Prince Supert DaHp J3rto Friday, Novembej 19, 1918 lin n. . Jasper Scenes 7' HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 'T ri"i i ' a. ...... .......... !l 1 Are Appealing "Emperor Wlti" In rivture of More I sual Local Interest ROTARY ENJOYS MIXED MEETING More than 100 Rotarians and guests gathered at the Moose Temple Thursday evening fw a dinner meeting and dance the first held In several months by the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Guests were welcomed by President and Mrs. D. c. Stevenson and. following the dinner, took part either in danc- Mothers and Fathers Visit Booth Memorial to See What Goes On Open house at Booth Memorial i r CAM The gorgeous mountain scenery vision . l; High School Thursday after ot Jasper Park, where the out noon brought out seventy-five side locations were taken, makes met thev' lhl RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE ! Salle Qt Men's j Amd. ffioys9 Wear j : . Don't Come Unless You Want bargains J BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! mothers and a few fathers for a tour of the school. Guides from ttPProachir, . "Emperor Waltz," with Bing Crosby and Joan Fontaine. Without tnL showing at the Capitol Theatre the senior classes met the visitors at the door and conducted them to rooms in which their TODAY TO SAT. 7 P. M. 6AT- 2:00. children were taking classes, then throughout' the school. nere uniuuie .end jOI this week, a picture of more than usual local appeal. In lact, the scenery is the big feature of the picture. Many Prince Rupert people have been at Jasper among the mountains, along the roads and Classes continued, as usual, in CROSBY-FONTAINE I RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE . j n1 II c J ; V- ! Li i i ; zj i ( Gi J: amid the various resorts and r- ill sofar as possible in order that parents could see a routine afternoon. Pounding of typewriters, English compositions, turning of lathes, painting of murals, sewing fine seams, working mathematical problems wexe viewed in various rooms. Tea was served by Home Eco for these It Is Interesting to see In beautiful technicolor mo many SONS OF NORWAY familiar scenes. TfCHMCOlO ft Rockies of Jasper are used In 1 rtimJ . HOW CAN I ? ? represent the background of the By ANNE ASHLEY Tyrolean Alps for a rumnmv nomics classes who had been U.. 1.1 .... . . I i'Mtt tt, Urn between Crosby, as an Ameri Q How can I make a " good ""7 Z T , . Over the teacuDS na rents nr.ri CHRISTMAS TREE Planning for a Christmas Tree entertainment for children followed by a dance occupied the attention of the Sons of Norway at a meeting Wednesday night with President Pat Deane in the chair. A list of children of Sons can salesman of a new musical recording Invention, and Miss ! wall brush? teachers discussed "Johnny's" progress. Fontaine, as an Austrian coun- A. A good wall brush. can be improvised by covering the broom with clean flannel. Brush tess. The court of Emneror I HtiY K IDS! NEW SERIAL STARTS SATURn DEWEY BACK ON THE JOB Three's still a smile on New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey's face as he settles down to his governing job in Albany, in spite of his startling defeat in the U.S. presidential election. An aide hands him some papers and Dewey knows that win or lose in the presidential election, he's still got a lot of state business to take care of. of Norway and Sonja Ladles is Franz Josef is shaken by the romance In which Crosby's un-I arlstocraUc dog and the coun-tess' pedigreed uootue nlav a ' The farad, a