I PfSOVIWCIAL I pp.cvi:::ia!, Ll2?vJ dispatched NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port -"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXIX, No. 274 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 Daily 1 Deliveryl Phone 81 I r W pp smm to l . , r 1 : ; , - r , - " . " 1 " "" H ; ? : r ml MacArthur s Last Drive to Railwavmen Suspended Pending Investigation War to Close PIPE LINE THRU PRINCE GEORGE. OTTAWA West Coast Transmission Co., which would pipe oil land natural gas to the Pacific Coast, has made application for permission for a line which would go from the Peace River through Pouce Coupe, Dawson Creek and Pine Pass to Prince George, thence southward. This company has originally intended to run its line throueh the Yellowhead Pass. Of iash of Passenger and Trooper in Mountains Tuesday EDMONTON Pending investi L (Cr) Under trie personal direction ot gation, two Canadian National loufilas MacArthur, a new United Nations Railways workers have oeen s launched in the frozen northwest Koren automatically suspended follow V described as the final big push to defeat ing the collision of trains at Canoe River in the Rocky Moun Koreans and drive the Chinese Commun- tains on Tuesday morning. It Formosa Red was announced last night by a tcross their border. "If successful," said MacArthur spokesman, "It railway spokesman. Names were not disclosed. Twenty were kil NEW HOME First trainload o the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd training as part of the 10,000-man Canadian Special Force, Regiment, commanded by Lt.-Col. J. A. Dextraze, march into the "Van Doos" were acclaimed by U.S. soldiers and civilians, new quarters at Fort Lewis,! Wash. Scheduled for further , (CP pHOTO) peace and unity to Korea." The ljll V offensive came after a pro s'" ' J longed lull and a day during which there were rumors of the possibility of a negotiated peace. Ring Smashed TAIPEI, Formosa, ffi Chinese Nationalists said yesterday that they had smashed a huge Communist underground ring in Formosa In June. They said the leader was Lo Yao-Wen, aged 28, member of the defence ministry's political warfare board. Others named Included top- A 100,000-man United Nations jtorm nn Clammer led In the crash of the Montreal train No. 2 and a troop train heading for Vancouver and Fort Lewis, Washington. Bodies of three more soldiers were taken from the wreckage yesterday, leaving one still rnls-sing. The possibility of this one having not been on the train but absent without leave is now being considered. Military services for two of the dead soldiers were held here yesterday. Bodies of the thirteen others are being sent to "JUNIOR CITIZENS" CAMPAIGN High School Pupils Elect Mayor army drove forward on a broad front today in the all-out offensive to end the Korean war before Christmas. General MacArthur said that new Communist armies have It Entering Railway Wreck Being Probed Full Scale Investigation Of Long Island Disaster Ordered By Governor fW Safe ranking army and foreign of fice officials. FIRST JAPANESE ORANGES ARE HERE Another sign of Christmas swung off the booms of the Princess Louise this morning several tons of Japanese oranges. The Mandarins had been delivered recently In Vancouver from the Orient. Local price Is expected to be around $1.40. And Aldermen at Lively Contest f a southeast gale through the en- Jince Rupert harbor NEW YORK 0) Governor Emulating all the punch of a lively civic election, 411 Booth-Memorial Junior-Senior High School stu joined an estimated 100,000 North Korean and Chinese Red troops. MacArthur flew to the front to supervise the drive toward the Yaiu River border of Manchuria. Later he flew over enemy lines and then returned to Tokyo. : Shaw's Ashes Are Spread in Garden AYOTT, St Lawrence, Eng. --Ashes of George Bernard Shaw, mingled with those of his wife, were scattered over his garden Thomas Dewey last night ordered a full scale state investigation their home towns. Police and transport department officials today were gathering evidence for a formal in dents