0V 11 :r,'rthte "Rupert Deify News Friday, November 3, 1950 -Mo He h Personalities New Pupils BILL EVANS who Is taking his Senior Matrlc came to Prince from Maryland. He enjoys football and baseball. We have rea.-son to believe tha his interests at present lie centred around a DR. JOHNS PAYS VISIT Dr. H. P. Johns, educational and guidance from the t i . ' director of mm Vocati&nal - . Compiled by the Journalism Club Department of Education, Victoria, visited the school on Wednesday. ' JTJ A teachers' meeting was held The Staff .. Idle Chatter Orchestra Bo-M.-Hi ' A . certain dark-haired girl. We en-Joy watching you play football Editor-in-Chief: Evelyn Smith. hope H1 Bill and we heartily welcome you to Prince Rupert. GLORIA IHVINO Gloria, whn In the afternoon and effective living courses were discussed. Effective living Incorporates the separate periods of health, guidance, home and family relationships, library and physical education. Editor: IsabeUe Taylor. , Editor of Aurora: Gloria Irving. Sports Editor: Bill Toderas. Advertising Manager: Ren a Ing mm U from Telkwa, attended the JUDY NILSON came here in 1942 from Lorburn, Bask., where she was born in 1933. 8he attended grade four In King Edward School and is now in grade 11 taking a Commercial course. After this she hopes to become either a bookkeeper or a dressmaker. Judy is the vice-president of the Students' Council and Is the secretary of her CGIT. As if this Isn't enough, she is an active member of the cheer squad! " Watching basketball games and reading are her favorite pastimes. On Saturdays, Judy works at the Co-op Hardware Store. Who has been sending Iona ml the letters? Could it be L.C. , - - A cute two-some at the dance. M. K. and G. G. Fooled us Gordie thought you went in for blondes. Who's the' man? Rena we are very curious. . . ram. Reporters: Pat Hill, Rena Ing Terrace High School last . year. Medicine seems to hold a prominent position In Gloria's future. She also sings and Dlavs the ram, John Antrobus, Marjorie Way. New Teachers piano very well. Never caueht And . Brass -Band Has Ambitions for Future Two -years ago people of Prince Rupert were treated to a very fine program given by the Ketchikan High School Band. Last year there was a similar treat from the Eugene (Oregon) High School Band. British Columbia has the Kitsilano High School Boys' Band of international repute, while Kamloops is an- Junior Reporters: Joan Ander son, Jimmy Bateman. Latest romance about school without' a quip, and listen boy-; her phone number Is ????). SENIOR PARTY GORDON GRAHAMS; Gordie m-4 BRIGHT AFFAIR is another student with, us this year who last year attended the ChUlwack high school. He en- The Ilrst senior school affair of the year took place In the Joys badminton, basketball and bowline. Gordie hopes to become form of a hocdown in the Civic Centre auditorium which was otner centre that boasts a smart an architect but in the mean V7 W l i" I time, managing the boys basket- suitably, decorated for the occa-! slon. B. W. and S. P. Seen at tn. dance Gloria I. with Henry M. Margaret G. and Tiny C. , Why do they call Margaret Giske "Grandma?" Luella's pet saying "I are so freepy, wonder why. Why so many smiles and happy expression Janet? Who is that cute blonde of grade 10-1 who was seen with that handsome boy who used to go to school here a couple of years -.ago bail team and the position of BILL TODERAS was .born in Victoria on May 181933. Ho came to Rupert Mn 1940 where he attended King Edward School and is now in grade 12. He is taking the University Entrance course with a view to university where he will take up Mechanical Engineering. Bill Is the president of the Students' Council and is also New Booth Memorial High School. Of course, to achieve this goal, the Instruments should be purchased soon to make pos Secretary for the Senior Council seems to keep him fairly busy. high school band. Prince Rupert can do as well. The outlook for the new school year is very bright to the members of our orchestra. The membership has Increased from the original half dozen to the present 18, much lo the encouragement of the aole and energetic Mr. Wilson was born in Trail. Soon afterwards he came to Prince Rupert, and lived he:e for about five years before moving to Vancouver. He attended three elementary schools Lord Tennyson, Na-naimo, General Gordon in Burnaby, and Kingsway West la Vancouver. He then attended Burnaby and Nanalmo High Schools. .,, After graduating from school, he went to UBC for five years, majoring in Science, Math and Chemistry. He says he spent all his time studying, therefore .having no time for hobbies. His