take your cookie order. April 25 to 30 is Cookie Week. (95) of the British Columbia Cancer j r- The United Church Spring Society. At the close of the meeting Rev. Fred Antrobus, Sale, May 5. conference with the tuna fishermen of the Prince Rupert area. RHEUMATIC Catholic Girl Guides tea- PAiK and ggSSK n Gabardines Fine Wools Rayons Poplins Broadcloths Sun Valley Baronet Uluestone all three 0 home cooking sale May 5, 2:30 to 5. Card Party, 8 p.m. sharp, Catholic School Hall, May 5. Gyro- Klondyke Night, Civic Centre, May 8. ' V finds ready reiki in chairman of the local campaign dispatched some twenty can-vasers who will undertake the collection drive. These canvassers will commence their calls forthwith. Of fatai cases of cancer which had occurred' in Prince Rupert IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND III the Matter of the Kittale f Will- Rub MINARDS freely LAST RITES FOR MRS. S. V. COX 7 Kmsmcn's Auetkm Stile, Saturday, May 7. on the tore or icmni tkc. nd note the quick relief you let. Greaaeiew, fast drying: no strong odor. Pleasant to iue and arts fitu Get bottle today; keep it handy LARGE ECONOMICAL ClZf 65C lam. Hoult, Demeaned, Inteslule ! TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judire W. O. Fulton, makes in a wide variety General convener was Mrs. E. Telseth, C.W.L. president. Refreshments which followed the card session were served by a committee headed by Mrs G. R. Brett, assisted by Mrs. W. Pierce, Mrs. L. Colussi, Mrs F. Cloutier and Miss Maria Brett. Cashier was Mrs; J. MacArthur. Winners at cards were: whist, Mrs. Keller and Father J. Royer. Crlbbage, Mrs. W. Driscoll and N. Rodseth; bridge, Mrs. J. Krause and Father J. Mohan. . '5( C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons , 0 gLiaces Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1949, appointed Administrator of the Estate of William Hoult. late of Ter Final rites for the late Mrs. Sydney V. Cox, who passed away in the city Wednesday, were held at G r e n v i 1 1 e Court Chapel Thursday evening following oi in or way nan. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. Music and Drama Festival, May 12 and 13. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. during the past year, practic- j ally all had been due to late reporting, Dr. Kergin said, while the early stages of cancer were not usually accompanied by pain, there were usually warning signals which, if heeded, could often lead to cure by surgery, x-ray or radiology. "The earlier you go to the doctor with cancer, the better your which the remains were taken race, British Columbia, who aiea on or about the 6th day of February, 1949. at Terrace. British Columbia. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to puy the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having to the steamer Prince Rupert for forwarding to Vancouver for cremation. Representatiwes of the organizations in which the deceased POxo $10.00-- California Cruisers A fine wool jacket, com- ; f ortable and smartly; styled for leisure wear, $10.95 -$12.50 $13.65 "UOVLKNMKST LlltlOR ACT" (Section 28) Notice uf Apiilieatliin for niiHcnt to Transfer of Beer l.leense NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that claims against the said estate are reoulred to file them with me i chance," Dr. Kergin emphasized. Doctors of Prince Rupert Itrtlung U payable In advance. Please refrain Xrom Mlepnoalna H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Cathedral W. A.' Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies- Tea May 28. - United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerson, Borden Street. par ord per Insertion, minimum ctam, too. Blrtb HoUnaa fax of Thank. Death Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage were always on the alert and were anxious to send patients to the cancer clinic. I ana bukhbcuichiv nuiiuunutuienu. IJ. properly verified on or before the 15th day of May. 1949, falling which distribution will Je made having regard only to such claims of which I Bhall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C this 13lh day of April. 1949. