, bottled cheer in quantity and Prince Ruperi Daily News Ray Reflects and Reminisce Friday, November 3, 1950 Shop at . . . variety the debonair bartender all had their goodly parts. The latter might Have been thought gifted. Skill and swiftness, in preparing a drink came through a natural knack and practice. As I See It B.C. CLOTHll An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, -rWfr $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5 00. siffiltt 1- Perhaps he'd like to have it back! The old time bar, we mean. Anyway, every now and then someone suffering from a touch of "as it used to be" writes a piece. It seems that what he craves is a change from the 1950 liquor system. He wants it, even MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHR Lorge stock to choose f,om ot D ;f Mixing, shaking, twirling and talking there was little he was never guilty of missing or neglecting. Large mirrors, paintings, sketches (sometimes bulle- you like to pay Hundreds of ;ntifio-l cu By ELMORE PHILPOTT BACK-HEAVY ARMY THE LONDON Ob- though there is nothing moreftlns end sport sketches) contri ' advertisement. Be one of themlS thin perceiving in print, a con trast or a difference. recently put' its on the weakest server finger De convinced. ' MEN'S CLOTHES buted to the public Interest. There was a breezlness. more or less to barroom artistry and sometimes a mild suRgestlvens:. Cr there would be an out and ?u fighting scene, such as "The Custer Massacre,' 'In color. And Heaven knows that was enougn to match anyone's liveliest mood. All in all, the business of easing one's thirst took place under circumstances that could be called appropriate. Election, J TOPCOATS AND GABARDINES, splendid tailored, from How 'long since he's seen the word "mixologist" staring at him in cold type? The time has added to his age. Or a barroom snack? It was always there and in his subconscious mind, always a comfort. The snack was as free as air. Appetites were frequently sharp, usually when weather was the same. CREDIT CZAR J. G. Bert-rand, Brandon, ' Man., native and a former employee of the Prices" Board, has been appointed administrator of the newly-imposed curbs on consumer credit and "easy payment' 'plans. The new controls, effective Nov. 1, follow similar controls In the United States. (CP PHOTO) $21-50 ,$36.50 Big, Five Talks A RESOLUTION in which the United Nations General Assembly unanimously asks the Big Five to get together and talk things over is sufficiently general to avoid harm and at least more pertinent today than a similar proposal made late in 1048. The Big Five are not asked to meet at a. certain time or place but can get together as conditions warrant and need not meet all at the same time. . While world opinion demands that they come together on critical issues, there is enough flexibil feature of the western nations' armament plans. Britain has 376,000 men in uniform, but only four aijray divisions. . Russia has 800,000 men in army uniform, with 175 army divisions ready for instant action. In other words, it takes nine men in British army uniform to get one fighting man in a fighting division. It takes only SL'ITS-Oabardlnes, Worsteds, single and ""uuit-oreasi doubled, Ton. In tallnrlno iti,l ,,.! Real value at $39-5 Advirusc thnutfn Classifieds. TUMIIVIUli fni. li . . V i"uuto- herrinfhnn. etc. First class fit, tailored to i Robert McKay your liking. Real saving at ?U,VV toVj.U two Russian soldiers to put one of those two In a front line di There were all sorts of bars way down In St. John, long before prohibition was ever thought of. They always had liquor there barrels and barrels of it. But few ever saw a woman smoking cigarettes. There might have been a few clay pipes. Every hotel, around the turn of the century, had its bur. There were scores of saloons. Today, this would be'called private enterprise. Not Running vision. oOo WORK C10THES JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue WORK SHIRTS, from $2 , PANTS, from DENIMS, from ... $2.85; GLOVES, from 4 A Big Selection to Choose From Ex-Aid. Robert McKay, whose name had been mentioned this week In connection with the forthcoming aldermanlc contest at the civic election, stated definitely yesterday that he was not in the field. Mr. McHay feels that he has already given considerable time and effort to civic affairs. Now he is pretty well occupied with his private business. EVEN BEFORE the recent big boost In Canadkin armament and army expenditure we were spending about $425 million per year. That is, ,in 1950 Canada's war preparation budget was just about as big as the TOTAL expenditures, for all purpose?, back whan R. B. Bennett