Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, November 24, 1950 THE UNIVERSAL D. Lugrin 452, E. Andersin 668. Totals 755, 9S6, 916. LUCKY STRIKES J. Boulter 409, H. Whatman 555, J. Warren 410, H. Phillipson 383, B. Dunbar 712. Totals 739, 976, 820. ANNETTES B. Windle 505. N. 1 Froser River Fishing Ends Crucial Game fciii i; IprAL CHRISTMAS GIFT! ! SNUGGLE DOWN Soft Brushed Rayon by Silknit Maple Leafs Bowling Winners First Third of Ladies' League Flynn 551, McMeekln 653. M. VANCOUVER Fishing In the ke"S 513' T0' W!ndlfLoP- Eraser River ended for the sea-"B" DIVISION son tn's morning. Some of the . BLACK CATS J. Gorman 347, catches were fifty fish per boat. H. Spurs 377, E. Thain 629, M. X Kr.r-. i - Oi'fl X3 Uirrrrlno AftO Tfl. Stretch Lead iki.j ir,itals 840 838 787. nuTROTT Toronto Manle Leafs defeated Detroit Red Wing3 PYJAMAS and NIGHT GOWNS Regular and Ski-style here last night In a close J to 1 decision and bounded Into a com- vf'X 11 thTT- DWtoT o the Ladle," BIG SISTERS-E. Boyd 427. M. Bowling League thU week while Bond 406, H. Miller 3G6 E Roth-Commerces Battlers and Rock-! well 300, T. Murray 307. Totals- &r rPSawil!X!79BA7TTLSlG. wLkins 443, J. Collins S. Downing 456, I. place between the three leading 250, 1 ,. tha Parkhotise 283. J. Adcock 468, D. mnnrtini? lpad strain In the M- 4 rinnnl Hnnlcpv lncnip standing, i The Lais nave a iive-poim mar- ryjamai I'JATEn tells the truth about... VJI1ISKY Ein over tne wings. McNeice 478. Totals 635. 90. Colors: Pink, Blue, Daffodil, Red o o GINGERSNAPS B. McGlash- bizes: Small, Medium and Larqe In last night second game, Chicago Black Hawks had an easy 4 to 1 victory over Boston Bruins and are tied With. Mon winners. High single game scorer In "A" Division was E. Anderson of Bel-monts with 296 while Bertha Dunbar of Lucky Strikes had the night q qe; GOWNS tJ;, 4-95 treal Canadierm for third Dlaie. PYJAMAS an 325, N. Kennedy 571, I. Stuart 402, V. Parkin 416, C. Wlllson 394. Totals 804, 890, 858. SKEENA GROCERY G. Van Meer 600, W. Slater 480, S. Smith 324, E. Wasyk 550, I. Hagice 335. Totals 760, 828, 908. WALLACE PHARMACY G. See Our 97c Week-end games are scheduled as follows: Saturday Canadiens at Toronto, Rangers at Boston, Chicago at Detroit. Sunday Canadiens at Boston, Toronto at New York, Detroit at Chicago. The league standings: high three game aggregate .01 712. For "B" Division D. McNeice of Battlers had high single score of 294 and E. Thain of Black Cats had high three game aggregate of 629. Team scoies were as follows: "A" DIVISION Complete Stock of Thain 484, D. Dibb 387, 8. Hart- j wig 391, L. Phillipson 496, K. Thompson 482. Totals 796. 819, to Very Attractive !808. I TOWEL SETS B.C. G.E.A. M. Baxter 498, L. W D L F 4.75 Toronto 12 3 Steffens 317, D. Edgar 244, E., Rivett 406, J. Thornton 600. Totals 736, 74(5, 926. 1 Lyons 3, Wrathalls 0. Tollers 2, McMeekins 1. Rosa Lee 2, Gordon Si 1. A Pts. 41 27 26 22 40 18 43 18 47 10 53 9 63 42 43 46 26 32 MANSONS L. Dell 524. M. 1 Detroit 8 Montreal .... 7 Chicago .... 8 Boston 3 New York .. 2 Copland 445, D. Stewart 350, S. Pot Soaorom'f "83" to th water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. 'Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . . t of the fined Currle 347, M. Montgomery 405. "83" SPECIAL PURCHASE ! NYLON HOSE C. B. of Commerce 3, Stars 1. Belmonts 2 .Brownwoods 1. Lucky Strikes 2, Annettes 1. "B" DIVISION Black Cats 3, Big Sisters 0. Battlers 2, Gingersnaps 1. Skeena Grocery 2, Wallace Pharmacy 1. B.C. G.E.A. 2, Mansons 1. Savoys 2, Shentons 1. Commercials 2, Rockettes 1. 