favorite sports are ping-pong, soccer and, althoygh he has never played it, is a great hockey fan. ' He Is full of praise for,ths students and thinks we are fortunate to have such a nice sible instruction and rehearls-als in anticipation of .the strains PAT LITTLER A pretty brunette who la.st year attended the Chilliwack High School. Pat has This function was attended by approximately 150 students and guests. The lively dancing continued until midnight during the course of which Pat Hill and Mickey Webster were winners In a coke dance. ' Then at midnight the long-awaited Program took place. The of "wen stand ana cneer io; the Old Gold and Green." the sports editor of the Journal- spent much of her life travelling about the province. She has spent ism Club for the newspaper. conductor, Miv riuber. The pos several years at Powell River. A JUNIOR PARTY IS His favorite pastimes are playing basketball, skiing and sibilities,, however, of such an orchestra are .lmiited for many other instruments are needed P3BrmhColu-bifc I Bill E. fit Grade 13 and Barbara 1 ca rer of nursinff will more than I M.1 of, 10-1 Eeem to tts wearing . likely claim this senior after BLOOD-CURDLING basketball. Danee Macabre, Teachers' Tale, graduation In June. After school and Saturdays he A very enjoyable evening was each other's high school tweatcr. Xjreen and Gold Can Can, accor to develop the proper balance ;assifieds Make Sales. spent on Tuesday night at the I wonder why? ? ? is kept busy working at the Mid dlon playing by Robert Wood of parts and iunness of tone JF AN CHESHER was bcirn 111 way Grocery. Junior Party which was held in I wonder why many girls are , London, England Jean cane to ana soio Dy xsaDeue layiur were very much enjoyed by all. Dancing ended at 1 a.m. the .school auditorium. Firecrackers popping In the iininS the Dancing Club? . Canada five years ago and since News Classifieds Make Sales school and good teachers. Realizing these limitations, the School Board has offered to match dollar for dollar up to $750. Also very gratifying was a generous donation of $100 by a local organization. Now the students must do their part. Sev llLORING for ' SONG QUEEN AND Und Gentlemen ICHEER LEADERS i Three cheer leaders and were all present. lng grade 10 boys in Guidance I Victoria and now P-inrp RniwV The evening- consisted mostly r.orlod. They seem t0 be iearning entos volley tall and s-i r of dancing, games and spot-things - cLi T t ,T S dances. Prizes were won by Earl I"1"- f" lsf a Vn'vers v Denton, Nancy Lund, Miss Le-' Verna G. of 11-1 seems to be rt? e1 di?T Jd she'm pine, Gerald Deusateuls, Tommy petting a Int. cf attention f.om ably attnd UBG uPn hcr Tad " Moorehouse and Alice Scabar. ,the grade 12 boys. lation. one eral activities have begun and others are being considered; Uie orchestra plans to put on its first public concert In the near future. the TAILOR P"S I nf 11-1 1 nnrl Rnxn A fif 1 by the teachers and pain shirts "m f""?";"! another student who rarr 3 to iong queen were chosen to rep-tesent the School by a secret ballot election. Rena Ingram, Pal Hill and Leona Webster are the cneer leaders. Barbara Moore Is the Song Queen. These girls are now busy planning their now uniforms and learning new "cheers." Much prenaration is I needed for the Kay-Hi and Bo- Enthusiasm and interest: - ...... v -j.v , D, ,,. rkiii ana jeans Dy tne students. if SrSL I . tWO-SOme vuJl.lV 41U1H VIUU1YVW.IV. She entovs all s-o?ts "-se"la!"' j Rnft. rirlnWa nnrl hnt-rino-s wpfi Phone 649 .1 St. .1 served by the refreshment com- whv 13 R-;y W. of 11-1 always basketball. Her intere't In Home among students is running high with many applicants wishing to play but few are ab.e to Lur-jhase their own Instruments. mittee. The evening concluded ;n a da.-; in English period . Economics will probablv esnlt in with a very interesting ani ' her maiorin In that, snhippt. 1 TllVW 2 i Me-Hl series which will get under way next month. These girls It would give these prospec-i amusing skit put on by members What two tall teachers find it , tive players of the proposed of the staff directed by Miss pleasant working In the school I JOAN LITTLER Joan w;is orchestra and band great pride Ball. The teachers are wasting together after school hours? bom In Powell R'.ver so she Is can make a success in tneir cheer leading only through stud to be able to provide music for their time in school, they ought wh Why does . p, Eilly C . n quite used to tn.e rain. She lived - in f :rtii tujonir tnroA vaara hofrvm the opening ceremonies of the to be in Hollywood. ent support. - "Boop Bcop Be Dm? moving to Prince Rupert. SVie Who was the tall eirl with the 'Play Softball and enioys swim- Rtraw-bkitidn Viair nnrt .hn hi.nv ming very much. We are tola kne.f at the Senior Party. How I1"3' sne 18 a v"ry Booa COOK. wyf about your autograph, Blondie'1 VX " .7vr nini f ) ; j KEN KEN MALCOLM MALCOLM was was birn birn ir. .1. Vancouver. Lived In Butedale f 5r five years directly before leavl-v for for Prince Prince "Rupert 'Rupert We We aim! almi I M , We rc bound for lite Rio Grande, I, , Basketball K.