I9rfnce tlupett Dailp I3ttof Friday, April 22, 1949 KAMLOOrS ARE (Continued Irom l-age 1) BEAUTIFUL It's a Happy-Go-lln,,,..,.. other K.A.A.-developed hoopster, includes a spell with the Kel-owna Hornets In the roster of his experience. Gordon MeUuarrie, centre, first year up in Senior competition. Starred on local High ' " GAY MUSIC - SOXCS ,t, ranks during the 1940-47 season. Art Rartou, forward and captain, also was on the Thunder-birds in that success-crowned Miss Donna McEwen Becomes Bride of Thomas George A pastel blue bridal costume with School and Intermediate teams 1940-41 season. Joined the Rain- Led the point-getters for the . . . .... 9fl1 bows at the start of the 194G-i7 Interior league u'b h DENNIS MORGAN - JAMS PAIGE la points. Austin season. Bus (Goose) Ellis, forward, an- ed with famed Victoria Dominoes in 1937-38 and '39. Last three seasons with the Leland Hotel squad. Harold (Swede Ferson, guard, local player that played with Saskatoon Air Force team which won the priarie championship in the 1943-44 season. Scolt Laidlaw, forward, came up through Kamloops Intermediate ranks and joined the Senior "B" quintette duiing the 1946-47 season. Hank Sellars, forward, new arrival to the Kamloops team this season. Previously played with Prince George and Chilli-wack Senior teams. Morris Cochrane, forward, first year with the Rainbows. Played with High School and Kamloops Intermediate teams previously. Webster, guard, play- For Saturday Only AN ADDED SPECIAL IN ADDITION ! TO OUR COAT AND SUIT SALE! "One Sunday Afte SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:00 - 9:05 - ADDED MICKEY MOUSE "PAPOFF IN PAIN" (Narcotics) W (I took the spotlight Wednesday evening, when Donna Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McEwen of Victoria, took nuptial vows with Thomas Lloyd, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. George of Mllden, Saskatchewan, before Rev. R. A. Wilson in the First United Church here. The bride, wearing a powder blue moire taffeta gown with a sweetheart neckline and Victorian bustle back, entered th? church on the arm of her father to the strains of "Lohengrin" wedding march. A frothy blue fingertip veil cascaded from the bride's sequin-studded tiara headdress, which was caught in her hair with a spray of flowers, a miniature of her crescent-shaped bouquet of sweetheart roses, heather and while hyacinth. The bride- was preceded down the aisle by her matron-of-honor, Mrs. Helen Marchildon, who wore a bouffant marquisette Ik- Jk - FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS PROMPi TO AU wo! j TAKE 'EM or LEAVE 'EM j DRESS SALE j $4.99 . REG. PRICES $13 - $25 NO TRY-ON'S AT THIS PRICE WOOLS CREPES PRINTS Regal Mile & vc... LiW cpfMfl l ED. EAUNDERS gown of shell pink with matching shoulder-length veil falling from a sequin-studded . tiara headdress. Like the bride, the matron.of-honor wore in her hair a miniature of her bouquet, blue iris, pink tulips and white j stocks. "Quiet! How do you expect me to concentrate?" THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet IJuilders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND PvEMODELLINO Z CHOOSE FKOM 50 CHOICE DRESSES " We'll tict'cha we'll bet'cha we'll bet'cha every one of these, dresses sell. Sizes 14, 16 and 18. Make sure it's what you want as there's no exchanges, please. j RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Pile Sufferers Don't tell us your piles are hopeless. Thousands of former suffers tell us they naa piles for Houses built under the N.II.A. Plan-20 down pj The groom was attended by John F. Denning and ushers were Arne Poulsen and Joseph Fielden. The groom's boutonierre was a miniature of the bride's bouquet The groomsman wore a pink car. nation boutonierre and the ushers white carnations. During the signing of the register, Miss Gwen George, sister of the groom, charmed the congregation with her vocal rendition of the hauting "I'll .Walk Beside You." Miss Georee was 20 years, some longer, lney are satisfied PVLTONE produces results. So it can for vou. One bot while Mrs. Claire Warsket and the Misses Beverly Nelson, Gone Pavlikis, Nellie Kelday and Mario Lovestad acted as serviteurs. The bride's brother, Robert McEwen of Smithers and Stan Savu were In charge of serving the punch. During the evening a short-program consisting of two graceful tap dance numbers by eight-year-old Miss Janice Taylor, an.) vocal selections by Miss Gweu George, Was greatly enjoyed u...LC easy mommy payments over i iwriod til: years. . Tree Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION tle will prove its action in your stubborn case or price refund ed at once. That s our guarantee of. the new PYLTONE OLDER WORKERS (Conunuec nom rage 4) i uut, BLAtK zjj r.o. B0 TREATMENT. PYLTONE goes directly to the Internal cause, that's the reason lor its success. $1.75 at all druggists. gowned in floor-length pink over the idea that it is all over but the funeral at 45." Mrs. Hodges was thanked for her address by E. T. Apple-whaite on behalf of the club. Gutsts at the meeting