-A Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 21, 1950 f he best movie 25?Ar I' SHIPSand Its heart-warmimr CVer HlJ RUPERT MENS i v I nun ncuwgvr slon h x "v" set to six grand and AND BOYS STORE WATERFRONT 1 'K 'lorious tunes! I i n J J., mmMm i Menace to Navigation Winnipeg Freighter Proving Adaptable , 1 A notice froir. the agent of the Department of Transport here warns mariner.; of a hazard to all small vessels using the Shell Oil dock on Prince Rupert waterfront. It is a small projection consisting of broken piling and rock fill of an old cribbing. The Department has caused two piles to be driven in each corner of the cribbing, these piles havinr nailed to them white boards bearln? the lettering: "Keep Outside." u -.'.if. V, I .1. I THI I AMI NtOOtAM ION TOf.lORSlOV !1 r Jill r?nr astray Paramount News Thurs.-Frt. t - -9:10 Saturday 2:00 - 4:$0 -6:50 - 0 p m n LAST DAY u Letter to Three Wives : ,j .... .... It-.; h i ii i Union steamer Coquitlam Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 839 Tuesday morning from northern coastal points sailing for Vancouver and wa points at 1.30 p.m. Passenger passing through the city enroute to Vancouver Included Mrs. J. B. Liete, field nurse, and Miss L. Howe, school teacher from graduates was by Dr L. M. Greene, local surgeon. The graduates are seen n this picture on the auditorium stage. Guest Day At Kindergarten BO-ME-HI 1950 Forty-seven graduates of Booth Memorial High School participated in colorful graduation exercises at the Civic Centre Auditorium last Friday night. The address to the and rules that go to m happy, healthy and co-, community. Later parents and were served refrpshnv If He Wants The Complete Works," Bring Him To His a Favorite Store It was guest day at Mother SuPervi)rs Mrs. Black Satisfaction Of Ooose kindergarten of the Regu- Oldham. Mrs. M; Norm Applin Is Arrested occia piciurrs ol the i With the rp-r.ir.g jn Exams Underway At Booth High University entrance ind senior matriculation examinations commenced in Booth Memorial High School Monday and are contlnu- lar Baptist Church last Friday, When mothers of the children Is Impressed By Challenge Lay Delegate Reports on Church Co-tference Junior Choir Presentations RUPERT MENS I AND BOYS STORE S Christian Living Satisfaction to be derived from Phr'cHan liwin rtrA Hi a inft,i ere Invited to the school clos- -.,:" n. ' lng exercises. , ; T. ' ". l . . i nn . . . I Th . 1 . i rJ I 1 , On its second cargo carrying , trip on the west coast, Capt W. D. Owen yesterday reported the I Winnipeg registered. Fort Ross U be giving good service. Used to Hudson Bay service, the Fort nig unui june za. rrincipai A. M. ' . uiuuioi (uicuu m usuu """n jwj Norm Applin, alias Norman Harey Gladu, 34-year-old man- i Hurst said tod;y that 29 students -at 9.30 and were busily, at work . . . ence of its precept and example on others in making for better living was discussed by Rev. E. i A. Wright in his morning sermon ; are writing for their university when the mothers arrived at 10 lfllf it Q At the evening service In First ager of the Northern Sports Box- entrance and 14 for senior matrl- ,a.m. For an hour and one half I United Church, Mrs. C. J. Olson, ' ing Club here, who was arrested Ross was built to be able to stay the regular routine of klndergar- greatest? in the ice all winter and finds it at First Presbyterian Church on n naa Deen e 0IIlc,ai lay i iu.u.,y uy .,. lice, Is awaiting disposition of j matriculation fturjents, he added, ten life was carried out. BUSTARD Pacific duties comparatively Sunday. He called for unity in delegate from Prince Rupert oo- ev, j or n7rv! nv.a iu,- via ii.. eave an account of the 1950 BC authoriiies of Fort Frances, On-; are writing a complete slate of FrpfiTiTif :r- - U1"u . ai ZZ:,::L7:.ZZ.ZZ:;:? ,fm nt it,.h n,Wh ! urlo. in connection ..of a car subjects !' Four little glrla' illuatrated ' rhythmatlca with musical sklp- 'ninp Six nthr' rtlH h hn. MAYONNAISE t GIVES A -Kceiia rciver points. Watson f'i """uhb umn- - .. mft theft last year. He is alleged to Island and Prince