4 'finC CENTRE HAVING Continued rrum Page 1) classes in brldee ur.a! r ln . . lership of Gan ;i ., Prfnrr ntrpfrt Daflp I3cB Tuesday. November 16, 1948 ! BURLESQUE WN Toaaaat 1 Pirj, nve ptopie are ' r.ov; t -u , ., wu munuu... had been registered during the 'six-week period, October 1 to November 15, being 300 more than during the same perloci :'.-it j)v(,n . -'0'... RADIOS POPULAR 'There are nearly 10 (HJO.yiO Radios in Great Britain it one -or every five persons. IPC ising season to ... 'J). teams In thf- Remembrance Week Closes Wrtti Social and Entertainment fr Ladies and Men ,'last year and 125 more than Civic Centre . Dates . during the whole of the 1947-48 membership year. There have with approximately lm registered and 7 teams ii, school Juvenile w-' Final event of the many ac "Ifici, m Ton saw n m xne Djciy News! been 407 new members register tivities incidental to the ob B A S B E T servance of Remembrance 6 ii: C 3 , n 1 ! 1 .If. ; WEDNESDAY (Sports) Week in Ptiiiee Rupert came Friday night on a high note of camaraderie and jollity when ladies and men of the Canadian 1 A MI I Leeion.EOt together for an eve WK E E ning of entertainment and so-icial mingling which was lighted by a burlesque program ed and a breakdown of membership shows 33B juniors: 282 teenagers and 588 adult on the membership roll. Mr. Forward also reported on program participation with comparative figures for 1947 and 1948. The Rup-Rec department, under Miss Margaret Slinn as physical director, has 448 registrations this year in their tiny tots, junior hoys, junior girls, teea girts, teen bvys, weneen's keep-fit, organised beys' games, organized girls' games, and teen i arranged by Mrs. G. V. Hanley T S E II a.m. ! 6:00 Bo Me HI Gym Clas pm. 2:30 Rup-Rec Tiny Tots 3:30 Teen Age Badminton Casual) : 7:00 Adult Club Badminton .7:30 Rup-Rec Teen Age Girls (Special) 1:00 Gyro Club Luncheon 1:30 Gyro Club Meeting 3:30 Jr. Girls Doll Dressing Class 7:30 Teen' Age Boys Crafts o:00-LittIe Theatre 8:00 Sewing Class iTJ.B.C.) WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT TOUR DOOR CARTO!ftD OR LOOSE : WE FAT CASH v PHONE 950 (281 1 and Mrs. J. S. Black. The whole event was under the convener-ship of Mis. William Rothwell. The burlesque numbers, featuring period costumes and antics which caused great amusement, were: Barber Shop quartette Mcs. Percy Bond, Mrs. A. Ritchie. Mrs. T. Marshall and Mrs. Darrow Gomez. Sea Chanties and sailor dit- WUhout a doubt the liotte; acquired Johnny Johnston who hoop team this aide of Ken- last played here in 1948. Sonny tucky on Saturday night was Beynon wil be seen in his in-Alex Bill's Bo Me Hi Rain- icial appearanct if he can make ' makers. They stepped out in tee weight, and, according toj their second game In senior playing Coach Macphee of Co-i age badminton groups. Senior badJBintM bad Increased from 13 participants last year to 8S players this season. wnipttuy iu wnip van ziareMs op. hes Deen ' drying-out as Savoy club as though It were thev sav in Duzliistic circles, i A iw department this year "I ties Mrs. G. V. Hanley, Mrs. TR7" A CLASfchATED AD! expected of them. They not for the past week. There are is the crafts work under the dlr- Arthur Holbrook. Mrs. Alex Pi only ended up on the lone end ! reoorts from the Co-nn ramn ection of Rowland Miles. Civir I Ctf t Vl CrVA hnr ... 11 .! . i cir. i . . t . . 4 -""wi y - oi ft! r t . it , i f j her and Mrs.. James Andrew, j The group also appeared again i in a Cow Boy song and dance ! aet. . toe hotelinen a lesson in ball- breaLh etc.. n.Ai ah on Uie sanu- jticipatlng in such crafts a.5 evening. ijunior boys' woodwork; junior i. handling and passing. Young Don Sefaerk appeared to be going a little berserk with phenomenal shooting yet he did it If. Can Can Girls Mrs. William Osborne, Mrs. J. Gilchrist. Mrs. girls doll dressing; shell craft; J Wilfrid Gai'butt and Mrs. Fred High School has ;urned ui leather-craft classes for ladles the tickftx fus tKeir t Krotins; adult mixed eroims- ! ) with such ease that he is ex Hardy. pected pecie". ia to. become Tme.Mle one of lh' the Rounding out -the musical program were Bert Cameron, h? ; T eai01 Outstanding also m-hh violin .p.ti.. was the work of Art Olson and Tiny Carl games with Kayhi and they will teen bovs' 4X1(1 the special be handled on the same ex- leader-craft class for junio.