mmmm , Estate Hupcrl DaiTj? Hklitf Friday, November 19, 1943 KING EDWARD BEATS Juvenile Basketball r;,,. ,J fi in Sport Played Thursday Afternoon ! J?th ai . HOLD LEAD-IN MIXED LEAGUE I one game in the e ttasiteiDaji u-acno ,. Would Bar Billy Juveniio W'-Intcsh S: u Played fh(Xjtil-S imT, 6 ml Thuiscay aftemonn .h. Hds a i Edward won its first victory 0f the season by defeating Wiu Headpinners retain a two- Conn From R; point lead in the Mixed Five Pin League this -week, despite the SAVANNAH, Georgia IS -Sec-loss of two games to their run-,.retary Leon Collins of the Sav-ers-UD Macey's XXX, who now annah Boxing Commlstdon said o . .... ... . "B" 4 "'SU ' i O lU J. II was Hl"h 9'. . Pli .. . --Wjh . . . - o orcunr! '"JilY It.,..,. ' ' ''"-insor. "Win. dereol. - , portt.r, The only score if th ..... I trLL 3 8. P. Quarter was made hv , ... Ti,.n -u'-rdv (jllfii!i Iiuosh of King Edward when hf !slaU 2 netted a push shot from th ! Kinp. ' . B that he is seeking suspension of the heavyweight, Billy Conn, from the ring for default on hi verbal contract to appear lor a iignt. MIXED BOWLING STANDINGS Headpinners 33 Matey s 31 j KuifiDinners ... 30 Pullovers 2S Over wane 29 Pioneer 2i Dodaers 28 1 Malkins 22 B.C. Messenger 20 I Winners - 17 ! Hot Shcis 16 Brownwoods . itf Cloveileats 15 Maple Leafs 13 Silver5 Streaks 11 High School 8 Bo'Ks 7 Pin Busters 3 ?2 1E3 tfH (S) iri r- ..... . u lost me services of a torwaru wnen Artie Helin suffered a knee injury In the first nan. it was reported later that he sufferrd a torn cartilage arrl will not be able to play fr fr,me time. Civic Centre Dates . . SATURDAY (Sports) p.m. 2:00 Teen Ape Badminton 2:00 Adult Casual Badminton 7:00 Teen Age Badminton (Basketball League Games) 6:30 Int. Morgans vs High - School 7:30 Jr. North Star vs. Kinsmen 8:45 Senior Co-op vs. Savoy 10:00 Women Miller Bay vs High School Advertise in the Daily News! AVAILABLE AX PHiLPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 631-632 COAL, LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES IM k " - N ' x I '-j 1 ' ' J, ! - 1 iifSiiin-A7" trtr'TfV' -s . 'J f rt 'V J ' 'j TZ f 1 I -t 4J I j ? iH , f ' ' v' :y j , t-' . -J gs-SV ... hr- . 7 SA VE ON SHA VES WITH b- " f '- ,j . . ll f&t O. O. Newton Newton 136 A.VT-' : Vw " f'l -.v f,, -.--r v.'-iJi-V- '- f : ,4 T. 1. Cole Cole . .. . 187 9 V."' c,an" f,' MINORA Bisw-(.anado I lavouut dotibl-da km. kuj r. ... qvalKy bladn In fK. low-pns. h.ldl rii youi aouoi-ogt raior. v-'"'- y! r I . ' ' jVi "fs-l K ,lV-f "f T Si v w :, j . , - I , r. -lf' ''tTh-dr J iU-.- - Alk"CX A 'r rlL -tf Krjt. I ' y'Jj:jP- have 31 points. Klngpinners. who took three games from Maple Leafs, are in third position with! 30 points. Overwaitea, which took two games from Pioneer Laundry bowled the highest aggregate team score, 3.57G, while individual honors were shared by C. Maundrell of Brownwoods, who bowled the highest single game score of 279 and L. Erickson of Pioneer Laundry whose three tame total was 749. Game results: Kingpinners 3, Maple Leafs 0. Malkins 3, Silver Streaks 0. Brownwoods 3, Ctoverleafs 0. Pushovers 3. Wingers 0. B.C. Messenger 2, High School 1. Overwaitea 2, Pioneer Laundry 1. Dodgers 2, Pin Busters 1. Hot Shots 2, Bole 1. Maceys XXX 2. Headpinners 1. MACEYS XXX A Nfatheson 180 209 Uzick 223 202 Dun oar 173 233 181. B. Vuckovieh 194 164 J. Thornton 149 139 119 S. Davison . 