window at the Midway Grocery corner of Ambrose and ri.h.' ns Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 21, 19j0 FLOOD FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS fit T. D. Nicoll 1C-0.C. , 1.0 f 1 , .oa Dover Edgar Avenue. By this method of escape, the lawbreakers got away wilh $45 In cash and two cartons of cigarettes. Police are continuing an Investigation . 1.00 D. A. MacFarlane .... nnii entering J. & Call 1.00 Ralph Young 100 lt jtwcek. thieves , ,itH cash and goods J. E. Ragan - r. 1-00 C. Sanders --2.00 James Wilson : t -in Karen Young ' $1.00 K. Solbert - 100 K Purcha 100 Alex Kachuk - 100 J. Andruik 2.00 H. Tanaka .: - 1-00 0 $143 .UiciuuiiiB Belle Emerson 1-00 J. Macii 10.00 .aiuc cigiiiettes, ana A. Martiuk i -ins 2,oo.::2 ,65 pairs 01 nyurn tliis- I S. Gilmour .... 2.00 I Nellie Kelday 1.00 R. Cook : 2.00 Nationalists Fighting Back just be umch lor some Don MacDonald 1.00 I Otto Taught 100 W. J. Mason 5.00 ! ame; Wilmington 1-00 friend want- ,some b"y 1 4 - 4 A flJ t Cj l 1 Mtv r; - & sjsf I; F. W. BarKc: ..." G. KI-Kay . ..." Knit la-sen ..- .1. ChTnlsky - F. Arbuckle K. Welch Jmes Hawkins . John Yanchuk the good side. Any- on Tom Kerrigan I D'j A Flower 100 L. E. Miller 100 Geo. Weatherby 1.00 G. M. Fuller 100 A. J. Williams 1.00 IV. Ele ; 1.00 iirtmrnt store Police Columbia 1.00" -1.00- T l.oo 2.0t -2.00' 2. 00 : loo ;:i.t)0 1.00 1.00 "l.OO 2.00' isn TAIPEI, Formosa f. The Chinese Nationalist Air Force announced its planes had set twe Communist steamers ofire and left a troop ship in a sinking condition near the mainland . .,i hnri been en- W. Anderson 1.001 Toward Cannon 5.00! ' I': ;d Bolton - 5.00 Hubert Martin 5.00 gsninrin a back window. 500 Nf il Formnn - 5.00 James Evart Howard Davis James W. Macri ,otaay wn me noe, Shaw Yanchuk J. Mikulsik 2.1)0 j George O. Dumond 2.00 . Milter Peter Simpson 5.00 ; Ross Holton 5.00 j T.iomas Burke 5.00 dollars in cash. Total port of Foochow yesterday. store was over $100. chow is the logical embarkation he same night, a lad- point for the threatened invasion n MeTormir. 2.00 1 Frns3t W. Hoover ; Lloyd Publciover 5.00 : ested anainsi a rear ul rurmusa. F. Symas 2.00 j l. Demarest - ' l-0, v.. C. Kivdangere 2.00 I p. chn'.ton , ..2 00 J E. Herbert 2.00 ! Miss Beryl McLean Z2,WJi A. Bohl ... 2.00 j G. W.. Yorsan ,.2 0011 R. W. Whidden 2.00 1 K R. Slater 1.00 i J. L. Gilmour 1.00 . 1 N. Paulukuk 1.00 j , S. Jack .- 1.00 1 IS. Spannier 5.00 ! Margaret Lre I Hans Pederson 1.00 I L. Soderman 2.00 K. Smcllie 2.00 2.00 Kiovk -1 - John Polasky 1 unene John Evans 2.00 iM. Magee' : .5-00 R. Wyck ; 2.00 1 W. C. Baxter -00',; J. Hardin 2.00 j G. MiAfee 5.00 W.,Daykin 1.00 D. Shier ..'. .j 100 t " J. Capelette' 2.00 Ross A. Ritchie '1.00 E. Lind 2.00 lJ U0tBic! sy C, 'J , tiHM r AMILY OF MANITOBA rLOOD VICTIMS to receive interim aid from the Flood Relief Fund was that of Mr. and Mrs. William Borsboom. The flood ruined their two-storey home on the banks of the Red in Si. Vital. The interim payment of $300 will be used to begin buying furniture and clothing to replace the effects lost while the waters swirled around the dwelling for week after week. Mr. and Mrs. Borsboom have 1 1 children ind after the cheque had been presented by Harold A. Steele, vice-chairman and administrator of the Fund's Restoration Committee, the mother and father hurried to their temporary quarters to tell the family. They are shown with Anna, 5, on Mr. Borsboom's knee, while Mrs. Borsboom holds Elizabeth, 2. Behind them