Prince Rupert Dally News Friday, November 24, 1950 I0DE Bazaar Fine Affair ARRIVING MONDAY, Nov. 27, another shipment of potatoes to sell at $2.99 per sack. Orders taken now for 'delivery next ween. Please enquire about our other specials. 1 Free delivery. MIDWAY GROCERY. Phone 659. (275c) Grant Stuart, manaeer of the Tofs T. . come" IS Si," var- lL7Tfrniirm n- Most Admired . . . Most Desired . , . by all men A MANHATTEN BATHROBE ... Correct style, easy fitting, Comfort and Quality . . . Tailored by critical craftsmen who KNOW what men want . . . Authentic Tartans, Plaids and Plain Colors. In Wool, Paisleys, Polka Dots and Plain Colors in Rayon 12-50 27.50 &mm r,vrirfii: aJ win: ALL BUILDERS' NEEDS, PHONE 116orl17 RT & McCAFFERY LTD. Sailing on the Coouitlai night on their return to Masset are Mr. and Mrs. t. Minator GIFTS GALORE. GIFTS you will adore at the TOTEM POLE GIFT STORE. utc) You Will find tho selection of Christmas decora tions ior the htune at the VAKIETY STORE. (tf Mr. and Mrs T?nhen eim.i. will be returnlne home tn Mac. set on tonight's boat after a visit to the city Lutefi and fishcake din- . , nor i nthn.n Nov' Ts. f om TaJl body welcome. (275c) Cpl. E. Martin of the Provincial Game Department leaves on tuniKms Doat rvt for Port Clements on official business. Moose Legion meeting Friday, Nov. 24. (274s) An An American American refrigerator refrigpratnr ship shii LuXor Kn, the Capl, a r i . , 1 . -T . . 1 nvcu in uoit iii, o a.m. loaav irom Ketchikan. iveicniKan. After Alter unloading unloading six six carloads of salmon and halibut -v.- ...,m , 'Aire win iravp inr pPQT.r. a in t nftemnnn 10c buys a tin of CamDbell's tomato soup, 15c a tin of Lynn vaney peaches, and $8.75 still buys a case of Pacific milk at SHEARDOWNS. For our Nabob coffee price see our window. (275c) Arriving In ten riavs a car- " -- - load of famous Smithers pota - quality aosoiuieiy KUaranteed. Price $3 5(1 ner saclc - - ' s from car. All orders must be in y oraiuaj, "uiemuer ia vxAMmw Y n a. &i3 1 i ri(in!cvpiticmiMicc((((ccirciccxiCKVKicinj CHRISTMAS IS COMING! ! LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE ORDER WM NOW Germany Ready To Give Troops BONN, Germany HA government memorandum to the West-em Allies tonight aid that West Germany Is ready to contribute a troop contingent to an international European army. Dirty Sand Coals City MEDICINE HAT tf-The city was blanketed with dirty sand today after, a alx-hour dust storm. Literally thousands of tons of sana were moved from summer fallow and open fields of farms southwest of Medicine Hat. Gusts of wind blew as high as fifty miles an hour. ANNOUNCEMENTS Nurses' Annual Ball, Nov. 24. Lutheran Church Luteflsh and fishcake dinner, Sat., Nov. 25. Annunciation Home and School Association bake sale, Lyons Corner. Nov. 25. Bridge, whist ana cribbage Catholic Hall. Thursday, November 30, at 8 p.m.' Navv Dance Pnhlir Han of Bill Scuby's Fur Show Attractive Feature Major feature of the fifteenth anniversary bazaar yesterday of Imperial Order, Daughters of the was Bill Scuby's fur fashion show, a thrilling exposition of wnat tne current seasQn has to offer in the way of smart and practical Xur attire Six charming models-Mrs. Archie Wudel Mrs. G. E. Moore. Mrs. R. A. Ritchie, Mrs. Duncan