voted for their mayor and "city council" yes I entrance of Met-ase last night was fcpAon gillnetter Mac ji breakdown as she ;ith a load of clams ied on to rocks near Into the ' Long Island Railway train . collision of Wednesday evening in which seventy-seven quiry Into the wreck while the here yesterday without religious Aorangi Subsidy Is Reconsidered terday. The .election was preliminary to Future Citizens Day, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of The advance appeared to be n ; J a mA lives were lost. meeting with little opposition so " Hubert Wesley Not only will the technical as P search continued for the last of the twenty persons believed killed. , The. inquiry will open Decem far on the 80-mile front with the,-'" . VANCOUVER Hon. Lionel Chevrier, minister of transport, Commerce. pects of the collision Itself be owner of the Mac, probed with a view to determin Bipanions, Bert and , "Mayor" Gordon Graham, 17 said here that the federal government was reconsidering the ber 11 in Edmonton. United Nations forces thrusting steadily forward. Meantime a United Nations pincers to the northeast also ing the exact cause and fixing year-old son of Inspector and Mis. Graham, will head the eight t. are safe, having from the rocks, after was virtually sunk, subsidy to the Canadian-Aus the responsibility but the management will be investigated. Six of the wreck survivors, "dangerously 111" In Edmonton hospitals, axe holding their own, tralian liner Aorangi operating fctud-ent "aldermen" in running ATOMIC CURTAIN LIFTED Important Information Is Released at Chalk River Governor Dewey said that pre between here and Australia and c,am ooat, Big Bay, ilhe city on "Junior Citizen's Day," liminary evidence mdocated a moved steadily forward. The fate of 1000 United Nations prisoners, In the face ,of the new assault, Is uncertain. officials said today. New Zealand which was recently , which saw distress December 12. "human failure" was the cause of i Prince Rupert's new "city suspended passed in the dark, the scene, took the the Thanksgiving eve wreck. He council" with votes received are: showed that the express .which aboard and waited OTTAWA." (CP)Canada. the. United States .and fiJf!1 155- Sioyx Returning.,, From Korea Soon ESOUIMALT. H.M.C.S. des in tide to take the , ";mayot gave $peecnes. ....... The platforms of the four mayoralty candidates, ; Including saia tnai a txmimissioiTs unamgs plowed into the rear of a brake-st.allpd train had Dassed thfiouch Lft Mac Ih'T.ow' "and Victor Brain,'i23 Britain last night announced an important new release of atomic .information and predicted - that, i: Thousands Mourn Anglican Primate: one girl, were as follows: Tone warning signal and one stop ;o a nearby sandy she lay today awalt- troyer Sioux, wliich has been "n Gordon Graham, in his one-j signal at full speed between 60 service in thtf Korean war, is re it Doint .campaign, address (j said "will hasten atomic energy development jn, th three Irint 'Att( nr VQfrin countries.?, r .:u:f::;; ;,,, U w.here the strand-! TORONTO Two thousahd I to the beach where mourners crowUed,, .St.! Johtfc that he didn't believe promises would be kepk Instead he stressed that what the school needed was a i representative who would and 65 miles per hour. . The acting mayor of New York City described the disaster, as a "crime." .i . ! Services of ' Some employees turning ,ta Esquimau base in January and will be replaced by one,.pf the destroyers from the East coast. The Athabaskan and Cayuga are to return from Korea in March. - Nancy Hill. 200 Snarl Ingalls, 218 VRena'Irigralfi, 274 Ross Ingram, 214. .. '1 t- Jerry Prockter, 180 , Margaret Strachan,' 193' Leona Webster, 280. . ; ; : ; Other candidates and votes were: -., ; ' For ' mayor : Peter Harvey, ' 7S ; Luella MacDonald, 52; William Toderas, 86. Gloria Irving, Ronald Feness, Ron Krykvwjii, Pat Littler, Mar- Is uatnearai nere yesieraay lut uic towed i L hcompanions!1r,iIS , The reclassification move, among otner ininj;, - 1. 