1 I I I Pi onr.iEs DHUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER " Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOIIE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No, 94. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS a k ttack Brife om'munist: t RETURNING TO LEAD NO STRIKE THIS COAST Cyc Centre Executive R econ inien ding JSe w Wing ' Cost, Including Ten Bowling Alleys, KAMLOOPS TO RUPERT GIFT The Kamloops basketball team, coming here to play Prince Rupert in the final for the British Columbia Senior "B" chSMpionship this Friday and Saturday night, is bringing a gift from the mayor of Kamloops to the mayor of . Prince Rupert. Presentation of the gift will be made during an intermission at Saturday nights game which, incidentally, will be broadcast. Acting Mayor G. W. Rudderham will receive the gift in the absence of Mayor Nora Arnold. NATIONALIST STAND overnment Withdrawing From lanking Shanghai Menaced VANCOUVER (?i Canadian Seamen's Union (TLC) claimed the first major victory of the Estimated at $60,000 to $65,000 cieepsea shipping str'.e today -i . i- following an agreement reached . !ne i i Civic Centre executive and ii hoard i of directors, Thursday between the aiwediv eds Are Still Firing On British liineeiinirs held last night, decided to call a special communist-led union and the ;-;orTal meeting of the Association to which they will , shP operators on the Canadian ivlXG Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek is returning: In resume the lead of Chinese west coast, ; ! i niif the recommendation that a new wing be con- U forced in a last-ditch stand against the In Montreal, Harry Davis, mi ucitd at ine rear oi tne present uivic (Jentre build- Union president, termed the de fa 9" - . " f 4 r "' -.4 , v ' ' SI ' J. mt:. It that this ten modern is proposed wing contain veiopment "the beginning of the bowling alleys. Cost of the wing end of shipowners' attempts to ists. The Communists have crossed the River at more than a dozen points and ,n of the government from this capital city lias commenced Even f ; is now bclie.vcci, by Ulc Communist ' PAUL ROBESON Is estimated at between $35,000 . smash the C.S.U, BOOED, HISSED Native Vote Is Important ltid;i,-i; Enthusiastic About Ctitinj; Hailots For First Time On June 15 and $40,000 to build with a further cost of installing the alleys ojt $25,000. The Association has $55,000 on hand to finance such a project. The special general meeting will be held next Tuesday evening. STOCKHOLM Paul Robeson, lMlr,w t M rn mgr u g u Kamloops Arc Crowd To Be Reckoned With, But- Rupert Jets Confident Senior B Championship Questers Have .Good Career to Qualify for Trip North noted American negro singer, was hooted and hissed when he tang rommunist songs here last night. Despite the disturbance, The meeting heard a report on the highly successful Kenneth he kept singing along. R- maikably keen interest in ihi ir first exoerience as en- franehified voters in the provin- Spencer recital which was held ci'U election to be held in June last. week and expressed appre-i.s b in-; displayed by hundreds ciatkm of lhe public-spiritednesr. ENVOYS FROM WINNIPEG-Backed by statistics proving they have the oldest "pure Winnipeg" ancestry, Donna and Herbert Bannatyne are on a coast-to-coast air tour as goodwill ambassadors from Winnipeg, promoting that citys 75lh birthday party in June. Crowned Mr. and Miss Winnipeg, the freckled-face teen-age brother and sister are shown In this TransCanada Airlines photo being fitted with bright Balmoral tam-o'shanters, official headgear of the celebration, by Stewardess Marie Char-bonneau. They will visit every large city from the Atlantic to the Pacific with invitations to attend the anniversary. They arc second cousins of Mrs. W. J. Nelson of Prince Rupert. (CP. Photo) I'Dcratc" South China. it shore batteries fared mi a British which wax alfcmpt-jj,-vc the sloop Anie-irli as disabled by earlier in the week, jvs being made to pu aboard the Amethyst ing boat had to wither fire. i..:h toll as a result of ( on British ships is tri at 44 with 100 ' or fid. jr'hysl was able to refit today ami progress-;les up.'