McRae, Mrs. Fred Hemsworth and Miss Lorraine Youngman with sophisticated poise entered the wintry wooded setting of 'the stage to display stunning creations in the latest cuts and designs. Ramn anrl . .. softly carpeted in blue. Collars, neat and soft, sleeves with smartly 'designed cutts, backs rippled and amply full went-to demonstrate that this year's fur coats fill most adequately the demands of both style and practicability Mrs. L. M. Greene was a com Detent and H vuiii- SHE, MrS ,J' S' BIack Play- ea Dlano mirsip snnrnnrlat tn - -f..M.Vb W ! the OCClSion one n.-atl Wardrobe o,v, was In . capable hands 01 Mrs. J. J I.ltMo . Interest centred In t.h raffle of a muskrat Jacket which was won by Miss Barbara Teng. There is no claimant yet of & door prize. No. 40 was the lucky number and the holder can claim a squirrel set neck piece. The medels and the wardrobe items were as follows: Mrs. Wudel grey Russian squirrel coat. Mrs. Moore black Hudson seal coat, full length. Mrs. Ritchie muskrat back coat, dark Labrador shade. Mrs. McRae muskrat back coat (belted), pastel mink shade Miss Youngman muskrat back coat, wild mink shade Mrs. Hemsworth silver blue muskrat coat, full length. Mrs. Wudel brown Canadian squirrel. Mrs. Moore blue lapin jacket. Mrs. Ritchie grey lamb, full length coat. Mrs. McRae mouton shortie coat. Miss Youngman moonglo shade muskrat trotter. Mrs. Hemsworth three-quarter-length Hudson seal with grey Persian trim. t Mrs. Ritrhie- brown Pekln lamb. Mrs. Moore squirrel Jacket. Mrs. Hemsworth squirrel cape. Mrs. Ritchie prize jacket. Mrs. wudel grey kid cape. . Mrs. McRae mole coachman's cape. mi s. Youngman bleached muskrat cape.- EMPIRE DANCES Another delightful feature of the bazaar, held In the auditorium of the Civic Centre, were the Empire dances by pupils of Mrs. L. A. N. Fotterton which were presented at intervals the afternoon. These includ-d Irish lilt and skirt dance by Diana Peterson, sailor's hornpipe by Sharon Skinner and Elizabeth Pierce and American xwyai iianK, is sailing tonight aboard the Coqultlam to maks the round trip to Masset. S. O. N. Whist and Dance, Friday, Nov. 24. Whist, 8 o'clock. Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (274) tap dance ay Heather McDon aid. After a procession of standard bearers Mrs. M. J. Keays lor Municipal Chapter, Mrs. Gil- . Jn "a,7 iviTit.ufvii l iui i.xii nr Chapter and Mrs. W. J. Unehai ; for Duchess of Edinburgh Chao ter "Land of Hope and Glory" and "O Canada" were sun anrl then Mayor O. W. Rudderham formally opened the bazaar. --- j vjsww uaoaai , The Aiic' Municipal Regent and general j tunveuer, Mrs. U. K. JS. BlaCK- aby, welcomed the guests. The tea table was centred with red, white and blue candles, appropriate to the Empire theme, and Wllir.. .'hrVGanthnmitm. uolu w auvautttge. Psiding at the pouring tables were Mrs .7 R r.ihcnn u,. n I - M4WOV1I, .'11 J , J W TJnrtHorham Mn - v ,V . . "o. . vui- Un, Mrs. Nora Arnold and Mrs. .O W ... Orahnm v. The tea room was convened oy Mrs. Jens Munthe and servi- teurs were Mrs. C. G. Ham, Mrs. Duncan Black, Mrs. Martin-Van Ccoten, Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. P. Charlton, Mrs. G. P. Lyons, Mrs. N. McDonald, Mrs. B, Cole, Mrs. Len Griffiths, Mrs.. Frank Hicks, Mrs. J. D. McRae and