7, '- ! "u : H' f .' will; take the wraps off Chalk v . , ' '" '' ? ' Bimr's River's first, first radioactive radioactive pilot oilot or ! reactor the "deep' older, and honestly try to do his best,for the wishes of the student body! William Toderas called for a sidewalk to be constructed on Seventh Avenue side of Hays have 'been Cancelled since the disaster.' The railway is still paiy-ing damages arising out of loss of life, involving more than a score of deaths about a year ago. 7 ! less important of.lts two reac Oldsters Are Good Workers Six Indians Are Jiifmselves lucky that ""' " . -b.TuC Rev. rrederlck in th ii, i Church, most complete sinking 'n Mostlev." W. R. Adams, Arch-I bishop of the Yukon and Acting pinion meteorological 'prlmate ie0- the service whirh pgby Island reported I was attended by twenty-five ! Cove Circle from Eighth Avenue ' ' tors. .. i . . The other, NXR,' will remain 'behind the security curtain. ' The announcement also means, It Was proposed yesterday that na Mark, Aivin McKay and Iso- Burned to Death all Long Island trains should cut their speed to 25 miles an hour, but this was deemed to the bridge; city mail delivery; stricter traffic regulations with traffic lights and parking meter installations: establishing of Superiority of men of the over technically at least, that the beUe Taylor also ran for aide- lnd velocity of 36 bishops from various parts of forty group In skill and exper- way is open ior private uisu.,u-men the southeast be- While ballots were being coun- j Eleventh Avenue arterial high- turns 10 p uiw - of minimum lence as well as low 10 o'clock last even- Canada who sat in tne cnancei. Among them was Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia. field by building their own D,nnnnf rt thn Tim nr I nrou- vraA imnrnvpmPTlT.1. SPW- absenteeism and accident was power research reactors such as , chamber of Commercei Jeff . Hill, ' age disposal; Improvement' of the zeep because the Jnforma-j members of the Jaycee ! parks; support of low-rental t ons covers the design con-. u s d Oonick and s g. housing and better tourist ac-struction and operation of tnat . th tllr1n LmmaHnn candidate Toder- I probably more than I mishaps, besides the fhe Mac, were report-Id or sea. FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. t! Six; Indians are known dead and one' is missing and presumed dead after being trapped in late September bush and timber fires which swept over the northwest, officials concluded yesterday as they reported their investigations. The dead are members of Naval Squadron Is Coming Home type of reactor. in the high school Crown Company On Defence Building OTTAWA Announcement was made yesterday of a crown company Defence Construction l imited to carry out defence as felt that the Seventh Avenue traffic, which passes three schools, was so serious that the L DISTINCTION HALIFAX The special squad- i I ' 1 i . v. Inspector of ' S c h o o 1 s, G. Graham, described "Future Citizen Day" as "a novel idea as shown by picture and commentary In the film "Date of Bfrth," a federal Department of Labor film, which1 was shown to Ro-tarians at the Capitol Theatre yesterday afternoon following their" weekly luncheon In the Broadway Cafe. The film, an interesting document, illustrates by statistics and graphs the situation that Is developing In regard to the effect Eleventh Avenue arterial highway s'hould be repaired. Hawkins. Enellsh ca ron of the Royal Canadian Navy that has been vtsitiag in Europe two nomadic Indian familiss about 200 miles north of Fort St. John. Officers of the Royal Canadian Luella MacDonald said: "coun piod in 1595, was the ! construction projects in t-anaa. hman to traffic in iR. G. Johnson of Calgary Is pres will arrive back November 20. The vessels are the aircraft carrier cil work isn't really more serious ses. .! ldent and general manager. Mounted Police, coroner and In- than looking after the home, but women should be able to take well as &n interesting diversion. It gives the students an opportunity to see municipal government," the inspector said. "We have just let the