4E WOMEN IN HHpf'"-CAMBRAI GROUP prince tlupert Daflp J3eto Friday, December 17, 1943 Local News Items... Five new members were HONORED BEFORE GOING OVERSEAS Honoring her mother. Mrs. E. Faure, who accompanied by her STMAS PARTY of Ihp' ...... f....l .1. ADOPTS" TWO. RURAL SCHOOLS ij)c woint" . vwii..-iiiiiuiii,s were served by Moose Whise Drive and Dance HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Seattle 6, Portland 1. San Diego 5, San Francisco 3. of id Christmas party S.O.N, weekly whist dance cancelled until Jan. 7. (It) husband, Eric Faure, leaves the ; very Saturday night 8:30. (297) Ous Christiansen of New Haz- city on Sunday, on a trip to llilt-' Civic Centre . Dates . following their j(,n santa Claus canaicniiiit and Christinas carols were sung. Mrs. Thomas Glenn, senior regent, presided over a good' attendance of members. England, France and Belgium, Schools at Port Essington and elton, who has been in the city M. O. Kuliandcr returned to the city this afternoon on the Coquitlam from a trip to Mrs. Greisscl entertained at her run toward will be "adonted" always Classified advertising brings results. home, 512 Eighth Avenue West, j exLangcd gifts, much ..i,,nifnt and in- for the past two weeks, will leave this evening on his re Thursday afternoon. turn home. EH a ! l'rescnl; Mrs. R. Hitchlns and Miss M. by Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E., and the group will begin its sponsorship by providing a small libcrary arid presenting a picture of the King and Queen to each school. Miss Jean Urquhurt of the To make crystal and cut glass sparkle, dip a small brush in lemon Juicer and scrub fhe glass Duffus, assisted the hostess in R. O. Van der Sluys returned Conrad Street School staff left u vntine a sum to yj, serving. to the city Thursday afternoon today by air to spend the Christ which was who n. . , . family from Vancouver, accompanied Ladles present included Mrs. by liis small son who will spend CHRISTMAS GIFT IIECKVEAR Christmas here. E. Faure, Miss J. Faure, Mrs. A Duffus, Mrs. R. Hitchins, Mrs. F. Faulkner, Mrs. F. Ellison, Mrs. The sponsorship plan will be similar to one in effect between the chapter and Conrad and Booth Memorial High School, mas holidays at Vancouver. FERSONAL-Ail retail stores will be open all day Thursday, Dec. 23, and will close Thursday Dec. 30 as usual. Prince Rupert Retail Merchants Association. (208) Canadian Legion, Friday Dec W. Hill, Mrs. A. Evans, Mrs. W. Evitt J7 at 8:30 p.m. Special Pliilpott which receives assistance from Flcwin, Mrs. M. Halverson, Mrs. pre-Xmas event for Cambrai. a Xmas Funds. Legion Tlan to "adopt" the two rural M. Mclntyre, Mrs. E. Lattery, Mrs. M. Stewart and Miss M Duffus. Mrs. Greissel, also en SATURDAY Sports p.m. 2:00 Teen Age Badminton 2:00-Adult Casual Badminton 7:00 Teen Age Badminton Basketball League Games 6:30 Junior North Star vs. Rupert Hotel 7:30 Women Peoples vs. Miller Bay 8:45 Senior Co-op vs. Brownwoods Special p.m. 8:00 Rup-Rec Teen Girls Social SUNDAY Sports p.m. 2:00 Adult Club Badminton 7:00 Cily Rep. Basketball Team Special Members "Bring your Little Theatre plays spon mi schools was approved by a meeting of the chapter at the Civic and Co. Ltd. Mlssuss." W.A. Members sored by Junior Chamber of tertained at dinner in the eve bring your husbands. (3D Commerce for Salvation Army Centre after it had been out ning, complimenting her father, Christmas Cheer fund, Civic Eric Faure, on his birthday. Can Supply You With " . lined as an educational project. The Broun alsii vntpri 'in rlonalp Centre. Monday, December 20, Beautiful Wax Flowers French Canadian Carving (203) $50 to Conrad Street School and ,8:15 p m Lovely Pictures TOTEM POLE MBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. D. Elio, for many years in GIFT SHOP, 211 Sixth Street. HOTEL ARRIVALS (It) business in Prince Itupert and dm W$0 a similiar amount to Booth High School to aid in building up their libraries. The meeting also made arrangements for preparing Christ- who moved away last summer LOORING In Fir or Hemlock SIDING All Types has now become located in I'rince Rupert Sons of Norway Lodge, at a icgular business meeting Wcd-ncoday night with President Pat Kamloops. Ii. Robin.sun, Numu; A. Robert I mas hampers for distribution to son, Hazel ton; W. Sallow, Port Deane in the chair, decided to Miss Linda Striinold leaves on