180 166 Handicap . 17 . 17 Totals . lllrt 1130 HKADPiNNERS A. McMeekiu T. McMeekin ho 180 139 N. Withers , B. Withers ... 1 79 223 234! V. Wratball J. Comadma 178 175 223 H.ituiicjp ToUis 1004 10W 1.052 SILVER STREAKS L. Smith ?25 08 i. FieKling . lao 10 iuy P. Roberts . R. Roberts ... 179 181 195 G. Van Meer 112 131 134 Low score .... Handicap 32 32 32 Totals 8y6 9o0 Sotfif MALKINS 1 A. Leamv 207 252 183 M. Leamv ... 116 183 155 R. Clavering E. Schild 148 168 146 D. Taylor A Tavlor Totals Handicap 1009 1215 not BROWNWOODS E. Clark 138 G. Hull 109 E. Hull 92 E. Bussev 170 C. Maundrell 209 274 192! a. woods 245 ! 343 226 i HandicuD 4 64 14i Totals 1025 1307 1211 CLOV ER LEAFS Delault. PUSHOVERS C. Whatman , 200 129 120 T. Warren 82 209 164 T. Graham 180 224 174 M. Fivnn 178 193 178 . Smith 205 228 222 J. Paul 180 182 156 Handicap 40 40 40 Totals 1065 1205 1054 W1NC.ERS O. Rudiierham .... 89 155 124 D. Ward 259 241 235 B. Sed?ewick 76 145 134 a Rudderham ... 114 98 160 R. Vuckovieh 260 225 247 N. Sheuimrd 209 229 90 Handicap 10 10 10 Totals 1017 1103 1000 BC. MESSENGER- J. Schroeder 173 133 187 L. Schroeder 142 105 119 H. Swaffield 128 190 117 B Grant 120 91 132 T. Smith 137 161 1311 G. Smith 183 108 176 Handicap . 76 76 76 1T1UUS 959 864 938 HIGH. SCHOOL M. Knutson 92 88 103 J. Jenkins ... 180 109 154 lima Dunn . 74 125 60 G. Bateman 119 80 150 J Urauhart 119 113 69 W. Garbutt 134 152 174 Handicap 218 216 :l Totals' ..... 934- 883 926 OVERWAITEA F. Comadina 291 291 2;3 Paul 135 140 113 R. Tubb 190 133 235 M. Kuzik 225 155 130 J. North 187 226 215 L. Vanetta 201 202 175 Handicap 23 23 23 Totals 1252 1170 1154 (Continued on Page 8) lis) I J W S mO,lSTFRS &Uv riu r MM. Smith ;. 125 tt CD CD au ami BURKS TAKE BOWLS LEAD ' Have Long Margin of Supremacy in Men's Five Pin League Scoring a three to one victory over Alley Cats this week, Burns stepped into a long lead in the standing of the Men's Five Pin Bowling League. Brownwoods, who had been Didding strong for first place, fell back when they were blanked four to nothing by Scotians. Stones, winning three to one over Continentals and Maple Leafs, defeating Mal- kins' four to nutting, are tied now for third place. The team scores, summarized, were: Moose 4, Mallets 0. Scotians 4, Brownwoods 0. I Maple Leafs 4, Malkins 0. Ambassadors 4, Jaycees 0, Burns 3, Alky Cats 1. v Stones 3, Continentals 1. Lome Vanetta of Stone's roll ed the season's high, three game total of 823. The team standings to date Burns 27 Brownwoods 23 Stone's 21 Maple Leafs .... 