.tieam toward ill under heavy lire I -tan shore batteries. I:i the British Foreign T71,,V,1 tlini'i. Inn rr naroor nf fnnmipst. fin thfi Women Should i iuueu wua uiwi i6 .vw v. vv.., of two local firms Watts &' of natives in this district who vr:l t j- -r-x h'IClOTnOII Pn in III Villi! MH III HI I1.IM1 V jUlUUlLfia HA will be privileged to go to the "isou aim onues wiugs ""v-"' v" , VT T Tutnl T?o?nK-c polls and express their' prefer- who underwrote a substantial tenor and coast Kamloops Leland Hotel Kaint)OWb oiK-cs 'on June-is it is reported share of lne cost of lhe recital, few jnto Prince Rupert this afternoon resolved on by ew. Dr. Peter Keiiy, veteran tnus 6ivlnB Prince RuPerl music lifting the British Columbia Senior B championship Be Informed- Appeals for Resistance to .nurcn coast missioner - - i: trom Fnnce Kupert, Bometnmg wnicn, OI course, one of tne world8 t'reat artists prominent advocate of full ipnp. pnerfS croud and hieh- Undermining Inruences Such As ".t'.F. Atlantic Pact Stand ' Mrs. Naney Hodges, M.L.A., in HARRY PERRY IS FEELING BETTER VANCOUVER (P1--Condition of flying Jets are going to have a TRAINEES ARE ENTHUSIASTIC cit lu nship rights for the natives, appreciation was aiso expressed i to members of the Business and' v.i:t- has been a visitor in the Professional Women's Club who ( JV Ua, week. The Indians are j lot to say and do. Thc big two-game total-point series commences at the Civic Centre to assis ed n the seiimg ot tickets Harry O. Perry of Prince Gorge, cr.tliwtetically registering ana fcay acknowledged it lld Chine.se Commit-' llie movement of the iwho has been confined to hos- A large degree of enthusiasm is attending the weekly train a. re-fly the names of hundreds ""w i entertainment and promotion; n: Vwn have been placed dn night and continues tomorrow evening to bring Prince Rupert's hcn f'll'-'wing heart at John';PUaI a ing meetings of the St. but said they, should an informal after-dinner chat to a group of fifty women irt the Common Lounge of the Civic Centre last evening, stressed the faet that it was up 'to the women f Prince Rupert to make it a point of becoming interested in polities. She. felt it' was im- ihe.ii is by special native deputy , Lonlllul'w-ci- i oig noop season vu a ruusiug I and climatic finish. Coach Alex ell aware" that the rev.i ;trars. Even those who are The meeting gave the General lis un a peaceful nns- .j'-'-Ci.JrH'de" are maWixg', Secretary authority fi work out Ambulanei; Brigade which was organized in the city recently. The brigade jecrlml oral and practical instruction in first visiwi the embassy yt. tack, is reported Rood, ai'd S! is expected he will t;t , uvoinx! again' Irt a few days, j The former provincial minister of ethical ion and recmlly e'ectvl president of the British Columbia Liberal Association became Bill ia doing, .na worrying., about-his boys. While In the south recently with his Bo-Me.Hl Rainmakers, Alex had the opportunity to hear a good deal about oerauve that women here, as V Loid ol (he Achnir- ttlU Kti lO W I I ll llll.T V.IIIK Ut nil TRUCK STRIKE ENDS VICTORIA The month-old strike of Vancouver Island freight service trurkrrs ended today with 55 drivers reporting; back to work for the Canadian Pacific Railway's t'ije mat they are registered in wju, Uie architect and a firm the hope that, they will be able of acoustical experts a plan to I ) get, out and vote on election improve stage acoustics in the ''''' 'auditorium. Hie natives are not only in-; j teivslcd and gratified over the The resignation of Miss Mar-i well us in the whole of British ann,ry xiiursday evening. Colombia, should study the is-j T1,P ppinB; period was given these Rainbows and, while he jllic alUirks by Com-Iwt guns were "an mi- attack, deliberately '. for what purpose sues, of the