51 Ga u9e O Every Pair Perfect Schedule For Ladies' Bowls Ladies' bowling schedule for ,the second third of the season is annnnnrpri as follows: s Sizes 9 to 102 Totals 848. 766, 742. SHENTONS P. Smith 470, D. Ardern 541, M. Shenton 469, V. Elliot 377, B. Matson 537. Totals 754, 1041, 797. SAVOY F. Morrison 492, M. Lavolette 448, E. Knutson 513, L. Erickson 119, McCallum 493, D. Johnas 270. Totals 805, 778, 845. ROCKETTES V. Kryklywljj 470, M. Geddes 520, M. Anton STOCK UP FOR CHRISTMAS NOW League standings at the end of the first third: 1.39 Nov. 28 Wrathall't vs Toilers; T.unn v RriRa Tjpk Armpfrpa VN ,AT THIS LOW PRICE rR B" Division ThL advertisement is not published or displayed by tfie Liquor Control Board of by the Government o British Cofumbfa. I"i Mr A KmunMnnHa tia T ncLru Pmi m nrr'i'.i Is 21 M381. M. Penney 468, O. Newton Strikes; C. B. of C. vs Belmont; Battlers : 21 I- 21 527. Totals 904, 868, 783. 21 COMMERCIAL J. Helgerson 20 316, B. Thompson 451, N. Smith 19 244, M. Hoban 465, L. Ewart 237, Don't Forget Our Men's Wear Department. Pick HIS Gift NOW! McMeekins vs Stars; Shenton's Rockettes 21 tv Battlers; Savoys vs Mansons: Savoys 20 Skeena Groc. Vs B.C.G.E.A.; Shentons 19 .Rocqettes vs Wallace Pharm.; Mansons 17 BIB Sisters vs Commercials Gin- B.C. G.E.A 17 12 12 12 13 14 16 16 17 19 21 21 25 T. Stewart 411. Totals mi, ma, 790. ger Snaps vs Black Cats. Skeena Grocery , 16 1ALLEST COUNTY that this may be the lucky Dec. a Sqeena Groc. vs Man- Gingersnaps 14 reeK- weeK. Thev re no not IT A 1 i- .Mortged discouraged smenton's vs Black Cats; Bl2 Sisters 12 fciannan, smallest coun- BI G PAYMENT Lareest marine Insurance pay- 10 nnrT AnnTC oy people nice H,r air Alan Amn Herbert. . . d..i,. Batt)ers: Gingersnaps ,,,,1 Wallace m PI oUand, is 10 miles long who as an independent member ... m cic. . ,t o g ment is believed the $7,000,000 miles wide. I . . , , , . VI UIIlIIICluiatf ui "ic.a .a. DlilCK. d.j& o I nf nuri hmnnr itamnQ nnaH Innd . . . vv j paid for the stranding of the I Magdalena off Rio de Janeiro in Individual scores: aim long ""s ugairiNi bi"" ; puum. oaiu r. n F. A - Annettes Vs Kosa MAM niVfClAM 1 liov7n 1Q4Q WRATHALLS B. Peterson 's vs Stars: Lyons Big money ior a lew luciy in poois. promoter, -wrathall iki, for nnnn. rlk risks nothing nothlnn at at all all except except his his ... Toilers Tur. tfolk spelts a setback oppon-l McMeekins vs Bel- vs 529, P. Roberts 435, D. Chorneyj monts: C B. of C. vs Lucky , E. Ilev 561. W. Steeves 423. ents of soccer pools, which some, ' he he all Or to n'a Mm 1 rtnat mo . . . Strikes: Brownwoods vs G. & A , may cive vou slxoence. six thou- Dec 12 Annettes v? Lyons: Odd Sizes, Discontinued Lines WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 3.95 to 6.95 COMFORT SHOES Women's Black Kid 6.95 ...... . ....1.- Family Shoe Store Lid. CHARLIE ROBERTS i Phone 357 Box 638 -A iL Totals 694, 897, 856. LYONS A. Pierce 691,. P.' Thompson 477, V. Anderson 490, J. Shenton 661, V. Wrathall 525. McMeekins vs Luckv Strike' Fabulous sums won in recent sand pounds or six millloii umpire Viavo rnrfirmsH i n nnn finn Dounds It deDcnds how manv Brownwoods vs Rosa Lee; C. B. of C. vs O. It A.; Toilers vs Stars: Totals 920, 992, 932. ttitt.frr M Wide 515. E. Wruthall's vs Belmont; Savoy's , other mugs come In and how , faithful pool followers In a ' . . . , ... ... 