students go ahead themselves," said John Henry, a senior grade High ron and Micmac. They will be In dlan superintendent went north Bermuda Saturday to conduct the, investigations. and Brownies Are their place along side the men." "Never underestimate the power of women" was her campaign THE WEATHER Synopsis Temperatures rose above freezing this morning in all southern and western sections of the province as a strong flow of warm Pacific air swept across the province into southern Alberta. Cold Arctic air is continuing to pile up over the Yukon where the temperatures as low as fifty-seven below were reported this morning. This mass of cold air is moving southward along the east side of the Rockies and is expected to push Into the Cariboo and Prince George areas tonight. The cold air is not expected to move forther south School teacher who believed the theme. S rrrin avc cvnrv.Q . on the economy of canaaa aue to the Increase in proportion of persons over age of 45 in ratio to the number of workers under that aee. The proportion of per "Citizen's Day" was a good ex perlence for the students. Peter Harvey would avoid under silly details. He en Counting ballots until six p.m. ? frourtesT 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) . iing in Prince Rupert Prince Rupert Guide companies and Brown-Irrying on very successfully and their ranks lasing and open to more and more member?. were the students' returning offi sons over 45 Is Increasing rapid cers, Evelyn Smith and Janet ly. Whereas It was pnly fifteen Rackow, with the help of the percent in 1900 It Is now neaier dorsed the city manager plan. Candidate Harvey told Candidate Toderas, who opposed the plan, that the high salary needed for the manager would be gained In city savings. WANTED EXCITEMENT The chief returning officer, appointed "city clerk" Iona and luncuoningai ; . anies now organized thirty percent. Tnis siiuauun, ii. Is suggested, is progressive and In time the over forty-five group will outnumber the younger. The Hardy.v "Without the help of Mrs. E, than the Cariboo as another Pa VANCOUVER Bayonne 1 Bralorne " 6.00 B R Con 02 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz 100 Congress 10 Hedley Mascot - .50 Pacific Eastern 24 Ruoert ComDanv, Murphy, meets at the Annuncia Farmer, our school secretary, nothing could have been done," said Miss Hardy modestly, dis lower birthrate and the longer cihc storm developing off the life expectancy of the population coast of California this morning tion School weanesaay, t rh Prtncp RuDert Guide As Miss Hardy, said that there was a lack of response for candidates for council positions, many of should force the cold,. air back TORONTO" Athona &Vz Aumaque -29 Beattle 56 ; Bevcourt : .49 Buffalo Canadian 30 Consil. Smelters 128.15 Conwest .. 2.03 Donalda 50 Eldona 25 East Sullivan 7.90 Giant Yellowknife 6.50 God's Lake .41 Hardrock 24 Harricana JVz Heva 10 across the continental divide. s Cathedral, with te. under Capt. H. C. pets at 7 p.m. Wed-Phedral Hall, frince Rupert Compilation Catholic the students wanting the more sociation met at the home of Mrs W. S. Kergin on Thursday. Commissioner Honora Sllver-cMoc u in the chair- and the counting the work the students had done. Vice-Principal R. H. Davidson said that the faculty had left the responsibility of the election with the student body. are the actuating factor in this change in the economic picture which is making it necessary to review the present employment policy of the la,rger employers of Canada. The picture demonstrates that, outside of the heavy manual labor group, the over-age man or woman is capable of giving Forecast North coast region, southern section Cloudy with occasional showers today. Rain overnight and Saturday. Winds light increasing overnight to southeast fh io Guides under Informed of the meeting was t fn ho nut on by the exciting positions of acting as "fire chief" or "radio announcer" Instead of sitting In an alder-manic chair on "Citizen's Day." One of the 15 candidates for aldermen. Rena Ingram, said L 'CC Rllnorf