j P.'SOVINC .If - r .Win k 113 onr.iES dhugs ;uLurt r i r. r u Ci'icic.iiA, e. c. :.': ..v. .. ..-Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE Jl VOL. XXXIX, NO. 32. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS :m 1947 Austerity f. . ... n... n; j Horsfall Singers I Are Here Tonight William Lambie Club President Empire Games Australia Near Cinch ictions Hre being ved by Dominion , (CP) Finance Minister Douglas Ab- I Basil Horsfali and Ids Opcra-tic Carnival troupe, presenting a one night stand In this city to-! night, arrived aboard the Prince Cy-orgc this morning following jau engagrmc it in Ocean Falls ; last ni"ht hef, .TO . 1 !-- U't fist r, , J i i u nuv u Illl ' appreciative audience. .... . , Tr r m i T ' UUIWUI u"-ccur 01 Tim- ,atre Undrr Uir gu , , his llflnv , ni four . tinruiuiu 1 lii.,.,...l. i " ' -""6i Canadian cities, i I , . mnnlltK'CU Sliarp reiaxauon 01 import " . liinat tin,.- mi; mrmr most 01 nf thP tne nutriirht OUtngnt, proniDl- nmhihi. " v ' m p. . nJr i 'f T-"1 ' ' " -' 0111 some Countries. Some Of the,flflh season of guidhiK his com-j Mills in 1 i effective April 1 and others -!( .MrT v;flfssfk'' The troupe delimited Prince ! Ring men closed out the day's Rupert audiences over a year aw program of .swimming, feno'ng with Unir prrsentation of "Ajand .lawn bowlbig nd, ui. tlw jNijrlit in Vicuna" and Cavalc.Kle ifnd, AustrallanH hud practically i of Sonc". The uronp censlsta of 'elbiched the unofficial champion- 1 Boris Fawccti. Canad'on barLishlps with over three hundred Big Search Plane Lost tone, Winn Butt, contralto. Hu-j bcrl Loth of the San Carlo Opera j iiii,uiy unu vera uiyson oijoriuiKii T.inpin- iuii's io nen 'I lurniiit' ni'ic imposed In ;is part of the j)nraiil to coil-:i,,ics funds. As ,ri, the pmhib-, to aliMUt. $150,-iaip'irls. This jaiiin il to about ni thai will still liiiiiU'd list alter pork and pork '"tt pi as- electric lighting jppiUni'cs. coin- iiiiiit devices ai-bmes and so- .mil pulp i ii.inm s become I :nil rc.lnrtiotis Canada Nut Doing So Well in Auckland Competitions AUCKLAND (P -Canada's box- era made their Empire Games) -l,.U..i i m.. n..n i. t t t "'""uw v wir iiwh nu un ium.; night and. Just as swimmer und f w track athletes have found. Com-! luonupull.li fiimnrt. II. mi tv-.iw Ifin . - f , ' tout;li. i i points. The Aussles added two more j already Impressive lot of thirteen first places. Each Is good for ten f points. Only Len Walters, 18-yeur-old Vancouver oamaiawwitni. wasr aoie io gain a urai-rouno victory, a threc-rouiul decision over New Zealand's Bobby Uroat&urut. ' Ocean Fal la swlmirurn - Alian , Ollchrlst and Jim Portclunex failed to qualify. Canada looks to iMiie llacid i.; Navy boxer from Esquimau, for honors. Dr. George Athens of Vancou ver took a second place In tower diving. Mary Grounds In Big Gale CJ.R. Vessel Kefloatrd 1 rm (ialianv Island T"'ay t .yjCTXRI A. aThe. 205i-tuiH WH1TEHORSE Two planes droned through darkness early today over Arctic wastes north-l'.rrs. west of here looking' for possible fires or flares from a missing c-47 plane, carry Ijvj twelve Can-;,i 'adian and United States airman, which vanished yesterday while maga-1 searching for the American I transKrt which dbaptiearcd January 26 with 44 persons on i board. AIR SEARCH BASE The airport at Whitehorse, Y.T., Is the base for planes taking part In the large scale search for a missing U.S.A.F. C-54 transport with 44 persons aboard. In the foreground, of this R.C.A.F. photo, arc hangars, barracks, and fuel tanks. The town of Whitehorse Is on the opposite side of the Held at the left. (C. P. Photo) To Fight Back ,in mi printed kln, plumbintt: l!Mi;ns, cocoa lli t- piculuels. j n.iie and eler-' lr.ai.ilei Trd from ,j li.it of pjoducts liuiii il under the , l ilpnl'l ipiul.is will ' iMi m ri-rnt as1 Canadian Pacific coastal steahi-if"i!i!""''