Ruoert. From ences- This was something that which she had attended in Van- 7 have the stolen car cached behind his home on Third Avenue here she went cn to Taku to de- j was as applicable to Prince Rup- jcouver. There had been a well-liver seme more cargo and take ert 'as any other place. , laid-out program with worship on a load of ore. ! Mr- Wright spoke frcm I. Cor-j services each evening. Mrs. Ol- fafl4jflf flavour to SAIL ADS Principals Meet i ( Applin is being held pending inthians 3. further word from the police a ! son had been tremendously 1m- pressed with the magnitude of J Superintendent maker's dance, Four little tots dramatized nursery 1 songs and the "Windmill Bong Mothers taw how health ' rules were taught, listened In' on "Story Time" and watched them at creative arts. They observed how the children, ranging in ago from two and a half to five years, rort Frances who may despatch the many services given by so an escort to this city. I Five cars of frozen halibut was ' the cargo the Lucidor. Seattle,, ; dropped here yesterday afternoon for transhipment over; Canadian National RaUwavs The , Into we II -beaten yolk of 2 jgs tir 2 tpaspooos of Colman'f moitard, I teatpCMn of salt. I teasfooo of pomdx-reii opr. Add 2 tablespoons lemon Hike. Add 1 U to 2 cup utad Oil ftraduaUy, beat ing constantly. If too thuk to beat, add a little more lemon juice, then the remainder of oil. foe free recipe hook, "Culinary Art m-rite to Reckitt & Cotman (Canada) LtiL, Station T-, MonuemJ, STREET TALK are taught the. little courtesies ship, in command of Cap'.. L Evidence of the proximity of Jacobson, arrived here at 2:15 chool closing was noted about p.m. from Fe,ersbun. Alaska, the streets yesterday In the form irfter spending two weeks picking of several school notebooks torn many different groups in the United Church. To learn of these activities was an inspiration' and a challenge. In nearly all cases an increase in results was a pleasing feature. But the challenge was not being fully met. There was still an insistent demand for fully qualified ministerial and lay workers in the church. The staffing of the Port Simpson Hospital was just one local problem. It was being JUST ARRIVED! jup cargo from Alaska ports. The up and blowing with the wiiid. .3,809 ton vessel continued on to 'Seattle after unloading. Const. Jack White, upon belli;? I Revision of tne secondary iniormed of Applin's alleged school curriculum was the busl-former name, checked the police ness before a mpetini? convened tiles and later he and Corporal by H. L. Campbell, assistant E. A. Wales then arrested the superintendent of education here former Columbia Cellulose last Saturday morning. Present worker. were Principal A. M. Hurst and Applin arrived here last year h's staff at Booth Memorial Hid lor a short period was em- Hiph; G. A. Turner, prlnclnal of ployed with Saanicn Plumbing schools at Ocean Falls; N. Green, und Heating On January .j principal of schools Missett: and went to work as a plpeifUet Josroh Chl!, Inswctor of schools the Columbia Cellulose Company vhje , tnp cit Mr Cam bcI, r,1 rtr,wr oa T'r An w. ne asKed for three weeks leave , , t .i w ""ih Memnal Hlgh .1 ,b,cnce and did not return Fnday n,pht -une 15. In that period he I fought the American i.c,..! Before 1823 Mr. Campbell was fighter Paul Kennedy that mon'h rurervising Psince, Rupert Anethtf Shipment of the Famous HEEL-HUGGER TIES! : northbound, the vessel brough; CN R. steamer Prince George, ,'flcven passengeis for Prince Rup-Capt. E. B. Caldwell, on her ores- ert and took two north from BLACK KID ent Alaska voyage, is carrying a here. The George is due hert solved by the appointment of a near capacity list of 250 passen- Friday evening southboond. AA to EE FITTINGS Here Sunday . - morning . full-time doctor this fall. Over- ' seas there was a tremendous ' challenge, but if Christ'ans save the same self sacrificing service .s Communists gave, the prob- . m would be solved. A delight- j ful duet was rendered by Miss I and then operated the steam ' fhools. He came in Friday $14,50 