rnmnaiw l All Ull V vw I - . Guides and Brownies In the St o Rail on December 8. "It Is experience for them that-is useful first of all because the students will have to write letters of application to th elected junior council and applying for nnutv" a . An interesting ceremony took place at this meeting when all Joliet Quebec 1.05 Little Long Lac 55 that she believed the senior council was right with regard to tag days. "The students should earn their eet- with 15 Guides ft Elizabeth Holmes, W at 7 p.m. at Con- jSchool. Ce Rlinorf Tor R. service equal If not superior to .11 y jobs under the city council gives the younger group. The film Illustrates cases of a railway engineer, train conductor, hiehlv skilled artlzan and (30). Mild. Lows tonight and highs Saturday at Port Hardy, 40 and 46. Northern section Cloudy with scattered showers today, clearing overnight. Cloudy Saturday morning with rain beginning Saturday afternoon. A little colder tonight. Winds light, increasing Saturday afternoon to southeast (25). Lows tonight and the members oi me were enrolled as Guides. Arty person Interested In the Oulde movement may be enrolled as a Guide. . The members of the assocla-n nr.ani. rix-ited the Guide Cathedral, 30 Brown- r?' W. S. Kergln and Pend Oreille 8.30 ' Pioneer 1.85 Premier Border 6V2 Privateer .08 Reeves McDonald 3.90 Reno .02 Sheep Creek 138 Silbak Premier 31 Taku River .08 Vananda 9Vi Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 2.20 Western Uranium ........ 1.12 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.90 A P Con 37 Atlantic 2.50- Calmont -88 Central Leduc 2.50 Home Oil H-50 Mercury 43 Okalta Pacific Pete ?-35 Princi.ss I-62 Royal Canadian ' money for the school activities by selling Christmas cards, having hot dog and coke stands or danoes," said Candidate Ingram. Another aldermanic candidate, Leona Webster, said that she agreed to run for elections be the marine navigator where the majority of employees are over the students serious thoughts as to future work,' 'explained Mr. Davidson. " "Citizen's Day also has a direct application to school work In that the public speaking they have to do will be used in the Ml, meeU jn tne r Hall on Wednesday Lynx Madsen Red Lake .. McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cocjcshutt .. Moneta , Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow .... Regcourt San Antonio Senator Rouu 45 and doing an excellent jod. Tribute is paid to the energy and enthusiasm of youth but highs Saturday at Sandspit, 34 and 44; Prince Rupert, 25 and 40. cause she wanted to know what ildermen do. Her views were . .OS 2.43 .21 Promise and the Guide Law and were duly enrolled and presented with pins. These members were Mrs. R. L. Mclntoslv Mrs. J B. Gibson, Mrs. A. L. HoltDy, Mrs G J. C Macdonald, Mrs. W. S. kergln, Mrs B. E. Eyolfson. - nnncin Mack. Mi's. that If things were taken one by one more nrogress would be f r,n Rupert Pack. !Leet. with 40 Brown- .Bfown owl Mrs. Wll- lawny owl Mrs. L. awnyOwl Mrs. Kurd- J Conrad Street J "fsday, 7 tQ g .Rupert Pack, Anil 8cnol, wlth 15 tK. Mrs. Dennis regular school curriculum," said the vice-principU. MUD SUNGl.VU "There was plenty of mud-slinglng just like the adult com-paigns," pointed out the 'City uleiK," lona Hardy, working at the ballot table, who explained that only the candidates for points out the necessity of employing the oldsters In order to take the weight oi the buiueu of their support from the snoul-deis ot tne young. Prtsiduiit A. B. Brov n v as In the chair at the Rotary luncheon and a guest was Rotarian James . Collins of Marpole. . . made. A junior iiign school voter, Sherrit Gordon 2.98 Steep Kock -. 6.80 saver Miller -88 Upper Canada 1.76 Golden Manitou 6"j LOCAL TIDES Saturday, November 25, 19bU Hltu 1:50 18.9 feet 13.2 2i.5 leei Low 7:24 8.7 fe 20:09 3.3 feet David Owens, thought William Simmons, Mrs. B. b. I rucKte., Mrs M. B. Lemon, Mrs. Mary u,i.Pnrt. Mrs. Q. R. S. Blackaby, Toderas had good reasons con cernmg the coverage of sewers. Mrs. N. E. Arnold. " .i'ss Frances