1 much he take out of the pool. Thursday night social habit thai 'would have shocked the Vic-j Miglait a88Oc,ati0ns cam-torlan fathers. New customers morftl pa,gn aga,ngt on Johansen 466, D. Taylor 443, B.J vs Bkeena Groc.; 01nersnap Vs Wallace Pharm.; Rocqettes vs. Ellison 345, V. Patrick 559. Totals . . : i n n 1 971. mansons. om oimi a a. k,. . I. A.; Battlers- vs Black Cats; - 8UU' Blu ! k B.e ucii.g " - gR,unds and bcause the pro McMEEKINS A. Ritchie 389, cure oil iarge reward. V"a""? moten' kecount. ar not audit Shenton's vs Commercials. 1 a uorriu KM I. Mi'Nutt 351. B. of winning are about 4,000,000 m . . nf .,,, Dpc. 19 ainesnaDs vi BC. to one. Reformers and church Ha.d. nAM ni, ! . ot - ... groups firmly oppose the prin- Brtton.g nulne Interest in soc-navov vs Black Catn; Shentons Emmerson 403, C. Bellamy 438.! Totals 76, 830, 822. j ROSA LEE3 M. Postuk 558, D. Nelson 493, M. Furuness 425, D. t Woods 478, F. McKlnnon 44G., Totals 834, 884, 682. GORDON Si ANDERSON J.I Menzies 446, S. Ramsay 467, I. rtniin 414. L. Anderson 416, C. lyd by the Lliior Control clple of pool betting. Yet every cer keepj tne p,,, aIive yg Wallfl.e pharm.: Sqeena Oror. Thursday, like followers or a 8ygtem u Bimple. Each week the !Ys Rockettes; Big Sisters vs Mm-strange cult, shilling and half- promoterj distribute UU of Sat- son s: McMeekins va O. A.: crown bettors go through the urday goccej matches, and the Toilers vi Belmon'U: Lwins. vi coupon-filling ritual in the hope clwtomeT uslng .tne gymboIs Stars: Wrathalls vs L. Strikes: : 'll-3-X, for win. loss or draw, Annettes vs Brownwooda; C.B. of 1 tries to forecast resulU. ' C. vs Rosa Lee. tiv the Ciovenimeni ' lumbla. g nil nil is e Hi; in Ballin 458. Totals 766, 822, 732. or in pciy nut duality has i Jan. 2 Bt,r v iseimonr,: Most popular forms are the Wrathalls vs G. St A.; Annettes ir,. k..oH nn M fnr.' m of C, ' t vnn v Prr-vn- Til i ' i4 B0 - j - i -' Iways been and will always c the first consideration with STARS G.' Mclntyre 515, Hinton 412, J. Dlcklns 507, K. Hills 433, L. Howe 547. Totals 847, 824, 770. BANK OF COMMERCE I. Kristjanssun 493, R. Christian-son 379, M. Steeves 462, E. Mas- casts requiring consideraole woods; McMeekins v Rosa Lee; clerical energy, and the "treble Tylers v Luckv Strike- B'-k chance," calling for eight cor-j Cat v Commercials: Shentons rectly presided draws. Those! vs BC.o.e.a : tsxeena grocery Now Waitina for YOU or S9 ?rn a n a m r V who participate nope to oe "n oibwi.i. lucky as the record prize win-jOlngersnfloB vs Mansons; Banner. 50-year-old Mrs. Evelyn lers vs Wallace Pharmacy. Stands Suptemi " TANQUERAY, GORDON CO. ITD. . . . tht largest gin distillers In the world Knowlson, who recently collect ley 470, R. Ramsay 634. Totals 771. 