20 Malkin's 20 Moose 19 Continental's 15 Ambassadors 15 Scotians H Alley Cats 12 Mallets 9 - FOUND IN TOBACCO Rutin, a rare drug found in tobacco, is used in treating capillary fragility, a condition associated with high blood pressure. THROAT SORE'S (COMMON SORE THROAT) RUB IN f W, 0 I,M. Bond 125 1T7 I VA f f TOILERS WIN J CLEAN SWEEP Second Third of Ladies' Bowling League Inder Way Toilers were the only team to score a clean sweep victory this week as the Ladies' B Bowling League swung Into the second third 01 tne season, iney iook the measure of Brownwoods. Other results were: Stare 2, Big Sisters 1. Behnonts 2, Rosa Lees 1. Noble & Wick 2. Boosters' 1. Busy Bees 2, Miller Bay 1. High single game scorer was B. Windle of Belmonts with 297. She also had the high three games of 634. Individual scoring was as follows: BROWNWOODS D. Hands 101 93 117 M. Eby 135 120 100 M. Fulton t5 91 101! L. DonaULson 134 197 100 M. Krecsv 168 138 175 Totals 003 045 598 TOILERS M. Wine 149 157 184 G. Richards 199 141 107 J. Menzie ... 119 232 144 ti. unison M9 118 113 J. Hill 1 1 ti 143 210 Totals 752 791 704 BELMONTS M. Lewis 248 140 183 f. Andrew 13ii 130 127 G. Tubb 149 91 134 M. S,-harff 157 179 126 B. Windle . 166 171 297 Totals 8o0 711 807 ROSA LEES T. Boulter 134 199 -134 .101 139 182 L. Uasso-Bert 138 168 147 B. Vuckovieh 196 204 209 T. Warren 119 111 11 Totals . 688 821 787. NOBLE & WICK A. Hoikestad 172 159 136 M. Baxter 188 233 177l M. Peterson 96 101 160. E. Peterson 67 115 103, A. Lindseth 121 127 106 Totals 644 735 682 ! BOOSTERS 143 184 M. Vlckberg 112 103 162 130 N. Kennedy 126 114 A. Denton . 162 150 Totals 705 681 STAR'S G. Mclntvre 131 140 L. Keavs 131 158 M. Nesbitt . 103 179 Ctideroni ... 10: 164 J. DlUM-'lli 141 164 609 8'Jij 100 111 87 82 at .: 1C2 244 128 223 635 752 199 231 156 103 151 159 108 128 son 117 244 Totals 606 731 863 MILLER BAY B Peterson 173 161 140 P. Roberts 202 i;o io E. Davis 171 105 113 E. Ilev 66 121 135 Low score 83 108 nrj Totals 695 655 (00 Documents about ancient India show that in the year 2000 B. C. soldiejs fought with primitive flame weapons. ; II 1 M mm Ik Ir!dividn,i scori '-I'M; J cUUtw, PliOB t r A U 25 p doini u,J !bcitj ky (B Et Tl I0t Mel FURN .-r. acr? z .iasr'JrtcrifA TP j neierson fc iir.f.VlLF! ' it I J. Guthrie 157 ' HOCKEY SCORES WEDNESDAY I'iii'iitc Coast San Francisco 5, Los Angeles 2 Vancouver 2. Seattle 1 (over-1 time'. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE November 20-Intermediate M 0 r g a n's vs 'High School. Junior North Star vs. Kinsmen. Senior Co-op vs. Savoy. W o m en People's vs. Hinh School. November 23 Junior- High School vs. Rupert Hotel. Women - Dom s vs. Miller Bav. Intermediate- Stone's vs. Mci-chants. Senior High School vs Biovuiwuuds. mm tel. 4 ( -T2'&LJ .i-,.