I J9rti.cc Uupert Dailp rectus Tuesday, November 16, 1948 Local News Items... c Announcements All aflvertisemuim a tnlo column will be charged for a full month at 26 centa a word 3' MIKE CRANLEY PASSES AWAY Michael Cranley, 74, who spent forty years of his life' in the service of ,ne Granny Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., first at Phoenix in the Boundary country and then at Anyox on the north coast, passed away at noon today in Prince Rupert Miss Elizabeth Stevenson, of Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Coquitlam Sunday to join the staff of Miller Bay hospital as housekeeper. Ernest Unwin sailed Sunday night on the Coquitlam lor a trip to Vancouver. A shipment of Burberry Coats has just arrived at An ; nette Mansell's. (272) Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaSette Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Bridge, Whist and Crib, November 18, 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall. Valhalla Whist and Social, November 19. Mrs. F. McGeachv of Smi- returned on yesterday afternoons plane to their home at Lombardi's Made-to-Measure CLOTHING thers sailed on the Camosun General Hospital. He was one Queen Charlotte City after a this afternoon on a trip to Van 7s! ' brief visit here. couver. Salvation Army Home League Mrs. Eunice Davis R.N., lady Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of 5 At Sheardown's, one hundred 49-pound sacks of No. 1 Quaker superintendent . of Miller Bay lie iicars arc bound lo' Hospital, returned to the city Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.OD.E. Sale riour, a real buy at $2.50 on the Camosun Sunday after wnae they last. (273) November 25thj 1 i -s. f f : 1 noon from Vancouver where she Urinjj changes... of the colorful figures In early day mining of British Columbia. , , Born in Ontario, he came west as a young man and joined Graftby Co. service at Phoenix, moving from there to Anyox when the company closed down the once famous camp and opened the other. After closing of Anyox he went to Alice Arm and remained there until the last war when he came to Prince has been spending a vacation. A. H. Dockrill, of Telkwa, Is a visitor in the city today, hav . Specialists In hand-needled and bench-made clothing. , The Lutheran Ladies' Aid ttinvcu Monaay by car from the Interior. He is a guest J)o you know what your insurance needs will be in 1953? Marriage, a birth or death in the family might change the present picture completely. So, plan ahead,, but make your plans flexible. . . . meets at the parsonage Wednesday November 17. Dr. H. L. Foss will be present. There will St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaar, November 27. range Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. United Church Bazaar, December 2. " , Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. E., Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, Dec. 3. at tne Prince Rupert Hotel, be services at the church at 7:30 lony Anderson of Sointula, m 1 wno has been attending cooperative meetings here during the past week, sailed this afternoon by the Camosun on his Fine English Saxonys in CHALK STRIPES, GLEN CHECKS AND PLAIN TONES. j A Crown unc converciDie roiicy gives ;.ou that flexibility. At the end of five years, you have the privilege of converting your original policy into any one of five different at a new rate which is truaranteeri Rupert to take employment in one of the camps. He was a foreman in charge of gangs on outside mine workings both at Pnoenlx and Anyox. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway p.m. Wednesdir followed by a business meeting. (269) Constable L. W. Turner of the city police detachment sailed this afternoon . on the Camosun on prisoner escort duty to Vancouver. return down the coast. ov - c inlaw in your original policy. There are no lump Hall, December 4. . St, Peter's Faff Bazaar, De cember 8. MAKING NOTES With her snakeskin bag on the floor beside her and her crepe-soled suede shoes peeping from beneath her picturesque robe, Madam Ella Bai Koklos makes notes at the opening A CANADIAN LEGION 1 In his day, Cranley had also Regular Monthly Meet taken a hand at prospecting. gr:3ing, Wednesday, Nov. 17, EIFFEL TOWER There are twn sistprs nnn George Viereck of the Prince Uupert Fishermen's Co-opera Get in touch with a Crown Life represent tative. He will be glad to explain how a Crown Life convertible Policy can be used to give you the flexible protection you require. Legion Hall, 8 p.m. (with marriad and one single in On The Eiffel Tower In Paris is Initiation of new mem tario. ' His wife died in Phoonix 985 feet high and weighs 7,500 Hard Finish English Worsted V PIN STRIPES, SERGES AND FINE PATTERNS. tive and A. V. Hill, of the B. C. Fishermen's Co-operative Fed bers. (270) tons. years ago. session of the African conference, Lancaster House, London. Madam Ella's husband is the Paramount" chief of Sierra Leone. The conference was opened by -Mr. Morrison. eration, sailed today on the Camosun on a trip to Sointula. T. H. Sorensen, after a week's visit, to the city on fishermen's Crown Life The Canadian Cancer So co-operative business, sailed by "Jlncit QuoflttjTea HomeOffic. Toronto Insurance Company ciety will hold a meeting In the Civic Centre on Wednesday, Nov. the Coquitlam Sunday night on his return to Vancouver. 