-change system of last year. In- nd Birlfi aged 10 to 11 dications are that the ticket yers. The program depaltmen. will soon become scarce. ' jns arranged with the Univer- sity ,of British Columbia Depart- The only suburban entry hi'ment of Extension for special any league this year, the Miller ! mstructlon In various Interest i Thompson, with piano solos, and Harley Lewis and Mrs. ! Ralph Smith, vocal solos. Mrs. j J. S. Black was piano accora-j panist. son, two boys who appeared last year to be much too big for themselves. This Higa School outfit will take jBay nurses, will show tonight ' groups during the current sea- Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Rothwell. About 250 persons attended. agauisi sweet sucteeu. ab all 8""- n ciass m group discussion oi these girls are strangers, ! has already been held with 3) they deserve a welcome. Jin attendance and currenUv - 4.1 ' . i'-tr i Tonight Co-op and Brown-woods are slated to get into in their first meeting of '. - X. 'Vt- Classified AQtislng Pays! Miss Sylvia Dyson of the University staff is teaching sewing to a group of 30 in the Civic the season. Co-op of course.' will be favored to add another HONKERS ARE MOVING SOUTH couple of point to their league j standing. YeL thev will likelv: A Qsalify Kew Picdaci i Ct -ii -jtx crafts room. Early in the year. Miss Jean Faure will hold ! special classes In art and 'in March Muss Eileen Croat nf th . draw, as usual, a big crowd i .Ti.iiru us tom,rron; I)ur ,:''!',-',' are "ler-?aliiratl i. Mm that wants to see them trampled. Brownwoods will .use t-oalvd vi'.h s.ie-ir.l a-.ial. fJ Geese are moving southward ; University will toe at the Centre 1 n 1 0 rnA r.llniVrii-i Tl C a Andy Owens from Merchants tt-A h i . . .ir' turn j,iur. tfe, , Mitii- rrntiuitu lire firm!, tiiiltctMn U it U It 1 1 j of the Intermediate League tolRupert these dJ'S- Early yes-1 home furnishings course. fa liil the linenp. They have lately j terday afternoon there seemed j other new venture of the pro v.fii.in jcar-j of umurril jirolrJ to b a mieratiun of tin iirwu RESERVIST gram department has been th; I It r III iMai Consclly Applied by Approved!! J'p (juulily a-ili:ill nhiiijl MONDAY'S FIGHTS PhiladelDhia Haw "S.ni-" HtW KUYAL enoucn. I hey ttiiuuld Jh apj This man i a grocery dark in your town. In hit spar rime, he is serving Canada as a Naval Reserve . . . gaining experience in the crafts of the sea . . . learning to know the ways of ships end the lore of sailors . . , enjoying the comradeship of life in the Navy. He is m-creosing his own personal efficiency, and so building for the future through the experience and training that the Novy gives him. He is a citizen sailor man to be receded. exiHsrli. Sidney (jroiM eum of eiiM-rirtirr and a ttrallh Robinson, 154, New York, out HOTEL iented volume. No less than iaur flocks of the winged tourists were observed in quick tuccesion. There were hundreds of birds in each of the honking v-shaped formations. Reaoer ano Ciassineil advertisers are requested to submil their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often lead to mistakes against which ni !il "ktMw hs." Tbr-v BiuJ v. sr.liie)f liirh iliratinn.. , pointed Bobby Lee, 148. Baltimore (10 rounds non-title Cincinnati Ezzard Charles, BUBC o 3 AL for (.etiuitie Diirowl Sliinjlr- Ujiprosrd iiiirut Ktn 7j um A Home Away From Home 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone) 1 P.O. Box ltrl ,178, Cincinnati, Knocked out Walter Hafer no, Maysville (7 roundsi. Macon, Ga. Billy Cor.n, 190, Pittsburg, stopped