tills evening's train for her serve Norwegian 'refreshments Clements; N. Biue, Haysport; p.m. 2:00 Little Theatre the Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Houston; at coming home at Topley to spend the needy families in tfic district. The meeting concluded with refreshments served by Mrs. J. D. McRae and Mrs. Duncan McRac. ' Tree entertainment and dance J. N. Lucke, Sandspit; J. O. John Christmas and New Year vaca SASH and DOOR and- - Famous FOOTUILI.S ALBERTA COAL in all sizes PHONE 651 son, Houston; W. H. Sutherland, tion season. Ill PWMIIIIilililllWIWlW't H i : t Weekly whist drives and dances have been deferred to January 7. Vancouver. of exciting collection tfliiasiiito Aavcrusing Pays! Joseph Goscoe of King Edward School teaching staff is leaving on this evening's train for Edmonton to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Harold Lynum of the Columbia Cellulose Co. staff at Ter I1ELS MID IS LAID AT REST Funeral of the late Nels Lind district pioneer, who came here In railway construction days and race sailed last night on the of colds. Rub VapoRub on throat... chest. Melt noma in mouth, tool MICKS WVAua for years has been living at Oona River, Porcher Island, Prince George for Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday sea neckties ... all individually boxed, at prices from $1.00 TO $3.00 Foulards, Imported Silks, Satins, Cords, Stripes, Paisleys, Ail-Over Patterns and English Wool Challis. " FOR THAT srECI VI, (ilFT WE SUGGEST A SCARF, Rich: colorful Foulard Silks, Plain White Crepes, Pure Wool Club Stripes and' Wool Tartans, all combine in giv- where he died at the first of th m ass,? 'j rhCm ( LJ:t. ' s mi m son. Miss Rose Benson of Massett, who is taking ' a commercial course at St. Joseph's Academy here, is sailing tonight on the Coquitlam to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday sea week, was held yesterday afternoon from the chapel of B.C. Undertakers to Fairvicw Cemetery. Old friends gathered to pay their final tributes of esteem and respect. Rev. Earl Soiland, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran 3 son at her home on the Queen Church, officiated and Mrs. J. C. Gilker presided at the organ M ing you a wide selection to Annca f rum to accompany the hymns. Pallbearers were C. H. In- ! Imi lititui il Bir-FUi . Trt I; ia ' jfy r '.'; I rJr -I . . ' , P. V"X'A. ry. r : W sulander, Olof Hanson, Carl Rosang, Fred Letts, Axel Han Charlotte Islands. The Misses Hazel and Beverley Hunter, who are attending St. Joseph's Convent here, are sailing tonight on the Coquitlam to spend Christmas and New Year at their home on the Queen Charlotte Islands. ...Moke their Christmas Merry with iv Victor nucouDS The Qi(t liut Uccl's on (jiving son and Armand Lund. Mr. Lind was 75 years of agu and a native of Sweden. Those sending flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Gust Qulst and 'This Way Santa!' THE STORK SHOPPE HAS WHAT EVERY LITTLE BOY AND GIRL NEEDS FOR CHRISTMAS AND t FOR WINTER WEAR . . . THE STORK SHOPPE 303 3rd Ave. W. Blue 810 : sons, Thelma, Fred, Freddie and die. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ros 3.50 .Peter Churchmuuse . . 3.50 SHOWER HONORS MISS MARY BREW S'-iim.s Bijck Kiinibu The Twins 3:50 m 4.50 ji ( i 5 Elizabeth Elizabem Arden's Arden's ' I Hond-O-Tonik Hond-O-Tonik Little Black Sambo's Jungle Band !' 3.30 Rapu.ci ... 3.30 Hansel and Grctel ........ 5.73 Twelve Dancing Princesses 1.30 Honoring Miss Mary V. Brew, j whose marriage to George Clou-tier will take place Saturday : evening, a shower was held re rims Fiddle 3.50 t The Piccolo .... 3.50 Apiiy Birthday 3.50 XMAS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgill For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE; BLACK 615 216 4th Street , , I ' H 1 I To the Electors: I deeply . appreciate the support accorded jnc at the polls yesterday. I shall endeavour to give faithful service. II. M: DAC.C.ETT. ang, Marie, Dagne, Vic and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kund, Dybhavn and Hanson, Pat and Llnnea, Mr. and Mrs- Knut Hall-' berg and family, Mr. and Mrs. i Ole Wick and family, Mr .and Mrs. F. B. Shannon and Jack, Hclgc Essen, Chris and Nana Norman, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tysce and Gary, Herma and Stella