measure of electrical energy, takes its name from Michael Faraday (1791-1867 , an English pioneer in electrical research. now being taken in preparation for the Christmas Tree. There will also' be a private New Year's party. the ceiling and walls with a downward stroke. Replace the flannel as it becomes soiled. Q. How can I mend a large hole in a woollen sweater? A. Try basting a piece of material on the wrong side and "TEX GRAINGER prominent ' part. The story la HEADPINNEKS LEAD (Continuea from tage 4) Radio Dial i.ei 10 a cieugnuul musical score. Crosby features Some VftflplMnrr CFPR when peeling apples for cooking purposes? 1240 Kilocycles (subject to Change) ;in his singing and echoing Tryolean choruses are very ef-1 PIONEER LAUNDRY E. Knulson 18 119 B. Windle i;h 190 u. biewart J.54 84 darning through the patch. It will make the darn stronger and will keep the shape of the A. Try pouring boiling water over the apples that are to be cooked, and see how much easier they are topeel. and the time 340 235 ITS i4a 6rcetiugs at fihristma lecuve. "Emperer Waltz." ' "Friendly Mountains," "The Kiss In -Your Eyes." "I Kiss Your1 Hand, Madame" nn. "Thni c. Menzius 274 2u3 L. Erikson 2vt 'Hi O. fcllCKSOll iUo 'MA FRIDAY PJA. , 4:00 Ed McCuroy Sfngs 4:15 Stock Quotation; Q, How can I save time saved. Handicap 44 44 44 4:30 Sleepy Time Story Teller Whistler and His Dog" are Totals 1178 10U5 1209 DODGERS THIS AND. TH'AT 125 223 m 177 2Hb S. Ramsay 157 147 V. Menzies 187 167 L. Anaerson j3 tj. Anderson 218 143 K Masteu -ii ibo Masleil la 14 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 String Stylings 5:30 Waltz Time 5:45 About Town 6:00 School Board Member-Education Week 6:30 Malkin's Melodv Time Hanriican 54 34 ENSURE YOUR S (J PPL totals . "Z: 1147 1022 1291 PIN BUSTERS f d R p:.jntiiiAn ri,. n 4U. i nn rnp HT... BY 119 7:15 CBC News Rounduo M. Grasdal 167 155 Ban iji 1J0 f. bDiochi 129 lia M. Townsend .... 79 100 ivi. BtaDieton 130 24d Jokanovich 143 129 icap i i.-irt Totals 959 1044 125 182 7:30 Feidler Conducts 8:00 P.T .A. 10U I:,(l fi-15 Vnnr Pn ,.-ll. t- 1 CABIN ROBBERS ON Q.C. ISLANDS John Anderson, who formerly lived on the east coast of Graham Island where he engaged in extracting gold from the black sands, called at the Dally News office to complain of persistent robbing of not only his but the cabins of other men similarly engaged. In fact, it got so bad that Mr. Anderson decided to leave the Islands. It was the custom to leave cabins stocked with provisions and even ammunition but every time they were left alone, the ame thing hapnencd. Thpv SHOPPING EARLY! E. Moxiey 151 K Mooie 00 L. Hart 127 w ; 8:30 Citizens' Forum 9:15 Emma Caslor ' 8 9 :30-Prairie Schooner 120 1 10:00 CBC News VU 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Bill Clifford's Orch. 124 10:30 Riltrrwiro M,,(,.i ALL TYPES NOW ON Mi F. Wright' ........Z 251 at the - -- - VI Ul. low score 112 Handicap 124 Totals 9ug HOT SHOTS H. Sflitiiifit n-7 126 110 152 144 145 116 124 917 159 188 104 116 152 110 80 909 t : ; the friendly way to remember those near and dear to you. To best express your individuality, your thoughtfulness, ?choose distinctive "4jur cards. Come in and see our large display. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRK wcic uroKcn into and rifled. 147 168 154 109 133 86 80 037 Try a Classified Ac in The News 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. SATURJjAT A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 8:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Melodies ior Juniors C Mckinley 112 R. Suclen ... 