was Prime Minister. Yet when the Korean war broke out we had only one brig- Any rough stuff involved risk of license suspension, if not cancellation. The boss of a bar belonged in town. As a rule, he had a family, aid was classed asj a solid, tax-paying citizen. We ; recall Billy Keefe, one of the BOYS' CLOTHES lade ready for action; and that Warm Woollen Clothing for the cold wrathtr ahead ' PANTS proprietors who seemed to know everyone. And, by the way, there were few not acquainted with Rlllv Hls hr nil ITni.vrv Rlrerf. one was specially trained and equipped to repeu attacks froai the north. - oOo Two Big Moose Hunter' Bag Clifford Abercromble George Moran returned an-li tni j stood opposite a theatre. Movies. THE QUESTION might well All wool heavy tweed pants. All sizes $3-50 J3.S a few generations ago had hard be asked: week from a hunting trip back ot Smithers with two moose to ly been born. Not infrequently How come we are spending si their credit. One, a 14-point Heavy school pants, lots of wear Regular $3.50, now much more and getting so much buck weiehed almost 13C0 a memt5er or a visiting company less in ouic-klv available trooos? .C..WS. r.w ! would, between acts slip in, fo. a refresher. Bars were open all day, and in the evenings. The main reason is that we j year-old. Lefty Gardner of are spending so much more on , smithers went with them ' as OIL HEATING ai its Best MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mech:infc:nl efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving n heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins LIMITED Plumbing and llcatinf Phone P.O. Box 274 Boys' all wool sweaters and mixtures, now St.75.S2j, the air force and navy. But our guide. i whole defence plan is based on - . I Billy w as dressed as if his en- ity in the UN resolution to obviate impossible posi-" tions. Soviet Russia, for instance, will not have to sit down with Nationalist China. If all are sincere, however, there should be some possibility of creating some sort of balance between eastern and western influence which is the principal source of danger in the world today and the cause of all the conflict which exists. ' Big Five talks or no Big Five talks, of course, the rearming of the west must continue and its sttettgth established. Western peace defences must continue to the "point where the Soviet Union will JiL?5IQPJetely ready to really talk about peace with- out any tongue-cheeking. BO-ME-III BACK WELCOME Bo-Me-Hi News back to our WE columns again today. We hope that, by co-! operating in making it possible, we will be able, within our resources, to help the development of a '. lively interest in the press and its practical operation. Also we hope that it will assist in training the 'students in this way of expressing themselves for 'the public scrutiny. ; Journalism is an ancient and honorable profes- sion. It can also be exciting although any good news-, j papermaji knows that there is a good deal more than ; glamor to the trade. It is a profession that requires I application, diligence, energy, perception, courage !and effort. It is no clock-watching job and people I who are not willing to put their heart and soul awl j time into it unstintingly had better look for other workr Newspaper work like studying has no time , limits. Its reward is its fascination and its pride of accomplishment. , UNDERWEAR Heavy fleece combination 2- i gagements that day included at all sizes, now a cause of many forms of rheumatism and arthritis. The story of Cortisone U fascinating enough. Two tiny j tendance at a wedding. The well conducted saloon was quiet, with wide choice of II quors and wines. Loafing was' the theory that a third world war would be a slow-motion affair, and that Canada would have time to mobilize a five ir six division force, over a perijd of two or three years. oOo THERE ARE many keen mili-itary men in Britain who reason bee. nnr int.n thp Mnnl.t.rMm v-, nt encouraged. Ladies of. So omi rtiffercnt . ...hstaruu.. nn. ..f parlors were unheard these, now called Cortisone, acts'were oeer Parlors. Women were as a lubricant for the olnts i Tety K ever een' j that their country's present But when the kidnev glands fall The brass rail the polished; down on the job they may b. counter the shelved rows of military policy is an wrong. 11 too, is built up on the assumption that in event of war, Britain could proceed at a leisurely CLASSIFIED ADVEUT1SINO IN THE DAM NEWS favour of W. 1 pace to build up a formidable stimulated back Into production by another secretion (called cyiH) whith -.omea fromj mater-rland In the head. . All this is by now a familial ' sory. All over the world doc-' tors and researchers are testing ways and means of applying the , new knowledge. j But now comes a hint even more promising. Some doctors army of maybe 18 or 20 division-. .Thus most of the professional soldiers are spread fairly thinly over a vast training establishment. We puzzle over the remarkable fact that- a Britain which has, for the first time i:i ew history, peace time conscription declaie that derivates of fu,r.-cannot quickly deploy anything rural have the- same effect cf uKe as formidable an army as stimulating the kidney glands the "Old Contemptibles" of 1911; m' ' h as does ACTH. fame. The war-policy makers of Britain have sacrificed immedi ate striking force for longer- Electric Washe With Pump Control 0ny $1 59.50 But unlike ACTH. furfural Is on'j of the most plentiful substances produceG ny farmers. It is an oily substance found In oats, wheat, soy beans, even corn cobs. So we are nearing the solution of part of the age-pld riddle of rheumatism. range strength. ' oOo ONE OF THE discoverers of Cortisone has been awarded th Nobel Prize for Medicine. H2 It seems to be a glandular de riiis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 7 U fr H U "eiency disease, possibly coii-on n f (w . f Vh-' W Ere wc!1jnected with diets Uckmg vltai on thP the way to discover tho rer.l substances. NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO BTKWART.Bt PRINCE RUPERT COMBINATION RADIOS j PHONE 210 M,lollS'A 7- MAKING MILK TASTY ! IP CANADIAN housewives detect a fishy flavor 4-m-eow's milk, and infants turn up their noses for the same reason, it will be because of a new cattle f eed about to be marketed in Canada. Z The British Columbia salmon industry describes r,the new cattle feed as a "fish soluble" which is re-Ic3iSfcd from the waste of oil and meal plants. Ap-Ipawiatiy the industry fears the' fish flavor in milk bernuke it states the new product "will have to compete with other basic cattle foods on its own merits." - As the food elements are recovered from waste, Whatever this new venture brings will be a clear 'gain' to the industry, and it could probably be safely (fed to r.on-milk-producing cattle. farmers who keep one or two cows milkinp ,'during the winter months, to provide a fresh sup-'.ply of milk and cream for the table, are well aware of the flavor that creeps into the milk when the animals are fed root crops particularly turnips. Some farmers claim that when the milking ,'cows are fed a heavy diet of turnips there is not Vonly a flavor but a very definite odor affecting th '.milk. '. We wouldn't , want to discourage a new indus-try bjit we would be interested in learning how the .British Columbia ' salmon packers propose to de- ; odorie the "fish soluble" so it will not impart a flavoi! to milk when. used as a cattle food. Sudbury '' IStar SCEIPTt'RE PASSAGE FOR TODAY 't "We brought nothing1 Into this world, and it Is certain ' we can carry nothing, out." 1 Timothy 6:7 , 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth ........ 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 One Maple Leaf Truck Motor '$225 (Good condition, complete with 4-speed transmission, radiator, battery) PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Second Avenue and First Street to tji f i Trial ovHh--- U SERVING THE B.C. COAST QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM PRINCE RITERT TO: M ASSET PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA --prrT CITK tppv rHARLOTTE WWAV.W.VAW.VA".V.VJ,A,,WA,A,M' ALLIFORD BAY J .. 9.00 d !ST Jf Your choice of two : IftrV. H i A1 (Jlfi A A 3f the finest names in V g H I Wll I M radio;--: In mm mlw LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT " Except Thursday and Sunuay FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO: ALICE ARM v ill ill irr tu. rKi y , . iiiii r nu FROM II rnPI IK ' "c V-"NL-T comDination with l Mill ha V STEWART JOOM LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS j.oOM GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Assure you of Quality- marine band. 1 W io RCA VlfTflPFor 3 generations the i h cornerstone of h o m e ) entertainment. : Jvtx LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS TICKETS INFORMATION Ki'st" Value and Beauty. QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES j $129-50 $475-00 f With I SEE THEM NOW AT ) I 14 f 1 r r r m ii i n Chrisfophefl HOW TO BUILD A GOOD CREDIT RECORD 1. Pay charge accounts In full by the 10th of each month. 2. Make contract or Installment payments on or before : T due date. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT ol W Air Freight on Beautiful 3-Dlamond Engagement Ring