872, 951. BROWNWOODS L. Donald-Eon 493, F. Cramer 419, M. Stone 401 M. Gurvich 46, G. Brown 476' Totals 773, 875, 823. ed 10490 ($314,970) or Burma s This advertisement is not published g or displayed by the Liquor Control , .... imtammant nf veteran Thomas Wood, wnose 94,335 cheque left him (he said) feeling cool as a cucumber. tsoara or uy mc v,w.v........ y British Columbia. i Vim Shopping Day Sr.S Le,,!! iliMMllwJJ Let us help you with your BELMONTS M. Lewis w. Hoskins 216, G. Maundrell 570, S IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IK THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF MARIE (MARY) LOUISE lemire nd IN THB MATTWR OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that bv Order ol His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton, made the 22nd day of November, A D. I960. I wns appointed Administrator of the tctnt. nf Marie iMarvt Louise Lc- louolru fift Prnhlpm; The Mr. and Mrs, Moneybags who win aren't always happy Disagreement over who should get the biggest share made bitter enemies of two married cou-nips wha had been neighbors and m 4 i Mr,!P fnpnris Others are hound-- deceased. late m ucean runs. ed by hard-men letters. p h c lumbla pool company warns winneis' and all partics having claims amnt . I . .V.AMn nv a tt nf cVtnrkS (h. .aiH catntw HIT hpfphv rPQUlred tllUt, LliCIC aic " w - . - furnish same propwiv tnod to to and sharpers ready to help spend the money. But success mi w,mh(, A D 19S0 MXjet whlch cut, date Dress Shirts "V. TOOKE and BRILL fF f ' fa lJ r. . . vk IIS tufty nose makes breathing f iffi ' i rlHlms film! mn im paid without rare. j ! ." i ' j referenre to any claims of which I then had no knowledge, and all parties indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City .of Pttn Ru- tv.rr In the Prnvinni. nf Rrtt.iRh Co- lilt and spoils your i Va-tro K--"-rnol noi m few Vicks ii(k!-put a V Drops in each noBtnLGreawr (J-bathing comfort comesmweona kause Va-tro-no works d-clog-Nht u-here trouble "Pjnen mem-Id nasal passages, shrinks sw inakeS bnes, clears away. congestion p iport itiirts k- kA- Mifh A wide range of jl )ft ''l-l ijl1 J ir styles and sizes. i ji 'fl HOCKEY SCORES NATIONAL Toronto 2, Detroit 1 Chicago 4, Boston 1 Western International Trail 5, Nelson 4 Mainline Nanalmo 5, Klowna 4 lumbla, this S2nd day of Novemhe. AD. hathing easier ana t - m vnn.riOL nose drops 1BAO. GORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. (2B4) iivlia vu-iuy - . !. .j ? . . iim.j jf.i ji il. r: - ill $6.95 to $9.25 J I his auveriiiemeDi is nor. puunsueu or aispiayeu uy iiic iiquur 4Ti o i i ,i. - m. - d :. l -!.. veiimi uwu vr aj biic uvthuuiuii m 4iums wiuuiuw. teU? i wf'w Asn i nricirrirfv line i different a Gel Your . . . hat' 3 vCvt Your choice of Ties in a U VVf J V variety of colors and j materials, from hM' Vi 5 i jH(V $l.oo Scenery, for one thing. At the Sylvia, overlooking Vancouver's English Bay, you enjoy the glorious panorama of And Svlvia Service la i u i, coo mountain. sr. . a. irV Cards Now! Ntn's a frit StUction cf Dcai.ii " " outstanding as the scenery attentive, genial, with friendly interest that makes you feel at home. If you bring the younger members of the family, baby-sitting service t provided. Accommodation is varied and reasonable. . You can cook your own meals or dine in the sky, wher 4 V. a I nr. A im fiB fit inerb as the view. Though far from r i UD Hi IOi I I 0 G,oves Sox VA i O Sweoters CHRISTMAS GREETINGS " r w y a t, p in. o riots i t 0V I "GIFTS THAT MAKE CHRISTMAS LAST LONGER" j the noise of city traffic, you're within easy reach of town at the . - Sylvia. Syllvna hotel 'I a- ir f LOTH I 3 1 633 Third AvenuTst ' Prince Rupert 3rd Street Phone 234 PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 1 Serving the Publlcof Prlnce upgrt HIIH.rJ C. lyUf Mon,9ing Piracy rAcifl 9321 - 1154 Gilford Str.f.