-;; '" la.Vlroo-aMp Princess Marv, driven j I'"1 s" i:,r ML'n.iiiirt hv tlir stern s u result. ' Water ronf miles to iccede 1 William D I,umbie was re-1 liecd.! president of tne Prince-Rupert, club following ihe annual meeting lu-st night.- Harry Hanson was elected vice-president and A. B. Brown was rc-elcel Of! lprptQi-ulrinciii'ni- I olhr d ' R ,. 0 c Mitchell W F ' Klone i tJ.'.M . . , . ' Grant Stewart aiid J r Oilker"' .r,, i nomas specrs was re-elected noiiim.. Reports Tor the n isi yi 'lr were presented by P).,. .i(1,.ut; 'w D f,,,. Secret uy B Brown w, t- sj4)IH. ch.'y,,,,'.,,, 0f tin ci' jertalnment committee and iGraiiL KIpw.h ,.f n.' I'lioiw commit tee The club has a current mem- Ijership of sixty-four More Coal For Steam Plant Coal reserve at the drv dK'k steam plant will be swelled this week by the arrival today of the vessebs Chilllwark with 400 tons find the Alaska Prince with 500 tons, later this Iweek. The shiu-ments are from Union Bay. The Chilliwucli w.'s lo have arrived Tuesday night but. adverse weather conditions delaved it. T. U. Ulaek, Wedne,,da v. rcporl -mIjio ch;tige io the power situ;. -tioti and no cxneeled increase or cuts to prescMt curtailments. He is sliyh'ly coneciiU'd about the heavy snowfall in this area, stat. lll't the luM'c that nower lines will not eolla;;e under the burden He announced that snow dejjlb at Falls River so far this month !:-: 1 lili t y-i x i",'he, the most of i' .,T.p.'u;ne; ni in-jaM jew thiyAt feet er' rav at both "I'f.Mmr ri:im,; Ah low y.tih i li. i-.ttiror hoiise at Shnwatlans ran oner- ate for another 30 di'ys without eidauwrrinn the demestic flow to the city. .Should the weather vit I'tiuii. UL'iHiio thiit. i'1'Hifl t tie ni:..u. iLiii ,...a .i,....-Miine 'w.1 tr r tor (lie city, followluit a shut- (down, down, would would be be available for another 150 days. THE WEATHER I (jAI.K WARNING (.Sale Wir:ii:i: for waters of suulheru Vancouver Island Southwest galej. 40 knots, in the waters adjacent to southern Vancouver Island will decrease to j moderate winrii during the afternoon and. hve.onie U'dit overnihi, I Synopsis Forly niilu gale force viiuls. reaching r0 .luks per hour, battered the expesed waters of 11 it' southern B. C. coast as another Pacific storm moved inland dnr- ing the night. Rains and snow occurred hi the vicinity of the Queen Charlottes and northern mainland. Amounts were not abnormal. Showers are expected t J be fairly general along most of the coast during the day and snowfhirrles will occur -over the Interior rcrdous as the storm moves eastward over the uro- vhic.e. Temperatures remain near normal Tor the season. Afternoon highs will reach forty at the coast, and t,h' mid-thirties over the Interior. f orecat.1 North Coast Reeiou Variable cloudiness throughout the day. ncal tered showers and occaisl jual flurries of mixed tain and snow tliiy afternoon, Cljudy tonight and Thursday with Intermittent ruin Thursday. Little change In temperature Winds- light wesl- tPNy today t.nd southerly 1 15 Jiipln Thursday. Lows tnniuht and highs- I hursduys At Port Hardy 30 und 37. Sandspit- 25 mid 35, Prince Rupert 25 and 35. i ivr cent ! I, i I.e. I'lol i (.'