J 'aui establishment on Sixth ,rom tn" Cariboo and Prince uiuu he opened the George by way of Terrace and left present club on Second nve i, t"v plane for Victor'a following me allegedly stolen vehicle 1.? the meeting Saturday morning, a red 193a Chevrolet truck. ' IBiPOWinwooi m ociitvuu Applin took a I Yvonne Larson and Miss Anita otewart. ..IORX1NG SERWCE In his morning sermon Rev. -iieiice bieDer spoKe on 'The vuo ox tieioiigi.ig. ' ne relfiieu i.j tiie neuct lor giving ana lu--K-.tu how Stephen, James and x'aul had given tneir all as tne cost of belonging to the Church, i'he early designations were WE PAINT i w persons "lor a ride" in the city. i.o v.iie an I two younj children -ictomp jucd n.m uj t'tuv.v aipctt in tne vehicle. and ytLUKAit exterior or Interior M ii " s : - f Calvert Learn to Dance Expert instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz, Jive Rhumba, Tango Private Lessons For appointment Green 431 PRINCE RUPERT DANCE STUDIO Learn to Donee SPRAV or BRITSII Wallpaper Hanging GroduaMon Photos Call at CHANDLER'S STL'DIO 216 4th St. Ph. Green 380 pen evenings by appointment HIE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS ineaningtul, the "Dody of Christ," tne oiotueuiood oi God '' had iiore signilicance thaa the term "church." Their early opponents spoKe in wistful criticis mas they iderred to them saying: ' Be-1 ijia, how these Christians love 1 one another." "Belonging to the ! MATUiK SPENCE and Phone Blue 215 351 McC'ary FLFCTRIC 233 11th St RANG? church" requires giving of one's I self. Christains must also fit in with the church and then become builders wtihin the church. for the finest, clean-easiest cewkii.g m your life " CanabianUlhiskij lr Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Lcove Cow Boy Floors lOaily 12 iioon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 o.:n. 7:00 ;.j.m. 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Lost Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10.00 p.m. Hi-: C.reen 3)1 Hlark 02(5 Trade-ins acrrp'1 SOLD ON EASY BUDGET TE EVANGELIST Son of a cotton mili worker, James Marion Hollis, 11, places his hands on the head of a white-haired man and prays at a revival meeting he staged on the courthouse lawn in Anniston, Ala. Young James is attracting considerable attention as he goes from town to town in .the Southern U.S., warning sinorrs to "r.om to Jesus.'' He's been preaching for years. Paul was a willnig slave and 1 bondman in his "belonging to the church." What costs little is worth little. The church demands much fro mher followers for she has much to give. A pleasing feature was th2 presentation of church hym-narles to the three members of the Junior Choir who had the best attendance records at tices and services. At the re- quest of the minister the prosur tatlons were made by Choir- master John S. Wilson. Mr. son spoke of the many appreciative remarks made in connection j with the work of the Junior cho.'r. Inis advertisement is not published or 'displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ml'RHiIc St. FOR THE JUNE BRIDE SPECIAL $7 fryi::g pah for $3.49 thi it a saving of $3.51 on tho i regular 8" frying par Or Utth Hlt Individual pieces from $2.50 to $1 1- He thanked the donors who gave the hymnaries and then made the presentations to Roy Sirber, Joan Orimble and Marjorie Howe. The junior choir sang a a special number "But the LoH is Mindful of His Own," 'from Mendelssohn's oratorio t'St. Paul." IT HAS BECOME GOSPEL IN PRINCE RUPERT THAT THE FINEST DINNERS ARE SERVED ', AT THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM "Chicken in the Rough". To Take Out Phone 868 for reservations THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD 8CHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldfc.) MANSd'S 618 3rd Ave. YOUR FRIEKDLY JEWELLER Mrs. Mah (M. T. Lee), pioneer resident of Prince Rupert, will sail tomorrow evening for Vanr couver to visit ,'her daughter, kW7"" Available at Hardwar Paint Stores and lumber Dealers I whose EARLY ADVERTISLNU COPY IS AITRl horns is fji that city. I-