are Teresa, 12; Gertrude, 14; John, 21; George, 20; Kathleen, 17; and Edward, 9. When the picture was taken one child was ill and two were at work. When the flood forced them out of their home, the family went to live with Mrs. Borsboom's brother, James Overwater. Mr. Borsboom's market garden business was "put back many years" by the flood. It is to help replace and repair flood-damaged household and other personal effects that the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund was established. Contributions may be mailed direct to the Fund in Winnipeg or to any branch of a Canadian bank. Kred Creamer 2.00. F. Spurn 1.00 . H. Dawson 2.00! Lyle Wingert 2.00, Oie Tureed 2.00 V. Nyotcall 1.00 G. Mihailovsky 1.00 1 I. . Nelson l.Ofl I l Announcing.. IS-'..'. ,r. Kcnry Regan 1.00 j J. J. Goodwin 1.00 j A. O'Hanley 1.C0 M. Albert 1.00 IS J. MacDonald 100 GRAND OPENING friend. " ' perily and ftence population. .i-f..: j In the latest issue there Is a Canada needs what the Cari- of 19S0 Season storv THE CROSS, by Eric Col- boo' wants an outlet via Bella C. Bans 1.00 J. McCarthy .50 A. A. Mosley 5.00 O. Antonson 5.00 B. Benson 1.00 R. Bernard 1.00 - , - :icr, which is better than most Coola. . of those which get in Maclean's ntiuu vr" ' hed LCm inute! I O , Limlterlost Lodge As I See it E. Sheppard 1.00 or even the Saturday Evening Post. It .breathes the spirit cf the last northwest just as hon-. tly as Robert Service's poems did that of the Yukon. Press Curb Is Rejected E. Llndstrom '. 2.00 E. Marycz 5.00 7 THE CARIBOO DIGEST 13 ampaining for something that is long overdue that is a new rpad outlet to the sea from the .tart of the vast cattle country. BATON ROUGE, La. B A bill to curb press criticism offered after ! a' newspaper had called Louisiana legislators "trained seals" was killed in the Senate yesterday. The bill would have SAIL Friday, June 23, 10 p.m. by Union ss. Camosun SPEND Saturday, June 24, at beautiful LIMBER-LOST LODGE by the sea. RETURN Sunday, June 25, arriving Prince Rupert about 5 p.m. , ' All inclusive special fare $23.00 For information and reservations . . . A. Chabot 2.00 ' J. L. Hirondelli 1.00 D. Paul 1.00 1 L. Turner ..: 2.00 j M. Hrydowy. .1.001 R. Butler 1.00 ' W. Boulton : 1.00 3.. Saunders .- 1.00 J. Pierce , 1.00 it. Cnartrand 1.00 J. Isak 5.00 D. Bertrand 1.0U ntre is a gap oi eighteen miles rwmy, delicious Nv'-l HERE'S ALL YOU 00 I r " between roads running into the required newspapers uj prmv ui ntcrior from Bella Coola and -he prominence" replies by By ELMORE PHILPOTT CAKIBOO NEEDS OUTLET ONE OF THE LIVEST magazines to appear in Canada in many a day is he Cariboo and Northwest Digest. It is publish W potato is to easy Wail until dinner ii I ready to serve: the n ijote! rrench t Instant c is node from top-quality w precooked for you! UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 511 3rd Ave. West, Prince Rupert D. Wood 1.00 P. Henderson 1.00 J. Flynn 5.00 the one running west from Wil-! the Persons criticized in news; oams Lake . jstories or editorials. Violators "Punch eighteen miles of road ! would face 3-co Iines and 90" Ihrough the wildcrnes? and day Jail sentences. you'll reach the sea from the . ' ' r ;;-ibooby one of the oldest Adjertise through Classifieds, toulrs tn- the ftlstoTy of the' T Tia, Dally "News Classified. i'none ooo . bring some salted water to a brisk boil, add milk and French's Instant Potato according to simple direction! on package. Stir for a lew seconds until " pcrato has thickened, ' vdd butter and whip until light and fluffy. 