Hermanson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fossum, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and Ole Wick and family i Above unbreakable Children's Records) NEW LUXURT STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE has a gifted way of keeping hands creamy-soft, candle-smooth. In fact, her famous lotion' ' lends a holiday touch to work-a-day hands the whole year through. ChrHtinai wroppd Hand o-Tonik $1.21, $2.25 Ormes Drugs cently at the Cloutier home, 31(i Eighth Avenue West, where a number of friends gathered for an enjoyable evening. Following 'a session of bingo, little Yvonne Cloutier" brought in a large decorated basket of gifts. Centreing the limcheon table was a large cake, prepared by the hostess and which was cut by the guest of honor. Dicken s Christmas Carol (Ronald Coleman and " Cast 5.50 The Littlest Angel (Loretta Young i 3.75 The Happy Prince (Bing Crosby and O. Welles ..2.73 n Wonderland K'wrs and Cast 5.50 Junes jiker Suite 3.00 ))tr of Hamelin "id Bergman) 2.75 j DeLuxe j ! DELIVERY SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TRT A CLAboilED AD! Aid. McKay's Thanks To the citizens who supported me at yesterday's election may I express my sincere appreciation. KOIIEKT McKAY. To The Electors... Please accept my sincere thanks for the support given my candidature for alderman in the municipal election. IMH'ULAS FRIZ ELL Announcements All alvortiBen.Mni i tnM column will be churned for a full month t M cent a word t 1.lH'il.,;i';:lm'l!lll'.!'fl!!nlllJmlnmlllWIWnl"?"!mw""', ' ....-u,MrM-..!NrWK'!l!e!flt'e" Concert ut Lutheran Church Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. 'vx4x.xxK4l'' For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT Of r ICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H Chocolates make a tasty, gift for any lady to find under the-Yule Tree V y v w V r v y KODAKS for CHRISTMAS 2 hum; will please them hetteri t Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Oddfellows' and Kebekuh Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2 p.m. A Christmas Morning. Jsk about JwET ou r i,ound 11,1(1 half-i,ound boxes. I A i CARD of THANKS I wish to express my appreciation to all those who gave me their support yesterday. Wilfrid J. McLean V y y y y y y y y y y y As well as PIPES, POUCHES, ItON-SON LIGHTERS,, TOBACCOS and CIGARS we have CIGARETTES in gift boxes of 100's and 50's. Hl'wiiie Special IS.? Target Six-2() .' $6.4-1 Target Six-10 J7-28 k Uuaflex Camera $HM Aituclmient for Kodak Duaflcx $3.25 k Vigilant' Junior Six-20 $20.44 k Vigihuu Six-20 F. 88 Lens $33.88 X Vigilant Six-20 F. 63 Lens $42.50 k Vigilant Six-20 F. 45 Lens $01.60 k 35 F. 35 Lens with Range Finder $107.00 'Attachment for Above Four Cameras $12.00 s 35 F. 35 Lens with Case and Flashgun $120.00 I S.O.N. Christmas Tree Dec. 28, 2 p.m. Parents are invited. S.O.N Cnnslmas Dance, Dec. 29, 9 to 2. Refreshments. Everyone welcome. Music by Mike Colussi. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Bridge "and Cribbagc, Civic Centre, January 10. S.O.N. Whist Lunce, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. NOW AVAILABLE Rupert Tobacco Store Ky v y 3rd Ave. & 4th St. m RATHALLS PHOTO FINISHING THE CHIROPRACTOR 1 ? i''C.iC'(-(i(iiCl;icicVit,tC!((,!,l(- r Y V y v w V mmmi m WAT SPARKLES For HIM .4 John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone Bl.t'E 443 for Appointment hoi ns 10:30 Bin. to 12:30 p.m. Biid 2 to 5 p m. i;vi;mnos Monday nml Friday. 7:30 p.m. f"l those nnitmp to come (luring tin tiny. RECEPTIONIST tn attcud-Hiico Httcrnoons. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Bachelor s V y y y v y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v y v v y y v y v y y y y For HER A Beautiful Assortment of Pen ami rme.il Sets ranging from $5.95 up WALLETS by TILLE Y ......$ 1.75 Bridge and Cribbage Sets In Leather Cases Zipper Brief Cases Zipper Writing Cases GIFT STATIONERY Christmas Cards, Tags and Seals-Fancy Wrappings Dibit IiMiitiiia Co. i 5 PALE DRY Adrienne JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Biilgir Ltd. Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Hoin 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. BO. Phone 291 P.O. Box 1 Ginger Ale 81 1: Ol R COMPLETE LINE OF Girr SETS ORMES DRUGS Mixes iu Any Company Quarts 25c plus deposit ted Phone 234 Besner Block SERVE COLD ..,l,j,jllkl,k,fckfclllk1Allfc,1jl.i,i.l..M'