Prince Rupert Daily News Friday.. November 24, 1950 Fort Lewis Pay Higher Kitwanga Woman Mourned by Many Blackwood On Bridge By Easley Blackwood Local Psople In Five Gcnerciors: 0U kriOW by this time that I Strongly reCOlTl- .... , . ' . , 1 j mend taking advantage of your opponents known Miss Faure Is 81 Years Old 1 1 1 Reaching 81 years old today j Miss Jeannv; Faure, Prince Rupert' landscape artist, will celebrate i weaknesses. Consider today's hand West dealer. i ed. He weighed this chance quietly at home. RelaUves will Victoria recently, senior mem-bring their best wishes to birth-' ber of the group was Mrs. A. E. U hMdy. r, t"" 'c'ont. 7 HOTEL ARRIVALS I Prince Rupert R. S. Oordon. F. H. Adamn b ' not unlike ... 1 day dinner at Mr. and Mrs. H. E. E. Faure 's. 111 Eighth Avenue East, this evening. "I have no patience with young people of 70 who think they are old" exclaimed Miss Faure on the eve of her birthday to her I nephew k s wife, if, Mrs. v H. r E. r E. , faure. The artist was born in Does burg, Holland. For action use News classifieds. 1 . "BiU'. W- utWn. S rvang.l rm m None vulnerable. North (Hr. Kii) j y i e H A 6 5 4 P S 4 ' C Q 7 5 West f.ust (Mr. Muster) (Mr. Iliilr) 97 4 S A K Q 10 9 3 H 10 8 3 2 H K J B D 8 2 I A J ft C K 8 4 2 limit li (Mtw Hr:tu) S-J H Q 7 D K Q 10 7 6 C A J 111 1 The bidding: West Nurth Kilst Smith Pass Pat Dbl All pass Pass Pnss 4 S 5 U None of the books will tell you 1 that the East hand should be opened with four spades It's too , strong. You may miss a slam. For example, if partner has as little : a the ace of hearts and the king ; of diamonds there is at least Dlav for six-nrirt I Now old Mr. Dale who held the East cards knows this as well w ir i .. '1 n ,,u ..... r . 1 ... iir m . . iwamley. van.niivpr' a Miimu n. , KiiUOr, wmu, m. raurunaun, rort Edward: T . Woods, Smithe s; Mr and Mrs. J. C. Snodderly, Ketch U Ucjn- T . Rmllh Crlmn. "", ' . fnct M s. A. J. McLean ' 11 cltv against the chance that Miss Brash would get out on a limb, j and decided the latter possibility j cllered the better prospect for a uig prom. Miss Brash had a pretty good hand with a six-card suit. She wasn't going to be talked out of anything. No sirf She was rlBh. in tnprp with n hrppv fiun-.rii:- mond bid, found her partner with an ace and a queen and still went down 500 points. , Mr. Masters opened the seven of spades which Mr. Dale won with the queen. He continued with the king of spades and Miss Brash ruffed -low. She led '.he R,"s ui " ' ' 0" and lald down 7u the ace oI . sPaaes- u Brash trumped with the tpn of diamonds ainl cashed the .ueen 01 aiamonas. ane men Other club Mr. Masters w'nnUij ng and Mr. Dale dis carding the nine of hearts. Mr. , . . . ,i .Via rl.... , , f j"Whv aducate your opponents- I've often heard him say fu.J SEJHDCniEK? Oo serve lomcti. as anyone. He also knew some-ir T . u , , , I hearts Which was ducked in dum- thine about this hand that nrme thJ lf,,M i and Mr. Dale won With the nf Of the , hrlr. bOOka COUld ever Ir know. i. my . . . He knew that Miss Lucy Brash m. Pf ?;,?i0rt,Hnk diamond, wil, fjr the 'tk sitting on his left, simply hates g(Kld Undeftr and satisf'ln?: result In- to XODe be snut shut out OUt OI of the tne hidriinir Bidding .ldeed a very TO Mr. Dale, the Chance Of his I , I Side making a slam didn't seem 1 Mr- DaIe dld not Dolnt ou" tlut , too good after his partner pa-s?-1 gocd defense would have defeat- ltd his four spade bid. That was Lio nf Viirr. If turns den nropti.'nl ' delightful cockuj Ttiis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. i urtnkj niiJc j Morgan Rum. TtJ brmls. G I Mrs. Emil Peterson of P.lnce Rupert, her daughter Mrs. Mi- ehael Schwab and the latter's J Bm attended a re . . , t, , uluu" ui ,1,c Dawe, mother of R. H. Dawe who is the father of Mrs. Peterson. A picture of representatives of the five generations, including Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Schwab and Oillv 5hit;ah amAarA vonortllv ' ' in the Victoria Times, RICH TERRITORY Besides having a great cattle industry Australia's northern territory grows most tropical products. FOR SALE FOR SALE Household furnish- mgs. including new axminsier rug. Blue 908. (274p) FOR SALE Used doors. 