present campaign ovpr to ol ai instruction by In feels they are a crowd to be re l-.ct that, finally, they have caret Slinn as physical educa-j subsjtl structor H. D.' E. MacLcan and ill Monday night just as ne was ( this included a queslion-and-; planning to leave Vancouver for iary. They have re be well-informed, enabling them to refute statements they know are wrong and fight for issues spected, he is not the least concerned about any inability on the part of his Jets to held their been- given the franchise with- won oirccwr io iatte euect on ceived a 12-crnl wage boost pi to learn." tlinilllii.,t. were sween , answer neriod ol which tne ; nome. out having to relinquish any of m was accepica wun re to a $1.12 per hour rate. The .1 , i i nrrni iiiiti rt n i t-fii i itiin ml- itm k Uic.Yanslse'in In-i"" f'''1 ar rihl own and keep the title right class took advantage. Practical first aid work, such rneir aooiiginai ngius oui uiey ty ".b .... strjke n 3, are also seeking information valuable services she has ren- . . . . . i. ., .1 , ...... 1 1 v,, 1 , ,i ,. ... , , ,. Ji.'imbers today mect-lilutle resistance. and guidance as to how they dercd the Association, its mem and liquor supplies up the as thre and four hand carrying Alrrj I rACf scats for Injured persons, fire- Y tK LlAiJ "We have a very grave problem to contend with today," the speaker said. "There are forcea ill work in our country that arc '.should vote. To those who ask bcrshlp and the community ihim, Dr. Kelly has been sug- generally. I WEATHER men's mi and splint, Dauoag- ing and stretcher work took up HI !M P P All! If, V the second part of the pro-JlUlir liHUl-IIvJ trying to undermine our beliefsj getting that it might be ap- I propriatc for them to express' The meeting decided to post- nnnn n. nrnnnsed .concert. rec.;tn! Synopsis - all tne tilings we noiu uuku dear. These forces attack in dif gram. During ine aemonsira- Vanco! VANCOUVFH ri ' clianue in lhe weather their "Thank You" of by means y thc grpat Bu8sian pismlst ferent ways. We don't always "r British Columbia is a date in Clover Leaf's last night edt':ecj out the ballot to thq government Maxlm schapiro fnm Winnipeg TauMns 75 to 53 to which took the step for the first , y t U lii-ic; nunc lb vciujigo lit riBiiy Rupert. But it might be a good idea to look at these Rainbows and size up just what the Jets are having to contend with. They are coached by Charlie (Chuck) Laidlaw. This has been the initial year for Laidlaw with the coaching reins and it might as well be admitted .that he has turned in a very creditable performance in copping the southern Interior crown, Interior-Kootenay championship and then winning out in the British Columbia semi-final round time in the me uf granting them the fran win the third and lmal g.me ;l lhe next thirl y-six recognize them before it is loo nsiderauie cloud will 11 is at our home-life they t sections today and 'strike and so affect the womc:. " occur in all but the almost, more lhan they do the t rcuions Tiiinnvinu men. 1 have seen these in- tion period, lively discussion was carried on rgarding methods used and the reasons behind their use. Class training programs follow closely lit epatterns laid down by the St. John Ambulance Association. About 20 persons attend the classes. n'h the same but with ' sidious forces at work," Mrs. in the best-of-five series for the-' Western Canada basketball! crown. j Thc defending ('anadiao champions now meet I lie Eastern representatives- still undecided--in a series opening here May 2. chise. I I IX ('ITIZLNSHIP TO EE EXPECTKI) Granting of the provincial franchise to the natives is seen by Dr. Kelly as the opening of a door which must ultimately r activity confined Hodges continued, 'and I can-Ml'' north coast re-'"t stress loo emphatically how iriiB skies overnight 'important It is to be .careful and nire allow tempera- ' consider the issues at hand. Some fall to lhe f,-(..iM,. ' of the things I have seen arc so fall. It was