.node H h.- adinJl-l"'nnil, as W! ., ".eillltlie ui;- .Hid inincrul 'i prohibition A : -- ti I be 1 1 1 1 :i 'ii-M-hi ilulcd or waiilnes Such ;i'-ji"l or dollar ii mitU'cI CERS FORCE I'l'iV.l by city 'Ml Im the Hldl- Search officials said distress signals were pleKed -up late last night on the 82-80 distress frequency. Efforts to obtain a "fox" on them were fruitless. The signals reporf-dly were diffrent from those heard earlier In i the day by planes and a coastguard station along the Pacific Coast. IR PASSENGERS 'In Vancouver (Tu'.;d:iyi W (iluss, (J. K. Snowden. To .Saiid,-;ill 'Tuesdayt O. H , Naylor. i From Vancouver ( Monday) If. A. Irwin, A. C. Ooetz, Miss B Hudderhain, I). ManMe. From Vancouver Tuesday I j - Mis.i If. NeUin. It.. M. Home j wood. S. Mad.-en. O. T. Ilom-c. Mrs. Cinitts. I From Kand.-pil iTueadayi 11 i j llelin, s. Uiinl. i ,'lo Vaneo'ivi r ToIay-- V. H J Irwin, ii. Madsen. j 1i Sand-pit 'Today - Mrs I) .1. Kendall. HOCKEY SCORES ' I'iirifk' Coast I.os Angeles 8, Fresno 0 Thursday, February 9, 1!50 Hiith 5:48 20.3 reel 18:31) 16.3 feel Low 12:29 5.0 feet ; !ic force j mitwuiu a iiiiruiiu uikilt tile Stars". COALITION (TUNIS W INMPhU Manitoba's 10-jrar old coalition government lollrrcd a bil today in Hie wake of a caucus Mow -up between Liberal -I'roRrrsMve and lro-jrrosive ( o-usrrvalivrs over raliiiM't rriMcscn(atlni). The reason for Ihe l'riKiesslve-(.'o' rvalive withdrawal is reported to be the sUEC'sllon thai one Procreslve - ( on.servative be dropped from the 12-member Cabinet. Toe l.ilH rals bold 8 seals four held by the ( onser-vatives. INIUAN IHI.I. OF KK.IITS OTTAWA A Hill of Itiehls fo: 4 andas l,t:.,mm ItoliaoH will hhelv (r prcsciilrd l I'arli. nient at Hie sosion openlnj. February sixteenth. Tlie bill, l-ovidiii( for an almost com-' plelc rewrite of (be Indian Act, has been in Ihe bandi of Irjal experts of the Drpartiiieut of Justice for more than six months. SIIOWS I T. IM FVI I l VAN( Ol Vr K Aid. Hirl Sbo-ler was last nichl defatrd as lresilent of the Vancouver and IHstrirt 1'raues and Tabor ouneil, a post be Itad held for eight jears. IH a vote of 113 to 17 he was defeated by Jack Stevenson of the Carpenters' I'liiou. In a final ruling as President, Showier ruled two alleged members of Ihe Labor-Fro-trcssive parly as ineligible for office in the council. U I". I delegates talked out in pro test. . T. I.. ( III lt( II M. r. D1KS TORONTO Thoniiis L. Cboicb Progressive-Conservative M.F. for Toronto llroailvirw, died in hospital. He was 77. a veteran Parliamentarian a n d former mayor of Toronto. Mr was first j elected to I'.fliaiiieiit in 1921 . and was re-elected at every election since, MANY COMMUNISTS WASHINGTON Federal l?u-I reau of liivestigalioii llireetor i J. Kdgar llooxcr was reported lo have told senators today that Iberc are about 510,000 ( oniinuoivts and "fellow travellers" in the United States. ('.I t IIS LKAVK MONTIUiAI.-Two ( ei h mission staff members, ordered out of Canada by the government, took off for Fuiope by air today, an ffieial of the lloval Hutch Air Lines told Canadian Press. Yesterday they bad Indicated they nughl Ignoro the order to leave. However, they got away. HKi HANK IIOMUT PHOI'.MX, Arizona Two men at least one of H""'" rmed. early today rubbed the Bank of Pouglas in downtown Phoenix and escaped with SI3D.00O cash. They forced the janitor to let them hi and made the first employee to enter, open the safe. RUSSIA A NO H-BOMB TON HON British officials are treating with "cautious skepticisnr" a claim by Kenneth OeCourcy ,tbe editor who predicted the Russians would set off an atomic blast In 1943, that the Soviets have already made, three hydrogen bombs and exploded one. UeCourcy did not say when or where (lie purported hydrogen bomb was tested. 