-5n very much as he has arrlvei ' ,11 . .. ,.t km . i i J 11 thtmirli Vtc Viotl ' ' 1 - VI ' 'r 'AliU IITt'f)V KM ' ftVC.' Kill '"' ' ' ' I 1 i o-rt-L- in hi f!nrrpcnnnflnn( 1 II it r af s "Active "jfL "" "aw L;a ennv t Mm k& rcrse,. ro-s wtrhin bM-f AJ '"8 Jare-ye-toflt, my , bonny young get, ktball n. Future as yet If ...... pjr zve're bound for ihc Rio Gran Jc! . -(- very indefinite. . N . ,fr, " " N For over-a century Lamb's Navy , 22 f Trv a Da 11" ivevs Classified. II . . , .. r , , . rj has been the call of those who know -ft Roach Every Home By Ads! kj , Smorh and mellow, it is : 25 i JATHER BOMBER There will be two basketball 'earns entered In the Intermediate League by the IIi?h School ' The .Jearrw coached j)y Mr. Evans 'tvWK-ilK-. nnrnferlv&: nf t.hr iCKETS immw Quilted 'Aoutori Collar Shoulder Straps 1ST ARRIVED ' matured. Mended and bottled in J"!,' '25 ) il I t Jur.-l ry J Britain of the finest Demerara Rums. s W 8 Lamb's Wavy Bum I t I Cunirol Board or bv the tkvcrnmem of Bntivri Coliimhui. i M SHIPMENT Ichool and will be called the Ctdldsi 'The other team, called the 'Greens, will be coached ; by Mr. Mathews. Ihis ts Mr. Mathews' first year m this' school and he has yet to show the students of Bo-Me-Hl his ability as a coach. This will be Mr. Evans' se:-ond year as the coach of the senior boys' basketball team although he has coached various teams since he came here. , i A girls' team coached by Miss M-Kenna is having regular practices, but as yet there ara of mm PCOATS ond IMCOATS im uner enines m OUCJ CLOTHING ! id II hi 'FINE PRINTING AT " ill S3- I j League.-This is also Miss MJ-i Kcnna's first year here. STORE . t ' m I ' I II m . r It ill 1 il SSI F to Public of prince tor Over 33 Years l-'" 1 J $g REGAL printers;! I ! X X I I ifJ Phone 24 222 Second Ave.., j S j :. nitfiiinn i 7"-' fiW U w- . J uuu ' BUY A NEW FAST SAILINGS t t 111 111 ITYW , r I i Your help is needed AS RANGE Effective Nov. 1st we the new Please Note Advance In Times US Vancouver Service: ! -JmZ " JrL " 1 1 O Prince Rupert 111 0 ; - v.. f. VSYIU t I Lv.pt UPPAN" Grange Rupert Tue. 13:00 Noou Ar. Vancouver Thu. A.M. Y Lv IV W ON DISPLAY ' " Sun. 8:00 P M. Ar. iue- r Vancouver Wed. 8:00 P M. Ar. Pr. Rupert Frl. 1:00 P M. , " Frl. 8:00 P.M. Ar.- " . " Bun. 3:00 P.M. IOH POBT SIMPSON. ALICE ARM. STEWART: Lv. Pr. Rupert every Sun. 11:00 P.M. IOR MASSETT 1M.ET (NORTH Ql EEN CHARLOTTE IS.): Lv. T. tvupert tT. (Nov. 10 . 4 at 9:00 P.M. TO tNUST YOU MUST .ta Canadian eitizan or British subject. . R bwn 1 7 and 29 ytara of eg: t. lingla. 4. Mt Army test requirements. . Volunteer for service anywhero. POT JliGHT AWAY TO: Ne. 1 1 rMMl D.p.l. 050 W.rt Swr Ave., VANCOUVtH.SC. ' Atse-oc A FOR SRIDEGATE ANI CI MSHEWA INLETS (8. QIGKN CHARLOTTE IS.): Lv. Pr. Rupert Prl. (Nov. S and 17) at 9:00 P.M. . for tickets. Information, copy of new sailing schedule, please enquire FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave.. Phone 568 l'o bring this enti-ii.traft gun into action calls for a full crew skilled men trained to fight as a fast-thinking, fas :-acting team. To train such a crew takes time: gun rrsv. must know how to handle modern scientific equipment electronics, radar, radio, telephone; men must work together with the closely timed co-ordination of a championship football team. The Canadian Army Active Force needs men today , . . keen young men who can begin training immediately as anti-aircraft gunners. You can take your place t the side of the men who defend Canada by reporting for. training without delay. Act now and help niake Canada strong. HOLLYWOOD CAFE AAP TASV&Z THA SVZfZ. ! LJ j 1 many people are NO WONDER cKaneini to KeUoss'n Brn Flakes! TuaAlv-criHuiuoiUL. Guiaboxtudayl We Specialize In , Fmher.weiuarantee! Kellogg-freahl DISHES WY THM AT NO RISK. If Kellogg i aren't fresher than any other bran fl akea.send empty carton to Kellogg'a, Box 4-A, London, Ontario. Get double your mwity both! HELP MAKE CANADA STRONG louvta f wi KAUIO CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN finisi.ie Orders PHONK 133 bran to belp regularity, many fulka nd! Try them. H- UFCTRIC OPEN FROM 7:38 P.M. to 3:30 A .11.