Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. November 24, 1950 FriilAu . h J C-i. i oTuraay - 63Q 0nf 9.07 for silver for the periud was 79.83 cents per ounce of which' the net price to the .company,! after deductions, was 74.73 cents. , For lead the gross price was 16.10 1 cents per pound and net to the-company was 12.20 cents. Forj zinc the gross price for 17.71 j cents per pound and net 10.98 j cents. The gross' price for cad-i mlum was $2.45 per pound and net $1.40. For Its gold content! Cerlilicalion i Here Is Low SOON WE WORLD Silver Standard Mine Profitable Handling ore averaging $92.21 STAKDS STILL AT! Atr WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE (per ton. Silver Standard Mines j Ltd. in the third quarter of 1950 Now on Display at the company received $34.10 per ounce from gross price of $38.11. Cost peij ton milled was $18.57 compared with $15.78 in the preceding period. Cost per ton mined was $13.12 against $11.11. realized operating profit or $238,091. This compared with British Columbia Teachers' Federation Official Pays Visit Arriving by Canadian Pacific Air Lines yesterday, Stanley Evans, assistant general secretary of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation, spoke to members of the Prince Rupert District Teachers' Association at the Civic Centre last night. He reported on the federation's provincial activities. operating profit for the preced i u .. mnnthi nf tint Ann nn ' . ASK u.g ""-""-"I Non-recurring items accounted ore grading $79.71 per ton. ore in part for increased cost and FOR SCOTLAND'S FAVOURITE SON increase in exploration and development was also a factor. R. mined was slightly higher at j 7756 tons in the third quarter compared with 7460 tons in the W. Wilson, managing director, says also that broken ore re- serves were Increased by 3000 j JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY For Clean, Courteous Service Late for Work CALL OS Kiddies to School J "Eventually, Why Not Now" tons, bringing broken ore at September 30, 1950, to 7000 tons. Despite the publicity given to second quarter. In the third salary matters by the lower! quarter 2278 tons was sorted as mainland press, one of the main' waste so that recovery was won objectives of the federation is from 6478 tons. In the second higher academic qualifications quarter 2200 tons was eliminated and professional certification fo.-, by sorting, leaving 5254 tons for its members, Mr. Evans said. j milling. "With respect to under-certifi- j Gross value of production In cation," he maintained, "the sit- the third quarter was $493,030 uation in the Prince Rupert1 compared with $406,686 in the district is thA worst, i the nmv-! second quarter. Net returns to LOBA XMAS DINNER AND BAZAAR PLANS Plans for a Christmas dinner party to be held at the home Elected Governor In First Attempt By ARTHUR BYSTROM MADISON, Wis. (AP) Seven years ago, while serving as a Naval Intelligence officer in the Pacific, Walter J. Kohler, jr., decided that if he ever got back he would devote more time to public life. In his first bid for public office Republican Kohler was elected governor of Wisconsin. On Jan. 1 he will succeed Gov. Oscar Rennebohm, also" a Republican, who did not run for re-election. When Kohler is inaugurated he will be the second son of a former governor to take over the chief executive's post. His father, the late Walter J. Kohler, served as governor of Wisconsin in 1929-30. The other father and son team was the late Robert M. La Fol-lette and his son Philip.' Walter Kohler, sr., was beaten in two other tries for office after his election on his first bid. He lost to Philip La Follette in 1930 and to the late Albert Schmede- THE ONLY LOVE MONEY CAN BUY' A classical, lovable Aland; collie pupPmtE) delight your loved ones more than JWyW can give this Christmas. Collies from Alandale have won more tha t: champienshlps'and every major prize a doga,, slblv win. But their most vavinahi .,.. man, a Democrat, in 1932. Young Kohler was born in Sheboygan, Wis., and graduated from Yale University before turning to work in the big Kohler Company at Kohler, Wis., a suburb of Sheboygan. The firm manufactures plumbing equipment and was founded by Koh-ler's grandfather. He worked in various jobs at the Kohler plant before entering the service in 1942, coming out with the rank of Lieutenant Commander after active duty on an airplane carrier. In 1947 Kohler left the Kohler fii-m to become president of the Vollrath Co.. of Sheboygan, a firm that manufactures enameled and steel kitchen utensils and hospital supplies. The firm was started by a brother of his grandmother. Kohler has been married twice. His first wife was Celeste McVoy Holden. They were married in 1932 and divorced in 1946. They have two children. His second wife is Charlotte McAleer of Philadelphia. They were married in 1948. They have no children. 1752 Treaty Basis Of Natives' Appeal DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) An elderly Micmac Indian is appeal ince." This is regrettable, he: the company were m,mj ; of Mrs E A Evans. Beach Place, said, in view of the increased i against $268,592. Operating oi "ecemDer 18 ana lor the sale number of graduates from P''om before depreciation was tSer-?ainln novelties at the annual bazaar institutions and ! $238,091. after $101,742 produc- attendance at summer schools in ! tion costs before provision for December 1 were made when recent vears i writeoffs. In the second quarter past mistresses . of the Ladle,' MmiH W 1 intelligence, character, loyalty and depend,' Mr. Evans stoutly defended ra"" SZ VrJ Lhe - i a finr sswsstr Orange Benevolent Association met at Uie home of Mrs, a. Viereck. Mrs E. Barber was the winner of raffle. Refreshments Alberta and Ontario. Although mfe'y 55 P ceHnt.of 'T ... . vnhip value was was in in lpnn. lead, 7in zinc Ann and rad- cad jh up. ror pnoi m and full deUils, wrfo ALANDALE COLLIES 1343 l.ABl'RMM ST, VANCOUVER Kennels located at Chllliwack, BC. MM Born SMI Going Strong 1 larger pensions are paid by mium and the balance in silver were served by the hostess, with some gold. The gross price sisted by Mrs. Evans. provinces on superannuation Insist Oft the BCTF plan has the added advantage of disability pensions. Mr, Evans left by Queen Charlotte Airlines this morning for Masset for a meeting with teachers there today and for a meeting with the Queen Charlotte Islands School Board at Port Clements on Saturday. Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland Content! 26 os, OHN WALKER & SONS LID. Scotch Whisky Distillers KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND BUCHANAN'S Jh'A- ing his conviction for hunting Margaret To CHIROPRACTIC FOR HEALTH CONSTIPATION This acrveruserr.ens js not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. WHISKY SCOTCH deer illegally on the basis of a Visit Malta 193-year-old treaty. j His wife, Mrs. Margaret Phil-I LONDON Princess Margaret lips, is using the case in an effort j will leave December 4 for Malta to champion the cause of Indian to visit with Princess Eiizabe'h rights. . and Prince Philip. Princess Eliia- Sentence against Phillips was beth is already in Malta. She anrt 1 adjourned to allow clarification P-ince Philip will go on a holiday of the law. j trip to Greece. He is in command Blendirt in the The Secret is Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions 00 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 This advertiaement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cmtrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Mrs. Phillips produced a copy ; of the destroyer H.M.S. Magpe r .. I I of a treaty, signed by the governor, which says, in part: "It is agreed that the said tribe of Indians shall not be hindered from, but have free liberty of hunting and fishing as usual." PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert x yss c : a- " . .yfy ,,: . I BPOADwim ' j.y ..... . . It has often been said that North Americans are the most constipated people on earth, and the millions of dollars worth of laxatives sold each year would seem to prove it. Many cases of constipation are actually created by the habit of giving youngsters a dally or weekly laxative, for the reason that, since these laxatives cause the bowels to react independently, no demand is placed on the natural ability of the body to perform this function. The Colon becomes lazy and will not function unless forced to by artificial means. .In true constipation, the colon is , incapable of moving the wast matter to the rectum, a condition which certainly must have a cause. The function of the colon is controlled by the nervous system, therefore it is obvious to the Chiro-pratjr that these nerves must be totally or partially blocked, due to a vertebral misalignment. He locates the misalignment, corrects it, and restores the normal flow of impulses over the nerves. The colon, in most cases, has then no alternative but to perform its proper function, and normal bowel movements will follow. Consult Your Chirofnactor InMIteil I? the Chiropractors' Association of B.C. Tried To Halt Speeding Train STATION WAGON COATS ! ! Sizes 3 to 7 Green Brown Natural ' JASPER William Tyndall of Elue River was falling a tree near the scene of the raiway coll'sifn on Tuasday when he heard the whistling of two trains. Feeling there was something wrong he rushed from the woods, and tried , to signal the Montreal train, but , the engineer only smiled and waved tack, probably thinking it was only a salutation. A few minut"; Mr the cash occurred. ! M&V' " ' - For take home orders-Phone 200. rZl ,47 C'r- Extra corrfort and Us, work THE STORK SHOPPE iRliip RIO 303 3rd Ave. W. WIN THE MONARCH DREAM KITCHEN ! ! SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR CONTEST RULES rXyJs'J V' i " Coleman Oil Heater ' ' U "' --v j Low in Cost - Efficient- if PCrHOn " J" L Available now at- II .IktV -V ) M,r,rlif Street. 311 "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Talie Out MONARCH FLOUR Now Available at Commodore Cafe URNS EST 'UYS We Deliver Mr ' The "fighting-fit" crews of 17 li VflMTLfilBMAinr',. 7fy(SI&& REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED i meniMii ninuuni i uaumes u WIN A THOR . . . AUTOMAGIC SERVING THE B.C. COAST R. E. Mortimer 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) . QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM ritlNCE RlTKRT ' ; TO: MASiiKT PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA .nTTFCIti ! cm queen ciiARLorn The anti-aircraft gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery arc on their toes , . . trained to split-second action in hard-hit-ling smooth-working teams. These "fighting-fit" crews of the anti-aircraft batteries are on the alert like the whole Canadian Army Active Force. Today, Canada needs more men like these men who have what it takes to become trained anti-aircraft gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery. Because their training takes time, Canada needs these men now. Now, when Canada's freedom is threat anti-aircraft gun crew, and you can begin training immediately. Canada needs you now! Report today for duty with the Canadian Army Active Force. TO ENLIST YOU MUSTt 1. B a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. B between 1 7 and 29 years of age. 3. Be (ingle. ' 4. Meet Army test requirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. ' REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: , ' . Na.11 Pinonml Otput, Fwrth Av vancouvh, i.e. WUU " JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avrnut l! LAVE: HUNCE RUPERT and 7K,imay Buna Except Thursday from riiiNt e is.vrr.Rt TO: ALICE ARM STEWART ;. LRAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THUlttiDAYo LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS 8.H' " ened by the forces of aggression, you can help to make Canada strong. You can take your place in an ririrr INFORMATION BF'S TAILORING for Ladies and Gentlemen IIMfi (Hp TAIIflR OUEEN CHARLOIltAixun- PART OF THE MONARCH DREAM KITCHEN 3rd Prize Thor Automagic Washer 4th Prize Thor Gladiron THOR PRODUCTS at Saanich Plumbing & Healing - Corner 4th Avenue and McBride . . - n OH "' j 220 Sixth St Phone 649 . Air rreig'" - for iparkling entertainment, listen to "The Voice of the Army" Wednesday evening! Dominion Network