Mrs. G.G. iWthers. Mrs. J.A. Ter.g was cashier. Bootiis weie in cnarge as follows: Homemaking Mrs. Flood and Mrs. T. McMeekln. Embroidery Mrs. J. Morau and Mrs. R. B. Skinner. Woollen articles and plant; Mrs. H. A. Brun, Mrs. Hosklns Mrs. J. A. MacDonald. Plain sewing Mrs. M. G Gormely and Mrs. O. E. Moore ove;cy Doom Mrs. uvorneK Sharl Ingalls and Mary Addl son. Raffles Mrs. Keays, Mrs Keilback, Miss Vivian Wratjiall Mrs. Llneham. RAFFLE RESULTS Drawing of raffles resulted as iohows: Fur coat Barbara Teng, tick et No. 518. Breakfast set. donated bv Mason's Jewellers,' wdn by-Mrs J. Hurnie, No. 605. Lamn. donated bv Cook's Jew cllers, won by J. Botsford, No. 415. Lady's handbag, donated bv Brownwoods, won by Ronnie Hoskins, No. 200. Side of bacon, donated bv Swift Canadians, won by Shir ley Main, No. 725. Mirror, donated by MacKen-zie Furniture, won by Shirley Hougan, No. 1610. Five dollars In merchandise, donated by Fiaser & Payne, won bv Joe (Kalen Co-od). No. 548. Five dollars In merchandise, donated by Watts St Nickerson, won by Russell Morrison, No. 1S44 Electric cigarette lighter, do nated by Rupert Radio ei Electric, won by M. Baxter, No. 880. RUPERT BAKERY LTD. i tkSijilM..s.x,ak2i,kM.sliiMkMiiiiit,aiiii,Mka,Jlkalll,MltMiail 5 I I U k7 ft W 1 Y JP- OB JL J 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 One Maple Leaf Truck Motor $225 (Good condition, complete with 4-speed j the Navy Drill Hall, Dec. 1. Pro 11 - J 1 . , transmission, radiator, battery) - - PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS ITD. Snennil Avpiiiia IETY STORE. Our stock Is complete and prices are right, (tf) After spending the summer In the south, Mrs. Emil Peterson will be returning to Prince Rupert early next month. Meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 510, Friday, Nov. 24, Carpenters Hall, 7:30 p.m. (274c) Son and daughter of the late Harry H. Davis, Kenneth Davis and Mrs. Gordon Pvle? arrive nn the Princess Louise from Victoria this mornine and will He Jlere fin a few days. in connection with their father's affairs. Moose weeklv whLst drive Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the Moose Temple. Members please attend and bring your friends. (275) Aubrev Simmons. MemW nf Parliament for Yukon, was here aboard the Princess Louise this mornine enroute to his Whitehorse. While here he visited the Skeena member, E T. Applewhaite. i There are only 25 more shop ping days till Christmas. The i malls will be closing shortly. Get your CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW at tne variety store, (tf Twenty-five dollars was donated to the Booth Memorial High School Band through a vote made at the United Fishermen's & Allied Workers' Union regular meeting Thursday night. m w Annual Annual mutiny meeting. niL.uip, Canadian vaiiauiaii f Cancer Society, Wednesday, Nov. za, ai z:30 p.m., Common Lounge, nf . rM.,i irii " vith, WbUblC, JlCLblUU Ui Ul fleers, delegate's report showing or mm. Any interested person is welcome. tnnt Z Monttntl totv yew pointing ptobltM whtr yo ttqulrt Mteetk, birtiful, durtblt Aniih. Montntl U SijWy miitonl to cidi, tlktlit, IcoHell, frtti, ittiiM wtd iatehi. Eiy to ktp clM . , . it's crubbbll HijK quality and txtrcm Ititlnj power I mltci Moniattl yeer nett ecenemicel Rnisk ior til