Prince Rupert Daily Newt "Tuesday, January 3, 1956 - ihodv In Terrace' jjpilal On Amas Miss Laila Husoy. af'er spending the Christmas and Nf Year holklay season at her homo:liero, left by yesterday afternoon's iSCFPR Radio Dial mn Kl'Tcyele Christmas at the ...t Hnsnital was SuMect to Change) rrr,.,S UiKH"" only one patient. N. ,-ith ', f 12-mile in the wards., '" . . ., minnr ooeraticn ;tja Princ Kupt-rt I'Hrits Flowesj fit Ml ecaiois I' r"d later m me f TUESDAl r.M. 4: 15 Stock Quotation awl Int. 4:30 Life in the Open 4;43"Personality Piano TCfl 3rd S. Box M(t 'Tel! 77 .ted Christmas ' B J ... ..-.irlrtf nri HOTEL W L WOODS Prqu P . BOX tvr. (MItIR "fl KKASEK STUt ' onP, with gifts below IV i ,n thp Nurses' lounge. On Vible were displayed the .-"".,,'ihe nurses and hospital S !, various members of the '''' ,,1,, Another gift, a Vase ( :.!:;;;,ilul yellow chrysanthe-,-, s-(.,id on the mantelpiece.' 'I'.;,' a joint staff dinner was bv the woK Mrs. fceid. ' and dining room were ,,'lullv ftnd the 7(M lull justice to the. lovely I,.,;,,,,!.- Later, they-sep-''( llMMOre turkey and plum ";', , ,t tin' (liferent homes in . , vi-hieh they hud been :i . . i .ml-- j Carlsim, grand-: ;',,, ,, Mr. and Mr. I'reri riiy ma Summit Ave. and ; ..Ifi-niian and Mrs. UeorRC j v r tinned to Vancouver, HtNC ttOP"HJ p fV,r,-." .-. - v t if ,. $. j 5 , . f '- . "win ;- s. i i ' 'ftj:riv.;(eif: - ; - i , f V t If ! V lust Arrived I 4:55 CBC News . 5:00 Hot Wax . 5:30. MuMa! Program 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Perry C'omo ' G:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00-BC Ne 7:15-CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to ' Broadway 8:00Sidney Katz 8:15 Talk About Peter 8:30 -Musical Program 9:00 Solo Guest 9:15 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 9:30 Current Hits it:CU -CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Claremont Hotel Orch'. 11:00 -Weather and Sign Ofl WEDNESI3A -A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:14 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Cone. 9:00 BBC News an Cornty I 9:15 Morning Devotionv i 9:30 Morning Concert I :59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris j 10:15 Singing Sam 1 10.30--Melody Time 10:46 Scandinavian Melodies ! 11:00 Air Kindergarten 1 1 : 15 Roundup Time ! 11:30 Weather R?port . JJ shipment of Julia fvr- Ithur Shoes all widths-fori l(f tllC t,lKUlllillll lino - l1!l .,n.r spending holidays , Miss Carlson is attending that special Evening.; A 1 I . t hiiul in Vancouver. . w y y y y y it, $11.95 i y i y i ly Barbara Cook, and Floyd Wilkes. Back row: Don LaBare, Jack Wemsielfi, Elaine Beier, Don Mickiewait, Rosella Collins, Lee .Trlppetl, Paul Ketfe, and Maurice Read. Artene Gubrud, Glen dene Knutson ,and V Teniey were not present at picture taking time.. At left Heading the Christmas concert tour of Alas kan cities with the 33-piece Eugene (Ore.t High School band is Byron Miller, Eugene teacher who conceived the idea. Miller began the flrsi band In Juneau several years ago and it was a "homecoming" for him there. (Photos courtesy of Eugene Register-Guard. POPULAR Ths selected Eugene High School - concert band which made a hit here last week, will be back tomorrow night for a return engagement In Prince Rupert. The musicians art returning south from AlaRka after playing at Ketchikan, Juneau. Petersburg. Wrangell and Skagway, on the . Princess Morah. Front row. left to right: Elena Horn, Dolores Peterson. Jim Colburn, Marilyn Aydelott, Marl Orlffiths, Bob Warren and Director Byron Miller. Second rjw: Soloist Lary Maves, John Peterson, Rita Page, Gloria Lee, 8ally Hayden, Laffy Coons, Dougla Ruhlman, and Clayton Lundy. Third row: Jean Splcer, Carol Ektridge, Veral Peterson, Nadine Mkklieson, Marian Cass, FAMILY SHOE STOKE LIMITED y y y y y y y A Box 638 jnrd Ave. y ' ?..';.;lsiS.i.3..i.i!lIl New Yeor Welcomed By Terrace Church Knox Christmas Services t Terrace Well Attended Bad Weather Holds Flight Slight Blaze At Port Edward 11:32 Message Period 11:35 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies i 12:15 CBC News the Christmas message. The service was climaxed by the candles, being brought from the( Communion Table to the eongre- , gallon, whose Individual candles i jmvja, r. i lit in w . ...... United u 1 1 1 1 r: ( 1 WPre t then n lit, lif I tiros' nno showing chntt mff how now r-, k ,. tnr f,M, ri" ..." "I Kf8mHfA lunt , A nall nr broke out under v.. .-.v.. v. . lne llgnv 01 utBuauu is pu.ts- Cove a!r base to sandspit to- the warehouse on Horseshoe , 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Alternoon Concert ume on iirisinias uny aim was f(( on from one to tne otner. J V, rllse ii in. o-;a Newsi ..