felt that, with Prince' Rupert In the throes of a provincial election and three early June conventions, the originally scheduled lime was not practical. The General Secretary was authorized to attend the Western Regional Conference of Social Work being held thc first week ill May, in Victoria where specific studies will be made of trends in Community Centre developments and Community Ccn. tre services for older people. Mr. and Mrs. Al Malison re- ih v.m oe uia un.u mu.mvi- island. i WIND SAVES VILLAGE MOOSE JAW A strong wind is credited with saving thc hamlet of Tilney, 18 miles southeast of here, from dc. struction as fire destroyed the elevator with 25,000 bushels of wheal. ( FIRE AT PETAWAWA PETAWAWA, Out. lire of undetermined origin yesterday roared through the largest drill hall at this Army training centre, a few miles north of Pembroke, causi.iii; damage estimated in thc neighbor hood' of $200,000. The blaze raged unchecked for an hour and for a lime threatened a number of barrack quarters and nearby Army huts, RECEIVED BV KING LONDON King, George left his sick room yesterday to meet Commonwealth Premiers, gathering here for a conference, in Burkr.vi;ham Palace. . Hon. L. B. Pearson, Canada's turned to the city this af- imais appearance lor me v.i i- fm"sl pails of the jnl lrighlening I feel it is time the ' women of (;anada realize ine.se lead to the granting of all thc l-eiM'HIs and privileges enjoyed by citizens of British Columbia as well as the assumption of all responsibilities. "But," added Dr. Kelly, "the granting of the franchise to the ternoon on the CO(iiit!ani Trom ning club which won handily a holiday trip to Vancouver, (last night. ,40wrrrwrwr-r :: TODAY'S STOCKS : : (Courtesy S. 1). Johnston Co. Ltd.) things are happening beiore tnci eyes. I have heard so many women say, 'Why should I be interested in polit ies?' I have nevi.r forgotten something Mrs. Llean- '''recast "r and vicinity, Lower 1(,y. Strait of Georgia l0(iy and overnight, '"WlV S-lllinl-iv . natives docs not mean that they against Brentwood. The Rainbows went through tire 14-game interior schedule with but one defeat. That was a 40-39 loss against Penticton in the Peach City. They went on to defeat Princeton by 9 points in the semi-final round of the series and then won the interior title a week later by an 8-point total point victory over Penticton. - . From there thc Kamloop.j squad had not trouble in copping their third successive Interior -'Kootcnay Championship by dumping Trail and then last lm.T llliilll-' .. ... . I arc free to patronize the beer r Mali.,-.:, oat in uf ternoon ! "r 's;Ufl " 'B; Uollgl", U W" COOK1 oiuy mai. I Wii r tciii; Till onto '""Is light. Little imer:il.iir i r. women realize that there isn't t " -i i. . tivw.- SEAMAN IS . COMMITTED highs tomorrow At Airport, 38 and 00, 65. Nanaimo 38 a single problem that doesn't finally add up to a 'bread and butter' issue.'" "And," the speaker went on, HALIFAX 'ftWJohn Baldwin, T-uarlulics and North "nothing happens nationally mai, VaiM'ouver Bayonne Bralonre B. It. Con B. It. X Carbioo Quartz Congress Mcdly Mascot Pacific Eastern Pend Oreille Pioneer -. - Premier Bordr Privateer .': aged 20 of Vancouver, a Canadian Seamen's Union (TLC .00 Vi 9.10 .OVA .10 130 04 1.30 .04 4.05 3.35 .02 .10 week-end gained the right to meet Prince Rupert by edging Vercast wilh raiii doesn't affect our whole life. minister of external affairs, 5 t,..t attending for Prime Minister . thc Breutwood Aces 47.33 and St. Laurent, also met Prime ' 35.34 R. Attlee Thurs- 5 "uy and Saturday. '"'''y 15 miles per P fhange h, lempera-PUht and highs I Hardy 3G and And here are introduced the Minister C, day. parlors. Dr. Kelly, who arrived In the city this week after visiting Hazel ton, Kispiox", Glen Vowell and KilsegukUt native villages, reports that at least 500 natives have a'ready been registered in those areas for the coming election and that does not include a number of other villages in Skcena riding. There