2'6" x 6'6". Call 629 5th West. Phone 543. Uf ) FRESH Oolichan grease lor sale. See B.C. Furniture. (tfet PERSONAL PHONE YOUR Fuller Brush Dealer between 5 and 6:30 p.m. at Black 990 for demonstration of our Christmas specials. (281pi CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper batteries and radiators. Phone 543 call 629 6th W., City. (tf) ! WIN the Monarch Dream vitr.or. ca ...m,. tr contest rules. MONARCH; FLOUR NOW AVAILABLE AT ! BURNS BEST BUYS. PHONE , Tin 103. Wp we ripiivpr aenver. ( uci, 27Qc ) SALESMAN WANTED ; SALES OPPORTUNITY- One Of , the continent's largest Acci- ! ij V rich and ft. . mm - w Black LabtlB and flavourful. M "They're hard enough to beat as And further take notk-e that n is i persons Indebted to the said estate . . , ,, 'are required to pa, their lndebted-( Prepared from Mr. Blackwood s ness to me forthwith, forthcoming book, BRIDGE HU- I tti at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this MANICS. ) i iay ' November, 1950. '. ERNEST KARL ALLEN, tnakt mt6Mif- ivr-TCMT MTNI-S ni.vibn ...... Lead - mining was practised from ancient times at Bakewell in Derbyshire, England. COVERS BIG CHUNK j classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Carda of Thanks, Death Nutlces. Fun eral Notices, Marriage and EngEgement Announcements J2.0O. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE 11(1 IJU I i The Union of South Africa In Recordlim District of Prince Rupert, In th vlclntt, ol Use-covers 473.000 square miles; all less Ba,. Porciu-r island. This advertisement is not published er dissUrril Control Board or by the Government sfBritst ' KITWANGA Funeral of the late Mrs. Louisa WilizRii, who passed away at the Hazelton i Hospital, toon place at he,- home ; villaee here with friends from j the Skeena Crossing and Kil- wanga coming for the final rite. Rev. J. Hayhurst, Anglican- Church missionary, conducted the service and the Kitwanpa Band took part in the poceed- ings. Mrs. wiiizgu was tne mctner of James P. Fowler of Kitwanga. Reeve for 32 Years, Q "rr"" pposed Only ' Twice BIRDSAY. Sask. (CPi Reeve Herb Pearson of the Rural Municipality of Coteau says he can't retire the voters won't let him. The 70-year-old farmer has been opposed only twice In 32 years. He wor both times. All the other years he has been returned by acclamation. Biid&ay is CO miles south of Saskatoon. Joseph Hayn, the great Austrian composer, was a chorister In Vienna at the age of 12. DON SURVHJ.B HARVEY, DE- CEASCTl INTEMTA'I M take notice that Admim.- trnuwr. duly appolntMl by the eourt. of the estate of Thomas Hadd.m Survllle Harvey, di-ceased. who died " wer Post Columbia, on th. asth da, of Ma,. iio. 1 require mi credits and others halng cla!m Kaltu.t the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or befor the ism da, f January. i95i. alter which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those en- eVCtShTS.HJS hav been notified. uiiicu.1 Aominuiiravor. Telegraph Creek. B.C. Form No. 18. (Section 87) LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASB LAND Take notice that Columbia Cel-! luloiw Company. Limited, of Watson Island. B C , occupation Cellulose Mnufcturers, Intends to apply for s 'lease of the followlnn described lands and lands covered b, water: Commencing at a post planted on the high water mark of the south shore of Useless La,, approximately 12 chains westerly of the southerly j corner of Lot 5506. Range 5, Cou,t District, thence easterly 13 chain more or less to the southerly cor- ner of Lot 6508. Raue 6. Coast Dls- trlct. thence N. 41 16 E. 15.87 chains more or lens to the south- west corner ol tot 447, Range i. Coast District: thence northerly 10 chains, thence southerly 15 chains, thence easterly to the high water mark of Useless Bay, thence In a southerly and easterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 23 acres, more or less, COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY, LTD. Dated October 28. 