B 6 Prince Super? Dang Tuffi Radio Dial Friday, April 22, 1949 E A CFPR 1240 Kilocycles fj (Subject to Change) SAVE ON SHAVES WITH PAYS TO ROU YOUR OWN WITH T S yu FRIDaT TM. C3DCJC2nDIlflE)BS V K 4:15 Stock Interlude Quotations and 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories Get quicker, cleaner have -with MINORA Wades Conoda'i favourite double-edge acoaorey Mode. They're j. E 4:45 Easy Listening E i'tm duality blades in the low-price field! 5:00 MacMiUan Club Quiz fit your double-edge razor. . zyrje rev w E T ftp 5.30 Keyboard and Console Tobacco 8:45 About Town Cigarette 8:00 Musical Varieties II S 6:30 Malkin's Melody Money Time 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:0OCBC News As this goes to press, some- upset on the fans. He claimed .' B R I G H T VIRGIN where over Hecate Straits the everyone was very mean to the Kamloops Rainbows ire wing- Co-op and, after all, the Co-op SWEET, 11 o. ing their way towards our city gang are all "good guys." May-! in quest of the Senior B Cham- be Sonny was right, one must pionship of this province, a title pay the cost of too many wins they have held on occasions be- - the underdog is always the fore," most recently the season choice of the grandstand. Bey-of 1946-47. Entering into the non, by the way, has taken ad- WIMOItA lUOti MSO iVAUMtl 4 K"T0 ) ,liCy Shrubsall return-jixrnoon on the Co-frJin a visit to Calif- TT&dldiiTij inn &pfPBt8 7:15-rCBC News Round-up 7:30 Feldler Conducts 8:00 Your Favorite Band 8:30 Discussion 9:00 Canadian Short Stories 9:30 Prairie Schooner 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Emma Castor 10:30 Palace Hotel Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATTJKOAf A-M. 1 7:00 Musical Clock AUeycats vs. Amazons. spirlt of the proceedings, tni vantage of Byron Johnston's MIXED BOWLItIG populace has already grabbed free enterprise system and has off all available reserved space gone into business for himself C.N.R, TENNIS CLUB OPENING GNO Florists, Brren 187 Box 1193 LEAGUE SCHEDULE GENERAL MOTORS SPONSORS TEAM at Don Forward's melon place which mill mean an extra base-and tonight and tomorrow only bailer this summer for some rush seats will be on sale. jclub. Not aVat deal i known in the preliminary tonlM, locally about the potential of Metlakatla will tee off with the May 1 has been set as the opening date for the Canadian National Recreation Association's Tennis Club season and, as there May 2 Allevcftta vs. .IMMer Bay, Guttersn4)evs. Humtling-. ers. Leftovers vs. Hangovers, Teeners ys. Amazons. - j May 9 Miller Bay vs. Amazon", Teeners Vs. 0'.itterrt'p"J Humdingers vs.. Hangovers, Leftovers vs. AUeycats. .; 'jj May 16 Hangovers Vs: Miller Bay, Guttersnipes vs. Leftoversl Humdingers vs. Allyecats, Teen-I ers vs. Amazons ft. i Last Vear'i High School Football Siuad Finds Willing Supporter tne visitors but it is known mat, local intermediate champions. are only two courts, member- in the persons of Messrs Hay, Fashion Footwear. Mixed Spring. Bowling League schedule is announced as follows: April 18 Teeners V3. Miller Bay, Guttersnipes vs. Amazons AUeycats vs. Hangovers, Humdingers vs. Leftovers. April 25 Leftovers vs. Miller Bay, Humdingers vs. Teeners, ship will depend on how early Webster and Barton, they carry, blivery ART MURRAY. it uiu uuv iaKe mug mi una a lhe applications come in. The three former coast Senior "A" stars that will be better known before they leave here next hpun.wr lor me xuoiduu team -name boanr system wU1 em. that under the of played name ployed lnis year by means of iiiMi ouuuui Mi which eyery member has ari Monday. True they will prob-f rom Advertise iiibeDaily News! j Guttersnipes vs. Hangovers, 383 Phone pe and Efficient Service 1Mt; ANYWHERE UCTIONEER ' Doug Frizzell, hlmseir a lor- equal chance to play. Oh May , ably suffer just a little -A . x-. r BASEBALL SCORES American Washington J, New York 2 Chicago 5, Detroit 2 Boston 4, Philadelphia 0 Cleveland 8, St. Louis 2 Pacific Coast WEDNESDAY mer footballer anl all-round 24 an American tournament will athlete, has responded, and so be neij. A. R. Nichols, Robert there will be a football team narUf,u ,,nH ri.,,r War.wit 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick cf the (Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30-Melodies for Junior 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 World Church News, 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45-CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather Report 11:00 Musical Program 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Personal Album SATUKDAr F-M. 12:00 Saturday Magazine 1 :00 Hi-Roads of Song 1:30 Time for Music 2:00 Ballet Club t 3 J. II. MAIR! under the name of General Mo- comprise the Ornaiiiang travelling overnight by train and might not be the club they could be at game time tonight but they will have two chaces and will no doubt play it that way. Many will welcome back Hal Person, the very personable athlete, who spent a year or so with us early In the war years. tors in this year's competitions. iat Qu.ttEitlTea i Those of last year's youn Sacramento 3-4, Portland 1-5 Los Angeles 5, San Francisco 1 Oakland (i, Hollywood 4 San Diego at Seattle post and promising team who will band together this year again 's. Hal playd basketball for the pond include Glen Olseri, Charlie Currie, 'Monk" Sunberg, Pat drydock team in