151 f. Fleming loo D. Ballnmer 167 Low score 90 Handicap yo Totals 807 MAPLE LEAFS P. ThonmNon 13 J. Thompson l3 A. Shearer 147 R. Shearer i;2 A. Hiltnnlnn k Christmas '04MI.KSMt.NT I KM Ok ACT" (bectlon UH NkII.t iif A.ill.utlM ChwhI NoT.""'r: ,,f K"" "" NOTICK in ul-deov 120 135 h)2 199 "I? 27th r Novrm- SHOWING NEWS FKOM McRae Bros. LIMITED 'W.VWWAr.vww 9:59 Time Signal H. Hampton '. '"" iih .'Pl"' Liquor Control ord for nimutit . .. , 14'u 10:00 Band Ftand Br Hcrnce No. 78ai. BUd . Handicao . 88 Totals 852 KlNf;piwwroQ "I didn't think I get it in." 151 158 143 116 59 121 88 836 202 185 188 206 167 198 88 10: 15-World Cnurc), News Wi ' 10 :30Concert Favorites 118 10:45 CBC News ana Commentary Annet . . . WOOL PENCIL-SLIM SKIKTS AM) N0ELf WOOL SWEATERS ... All Siirs and tifco A. Pierce 150 F. MfT .a f.nh io inn 262, 10J35 Weather Report, L. McLalchie 129 G. Snenton 177 J. Shcnton 154 N. Kinslor ... 1R2 18!) 11:00 On the Teen Ri.:.K 229 Handicap 13 13 IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Just what you arc liHiking lur to complete that Christmas shopping lbl Totals 999 1159 1210 Hotel, .ttuate at proot Btrret. Port blBton. Brltl.,h Columbl.. upon d, Block 1, TownBlt of Port EbsliiK-U.n Map 5a7. Prince Ruwrt Tild ReKltr.tlon Dlatrlct. In 'the P?Ji. jlnZ? "inL Perk,n- -lcen, to Janet Ron Brown, of Port EaJing-fo. arltwi Columbl.. the thtaAa?5h h". P.r"10e Ru',"rt B.C., this 27th da f of October. 1948 JANET ROSS BROWN Appllcnt and Transform). 11:30 Weather Forecast -11:31 Message Period U :33 -Recorded 11:45 Perconal Album P.M. BLOL'SES NOVELTY STYLES All (olurJf 1 12:00 Mid-day Melodies taso) Cigarette Tobacco City Merchants City merchants are asked In future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Dally News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will i?reatly assist the mechanical department In kcenini tn h 12 : 15 Recorded Interlude 1.2:25 ProRram Resume 12:30 Musical Program 1:00- Royal Wedding 2:00-Ballet Club 2:45 This Week 3:00-Piano Classics 3:15 CBC News Perfect for your CiiibaiUin" Suit 'GIFT BOXES FREE Buy Hith ronfidrnce at ANNETTE MANSELl DKKSS SALON 525 Third Avenue West rl)l MILD, W LET 'ER & GO!! ' regular hour for publication. BLONDIE Licked From the Start! TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East By CHICK YOUNG . rijfht for a strike! Hit or miss, you'll enjoy bowling with your friends on our alleys. Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday 6nd Sunday after-noons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday eve- -Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10:45 p.m. The 1 Daily Nevs Classified Ads get Quick Results! '"sb aiier v o clock. Chimes of Westminstti I'OK EDl'C ATION MEEK : . . . ; Here hit I.Iip wiuda of the tunc played' WE'VE CHRISTMAS '"All through this hour Lord be my guide And through thy power No foot shall slide." 4" CARDS GALORE 4 - T Choose todav fmm Part of the tune is played each urtcr VPmas Cards and sav Hniiri jQWrappings. and the whole tune at the end ol " then the clock strikes the hour. ... The clocks are beautifully cased in n ' nut and run about fourteen days with 'e j TVio nrlnn l tRK till ..luc I ! V Illirl it IS 1 nrice s .h ni,mv in unin ot. in the east "Hfl " 1 Strictly Stag! m vm2t w S the freight all the way to B.C. Come In early and select while our collection is full and complete. McCUTCIlEOIl PHARMACY Limited ' Third Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 79 m 0 " ' mm m m 9 w