included G. B. Hankinson, Bosworth, Ontario; Bernard Allen, Vancouver; C P Bussinger, . Telkwa; KEN'S ! SAVOY - "We are getting to the stage where experience and maturity count lor nothing, yet at the same time, the leaders o our government arc c.;l people of advanced years," she declared. "Science is extending the life span of people and we must ad RADIO CLIX A 3e$& Roof i or saiiMaclor; m Call 53 718 Second Avenut Rev Peter Kelly, Ocean" Falls; bengaline and wore twin hair spray and waist corsage of pink roses and white carnations. After the ceremony, a reception for some 150 guests was heid in the Oddfellows' Hall, which was nandsomely decorated wun pink and white streamers and green cedar boughs. The guests wire received by the mother of the bride, Mrs. J. L. McEwen, who wore an aqua .blue street-length gown with brown accessories and a corsagi Over Your Head ACE-TEX ASPHALT Walter Smith and Stanley just our ideas to meet this growing problem. It's time we got HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 13D7 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT l 4 rvrv SHINGLES FURNTO Chry frapnoss wherw it counts moKt in mlkt Cliangu to KclioKg't Braa Elakt'ft and see! Yoo fry lham al no ritkl If you don't Hgrtw KrlhipR are FH ESI IE l than other bran flake, send empty enrton to KmIIokk's, Dept. 4-A, Lundun, Ont. Doubls your munt'y back! Raal hlp, tool Contains enouKh bran, many find, to aid regularityl LIMITED "A GiKid Place te mm' , SOFA (Ol'ClI-Mab bed, In heavy Upt,; ': STEEL COIX'H with i of sweetheart roses, and the mother of the groom, Mrs. C. T. George, who wore p figured turquoise strect-lengtn gown with black accessories and a gardenia f- ' ; tifr a' FINE OLD MAW OTP J I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE arms - t Photic 773 327 Third Fawcctt Torrid Oil h tat ?322r fdmm tumtr. nTmj4 i icrf Gives You . . . CI.KANLIXESS CONVEMENd EI 1KIENCY ECONOMV with the Syncrom-malkD' corsage. The bride and groom stood in front of a pink and white arcn beside the tastefully decorated bride's table, on which was a handsome threo-tlcred wedding cake, to receive the felicitations of scores of well-wishers. "I have known Miss McEwen for a long time, and she has always been the lady she is today," stated R. G. Hopkins in proposing a toast to the bride. Th! groom replied suitably, thanking all the friends who had come to help him and his bride "embark on our lifetime career." A toast to the matron-of-honor was proposed by T. B. Black and replied to by the groomsman. Bolh the toast and the reply emphasized the pretty setting the bride's attendant Mother KnowsTvBestJ i! ' morn j mxsS j means un to 255 saving m ;i Sold on Easy B"dSctT' See tlK'Mi now at J V 194-9 iliriMluv Botllmd and Shtppee y ALFRED LAMB 6 SON Ltd London.Enqland ''his advertisement is not published or displayed bv the Liquor -Lontro! Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ARE YOU ON THE VOTERS LIST? The provincial voter' lists are now hcing revised. Jl VOll ;n-p mil r-.w. ; i ,.-...! -ii .... LING the TA11M had provided for the beautiful bride. Telegrams from out-of-town friends and relatives were read by the groomsman, after whi:h dancing to piano music by Andrew McNaughton was enjoyed until luncheon was served. Mrs. S. E. Parker and Mrs. Stan Saville presided at the urns, this . NOTICE! Clothes remaining in to be p' It? jjjjjjjs mi HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City OPEN I ROM 11:30 A.M. lo 3:30 A.M. and unclaimed after one year are advises us to w sale unless customer UN. T..KTA11 rial electiim. 'u ""i c ai.lc l vole at the next provin- Kejristrat.on n the Dominion or Municipal voters' lisls fl, 1 V your name ,s on the provincial voters' lists. To n:V'an v ,lc in a nrovin Provincial I election your name must ,c n this provincial voters' list Ie a good citizen! Ke sure you are registered'. Ue sure you vote. If you are not registered you cannot vole. GOVF.RNMFMT nr , , 220 Sixth htree-- We Specialize in Chinese Dishes . CHOP SUEY - CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PIIONE 133 Automobile evekytuim; a ma is WOKS IOH IIS A SHOE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Owners . - I ' IT Is J FREEZE-UP DANGERS ARE "Jf'rsHTHSj GOOD LOOKING! COMFORTABLE! LONG-LASTING! DRAIN OFF ANTIFREEZE P". Rf;SIS'" J For Building Supplies PHONE 362 NEW ROYAL fiYSTt-M l" .,,1 imi Boat Owners FOR WARMER WEATHER D.y aAVB ?t' M AND SERVICE IS INEXPENSIVE IF lOUl IIOAT NEEDS OF TROUBLE LATER ON. ArpiiIs For SLATER SHOES motors nB MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. HOTEL , A Gome Away From Home BO Roomt, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 291 P.O. Box 198 LINDSAY I vCWriSlacks Exhaust Pipes Ventilators Mufflers fan,4S Halibut Shutca "MINI! BLACK 881 WE ARE EQUTPPEITO DO ALL TYPES OP METAL WORK THOM SHEET METAL . LIMITED orfi 1.: i GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. PHONE 8f'G S Builders and Contractors PIIONE BLACK 69 P.O. BOX 737 - pi ADVERTISEMENTS 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED