hn, ..;f'.',:Sv fi'ince Rupert Daiy Nc5 Friday, November- 3, 1S50 ' for HOME IMPROVEMENTS n 'I'll Kjirnbe your home. LoJel unusea rooms, or attic with Fire Proof Wall proC Whist Drive and dance by Icelandic Committee, Friday evening, 8:30, In the Valhalla Hall. Music by Barney Krist-manson. 257p Robert Hunter of the federal Income tax department sailed last night on the Prince George, returning to Vancouver after a visit here on official duties. Prince Rupert Liberal Asso Ik! ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and J. Canadian Legion Card Party, Nov. 6. Cards tournament, Catholic Hall, Thursday, Nov. 2, 8 p.m. Legion Auxiliary Fall Baiaar November 8. United Church Men's Tea, Thursday, Nov. 9. Presbyterian Fall Sale, Nov. 16. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 17. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A. Fall Sale, Nov. 18. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November L WJ nail i easily ai Balagno Florists will be closed on Saturday, Nov. 4. (U) Mrs. D. Steinberg sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Robert McChesney sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. Election of officers, Silver March, social and bingo. (257) Wright Davies sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will enter Shaughnessy Military Hospital iber. Will not warp, lag, LknoMw"- Takes any -it, J Jecoralloo, C f OR ALL BUILDERS' NEEDS, PHONF ' 116orl17 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. 23. iTaaes ana Labor Council meeting on Friday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m., Carpenters Hall. Members Port Edward Anglican Bazaar; at Community Hall, November j 23, 2:30 p.m. j Nurses' Annual Ball, Nov. 24. j Mrs. A. W. Lipsln returned by ciation general meeting in Civic Centre at 8 p.m. tonight, Friday. General business. Everybody welcome. uti FREEMASONS, Tslmpsean Lodge Annual Church Service at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sunday evening, November 5. Tyee and sojourning brethren invited. Assemble In Church Hall at 7:15 P.m. . (258p) Fred Hemsworth, resident mining engineer lor the provincial government, sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on official duties. Tomorrow is Poppy Day. The 01 au unions are urged to at- tend. (257c) -GLO ; piane today rrom a business I trip to Vancouver. While there jane visited her son. Edmund. M. J Saunders ret.iirnrrt r.n 11, u for ten days. Gloss 6, High Gloss Lutheran Church Luteflsh and fishcake dinner, Sat., Nov. 25. Annunciation Home and School Association bake sale, Lyons Corner, Nov. 25. L.O.B A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar, December 7. STETSON ony neaumui tints nterior decorating. I " ThlliKmmii LIVERISH? "! set two treatment. iny XT Th J ' baUW It relieve, both liver and n-y disorders and the backache and painful ".'?? oint. which (, UICK DRtING THOMPSON I0WARE CO. LTD. Canadian Legion hopes that the public will pay generously for popples to give employment to disabled veterans and for building the poppy fund to help needy veterans and their dependents. (Itc) -"ae a name Prince George last night to Ocean Falls where he is carrying out extensive contract work for Pacific Mills. S.O.N, whist and dance, Friday, Nov. 3. Whist, 8 o'clock. Refreshments. Music by Mike Colussi. Everybody welcome. (257) D. P. Miller, who has been here for the past week on customs Inspection duties, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. Moose Lodge and Chapter bazaar and dance, November 2 and J. Bazaar commences at 2:30 p.m.- in Moose Templs. LINER BLOWN INTO DOCK On her arrival from the Antipodes, the 17,000-ton M.V. Aorangi, driven by gale-force winds, snapped her mooring lines and crashed Into the dock at Victoria, B.C. Splintered timbers of the wharf are shown, with the ship back at her regular berth, while a former navy frigate she scraped Is at rl8ht- (CP PHOTO) o deprode New enrollees In the industrial first aid course at the Fire Hall this week were Mrs. Alice Denton and J. A. Green. CALL FOR TENDERS THE REPLACEMENT OF A Dashing for the office, or.,. 1 scrolling on the avenue-r,,,; yeu're dressed right for the ( bright city in this smooth and" snappy Stetson. The sleek,"' graceful lines of the Whippet' " will help you go places in Style. YEN FLO FOR George Schneider of New York, vice-presK-.:..;, ol tne Cel-anese Corporation of America, INSURE YOUR HOME PORTION OP THE TERRACE WATERWORKS Tenders will be received bv the ...Bottles PERIODIC PAINS...use undersigned up until S o'clock, No- Immediately following his arri- D RKI'I.ACEMENTS .wuirci itfau, ior vne replacement , of a portion of the exUtine water 1 v yesterday afternoon by air 1 mains belonging to the corporation from Vancouver, left by hiehwav of the Vlllatte ut Terrace. I . PA R A D O L i Watts & Nickerson uance at Civic Centre on Fri- day, November 3. Door prizes now on display in Jones Family' Market window Where tickets are obtainable. (257c) io- Terrace. He . and his party expect to be back here today. Exclusively i '. i' atiJU STORK SHOPPE The tenders will be tor the following: 1. Digging up of the existing wood stave pipe, removing It rrom ditch and stock piling of same. 2 Laying of new transit pipe, lasting same and backfilling of ditrh Try a Dauy maasuied l!0 .' 303 3rd Ave. W. PHONE PHONE 79 S Rev. Father Michael O'Ryan, ; assistant general of the Oblate ' Fathers of Mary Immaculate I from Rome, who is on a tour of inspection through Canada, sail-ed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver after hav-I lng spent the past few days in 79 The pipe to be replaced will be of 1 the following lengths: I 1. EBY ROAD 4368 feet of I inch wood stave pipe to be replaced i by the same amount of 8 Inch wan. mi, Packinjr, Crating W -I Hi . 1 I i ' t " YV, (hipping anal Generaf site pipe. a Mcdonald road 1.290 feet of S Inch wood stave pipe to be re- j 1 1 . a? w -mrnM A 1 altars irlaft and Storage fi. Reliable and Effl- the city. Arthur Brooksbank, having spent the past week in the city following a trip to Europe, sailed it nlj 1 , Scrvice. Also agents for AGAINST THE COLD For Furnace Repairs and Renewals Phone BLACK 884 THOfcA SHEET METAL LTD. piacea Dy tne same amount of 6 Inch transit pipe. . 3. KALUM STREET 1.650 feet of 6 inch wood stave pipe to be replaced with the same amount of 8 Inch transite pipe. The ditch Is to be backfilled to nVy. ...ft-- an Liquid Air Co. Lto., irern, Acetylene and all ! supplies. St ; last night on the Prince George Jltannacj -t m m w i r i w 1 1 MAY'S CARTAGE lor Vancouver. Mr. Brooksbank has not yet decided on his future place of residence but expects It will be on Vancouver Island. FORAGE LIMITED NEWSPAPER MAN RETIRES Albert H. E. (Abbie) Coo, former managing editor of the Winnipeg Free Press, retired Oct. 31 after 30 years' service with the newspaper. Mr. Coo, a native of Fort William, is widely known for his association with amateur sport. He was an official at the 1932 Olympic Games at Los Angeles and four years later managed the Canadian Olympic team at 'the Berlin games. (CP PHOTO) M and ParJ Avenues HOURS i .1 depth of 6 inches above the top of ; the new pipe, by hand. Before the pipe is covered It is to be tested ant passed as satisfactory by the Commissioners. 1 All materials to be supplied by the Village of Terrace. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for ten per cent of the tender bid. Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. A. J. xzarm&n, ' (58) Village Clerk. ID Pliv fift nnrl fR Weekdays 9 a.m. 9 a.m. n n.u James Prusky Is Candidate? - - " r" . . " Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. . : L , i Hi 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. , SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE "' uxury Steamer IE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER 1 'I! 1! 1 I III James Prusky of Eighth Avenue East, across Hays Creek, may be an aldermanlc candidate at the December municipal election, it is reported. Treasurer of the Community Ratepayers' Association and holding distinct views on munl-ciptal affairs and how they should be run, Mr. Prusky is being prominently mentioned. He is a machinist at the dry dock. Mr. Prusky was not available when- the Daily News called to inquire about his candidature. But Mrs. Prusky said she thought he planned to run. Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve YOU 1 Commodore Cafe Give lour Battery A Break! i Intermediate Ports j Each Thursday 1 t 11:15 p.m. for KETCHIKAN FURS FOR MY LADY! Not only do the perfect pelts and the fashion new styles of our coats reflect your most discriminating taste . . . but you will find that we will carefully keep your budget in mind! " AT THE PRESENT TIME WE ARE I V. FEATURING THE EVER POPULAR fUWsnw MIDNIGHT Hospitality and Good Food" Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Fuf Reservations ! rile or Call Is your battery tirea tsiuggisnr uuih it w.. ,,,,, rt Ave. David Chow. Mgr. I dry or' uktot take on the addetj load of your heater, and give ( extra power for those cold winter starts, unless you treat It properly. Well check and recharge It as needed. Drive up. oiuck PRINCE RUPERT, I5.C. 1 1Mb imUhtn II Ml 4 : AtKiV- 5s Northern Mii skrat Back Coats WRATHALL'S T0 FIKIKHlNrt .00 $ CHURCH PARADE of Legion Members and Service Men SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th To First Presbyterian Church REV. E. A. WRIGHT, D.D., Officiating Group will fall in at Canadian Legion . Headauarters at 10:30 Hours 350 (.1 pur Kodak Camera Une-up. attachments for all Cameras. Extra comfort and less work' for .. me. - you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in ; Operation ,,,, y.i 1 i Available now at f4C0l and Kodachrome Film. '"'"Pins, Printing and SHRINE CLUB BAND IN ATTENDANCE J tnlarirlnp These are of specially selected centre back pelts ... for good appearance and hard wear. Assorted styles, shades and sizes. 520 -3rd Ave! W. 5 lil 111 T r LUG SOLES ? THE ALL WEATHER SHOES McBrlde Street Phone 511 (.-.-.-.. 1 YOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE 0R BANNING These coats were purchased before the increase in prices and We are passing this saving on to you. COME IN TODAY AND SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL FUR COATS FOR YOU Convenient Terms Arranged FOWLI E-RUTTIE LTD. Phone 522 328 3rd Avenue w" BUILDING $5.95 mm r PAIRING 1 AN IDEAL SCHOOL SHOE 7.50 BOYS 'SIZES: 1 to 5, 6, 7 and 8 Call 363 MITCHELL &CURRIE TflJII J FAMILY SHOE STORE j 5 CHARLIE ROBERTS STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE - contractors 1 .sswwsvwWAWWVNWW