17 at 2:30 p.m., to hear the re I'KOY, General Agent, Frince Kupert, port of the delegate to the Fall LOCAL BANKER" . MOVED SOUTH EN'NY, C.L.U., Provincial Superintendent, Imported Scotch Irish Tweeds in DIAGONALS, HERRINGBONES, TWISTS AND DONEGALS. Cecil Downey, former well known local athlete, sailed Sunday night on the Coquitlam Convention! Everyone welcome. al Office: Rogers Building, Vancouver. 1 v1- 1 W. F. Manning,, for the last for Vancouver. He will enter a em three years assistant accountant sanitarium in the south. . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murray Ida at the Canadian Bank of Commerce branch here, has been ap 269) Dr. Michael Clough-Ormis-ton, who has been on the medical staff of Miller Bay Hospital here for the past year and a half, left on yesterday .afternoon's plane for Vancouver and Graham Alexander sailed this afternoon on the Camosun For excellence in quality of cloth ... for unequalled value and fine tailoring . . . BUY A LOMBARDI. 1 3?IME for Victoria. Mr. Murray and pointed to the accountancy of the Courtenay branch and will leave for the Vancouver Island town in the near future. He will be replaced here by C. Mor-rice of Vancouver. whence he will proceed to Mr. Alexander are going south t to attend a meeting of the pro Kingston, Ontario, to join the staff of a sanitarium there. ' word Dr lmertton. minimum cbaree. SOo. Birth Notlea fof Tnantx. Death Notice, Funeral Notice, Marriage vincial Civil Servants' Union. 1 ' and Engagement Announcements: a. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE FRICB IMPORTANT MEETING The annual general meeting i-ing Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. STYLE Takes a Cue Skeena Progressive - Conserva A meeting of importance to iTsALE FOR KENT SDftILS2S tive Association, will be held at all taxpayers and parents is to rinp SDrlne-filled the Civic Centre, Nov. 18, at 8:00 be held at Booth Schooli Wed-p.m. Business: to receive reports nesday November 17, 1948, at k size, good condl- FOR RENT Furnished room for two. 650 7th Ave. E. Phone Red 471. tf) Red 501. Ubtf) and election of officers for the 8 p.m. A School Board member, . . . from royalty in the elegant princess lines of this soft wool coat with Canadian ..Squirrel ..fur ..collar ..and cuffs. Wear casually or for more formal occasions. Gentleman's Suit, with (269) FOR RENT Small house bath. Phone Green 838. t lality. Size ia. after entering WOMANHOOD Are yoif troubled by iMrew of femnle functional monthly disUirhances? Does thin make you Buffer, feel bo nenw, tired, weak al such timea? Then do try 1 v.tiaF, PmkhHm'nVoeetatle(,omtKuKl parent and taxpayer, teacher and student will speak to the meeting, airfiig their views upon ensuing year. (271) P. J. Rolls, veteran porter of the Jasper-Prince Rupert run. 1 (fh WANTED 180. d Chesterfield, ,.in. Phone Black (270) the subject of the new school. WANTED 6 roomed house urn is back on duty again following entlv npecied. to rent or buv 14 t 1 reasonable terms. Box 416 a six weeks' vacation trip as far I East as Cleveland: In St. Paul impound, ia very helpful for women 1 " V Daily News. (269) FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 , ( CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Since the building of a new! school Is of vital concern to Prince Rupert, the Parent-Teachers' Association urges all flu' sized Baby ;oy Buugy, Phone (270) he visited with a sister. NIVnil C DIUlfUlLTC VtGFTABLE muih La niinnnm o compound WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and Conner; pavina eood prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. Passengers sailings for th 1 who can, to attend and jdTpt in A smart Fur Neck Piece of Canadian Squirrel will enhance the style of jour favorite suil. ELL New and Used Hardware, etc. We it lv used Radios. north on the Princess Louise at the question period. g (269) , Vtmcf : Rupert Florists inn olj Tnir Kin Tnl 777 WORK WANTED rimaDhones. Kitch- vacuum Cleaners 9 : v Tables. Loeelne the week-end were Wilfrid Han-bury and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wesley for Ketchikan, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Phillips for Juneau and Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Will oiai ory nrc, ukja haw w. , . , Flowers for All Occasions ' i.. i 1 WORK WANTED Excavating, clearing lots, handyman in Dally News Classified Ads get Quick Results! f j 1 ' $ 4 r Work Clothes, vs. New and Used iaiiEPS for Wood, il. Box 417, Dauy news. general LOST Typewriter In best lie warm and sparkling: these cool evenings ..in ..a ..SEQUIN ..fancied" SWEATER. Lovely shades all sizes... Commodore Cafe BLACKHEADS go micklr by a limpl method that dl mItm them. Get two ounew of peroiln from your drureiit, app'T towdr et. wet cloth rtntly ovtr th bljcklwadt aaa jm SUI Faadw vtawt U7 kar M 1 and Used Harare Desk. Bee us ur furniture needs, uv or sell. LOST Lady's Tudor wrist watch between Borden St. and 3rd Ave. Cameron, 801 Borden. 