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. (101) SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PUICE i had been an active member and many friends made during her 39 years of residence in the city filled the chapel duringthe service. The service was led by Ar-dcacon E. Hodson of St. Peter's on the 13th dBy of May AD. 1949. the undersigned Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor con-Rent to transfer of Beer License No. 8216. Issued n respect of premises, being part of the premises known as the Savoy Hotel situate at 608 to 614 Fraser Street .In the City of Prince Rupert, Proviuce of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen 13 and Fourteen (141 In Block Thirty-three (331. Section .One (II. Map 923, Prince ( ANTED rou kent The pictures described the progress of cancer from its earlier stages. Fear, ignorance or Advertise In the Dally News! i or l'j ton Truck' FOR RENT Nice Rooms. 330 7th W. Sleeping (95) superstition appeared to be the , church, Seal Cove. Organist for mon. Piionc Jae. (tf) factors that caused people to , the hymn "Abide With Me." sung lO RENT 3. 4 or 5 tr.nicnt or House till HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent with hot and cold water. Phono Green 780. 613 CHIROPRACTOR Rupert Land RcRistratlon District, from Cnrl Zarelli of Prince Rupert to my Atlin Fisheries. 3rd Ave. West. (tf) Willi Lloyd Woods of 1013 Robsou (h John F. L. Hughes, D.C Ph.C. Street. Vancouver. Brtttim uommma, Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" LOST AND FOUND by the congregation, was Mrs. . : J. C. Gilker. j; Pallbearers were all members.; of the Oddfellows' Lodge. They; were li. M. Daggett, J. L". Mcln-! tosh, J. E. Boddie Charles Viers, ! Peter Cameron and Albert Wood. Cirl to clerk in busl- defer medical consultation and early treatment, so often with fatal and tragic results. In her report on the convention, Mrs. Rothwell told of representations she had made towards having a cancer clinic sent here this season. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Sincle preferred. , the Transferee. DATED at Prince Ruert. B.C. this 12th duy of April, A D. 1949. WILLIS LLOYD WOODS. (115) lnwn handwriting to LOST Several checks endorsed 489. City. (99) bv Soeros Quality Grocery. Anyone undine same Dlease JOHN H. f(K SALE contact Lindsay's Cartage. Don Xi i'ni'1 A nt t-V t ni-i-wiivrt All banks have been notified. 199) Appointment ; HOUBB 10:80 m. to 12:30 p.m. and J to 6 p.m. EVENINGS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. lot tnose unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. "" '71 - ! Preliminary correspondence had 1 n Range in good Blue (94) : Cheap. Phone DULOtK WORK WANTED . been sent out. Nineteen persons I t j tt ive n the drive Prince t Rupert s To & voluntcered can- ' quota was $1000. He suggested vflss the c short and snappy campaign. ' . Wine tapestry OPTOMETRIST Id and chair in cood WORK WANTED Will mind children in own home daily, j ' Phone Black 8112. i)i PERSONAL I o!so 5 tube DeFor-p short wave radio. tl (9(i) F OR TRADE Out-jlr '48 model 5 H.P. 6 Phone Hod 411. (95i Best Food and Service in City I'linne 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue SATURDAY SPECIALS r DUV UOl'J! V 1942 Chevrolet Sc-jvi'ry moil condition owned. Can be seen piutors. (tfl Men s Work Gloves Gauntlet and Wrist Style? All Sizes I--2 bedroom suite. Tea Towels " Size about 20x32 2 $1.00 TIME TO RE-PACK FRONT WEEL BEARINGS bics. etc. 8(19 Cth Ave Hairs. t94l PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods i twelve samples for 5()c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR, "71 Major St.. Toronto. Out. (107) REAL ESI ATE FOR SALE 4 room furnished house ..close. ln For., particulars Phone Blue DU9. ltt FOR SALE 4 room wartime ihouse.. Unfurnished. 2nd. Overlook. Phone Red 872 (98) FOR SALE Apartment Block, central. Three years more than pavs for self. Private home for owner. Anuly P.O. j)la!l9 PAIR t 1942 Dudee special tran. Rood condition, itcrms. Phone 223 or i (98) White Flannelette Limited Quantity About 28" wide . WATER DAMAGED 25 Pairs Only FLANELETTE SHEETS Large Size 72x90 Pink and Blue llorders . Reg. $5.25 SPECIAL Men's Tee Shirts White and Colored Sizes S-M-L I - One Man Power St' one week, onlv To ensure safety, prevent undue wear and expensive repairs, drop in and have us pack them correctly. Inexpensive but vital to longer and safer car life. A. D. Flowers. Port $1.00 YARDS FOR $1.19 EACH Box 1815. (98) (OB) PTE8ALE-1948Hill-F 4-duur Sedan in pndition. Can be seen puDcrior Auto and fice Garace. Best of- iiKCtllls vehicln I Of, I Ladies Silk Panties White and Pink Sizes S-M-L Men's Work Sox ' White and Grey $1.25 i TAIR FOR 1 r j-SSiS 69c, BOB PARKER'S UPT0V1II SERVICE STATION AIR PAIR $4.25 AT BENDIX WE HAVE 3 empty houses ready for Immediate occupancy priced from $2400 to $3750. and a small four very smartly decorated. Come in or call us and sec the listlnus on hand we may have exactly what you are seeking. Armstrong Agencies Phono 34. 