Mike ODowd, 201, New York (9 rounds). . Holyoke. Mass. Tami Mauri- the Daily News cannot guarantee Phone 654 'ello, 201, New York, knocked out Leo Stoll, 205, Baltimore rounds). t5c per deim ptid It,, mpllo Ubld by any B.C. Brewery "I Tiiis dMrMmn( is not publurwd ci tpkytdky ijager Control Boarder tk Government ol Brttisd Columbk. Mad, vn!s v WHOLESALE JANITORS SUPPLIES for Hotels, Restaurants, Schools, Hinpi-tals, Offiees, etc. ' . f ' Dl'STBAXE and' 1)-B I'roducls. Brodiellrushes, Mops, G. II. Wood & Co. Industrial aniUUion. Brooklyn Dick Wagner, 172, Portland. Ore., knocked out Davey Feld, 178, Braaklyn 20 rounds i . New York Al Hersh, 148, stopped Ross Anzalone, 145 both New York 5 rounds). 5 2 I Lflte him, you can make extra money ..." enjoy yourself . . . make new friends ... in your own home town, in your own spare time . . . and prepare yourself for a better future m the Royal Caaadian Navy Reserve Yes, the Reserve is a grand chance to better .yourself and to enjoy yourself Every Summer you'll sail on a salt water cruise . . . learn to feel at home on the deck w an intricate, modem warship. f Throughout the year you'll spend interest-ing evenings acquiring new skills of real value . . . among chaps like yourself who've chosen to share the man's life the Navy offers. YouH wear the Navy's famous uniform." You 11 receive regular Navy my for your time wrththe Reserve. You will gain in personal efficiency, and thus make YOUR spare time pay dividends. STOCK REDUCING SALE 10 OFF TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10:45 p.m. ': PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE CUtAf Hip1 Thorn "12 "Second Avenue Phone 632 LIMITED Mrtttt till 4 CAN iiEi'Aii: von: 1 f INSTAL A NEW Every SUIT and pair nf SLACKS in our store a'l Brand New Stock. FOR TEN DATS ONLY . . . Spare Regret Don't Forget Buy NOW and Save for Christmas! AND I; ' ' .; ' ft Make to Order anything in the Sheet MfW 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT HEALER I S... rtir Jiii.U RUPERT MARINE REALTY .N. 21 (J. CLAUSEN & SON) TIT rp-i.-. t : . i . t ACME CLOTHING STORE Stanfield's Underwear and Best Work Pants BOATS FOR SALE OR CHAi BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING t tr y RUPERT MARINE REALj Get the facts today from the Naval Recruiting Officer. Royal Canadian Navy, Ottawa, or from II.M.C.S. CHATHAM. Prince Rupert FOR 01 ICR SALES OR C'M.-ki"" .Tni F.,t r.r T.inKott.'s WaWriront! I V I in aitanadaniJa FKHFRMFN J - r s fl u.w! l, I for a truij in L P I km Mm Mm U ylC r fc' -x tom&mlmr-.m't& i f w f,. a CIGARETTES 1 mmi-'mm ' I immmmmammmm I '"' mm ... ItJLLLl j lt.l:i ', o p swi aa ' l.. lIIfllT CDPPh in fit Supreme t-mirt or BrrttHh CiMimihia In lTirtat In thr Matter of tlsp "AilmlnlHtraMnn Art" And In the Mutter of Mm itate of Fran its fcetlvm. Iir-.iwl, IntwitHte. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 28th day of October, A. D. 194a I wag appointed Administrator of thr estate of Frances Netived. deceased. All parties having claim aaamst the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of December. 1948. after which claims filed may be paid without, reference to any claims of which I then had no -knowledge. All parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ol their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED this 89th day of October A.t. 1948. ALBERT E. RODDI8, Official Administrator, Atlln, B C (270) jvipuirs iu Jiiviii f i. specialty. We have the latest in chinery and specially TKAIXED 3IM J to handle this class of work. Let us w engine now, do ndt wait until the last that overhaul. If j ou are thinkms o haul, we will be filad to look your m and make our recommendation 1 ilu' better still DROP IN and talk it ver DAWN PINK WHITE MELLOW Bl'FF IVORY PAGODA GREEN PEACH TIBET GOLD POWDER BLUE PAMPAS CREAM The Wonder Wall Paint bhop 1'orcman. i THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. RUPERT M01UK) '