1950. R. E. MORTON. Agent. KIIP TOUR CAR ALL WIMTIR Cet Ms eorwim Slavics With the punishing months of winter head, our Ctmpttlt 5-WAY Winterizing will assure you of protection all winter long. Our expert tervicemea uie factory-approved equip ment, factory-approved methods and Genuine Ford Parts. CooRrif System Fuel System Ignltin System Electrical System Lubflcanfc Bob Parker Ltd. FORT LEWIS Hon. Brooke Claxton, minister of national de fence from Canada, visited the Canadian special brigade here1 yesterday and admitted that1 consideration was being given to j increased pay and allowance. I He announced a special "Fort LewU bonus'' which the troops were quick to point out made the pay higher here than It ' - would be in Korea. In teeming rain, almost 7000 troops paraded before the defence minister. A hearty American-style Thanksgiving Day dinner tucked under their belts heloed the men withstand the ?' A a drenching downpour as they . presented Mr. Claxton with general salute, heard him wish them well and then marched past his saluting base. Mr. Clux- ton told them it was -the finest . . . .. , nararie j hp hart wlt.npsserl even I in two world. wars." v Mr. Claxton left here for I.i Angeles. 1 FROM TIIK FACTORY TO YOU BABY CHENILLE . BEDSPREADS Lowest Prk-e In Canada. Beauti-full first quality, completely tufted. No sheeting showing. AI. colours, double or single bed sizes. Flowered or solid patterns $5.25 each. Sent COD. plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. Town Si Country Mfgrs., 6330 Mountain Sights St..! Montreal, yueDec. dip; rig Mm L - I lw itliiw It set siMiiHte1 m vUyas r Liqawr Ceotwl BMt4 fcr W Gmiat at 14, Clb uf II r I VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chllcotin' Tuesday.,12 Noon Camosun 1 ALICE ARM. STEWART AM) POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chllcotin, Dec. 1 and 15 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chllcotin, Nov. 17, 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 503 Prepare For WINTER! Check your Furance and Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 THdM SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE Business and Proii WANTED NOW SHIP YOUR FURS QUICK! Priop uf AU. Brit- isn Columbia furs enormously HIGH. Trappinn can mean manv extra DOLLARS to YOU. We are payin? AS HIGH AS: $i00 for MINK (Wild Interior i ; MU3KRAT and WEASEL $400; BEAVER and OTTER $40.00: MARTEN $75 00; SQUIRREL 60c. New FUR Price Lk?t. including offering outstanding values in TRAPS. RIFLES all TRAPPING Supplies. NOW available codv FREE on request Ship al! your furs to "SHUBERT" see how much MORE you'll get. Don't delay ship TO-dav. Hurry! Dent. 194. A. B. SHUBERT Co.. Winnipeg. Ship to our rteceivuig umce at VANCOUVER. (H) WANTED Part-time Janitor. Once a week aoprox. three hours. Apply C.P.A.. Seal Cove 279c) Wantt wanted . . t,- Puppy; fmi female ter- , nrpfpr-rt R(1V ooH niiv News. (278p) HOUSE WANTED from owner beforp Decemher .IS Prefer furnished SliKin rlnvn f?tate , WANTED TOP MARKET I PRICES PAID for gcrao iron I Steel, brass. CODper. lead. tVc ! Honest gradlrf. Promot Dav- ment made. Atlas Iron & MetalS Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- I COIiver, B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. tf ) I BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS aent ana GicKness companies. mil particulars Mr. Bowden, First dav to lifetime coverage'. General Delivery. Citv lltp bv cash payments. Offers ex-, : cellent contract and earning WANTED .30 or .35 calibre possibility to right man