307 3rd W. 7 4 Room Wartime House Cth East. Reasonable on trims encash. Phone Black 935. (96) HONE 791 Second and Miliride flnWEBSflL The automatic . Washer saves 4 ways I 1AVK HOT WATf l Beodix, witfc patented Fater-Ser cylinder, ies less water than any other wasbei. Third Avenue at Sixth Street Skauit BU 30 Don-rury power; lines I leads: mounted on B. fur details and ln-fe Armstrong Agen-I 342, Box 927. (97) I New and Used Fur-Bardwarc and Office I SliRhtly Used Ar-J'wd and Coal Stoves, f Bicycles. Office ffolduiR Chairs, Ra-F'c and battery sets, F'ps: Floor Covering, I Cuds and Saucers, Rues 50 less than I 52-piecc English Sets. Enamel r mmrt. etc. All at F'ws. B.C. FURNI-PJJlack 324. r-4 Cook Stoves. 4 "vi, Tables. Chairs trs. Aiinlv 4!H4 nth FEATURING TOYS All Year 'Round KIDDIE CARS PEDAL CARS TRICYCLES WAGONS SCOOTEP.S No matter what the occas-sion is in any season, you will be pleased by the selection of TOYS at .... PRINCE RI PERT REALTY CO. Houses For pale 5 Rooms and bath with gar-ase 2 blocks from McBridc on 7th Ave. E. $4000.00. 5 Rooms and bath with glassed in verandah at rear. Hot water sv.stem. This house is in excellent condition. Price $3700.00 cash. Sec P. H. l.INEEV (97 5 fAVIS SOAP Aloud nccau Bendiz uses less hot water, il tes much lea map! 3. $3000 with terms buys 6 room Moving, Tacking Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 , SAVES ClOWMI No tgiMtor to rub or tear. Fxcliistve "Tumble Action" gentlest of all! SAVtS YO0I All Hstlf, Bendi washes, rinses 3 times, damp drys then shuts itself oft! Wartime House on du iuoi, lot. Includes large range ovrl r i i I hooter iisjrwsiPOiPl 4. f or 3U7 lith Avenue 1 (07) JpLiitht r()loreuBuf-fcn Ph(,11e Black riJOM 7th East. (94) $!j()0 full price for two bed F ATM EM !' Take the Family to Limbcrlost This Year! ' AD V ENTIRE! EXCITEMENT! ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL CHILDREN Sports- Swimming, Games Galore MOTHER Bathing, Croquet, Bridge, etc. FATHER Fishing, Hunting, Boating, etc. All these can be hud at Limbcrlost at rates to fit your pocketbook. For further information contact LIMBER-LOST LODGE, 2nd. Ave. Thone 503 or Union Steamships offices, 3rd. Ave., Phone 568. , room house Willi Dasemeiu, on two lots, includes con- i.iHn,nh!fi f nrnit.lirp. 6-liiece Kitchen Phone Red 400 ' S18 3rd Ave. W. jnl condition. $1250 down buys 4 . room War Phone (94) OVER 1,500,000 NOW IN USE Mae Bros. time on water sicic oi rirsi Overlook. $1250 down for Cottace- ' house and if."d condition. Ap- 4Vve- West(9(7'; stvie wariime i. u;iuujh stove and heater. On high I LIMITED t s7,, lc,ll'c Washing ; Lounge, Steel $000 down for Small 4 Wartime on 6th Ave. $3000 down for large family n.inv Ui... All j-""un. call Black (94) OKK TO DELINQUENTS If your subscription is in arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not CBHil-tlons and HOME BUILDERS! Property in a new subdivision available soon". . . Choice view lots at reasonable prices. N.H.A. district. Place your reservations now with . . . ARMSTRONG AGENCIES 307 3rd W. Phone 342 Kual Estate Insurance (98) home centraiiy luuaucu. Two lots, Raraue. basement, hot water heating with coal. , , $3150 full price lor two bedroom house in central location, with cement basement. ' , Besides these, we have many houses both large and small. At the present time we also have several building lots available for both Private unrf nrimmprnlal bulldlllK. All Types -- SLPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW ; JJGHT STURDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 512 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Hi blame the publisher, tne news boy or the post office. Just do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Sub- Th ..iiiv wuv to buy a Gravel RoV- mZ bu,wmUls. Re- l(1'0wenClT'T Adams' .Hationai ' J- L- Smith. to h'om id t: FuU in- s "W'i Vancouver. I ' (tf) ir. ..: i" ,- 4f Wp con sider it a privilege to show you through our many otter-ings For appointment Phone DIDB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 i scriptions are payable In ad vance. 11 or can ai, ,,,Wm n.i Ltd. UOIiEKT E. MONTAUOU 4 V