ASSENGERS j Convention Reports mm ON THE SIDE jPtfnce Rupert Dan? J!2cfai Friday, Noyembej 19, 1948 mm lwrMr. A. Val-j ! s m. valderhaug, I . a a. Bothwell. j m i. NEV TRUSTEES ELECTED FOR TERRACE DISTRICT ?lneat Quality - Lit-T. Bruce, M .'j, Martinson, M. ( U 'I . m For Services Rendered life of miners but they dis- In the service of their country , covered that in gold mining as FINED 5300 ON LIQUOR CHARGE In district police court this morning, Tom Lee, proprietor of a Port Edward Cafe, was fined $300 by Magistrate W. D. Vance after pleading guilty to supplying liquor to an interdict The fine was the minimum for t-hat offence under the Government Liquor Act. Tom Lee was represented by A. Bruce Brown and Constable Edward Anderson prosocuLed. while contributing to the safety of those who live by the sea and in many other industries th? production costs outweighed the (.splt-E. Christen-j Mrs. Wagner, M. i TEHRACE Terrace and District 3chool Board elected two travel the water lanes of this returns. When they decided to PC new trustees and heard operational and .financial reports from -its officers at the annual meet advertising always nock-edged coast, the Wilklns had literally everything they possessed destroyed by the sea and nearly lost their lives. The responsibility of replacing the losses suffered by the Wilklns might seem to rest with the federal government but the wheels of the bureau grind slowly their red-taped way toward settlement a family waits in need. We have on occasion made much over such celebrities as chance to grace our city with ing held in the Theatre here. I Mealy elected trustees are Mr. F. Hall and J. Hagen. Other members of the board, including Chairman Dudley G. Little, will remain in office another year. Financing was labelled a major problem in the general report read by Secretary Treasur A'M FINAL LEGION BILLIARD GAME Final game of the current Canadian Legion billiard tournament will be played at the Legion Hall Saturday night between A. M. Hurst and James Nicoll who will clash in a 200- leave the placer claim they loaded their equipment and two dogs into the back of the truck and headed northward. Mr. Shaw was practically brought up in the candy industry and he han passed his knowledge on to his wife so they planned to open a home-made candy store in th-J first town that they fancied. Quesnel they passed up. Prince George looksd interesting but there wasn't a house or store to be had so they travelled on io Prince Rupert where they have found a house and a store and friendly people. Incidentally, when the Shaws .parked their truck in Prince Rupert it signalled the completion of a cross-country all-Canadian trip accomplished in stages and with more than one auto. jants, all-wool. Wilkin's Relief fc nil siaes S3 50 Steamship Movemeat J-'or Vancouver Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 pjn. Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. Wool Pullover er C. W. Alger who s;id that in-; creasing costs are placing-greater pressure on the rate-t payers. However, provincial Fund :;'3 ill sizes, $1.30 J point contest. Both players will I ernment assistance has helped itart -from scratch, making an is, Ions sleeves. their presence but here is a chance to do some thing In the nam of humanity and th'J Municipal Chapter of the I.O. D,E. are to be congratulated on their move to aid those who lost all while pursuing their duty to mankind. $l.z even beginning. The game will Nov. 17 and 28 ss. Princess to oiisei lactors and the district school tax rate has been held at 9:86 mills. L Shirts, complete the first of the Legion's Louise, p.m. 359 Taxi -rlHW P. Kilborne $2 'ZJ? H. CeUy :,...,...$2 : W. Bolam . $2 -'ITJH; ' . $1.45 winter miiiara tournaments. lFrom Vancouver CHRISTMAS, IN THE AIR Santa Claus took to the air last week when a Trans-Canada Air Lines "North Star" skyliner left Malton Airport, Toronto, with an 1,100 pound Ler Laee and Sunday ss. Camosun, tll p.m. . .While the Wilklns were on Jmu. all sixes, Budget for the past year was $70,616, of which the Department of -Education paid approximately $37,000. A surulus of hi Mil ttOAINS FOR men: Wednesday ss Prince George, A. Blombecg $2 r :.T' 10 a.m. j c. Mclntyre $2 " 1 Friday ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m. J. Kasper $2 Nov. 13 and 24 ss. Princess. B. Bellamy :;. $2 Reader ana classified advertisers .are requested to submit their copy to the office. Tele- .uihjI English phoned advertisement ofteu Louise, a.m. R. .Crazier :.. $2 Jn, foats, tailor Green Island, piiior to their transfer to Egg Island, they had another harrowing experience in the service of the , Department of Transport, Marine Service. A southwest gale ripped the major .portion of the house roof of and for several weeks they Jived in a place that was only slight B. Love lead to mistakes against which For Alice Arm and Port Simpson $44.50, $30.00 $2 $2 .1.866 from