interior r.Tonamel HIGH 6L0SS Qt. $2.40; Gal. $8.25 S the Wide aoice of Color tody - ANDERSON V ' . , . HANGING JOHNNY! Christmas Cards F Salmon Named Chief Biologist, lias been appolnt- jnternational Pa- Com mis -graduate fsheries of the ishlngton. GLO li High Gloss cautiful tints k decorating. DRtING jMPSON RE CO. LTD 'king, Crating General and Storage aole and Effl-A!so amenta for id Air Co. LU. , p'ctyk'ne and all l.iOS, S CARTAGt IGE LIMITED : Tark Avenues thn-v Gil and 6ft Steamer GEORGE Jails for SCOUVER I'rmodiate Ports i ti f inursdoy :15 p.m. ETCHIKAN I'AV MIDNIGHT F Kcserva umm Write or Call P ()H DKJOT OFFICE IUNCE RUPERT. B.C. THALL'S IFINISHING pclak Cameru fc-up. I'lmcnts for all ficras. N Kodachrome f'ilm. Printing and fd Ave. W. AKlKIIKir pLDlNG AIRING I1' 363 CHELL mm f tontraetors ceeds w cnnaren's Christmus Tree Party. Dancing 10 to 2 -" ' k (276c f L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. I. Job's Daughters Bake Sale Overwaltea. Dec. 2. Port Edward Anffllran Rajaar at Community Hall, December 5, at 2:39 P-m- United Church Fall Bazaar, December 7. Rod and Gun Novelty Dance December 8. p) Menstrual Pains.. .use PARADOL Buy Now AND Save HOTPOINT if Make Your Choice Now! if We have just the cards that you will. need. They call me Hanging Johnny, A zvay-i-oh; They call tne Hang ing Johnny, So hang, boys, hang ! For over a century Lamb's Navy has ' been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara Rums. Lamb's toy Sua PHONE 643 mnA IT 1-4 C t 5 With That Personal 7 1 omh 1 1 We Specialize in SUEY CHOW ME1N uuisiue uracrs f hunk, iss PJW. to S:30 A.M. STEWART, B.C. MR. PILE SUFFERER DurliiR la.Vt, the nrw PY1.TONE has br'm svmliol of mii-r among illr KiiffiTert from imt to roust Nevrr tit our kmmirdge as rhrinlstM liux PYI.TON K. lierii iiHll'd In the fliir rPMiilld It fhn evrrywhwe. PVLTO.VK TKKATMKVT. a ll(iilil taken In iniiuth. is rimHiuiiilril from lul gimis, balHiini!) uml herhnl rtra tH. It gm-s rtlrei'tly to thf Imirr truuhlp, reiiuiving the cause of lllrs, restorliiK liiflunirfl and brukPii tissue to a normal healthy state. Some dislike the taste hut results count. First bottle given results 'or price refunded at once. $t.i3 at your druggist's. (H) I1I'T11 HOLLYWOOD CAFE This advertisement is not published) or displayej by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, An Old Set Shantv ht .mm g DISHES raff Hi QUALITY CHOP tor Ol'EN FROM 7:30 BEST NVAriAnn WHISKY' 3 at a popular a 1 : I - i 'I fi AND CROSLEY SHELV-ADOR REFRIGERATORS 5 Year Guarantee Terms to Suit You McRAE BROS. HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD GENERAL ELECTRIC SPACE-MAKER REFRIGERATOR Offers you a host of time-saving and labour-saving advantages Convenient Stor-A-Door Meat Drawer Dry Storage Bin Butter Conditioner Sliding Shelves Frozen Food Compartment Fruit and Vegetable Drawers 9K2 cubic feet 429.00 M.mmv Now i NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. CANAblAN WHISKYIIII Nation-wide Popularity is the proof of its Traditional High Quality! Watte1 fcid.S&ncd WAIKI1VILLI DISUtlERS OF THE FAMOUS ONTAHO "ftanadiOM ftld' WHISKY PRINCE RUPERT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor PHONE 210 GORDON & Onteol Board or ty lite Government of British t'olMtttbta. (