1.00 zoo McKenzie Mclnnis-. klow these easy direction! Vlinute it's ready Wied potato you tvet ate! vim MPttum.' ed " in "Quesnel " and 'each n.h I find myself waiting for province. It was over this route A FASTERBETTER JOB- FIRE-PROTECTIVE RIGID UEATHES RESISTANT i that Alexander Mackenzie, liac.ic new-found in 1793i reached the Pacific no copies as for a Ocean the first man to go over land from Canada and he followed the advire of na'.ives wtio knew the easiest ruu'.cs." Such i.s , the heart' of the Cirib'K) Di's biast. Costs so little... so welcome OTE 07 Tiri MOST Wrnv n but pathetic facts revealed in this article is that Norwegians tiled the Beila Coo.a Valley in 304. They Cid zo on the strength L always i S:FIIE PIIOTECTIUE : : M iil 2 il I "JrT ; serving Coca-Cola serves hospitality j 1 a pramiss by the B.C. gover"-. mrnt that a "road would be j hr.ilt" connectinj the salt water ! port with the vast interior, j Thr-e are some of those hardy I NTorwer!ans still alive and still j waiting for the gov-ernment to ' live up to its promise. I But latt?rlv they began to get I t a wee Lit Impatient. They THE LOWER COST BETTER SHEATHING MATERIAL pd otlvr folks tn the Bella Coola valley raised several 'ho"STnd (l iHars and decided to hiiiUlinT the missing link road themselves. The government at Victoria thrn showed more energy than 1!, hrs done In the previous ha f century on this matter. It or- ?'Our own tests," a builder writes, "confirm your claims that GYPROC SHEATHING makes stronger, better braced walls, and we are now convinced that for durability it beats any type of sheathing we have -V- .'d'whe-v -stop." Tl:n se'tier-- wild not even bui'.d the roai with iheir own money and labor 'n'ers thev did .o undor "-o-.Trn-iiicit engineers, of whi ',: none are nearby! ,S "III :: ACCORDING TO THE CARI- D'gest, politicians fear to -ive Ihe go-ahead order to build he ni'ssinj; link road k t might hurt the P.G.E. Rail- vjiy. T4 - l,t PnH ' if t , A i m ever used". GYPROC SHEATHING is a specially-made gypsum board with a dense core of gypsum enclosed in heavy, weather-resistant paper. It is outstanding among sheathings for greater strength, fire protection, weather resistance and all-round economy. GYPROC SHEATHING will NOT burn. It will not shrink, warp, or swell. Its joints remain permanently tight, giving maximum bracing effect in frame construction. ' I 1 the P.G.E." is ths-. whispered reply. This would be a scandal and an cutr.Tje rven if it were true 1 For after all, just as tho sabbath i V. LJtil sly (Qlln) v as mrde lor man ana not. man fr the srbbath, the P.G.E. wa made for the r,ood of the Cariboo country, and the pooplc ate rot there for the sake of the P.G.E. But it docs not happen to be true. Anything that opens up Gypsrzsti, Lime and Al&basiin Canada, Limited MONTREAL I TORONTO WINNIPEG CA16AKV VANCOUVER a new country eventually helps l et to . 1 everything whirh serves that Piuwt ruHt di iWJEfc o ttttltiflfD 'till (jiutiiiimmKJH'Ui I country. I mi unDioKcn roap irom Wil 2 bottle carton LOCAL GYPROC DISTRIBUTORS Plus deposit 2i per bottle ALBERT & McGAFFERY Ltd. liams Lake to Bella Coola would brini a new wave of prosperity to a vast area of Canada. The P.G.E. would undoubtedly lose some traffic because of the new road. But ' it would gain far more than it loit because of the pcneral increase in Cariboo pros- under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 116- Woterfront Prince Rupert Phone 132