11 arrivei! shoiily ' ' "'mined duties. : nf i;( 1 1,-j , j j. II,,,,,,. Hlljli l , , ,. I(l tv anil . W. I ! Hi ' ady was 11 n"' Vielorl.i, of-' Puller, while' 1 is an lnl4'rior ' Trail. Hot I, .,.,. BASKETBALL , ' ! Co-ops Do , I Impossible I ; Overcome 17 Point Lend to Brat 11 jib y Browuwoods Co-op did the sevniincly mi- ! lHisslhh; la:;l lii(;ht when IN v overeanrr fiwwnwwxM-' 17 lead to win the Senior Ltalietbad League pame by a final score of 47-4TI Mroviouood w;r"(. Kjn.';;t- ! tl'Minl hi the first quarlei' wiieii WW l,OUI(,d 1,1 17 strt'tKhi poin before Co-op was heard from. Rup iHolkestad sank one In the fin second of the quarter to make the score 17-2. From there In Co-op slowly palled to the front ouisconug jurownwoims n - n m the second quarter. 17-8 in the third and to finally take over the lead in the last period for au exciting win( ( Brownwoous were duzziing in Uhat first quarter but could not retain the neeesjary drive in the last period to hold their lead. jSunbcrs, with 13, Shier with 12, and Pierce with 11 led the ?cor-IlliR for Browuwoods. Ted Arney Willi 12, Flalcn and Davis eacii with 11 were high for Co - ip. TeVJ Arney bettered his last.1 y.vr's jscui ing record, having now reach-jed 211 points in 14 game.; com-I pared with 19!t In 15 tames last season. Brown wood.; Bill 2, Ouivlch. Lavlguc S, Owens, Pierce, 11. j Shier 12. Thomiisnn. Sunbei'g 13. Total 43. Co-op R. Ilolkeslad (i, nicy 12. Fluten 11, Scherk 2. Bt-ynon 2,1 Morr.an 3, M. Holkentyd, Duvl,i 11. 'Total 47. 1 I NTEK M EDI.1TE (North Star con'il.iey lo hj'ul securely the position in the intermediate basement. Last niyhl they were tritiunc'd 30-0 by the more experienced Merchants team. Dumas led the sco-im; with 15 points far ahead ni any of his team members or the North Star players. Referees Dominato and Carlson called 7 louio cn the winners and 0 on North Star, the latter team making the bet ol their foul shots get '..inn nearly 11 perfect score of 0 coiiet't ;d and only 1 miss. Merchant Marshall. Chi 1st -off 2, Dumas 15, Cui rie 1. Boulter 2, Anderson 4, Walsh, Davidson 0. Total 30. North Star-Weach 3, Smith 3. Hiuiwig 2, Young 2, Sedgwick 2, Sinionson 2, Ketchcson. Hamilton, Purnell 0. Total 20. REGULAR SAT. DANCES AGAIN Since the Moose Hall burned down last month, dance enthusiasts began to wonder where these regular events would be staued in the future. AiTaimemenU" didn't, take lon'j until it "was an- lioiinceti retminr Kohmbiv nieot I dances would be staed in the Oddfellows' Hall. Coming to the aid of dancers were the Four Dukes orchestra. COUNTY COURT ADJOURNMENTS In County Court Monday mum l.i)K three civil cases were ad ioumed by Judge W.O. Fulton, I Two will stand over till the next) court sitting on March 6 while ioue will be heard February 28 at 1 1 a.m. On that latter date a case ol l'tcd Rob' i lson vs. Charles Guu-aitoot, defendant, will be heard. The sum Involved Is $78. Solicitors for the plaintiff are Brown and Harvey while solicitors for jthff defendant are McLeod and i Ray. The claim of George M. John- 't-..M' Wlillrl.rcn fnr fli Klllll of ',, ',., frnm ('rri Pnlrpr f)f Tll, jscquah will be heard at the next i ttiti g of county court as well as a claim aitainst uasit nopKins oy the Prince Rupert Supply House for the sum of $458.42. Solicitors for the plaintiffs in the latter two A'icn" --mo Ttfrttii uiifl Tlii'irov rlo ft,11(Jauu in pt.rsuu. . Townsite At Pori Edward Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests, informed the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, in a letter Monday night, thai he was, not inclined to let progress and operations of the Department of Lands be "lmld back by the tempo" of the department, of public works. Mr. Kenney was replying to a communication from the Chamber that marketing of a resur-veyed townsite at Port Edward he deferred until the highway be tween Prince Rupert and Port Edward was put in shape. The Chamber had feared that, if the towmite w;is marketed now, jieo-ple might be induced to buy properly al Port- EdwarJ ' and make homes there Instead of Prince Rupert in view of cuireut unfavorable conditions for highway traffic between Prince Rupert and Port Edward which was in course of being rectified. Mr. Kenney said he would be glad to give serious consideration to the request but to do so might he nuTatr to people who desired to obtain property there and, In any ease, he would not wish to let the lands department be held back by the (etnpo of the public works department. A letter from the assistant deputy minister of lands referred to resiibdivision of a "portion uf the Port Edward townsite whkii it was being endeavoured to place mi the market eurly this yjur. 11 it was an ludusUii.l site. Iliac was relerrcd to Robert McKay felt there should be no delay However. If it was residential there should be a protest. At, the suggestion of Dr. L M. reene. It waa decided to uk the ; public works department to speed no the highway work between Prince Rupert and Port Edward. Dr. Greene felt that Mr. Kenney s , j comment might Incite the public i works department to more speed, Rupert Loses Alaska Trade Chamber of Commerce to Sec What C9i.1t. is Doing Taking a serious view of au adjustment ol shipping rates on frozen f,jh from. Alaska ports to Seattle, ' effective February 1, whereby the differential of $100 to $150 pcrnac in favor of Prince Rupert widtfti flias existed for many years wwuld he eliminated, the Piiiioe Rupert Chamber of Comuierop., t irs monthly meeting Monday night, asked its ex ecutive to consider the situation at a niertaugitki be held Friday oJ this week. It was bUKgestad that the Canadian National Raliways be contained An .ascertain what, if anything, was being done to counteract this move on the part of the Alaska Steamship Co , American traascontlnenfcil railways running into Seattle , and the port of Seattle to recover traffic wittiJb Prince Rupert.a.ud , the Canadian National Railways have been "draining oil'' from Seattle. The Puget Sound port has frankly admitted Its desire to capture the traffic so that increased storage of flsn and employment may be obtained for Seattle mid more business be provided for the Alaska Steamship Co. and ihe Seattle railways. Smaller vessels which have been bringing such shipments Into Prince Rupert for shipment East over t he Canadian National Railways would be eliminated.", ;!'