who , Newton or 7.65 mm Russian must be a determined worker. . rine, with or without ammuni-Reolles confidential. Write to: tion. Give details to Box 834, Bartram & Cardom Limited, i Dailv News tf-nri ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. J, D. McCrimmon announces the enganement of his eldest daughter. Isabel Forsyth, to Mr. James Charles Nuermann son of Mr. and Mrs. George Charles Nuermann of Wisconsin The wedding will take place De-cember 9. (Up) FOR SALE NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES i,iniT-De!t tSDeeder Snovels: Craws: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. B!ac Tod Road Maintenance Eauioment: Owen Clamshell Buctets and Rock GraoDles: T L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumos: National Dragline Scrapers and B.ickets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists- National! Portable Sawmills: National j Rotarv Screens and Convevors I Sl1,lni?tionfrTma4"i Vancouver. B.C. (tf) .303 BRITISH calibre Remlng ton, Savage and Winchester! P-14 bold action 6-shot fport-l lng rifles with 26" barrel. Ex- ' cellent condition including niceiy imisneu walnut siocks; i select quality, prooi-iesiea. i Price only $27.50. If not satis- j fied. return rifle at our ex-; pense for full refund. Imme-j , diate delivery : will send COD.! . Write for catalogue. Canada's! Mall Order House. Box 852, Ottawa. Ont. (tf) . FOR SALE .New chesterfield. beds: beds complete: unaint-! ed chest of drawers; sewing macnine: Kitcnen stoves: neat ers; hardware; coffee tables, ' end tables: bedroom suites: 1 scores of other useful furni-j ture at lowest prices. See B.C. ! Furniture. Black 324. (tf) j FOR SALE Bedroom suite com- j olete with soring and spring-filled mattress: 3-piece chesterfield suite; kitchen table and 1 4 chairs; coal and wood heat- j er; one lino rug. Phone H'ckl 480. (275c) . . FOR 8ALE One double bed- i stead, spring and mattress; 1 1 Reattv washing machine: 1 ironing board. 1400 6th Ave.i fc. Phone Blue 821. (278p) ! FOR SALE 6-tube radio ram. binalion. single player. $40.00., 802 Borden St. alter 5 p.m. j (nc) j FOR SALE Roval portable tvpe-1 writer, as new. Phone Black BJB. (274p)FOR FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet' and kitchen sink, coal heater. I Oretm753. (275p) j f ir OAT - s . M I .,?rt,Vf-ri'e . u?ea . Mcuiary , uiicb. iineu coai nearer, ttood condition. McKenzle Furniture! Ltd.. Ml 3rd Ave. (274c) FOR SALE Small Duo-Therm' oil heater. Apply 937 3rd Ave.i West 275p)i i FOR SALE One single cylinder, Norwegian union i-si t.v. semi- diesel. for stationary P.wer-c AuDlv Standard Ma- chine Shop or phone R'nekt 910. 278p) ; FOR SALE Chesterfield suite as new. minus, luuies etc. Phone Black 338, 7Sp) a.TZ.rZ.. ...- . run onL,. -w kuiwi, icowir able. Black 835. 276q) Africa has 11,699,000. ! , NOTICE OF CANCELLATION j OF RESERVE NOTICE Is hereby given that the reserve established pursuant to Or - 1 der-ln-Council No. 1780. notice of which was published in the British Columbia Osaiette on Januurif Mill, 19M. covering the following ilescrib- eel lands in Range 3, Coast Land District, is cancelled: " Commencing at the south-east corner of Lot 597. Range S. Coast Land District, beliin a point on high- water-mark of Whisky Cove. Denny Island: thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 5af ana 596 to the south-west corner of said Lot 5D6; thence southerly aloiu; the easterly boundary of Lot 585 R the south-east corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly boun- daries of Lots 595 and 5l4 to the outh-west corner of said Lot 594; . thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 887 to the south east corner thereof; thence due e3t J for a distance of twenty chains; J thence due south for a distance of two hundred and twenty chains; thence due east for a distance of 1 one hundred and twenty chains; thence due north for a distance of one hundred and sixty chains; thence due east for a distance of tUlrty chains; thence due north for a distance oi ,lghty-four and one-half chains, more or less, to low-water mark of the northerly shore of said Denny Island; thence north-westerly In a straight line to low-water-mark of the most northerly point of Spirit Island, said point being on the westerly shore line thereof; thence south- erly along low-water-mark of saw shore line to the point thereon which lies due east of the point of commencement; thence due west to tne point of commencement." Oeo. P. Melrose. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C. November 10th. 1950. (H) REPAIRS OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove service and repairs. O. D. Konson. Black 503. (tf) OIL HEATING at its Besi MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving in heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins LIMITED Plumbing and Hratlnr Phone Vi-i p.o. Box 274 i: QUALVHi For Downin and JlrV SHOE H Box 774 Buy the Best- ELECTS Cleaner and Small supply R. W.CI Authorize PHON Contact i SERVICE & MARGARE" CPT0M Rod STONK 8 BLU1 P.0.BC SIDNEY OPTOtf Complex V!" OFFIC t .m. " Me2nfll Geo. Cook' TelepW Oil BUBNER suppned'" and stove. ditionftJ r com . ,'AnfUi ,eftsai'- 73H Slh DVe' Vancouver B.C. Ji1 i GOING TO EUKOPE? RESERVATIONS should be made now to guarantee eood.accom- i modation for spring and sum-: mer sailings. Dvbhaven Hanson "Travel Agents," 315 3rd' West. PS. Prepaid pas-; saaes readilv arranged "di-; rect to Canada, ior Immigrants. ; LOST LOST Camera with black! leatherette case. Lost on Port, Edward bus. Please return to! box H37, Daily News. (27fipi REAL ESTATE , j ' WANTED 3-bedroom house must have concrete basement,' furnace, and be In verv sound condition. Have cash buver for sucn a nome in Rood location., See Armstrong AKencles. rnone avi. (276c) PLUMBING and HE A.TI NO-; WATCH REPAIRS-Prompt. ef-Sheet metal work. Tar and fici(,nt service. George Cook, &ael otlnKiCa,11629 6ln! Jeweller. Satisfaction Kuaran-West. Phone 543. Letourneau , t,eecj and Sons. (tfi . : . A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER, C.A. A. L. BELL, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Slreet Phone 655 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS Si AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Rd 894 P.O. Box 1070' MATTSON'S UPHOL8TERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B C. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thuridaj, Batnrday 10:15 p.m. SALE-5 room house, full! MODERN Painting and Decorat- nit; nunite -anu iviutuiiv. Phone Black 215. evenings or noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. (tf) COMPLETE builders' suoplies, fast service. Island Cltv Build- lng Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) OPPORTUNITIES TELEGRAPH OPERATORS I Due to increasing demand for i operators, survey is being ; made to secure information : concerning those Interested ln becominir railroad telegraph i operators, it enough interested parties apply, school staffed bv comDetent. exDerienced instructors will be established! in downtown Prince Rupert. Rates reasonable, in keening with thosp chareed in other schools. No tuition fees re-miested or accepted at this time. Apply Box 839, Dailv News. (278) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk Rtnn Rnilrtin PH ncn oasemeni. iurnace. newlv dec-prated, glassed-in front and' buck norch. 1026 9th East. I Black 394. (277) ' - - - .,.. i-"'.'"1 u as nuine concern in excellent downtown lnr-a- tion. Full orice including stock and fixtures onlv S1.500.on For informatlnn call ROBERT E. MONTADOR I (277c) ; FOR RENT ROOM- AND BOARD for elderly Pentlemon 1457 Pleeott K Ave Phone Blue 815. (276) j FOR RENT SleeDing room, near! town, rnone tilack 973 f27Knl 1 I Ht-?A7-Two r?oms for eld - i euv genueman. fnone Blue 6g) g) EVEEWlSlB)y . ELSE TOES