2'V iams and three children lor j Mayo, Y.T. Walter Tennant, regional supervisor of the Soldiers Set-.tlemt " atT d Veterans' Land Act, from Kamloops, will arrive in the city on tonight's train for A. MacKENZIE i FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy BED MATTRESSES Ask for them by name. Bcautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many other.? for your Fall requirements. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue flTURE CO. Black Pi'- ttu .Pretties for the CHRISTMAS SEASON Buy them at SWEET SIXTEEN anti use or Personalized Budget Plan-No Interest No Carry Charges -a3. , 1937 Ford s 935. Sedan. (271) PERSONAL To all our customers Ladles' Croydon CHIROPRACTOR Coats have arrived. uu 1941 Dodge Sedan iss shane. Phone ter 5 p.m. (273) WILL Bov who found Eold colored earrine with rhinestone nlpase return same immecii Youne Elrl's winter "is lined. 10-14. Also (263) atelv. Red 879 a meeting 01 me regiunai advisory committee to be held tomorrow at the Canadian Legion here. The meeting is held to permit veterans having problems to make their representations. Mrs. J. S. Black left on last evening's train for Smithers fell evening between iii 7th Ave. East. (270) John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block . Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment not KS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p m. KVKS1M1W Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST lfi attendance ' Rfternoons. PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR VOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away to find it yourself, write to the Select ShooDiiiK Service, Dominion Building. Vancouver COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Fhone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. SALE '39 Indian orcvcle. complete new paint, rebore. windshield. Sac- This is Education Week November 14 to 20 S375. Phone Green where tonight she win auena a meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion in her capacity as third vice- (269) ! i. .! .i-. 4 room Wartime 7 - i ! ,4 l :. 1 ..... 1 (. ), 1 , I' L1 s 1. I . ''' 1 ! ii Overlook St., newly PERSONAL If you are thinklnn of buyine your own home now is the time to ln-vestmate prices. We have a number of houses listed at reasonable finures. Come in and tell us about your hous-lne problems and maybe you too can become a home owner. Robert E. Montador Miiaiea and ciear-ned at. rear. Maisnl-Prince Rupert Phone Green 291 president and regional representative for the British Columbia command. Mrs. Black expects to return to the city Thursday night and may visit the Terrace branch while away. Sailings for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE TlmiloH L4H1 Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun I'm Wartime House 't New oil range. Sunday, -11 p.m., Coquitlam achine. Priced to use 6th E 3 lots. we, immediate oc-Only $3300. Terms. ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnightly) Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS iuseNear Conrad 'ncrete basement, buy for cash $2750. PG AG.ENCI E S s.s. Coauitlam. Nov. 7 and 21 307 3rd Ave. (274) -White enamelled FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS X VJULrOii v-j rv f fliDQ wmw Giaoeooo) wmflin ) '0O(i Rt.nvo niai,tli. s.s! Coquitlam, Oct. 29, Nov. II new. Enduire at IRRESISTIBLE eye appeal . . . matchlessly bright, tangy flavor . . . just-tight consistency Jell-O offers all the things you want most in desserts. And it's unbelievably esy to make. Add the fact that Jell-O is about the most economical dessert you can .tailor, (tf ) Full Amilnnarl . 13 and 27, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER , Prlnw Runert Atrent -' Wrd, Lipsett." En- Third Ave. Phone 563 "iin completely $7 (Win fnr nnlntr " .1 N Black 465. (274) NOW AVAILABLE tup -f nlHB noP 1 - him" 1 1 nm' ' ...n r .... Lady's bike. Phone (271) - 1037 Cnj 00M serve, and you'll agree "Jell-O has everything". Only Jell-O with its exclusive "lock , ed-in" Jell-O flavor gives the most satisfying results. Look for' the big red "JELL-O" letters on the box 1 w d'O1 ,,,1, i orunn. jtet. hSAJ& - Trolling $2,400.00 as is. fe" on Co-op irrid. . in ,.,t V o.o. "... -it in m"" "wuiy at the office. . (274) 1"V l Ou SALE " jaw - ttuits- Jalt-0 l a trademark owntd by Genwol Foodi, Limited TOter i,u. A Product of ; Gnral Foods kill,, umuei more t,.I.u'sei modern I s;:,. Ye National i s' MiL-y "? manufac-Nationai Machinery wmited. Vancouver, (tf) AVAILABLE AT LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Wtat -fotirJ only: mi MO? PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. I 8HfflWa"ons and Varanl? MET AT There are seven famous Jell-O flavors COAL, LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIER pnone 543. ' (tf ) ' ! . J i I . '