- -t wviTH-'ft In th Daily News! - - , 'l SUFFERED AGONIZING i r H ffc2rr& t I ..... ..O..H.I, litf Kt. Vim ' a ', - iY52i ,M O.iyki. I.e.lUX too M MUI ( fct J TlifW tW.I.j, U-.S.OO d i"" IjZ " ' ff ' i''JSS J irrjflbaiiUiid,- X"l 'A ' '- ' l .- ' tfif.ri i ' I PRIvES ioo . . . Tf x ViMi &r o , i ZrSJl . Mvnrtb-1. ihrf Dai.v News! N START THE' NEW YEAR RIGHT " Free! -'::. An oilcloth Boby Bib with every purchase ' While they last filled at both services. At the Cay was being held up until 3 liock at Port E()wai.d iate New i j p.m. due to the late arrival of Year.s Eve ind caused -amJ i the flight from Vancouver. Bad ap nmill,nHn t ,nn i Thse taking part were: Joan Att wood, Anita Brue, Margaret Kennedy, Flora Melvln, Colleen Sites. Francla Gavan, Ross. Don, morning service the Sunday School was in attendance. Mrs. C. W. Alger told the weather along the southern B.C." coast caused the dely. There will be no flight back Cause of the b'aze was due to : acetylene torch flames applied to frozen pipes. An official of the ' 1:45 Cornty . Country Women 2:00 Festive Season . 2:30 Records at Randcm 2:45 Melody Matinee . 3:00-The Music Box 3:15--Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 International Comment. from Sandspit today, passengers from Vancouver for Prince company stated today damage Rupert remaining over 'at the "" P'aruy none Dy me ioa Queen Charlotte Island trans- :nlte used t0 extinguish the fire, j Christmas story beautifully by an(j Dave Glllanders, and Robin means of the flannelgraph. McCall- Ushers were'Lenord ' Mrs. Hans Anidam .the Super- Loveless and Gale McCall. intendent, spoke on the inean-j Although the Chancel with its ings of the Christmas Tree, and , arch U still Incomplete, the ap-the Minister. Rev. P. H. Mallett, poarance of the new church was uave a brief talk on "The Great-) mwh admired, as were the est Christmas Gift." Christmas decorations. Mrs. Amdam, on behalf of the ' i ' - ter point until tomorrow morn cu ' u in Tne Newt) ing. i:40 Divertimento 3:45 Enchanted Pine rm- v. -r.F, mnrr-r. r, . , , , p, ,WI , 654 Skidegate Honors children, presented their offering to the Building Fund to i. II. Smith, the treasurer of the How I Subdued Wild Fiery Itch- Camosun's Crew "Den'?iJndui"K tr" World ui-r C'lnireh. Pins were presented by the i th)te'!i f"l w,d attwr H.h I Jvflifmcnt it ot publ'tHcd or iipUy(J tl' first ucr Contra! Board Of by tkn ,Uotrnnr, I'f "lLlllCII II JllHMIIilHI .8 II -3 Minister to a number of children Capt, Harry McLean and offi-for resular attendance. cers and crew members of the In the evening the Young Peo- steamer Camosun were honored ! pie of the church presented a guests of the native people of unimie candle-lighting service. Skidgate Mission on New Year's , -Aniia Hrue sang ' Infant Holy," Eve as the coastal liner made her y and -.Star of the East" was sung" scheduled call in tho Inlet. Many j by Joan At! wood, Margaret Ken- of the ship's personnel accepted i M'dy. and Colleen Sites. At inter- the invitation, and. ti joyed the I vals throuph t lie service candles hospitality of the hosts. A nyie- ' were lit by the Young Pi-ople piece orchestra provided th mu- 1 each represent lug some aspect ol sic for dancing, r , ' 1 ' -wr- "18 ?,n Ave. Ited 400 r.ox 1U8 rpfy nil I i MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKIHS ti& PHONE 174 BO274 , ; EMPTY MILK CUPS NOW A trio of Austriivchool boys thru forth I theif-fmpty oips to sk for the hot food they receive each day, thanks to the . , United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Canada j . will help till these cups. The postal address "UNICEF, OTTAWA" is accept- inn Canadian funds to buy Canadian food to help six million sick and hungry . children living; in former theatres of war. PHONE 343 For Estimatjes m and Supplies S 1 3 Mitchell & Currie Ltd. Builders and Contractors y v ,. a EFFECTIVE MONDAY JANUARY 9 TEMPORARY CURTAILMENT OF j PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICES ACCOUNT COAL SHORTAGE Due to serious depletion of coal reserves of the railway because of work stoppages and shortened working hours in the United States mines, Canadian National announces temporary reductions in certain passenger train services effective January 9. ' Tor information, inquire at your nearest Canad ian National Railways ticket office or see your local cgent. CANADIAN NATIONAL ; WE EXTEND BEST WISHES .. for A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR To Each and Everyone rS n A n I- x A X a H it A A A A A qood-nature.d wfiisfcy' Seagrotn's Kinqs Plate CANADIAN WHISKY The price is oocf-Afatured' tool A A A 2 Th dvortlimont l not publihd or displayed by tti Liquor Cenfrol toard m by Osvemtncnt t Irlti.h Colmb,i. . r1