the previous year left the district with $20,600 to .cie by taxation. Anticipated increases in sal-'' of teachers are expeoted to bring the total for that ex-jytnae io $o0,u00, as compared CANDLE AUCTIONS Lloyds of London once sold ships by candle. When a ship was being auctioned, a stump of candle was lighted and the Instant the candle went ' out, the highest ' bidder at that moment got the ship. the Daily News cannot guarantee J Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. ' J. JCnowles (oats, dark from Alice Arm and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! Port Simpson I Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls ade, perfect fit, $22.00 ,s Pants, all kinds E. Davis $ R. Powell $2 " S. J. Mellor $ 5.00 W. J. Raymond 2.00 Mrs. M. Matthew 2.75 cargo of assorted dolls, destined for Vancouver's Christ- i mas trade. Five-year old Shar-ron Norman is shown holding on tightly to a giant pancfa bear as she rides up the cargo : ramp into the nose of the ; plane. . , , ' ' . I SHIpfand WATERFRONT FOR SALE Pre-war guitar Write Box 418 Dailv News from, from $4.7 J Wednesday ss Prince George with $43,000 for the current year. Board" Chairman liudley Little outlined the school bylaw which ; TRT A CLASS.P'IED AD! wool Fishermen'j -: Z73 10 a.m. - . i tror Ocean F; To date $63.75, ly drier than the wintry rain-drenched Island. At that time there" was no means of electrical communication with the outside world and the Wilklns Just had to get along without a roof over their head until the supply boat came along. Life on a lighthouse is not the picnic variety but Mrs. Wilklns s:ivs It. is hiT II sizes J.5U Vool, 3-ply, best re-. 40c, Now 30 ibreilas, reg. 54.00, will go before the people for, approval tomorrow. It will raise ; $137,000 lor new construction at Hazelton and Kispiox and for reconstruction and repair of Y4.S3 it Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince George midnight. Nov. 13 and 24 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince George, R.m. J ii H. M. I Having been four granted a fe Rn4 fihe ,s reftdy tQ Ro bac,. schools at New Hazelton, Kit-wanga and Terrace. Separate senior and junior high schools at Terrace are not months' leave of absence, O. C. to St. Young, principal research en pineer of the Fisheries Research Board in British Columbia, will Lonff Necks carry out amission in China for Swans are something of a the Food and Agriculture Or-' rarity In -the vicinity of Princa ATI I ALL'S 0 FINISHING ganizatlon of the United- Nations. While in China, his services will be at the disposal of Rupert although the occasional oai rhas been sighted on neighboring laxes. ii'owever, the crew opine. Printing Knlartint CK SERVICE feasible, Mr. Little told the .meeting, because there is not j tulficient population to justify such division. He said he favored the present large school districts which have simplified administration and has resulted in Terrace obtaining better teachers than , lorjnerly. A policy of paying I good wages to teachers would attract a good type of person into the profession and would be of general benefit to education, he said. imalfur and miial Supplies 2 .Hw-r'': "fX' the Chinese government through of the forestry boat White Cloud, agencies set up to formulate re-j had the opportunity of viewing habilitation plans in connec-a flock of fifty of these largfl tion with natural resources. Mr. i graceful birds during a recent Young's time will be chiefly de-' trip to Kitkatla. voted to a survey of China's j These was a near gale blow-fish catching and processing 1 ing at the time and apparently 'X IBBBEI FWTWEM ' -1 Your Best Ealhg Place facilities, as well as modernizing 1 swans have an avcrslpn to buck T)m rwttel Jmo( lw Dm mud jtk. ', tnuf wiBtrl lor II itches . . . light, - ttrMt, Kith ferhel neiihilitf . . . lenr : ' MrM tktif WHl wttfM tittrt kutmi . . . iwn-tliF Iretdj. Tr M i ulr M fMT teltf (! - 1 the existing operations, and the ing head winds. They were riding training of young Chinese fish out the blow on the waters FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eanquet Hall eries technologists. sheltered " by ""Glen "Island."" La's i is it or Heating Call year the crew observed a flock of approxiately 100 swans sitting on the sea near Holland Rock. Weather conditions at that time were much the same as on this occasion and at the approach of the boat the birds were only mildly disturbed, fly- II & KLKINS COCO PALMS FROM WRECK The coconut palm trees lringing Palm Beach, Fla from which the resort island derives its name, grew from nuts which came ashore when a cargo vessel was wrechked off the Atlantic coast in 1896. Classified AflmtSslng Pays! Department of Transport is advising mariners of a potential danger to navigation, consisting of a largi- :og or spar projecting about 15 feet out of water with cables and boom at- Box 271 for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes 1 BROADWAY CAFE tached, being sighted in Hecate j ing only a few hundred feet, Straits about 25 miles south by land then settling down again. west from .Bonilla Rock. Phone 200 808 3rd Ave W. CHURCHILL XMAS CARDS TO BRING IN DOLLARS Winston Churchill, who has used his gifts of oratory and statesmanship with telling effect for his country. Is now using his hobby for the same purpose. These two products of Mr. Churchill's favorite relaxation painting which he used for Christmas cards in 1946 and 1947 have been published by a London gallery and will be sold in Britain and America. The sales in America are expected to bring in much-needed dollars. At top is a still life. Below, the "Island )f Choisi." Gold to Candy "CHIROPRACTOR, John F. L. Uughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for f Appointment - IIOIRS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and . 2 to 5 p m. - " j ,KVKMiK Monday ind Friday. 70 p.m. :foi those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. oTifi-: to m;irrRs , un me iace or it, from Mary ilHrii KiMldie. I mhchsmI I nlacer-minine- to eanriv-mnlfin " XMAS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgill For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE: BLACK 615 216 4th Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ' ... , . " mi persons havinR claims agHinst the may seem like a long jump but vitutp of Mary Helen Reddle, late of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Shaw are the City of Prince Rupert. B.C.. who . d d i(. ronsifiprnhll, aolI1B " ana wun consiaeraDh died on the fltii day of August, a d. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 1948, Bt EsMOUdule. Mun. of Coquit- grace. lam. Province of British Columbia when war c Jn lg39 thp me rtKjulred on or before the 30th day of November, ad. 1948. to de-. Shaws were busily and happily itchell ATOM & 60 Rooms, Hot and Cola Water , PRINCE RUPERT, B.O. 1 Phone 231 P.O. Bot 199 liver or send by prepaid letter full : working the paydirt on the:r particulars of their claim duly verl-l . , , . .,,',, Led to Ruiiert a. Harrison, Executor mineral claim near Likely in the oi the win of the said deceased. Bt I Cariboo. With the need for more the of Savage & Keith. 220 1 hands Ilulms 0 on lne nroriuption line, ProoUCUOn llllt, i Pacific Building. 744 Hastings Street j west. Vancouver, b c. they packed up their belongings I and take notice that after the j and headed for the industrial I mentioned date the said Exe-1 cutr will proceed to distribute the1 centres of the east. Windsor j assets of the said deceased among, knew them and so did Halifax surne Mowing, Packing, Crating Shipping and General -- Cartage, and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues - Established 1910 :-, Phones 60 and 68 MM ITER-Phone 3C3 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ! tne persons enuueo. merew Having j regard only to the claims of which i ORDER OFFICE announces ; NEW OFFICE HOURS Commencing November 22 WEEK-DAYS 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY 9 A.M. to I P.M. I he shall then have had notice. JERS ! COTTAGE CHEESE i New Creamed Fresh Made! VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Daily j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE j DATED this 2nd day of November, but by 1947 the call of the west urged them onto the road again and they sought out their holdings near Likely. Far a year and . a' half tlr. Shaws enjoyed the free outdoor AD. 1U4H. ' SAVAGE & KEITH. f- and 0XTRACTORS Solicitors for the Executor. 220744 Hastings St. W., Vancouver. B.C. (Nov. 5-12-19) THIS AND THAT ex CaHe IB A IP T N E . for Tasty Meals Chow Mcin f'P Suoy TIBET GOLD POWDER BLUE PAMPAS CREAM DAWN PINK WHITE MELLOW BUFF IVORY PAGODA GREEN PEAC1I Electric Ranges LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS We are pleased to announce to our customers that we have received a small shipment ""i ' of electric ranges. J; ONLY A FEW ARE AVAILABLE i;S While they last, Immediate delivery is guaranteed. The Northern B.C. Power Cor Phone 209 O LIMITED O Phone 210- Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel The Wonder Wall Paint K to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ATTENTION SKIIERS: Our ski stock this year is larger and offers everything you need for your winter's skiing. Due to our larger stock we TERRACE Mr A&ENT " 'r' -wijBft Siic have had to open a ski department in our basement store. We cordially Invite you to drop in, and inspect our stock. m Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe In Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Skeena Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR - GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 FOR outside orders Phone ' 133 - CHOW MIEN "j We' specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY "Well, What Do You Want! Nvem)i. u.L .-ir..