. Attention of the Chamber was drawn to the matter by Frank Skinner -who read a clippjnj; from . the Seattle Pout-Intelligencer revealing Seattle's designs. -. It was a "serious" matter, commented W. J. Scott, who moved that it be referred to the frelslit rates committee and executive for Immediate attention. Log Scale In January Sawiog scaling In Fiince Rupert for 1950 is off to a stinewhat slower start than last year with the scale for the month lotaHlne 18,891.409 board feet as compared with 9,602,'B2 board feet to the same mouth last year. , . The scale this Januaiy wa3 l.; billows: . Fir. 85.4;4 board feet -. Ceur. 219,883 . Soruce, 6.U8.049 Hemlock. U57.23! " ' Balsam, 321.188 Jackpiue, 878,650 Miscellaneous, 956 Lineal feet ol poles and vlllnf' In the lijterior for the month wa; : 198.474 all cedar. --: j Tie count was 4570 pieces- al' jackpine while 135 cords of wooc i was scaled '''. (I ne ei.ii of KS STOCKS b I). JollDbtuU I'u l.tU . of a 05-mlle gust which snapied a line, was freed from the southern end of Oallano Island while docking , at the government wharf lar.t night. She was refloated at high tide today and proceeded to the naval dry dock .if VliOjirin fur ionepl Win und ir- ki.i-i.i- ,;i i.iw...i I - i Reports tald the rrlnecss Mary ! made a normal landing mid sec-1 ured bow and sbern lines despiicj a high wind but a strong wind i snapped the .stcrti Hue and the! stern swung toward Rip Point j and grounded. The Princess Norah is takim; i over the run. Keep Road Open As Far As Tyee There has been a foot and a ; lmif of snow on the Rainbow Lake sutnmltof the Skeena Hivcr Hi h- way since the week-end hut plows continue to master the fall and the road Is being kept, open as far as Tyee. Hcfo.'e the last, heavy snow motorists were reporting that they could get. al most to Kwlnltsa. being blocked by only a few small slides. From the Terrace end ear.; were gelling through as far as 'Shames up to the week-end bu'- j there has been new snow since I Uien. Prior to last week furs had not been getting any further west than Reuio, Terrace To Get Dental Clinic TERRACE 'With a view to t he early establishment of a Dental' filnlc In Terrace, ihe Terrace Parent-Teacher Association voted the sum of $200 towards the initial expenses. Children of pre-! school and Grade One will be! treated professionally by the local dentist. Dr. Kenneth Mae- Pherson, and the project will be under the supervision of the Provincial Government Health Department which department will share half of the cost A iret-together of parents and niembeio is slated for February 18 when a social evening Is to be held. At the meeting. Health Films, on the tiped for dental eure for children were shown by Miss F. llolton. P.H.N., atid Dr. Mac-Pherson was irvallable to answer questions. .The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Stuart Campbell. """ur ! Uevcourt 27 mVZi Bobjo 13 B-UU Buflulo Caiuidltm 0!) "-V I Con.sol. Smelters 09.50 " Conwest 1.14 ! " ... 125 Donalda 53 fO' Eldona ! 30 l;, f" East, Sullivan 4.55 , ! ;' Olant Yellowknlfe 0.20 "' I,., f' . God's Lake 30 ' ,'! Dardruek HVz ; a-- Hanlcana 00' !,t lleva : 07 ,13 Uas,,u 08 'i Jacknife .05 " Joliet Quebec -OH Lake Rowan 03','s "(-,, . I.upasUn ., 04'i 2 .01 Little Long Lac . Lynx WVs '"' 4 ( (i Mudsen Red Lake 2.80 . .. .2:ii j MeLeoU Coeksliutt 2.60 1.47 MeKciiislc Red Lake 51 .51 Moneta 3 . 1.2.1 Negus ,. 1-50 . 11.50 Noranda 08.25 fill Louvleoufl 20 ' 2.C ) Pickle Crow L00 1 4-!' Ucgcoiirt 04 ; ;ju -:v), San Antonio f. 3.75 i Senator Rouyn 28a ,., , 0.10 Sherrlt Gordon 2.25 Slep Rock 2.50 - -t '1 Sturgeon River 22 i -13 Silver Miller C2 :" Upper Canada 315