the winter of '42, a little baseball that sum. THURSDAY San Diego 3-4, Seattle 8-2 Los Angeles 7, San Francisco 2 Oakland 8, Hollywood 3. Wilson, Tommy Boulter, Jim i mer then got tired of building Hebb, John Wilson, Alvin Mc fuliirta fmrt 1nnlr nft fnr Ihp Air Kay, Oscar Mercer, Andy Owens,' 0ce Jack Sharp, Bob Currie and , ' 2:45 This Week 3:00 Piano Classics 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Rec. Int. 3:30 NBC Symphony Orch. mere were raucuras a piemy Arne Lien. I at the Civic Centre last night I WEW)E Civic Centre . Dates i L 1 watching our reps go through their paces for coach Alex Bill. Sev Domlnato was down - at one end of the gym working with young Monk Sunberg, checking hook shots and practising defence in general. May- WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing F.nlareinK QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL j i be Sev. heard somthing from City Merchants City merchants are asked In future to have copy for all diiiplay advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. SATURDAY Sports p.m. 2:00 Teen Age Badminton 2:00 Adult Casual Badminton 7:00 Teen Ae Badminton Basketball Games , :Z0 Rupert ys. Kamloops - Special 12:00 Art Class lTeen HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS I P. J. CHENEY DENTIST fE 5, 6MITH BLOCK 15 P O. Box 1401 For e drink that's really refreshing try a Captain Morgan Rum Rickey ... To 1 teaspoon of ' Lime Juice add 1 j ounces of Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum and two cubes of ice. Fill with stida and stir. Garnish with a slice of lemon on lop; Kamloops that all don't know j anything about. - I Ace Hecklers Bill Long and I Bud Timmermeister i were giving Sonny, Beynon a.' going over about the recent Senior League finals and Beynon blamed the it Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners U1R0W CABS 14-Hour Service S II A )i E S () F YES TE It YEAR. Captain Morgan GOLD LABEL RUM The rich flavour mnd Jul! body of Cmpism Morgan Gold Lmhtl 'Hum result jrom master blending of selected rare old rums. fcv.RUMj 4 PHONE 640 and Courteous Service ii..i.) PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 BRYDGES and McLEAN DELIVERED FREE THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED ON D4SPIAVCD ST THt LIQUOR CONTMM. BOARD Oil Ot HHK QOVtRMMkNT OF SHiTlSH COLUMBIA. fNO TECHNICIAN jg, Voicing and Repairs DKE COLUSSI . flione BLACK 758 972 10th East PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Phone 654 Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Room 31 PHONE 600 KINDLING WOOD 'Pc Sack Delivered fn Saw and Operator Ivailable for Hire p. P & W TRANSFER I Green 188 25c per doicn paid (or cmptitl Ub'led by tny B.C. Brewery Th dvrtimnt ii not pblikd e displayed by the Liquor Control 6oui or by the Government ol BritiiK Columbie. 4 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box D2 ,AJ330 Second Avenue ; Prince Rupert, B.C. Mm ?QWN MACHINE., j WORKS s for SIMPLEX OAS and DNS DIESEL ENGINES WASHHSQS 9 VANE SUPER -AGITATOR WVriT RIG i) LB. TUB W 1 1 il LIFE TIME MECHANISM SAFETY WRINGER THOR GIVES YOU MORE Point for Point Dollar for Dollar "Here's the BIGGEST Washer Value Today Only 150.75 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Things were much better in the Good Old Days A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS or so the Old Timers always tell the younger f. Service and Parts nerg and users of In-I Engines are Invited to froom to view our varl-and talk over 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. generation. Yes, time is kind to old memories T . . and when we think of the days gone by we tend to rememler only the good things, and to forget the bad. Down through the years, fiowever, certain thin- WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST . ROOM 10. STONE BUILDINO BESNER BLOCK STEWART, ELC. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. i ( rs I and CONCRETE t WORK POR YOUR ;CAXL BLUE 939 J- SAUNDERS I Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed have remained constant ... unchanging ... as good today as they were then like Princeton Beer, for instance. Unvarying In its unique quality, goodness and mellowness, Princeton Beer is top favorite today just as it was when Grand-dad was a young blade. PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAT CASn PHONE 950 VOODBUILT PRODUCTS WE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE i I NOW AVAILABLE and FINISH GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 IHIOR DECORATING "PER HANGING "1 SIGN PAINTING Ii. RAIIMER PHONE BLUE 838 PRINCETON BREWING CO. LTD. PRINCETON, B.C. HOME FURNITURE BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS STORE FIXTURE OFFICE FURNITURE ; fSiSOIEDULB 1f tr tn . vveanesa Friday, HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 304 4th Street Phone 655 East 3ay. Thursd m, Saturday TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS SUGGESTIONS " SATISFACTION S PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS BOX 1550 PHONE BLUE 951 OR 535 Z 341 Second Avenue or First and McBride. T tin Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Movlm Service LOOK TOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL repairs "DowntroadenHeeta Wora 8oIet HOSPITAL CraUnf Packlnj Cartas This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia. BLUE 786 BED 518 oeconf Av. :3