-- . I WV T I 1 Y. Ewaft 115 Y'ffTkr , 1 V J i NOTICE . The Daily News Wishes to draw attention to the rul-'-lhat classified and transient advertising is payable in. ad vance at the office at time Of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily. News are- asked to assist the cffiee and respect Uils, rule by refraining Iroir telephoning classified advertising. Attention Please! ALL BADMINTON PLAYERS . If Your Racquet Nefds ..NEW STRINGS Phone A. B. HODGES North Pacific Cannery and ship your racquets to , INVERNESS .P.O., B.C. Prices SLOO, SL50, $5.00, SG.00 WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOIR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 (281 KONGMICM UU "Wlwn You Finish, Maybe You CouL Civc Rosco a Little Vulcanizing M Sorry, no can do! We can't fix p pants, but TIRES are anothe.- Ltnrtrl Jl'I V, U l.....t CROWDS CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA Here is a general view of .the crowded Weuceslas Square in Prague during the derations of the 30th anniversary of Czechoslovakia. Hundreds of people formed delegations and visited the castle to transmit their congratulations to the president of the republic Clement Gotwald. The president spoke to the huge crowd from th? balcony of the national museum. snot or just suffering a slow JU leak, wc repair them good "' vjffi new; ainu lr your car needs hi complete overhaul, we can du that too! kV' V. rhr?- -; Thorn Sheet LIMITED '-.V-'.' ' .A. -f' - t i T t-:.;.7 t : . I ' ... CLEAN YOUR REPAIR YOUR INSTAL A NEW CAN AND Make to Order anything in the Sheet Mrt 253 East First Ave. FAWt ETT U1AI IK RUPERT MARINE REALTY, (J. ( LAl'SEN & SON) Urn Tnl,a T 11 - mike juinitii ui .r BOATS FOR SALE OR CHA BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AM) FISIIIN' W' RUPERT MARINE REALl FOR QMCK SALES OR I'lIAKit (Just East of Lipsetfs, waien.-- Box S48 .Sealed in rharrril oak Task, HaroH'a Canadian Rye htkky leaves the hupe, lne-eoered raik holmes lirre the kluw paaing of time iia hroucht it to a mellow maturity. Not a drop of llarwood'o but it in fully aged, dtlirate in flaor. the making of nhikkies ia not a Lupines, hut an art, a the men at Ilarw.Mid's well know. For over a quarter of a century they have distilled Kiiperh rye Trom the .ure. eryMnl-elear mountain "f '-at Huime . . . ami watched theiu mature perfectly iu the mild, even euast climate. A haike round of fine promise. Ilarwood'a realize that proiuiae. ONE OF THE TREASURES OF ALL TIME FISHERMEN Repairs to HlfiH SPEED hW Yts, Ihest foniMS cigarettes rt sight ! oeligU rh eyes f ny cMMioisscw I And rhey'rt kertor tlran ever today . . . becews tvry Swttl Cgp you smtki is mw tkKktd, right frM plantatioa tt yo, by rht eicbniv prtss kiMwa as "Perfwiiwi . . . Chetk V'-dieAso' H msora yo cigoretla rhot Is itUs iWf of perfect . . . (a rasbiMss . ; . ia specialty. We have the latest m m chinery and specially TRAINED JlfcVj smaothness ... in tost. 10 nanaie tnis class 01 wuitv. -engine now, do not wait until the last that nvorhau. If vmi are thinkm? 01 CNterr-5a3P ins haul, wc will'be glad to look your Jl LC better still DROP IX and talk it ou'1 wransciv Shop Foreman. i RUPERT MOTORS' lavs This 4a'vertise,mnt is or not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bodrd by the Government of British Columbia. PHONE o6(