is a similarly heavy na. live vote in Prince Rupert provincial riding which includes such villages as Metlakatla, Kit-kaila, Port Simpson, Skidcgatc and Mas.set. Dr. Kelly's trip to the interior village was primarily for the purpose of conducting Easter services which included baptisms and sacraments. There was an T.f!"roan service at thc Hazcl- ion Ho-pRul. member, was commitlted for trial yesterday on a charge of assaulting an officer of a former strikebound freighter Sun Prince. He was alleged to have struck Charles Cacldcll of Mon. treal. The charge followed an attack on the officer aboard ship by twenty or more men on April 0. Every woman should lake an interest, in polities, lljsn't enough to suy, I haven't the time; I have my home and family .to look after--because forces, with which we do not agree, never neglect an opportunity t 'urn out and do their work. It is dreadful to we lhe low percentage of people in our country thai, come out to vote and tragic ' line-up: I. A. (Sandy) Hay, guard, played his best basketball with U B.C.'s 1940-41 Dominion chajri-pions, Tliundcr.birds. Has- been a member of the Kamloops team for the past four seasons. Harold Foulger, guard, learned WINNER AT DERBY EPSOM Irish-owned Impeccable romped to a three-length victory in the City and Suburban handicap, one of the season's features on historic 6psom Downs. Gordon Richards was up. Thc horse paid 4 to 1. Alhoiia 11 1 Aumaquc 13 ' Bealtic .41! Bevcourt 25 Ilobjo .11 Buffalo Canadian 13 Consul. Smelters 07.7. Con west 1 .1 Donalda 55 Eldona 00 East Sullivan S.llfi Giant Ycllowktiile ..." 6.25. God's Lake 37 Ilardrock ,.'.... .17' Ilarricaua 07 . Hosco 20';. Jacknifo 01 'i .Joliet Quebec 37 Lapaska 10 Vi Little Long Lac ..: .77 Lynx ! .11 Madsen Red Lake . .. A '' McKenzle Red Lake .. .45 McLeod Coeksluitt .... 1 0l Moneta .45 Negus 2.40 Norandu 55. DO Louvicourt .17 Pickle Crow 2.10 San Antonio 4.10 Sherrit Gordon 101 Steep Rock 1.30 Sturgeon River 17 Silver Miller 42 to think that people hold so I 5' Sl- Louis 2. lightly this privllage of ciUer LOCAL TIDES Saturday, April 23, 1013 his basketball In Kamloops and graduated to Senior "B" company from the Intermediate (Continued on Page 6) - , DcLioit 2 (at Uie's'itp tt'at is ours. 10:33 Since 11133,' the speaNei wi-.e High Reeves McDonald 2.00 Reo O.'i'.'j Sheep Creek 127 Silbak JTemicr 33 Taku River .23 Vananda 25 Salmon Gold .. .13 Spud Valley 07 Oils . Anglo Canadian 3.70 A. P. Con 22 . Atlantic 07 Calmont 3!) ' C. & E 4.60 Central Leduc ' 10(1 Home Oil .- 10.25 Mercury 12 Ok.ilta 2.43 Pacific Pete 2.42 . Princess .25 . Royal Canadian .08 Vi South Brazeau 16 Va l i Kirsi pukla there was a wvv. .. . . . . ,,,, "the C.C.F. have been "work- 23:14 16.9 feet 18.1 feel 8.6 feet 6.5 feet I.'anitet, on Saturday evening atLow 44 lViiw. i , I iB untiringly and i,trengthening B. fn... Kupcrl (.......selves' Not In mass meet- v.nicu 1 jr. jAeny reviewed tugn- 16:53 - -""iniriONKliiD . . . In llitlo Miss Jean Faught returned on the Coqultlam this afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and California. lights of the recent annual con venlion of the Native Brother KINSMEN! A SPECIAL MEETING will be held MONDAY. APRIL 25 g P.M. CIVIC CENTRE All members please attend (95) hood (,r British Columbia at Dr. Kelly reports, and searching Delia Coola. There attention be- questions were asked in a dls-l aine focusjied 011 the matter of cussion period. SKETBALL I" MTUtDAY "'W p.iii. CENTRE Ings mil, congn-g.oiiis " groups here and there, puUini' in a word, stressing their issues and ideals and keeping them before as many people us they can. And, without questioning or analyzing, many people are (Continued on Page 2) Miss Frances Webber re turn I I ed to the citv on the Coauitlam the giving of the franchise to On Monday night, Dr. Kelly; 1 1 this afternoon from a trip to thc native people. The audience addressed another native ban-iiilcncd attentively and alertly,! quet at Kispiox. 1 California.