15 ; - 53i f PROVINCIAL LIBRARY onr.iEs DDCGS VICTORIA. D.C. Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVII, No. 290. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1948 . PRICK FIVE CENTS i ii i ii'iriiij ir t -7 . , racl Fails io Get United mi to .1 Terrace Elects United States, Russia Abstains ' -' Y Dudley Little TERRACE, (Special to Daily Canada Favor; C.H.R. CASE IS PRESENTED OTTAWA, 0i Hearing, of British Columbia's case against the mountain differential is expected to end today. Canadian National Railways, in its case for retention of the PARIS (CP) Israel's bid for membership in the United Nations failed to win security council approval today. - Five countries voted to admit Israel. They yvere United States, fcussia, Soviet Ukraine, Argen-tina'and Colombia, . Five countries, including Canada and Britain, abstained and one voted against the new mountain differential, 'contend News) Dudrey G. Little won a three-year term on the Board of Village Commissioners at the municipal election here yesterday. He defeated the retiring commissioner, Thomas P. Walsh. The vole: Little, 118. Walsh, 67. " There were two spoiled ed that the annual cost ' for the British Columbia run was $3,000,000 above the prairie lev-. i'state. STAGES COME-BACK-Ex-Mayor H. M. Daggett who headed two-year aldermanlc poll by substantial margin in yesterday's civic election. A - ii'Atf An affirmative vote of seven el. The railway evidence, it was exacted, wouiu "oe completed was required for approval by today. Figures f the C.N.R. were given by T. t. Gracey, assist ant comptroller. He said that the eleven-member council. Stranded Trucks Are Back In City Clarence Thomson and William Oair Bring Vehicles in After Snow Blockade U.C.A.IIAT SEEK MAIL COiTTRACTS, ' - ' tpieop Charlotte Airline?, which lorjpierly, operatetj .a nun-sched-ule Berylce between Prince Rupert and Vancouver, Is resuming Its intereat 'on the north coast and may station an aircraft here $1,750,000 goes to extra oper aling costs because of the moun tains and $l,33,0OO annual in '".erest charges and debts Incur ' ' ' Is red on early mountain construc Three NPA's, Two Independents Returned In Civic Voting Here Casey Back In With Wide Margin , Present School Board Members Are Returned AH Plebiscites Approved Prince Rupert electors returned-three Non-Partisan candidates and two independents to city coun Two local trucks which were ' ' tion. ; Gracey said that British Col caught last week near Kwinitsa when heavy snow blocked the umbia comU are 12 per cent over the prairies In traffic units. He also showed, however, that Brl- fiext jear. iji ;anUcipUon of airt Skeena River Highway are back in Prince Rupert. Clarence . ash , Columbia costs are under mail con ttactS. with the Islands and northern 'pohlU- . , ; ; v Word of, the company's inten i the national average and those i; .V - oi eastern lines. . cil, three INon-Partisan-endorsed school trustees and gave clear-cut approval to three plebiscite questions tions was -received by H. O. Archibald, M.,. after lie. had .informed, them"' that Postmaster- when they voted in the annual civic elections Thurs day. , . ; Gf oeral "Sriiest Beetrapd would Harry M. Daggett, independent view sympathetically, applica candidate for a two-year alder HIGHER PENSIONS BEING SOUGHT VANCOUVER, 0 Federal civil servants on pension have a message for Santa. They want Thomson arrived yesterday afternoon and William Gair, witli a Lindsay Cartage vehicle, ar-j rived Wednesday. Tlxy were, i extricated by Department of Public Works snow fighting equipment which came west from Terrace. Thomson reports that a trench wide enough for one vehicle was cut through. The snow is up to a depth of three feet on either side. The Public Works Department has already announced that it is not the intention to keen the - - r manlc seat, topped the poll among city council aspirants, tions for air-mail, service to Isolated coast settlements., Mr. Archibald passed the information on some-time' ago., At present, Queen , Cliarlotte AJrfJnes la i the only .company holding air mall, contracts on while Dr. R. G. Large, present School Board chairman, led the tation, 920; Against, 272. Favoring Roosevelt Park Improvement, 761; Against, 433. Centre of interest during the vote count was the contest for the one-year term, which settled into a fight between Alderman George Casey and Alderman Robert McKay. McKay-took an early lead but, as the count progressed, Casey forged iUC MOMENT In a historic ceremony held in the Senate Chamber of parliament ;s Saturday, the confederation agreement between Canada and Newfoundland was ay representatives of both countries. Prim? Minister St. Laurent is shown placing his re on the document while A. J. Walsh, chairman of the Newfoundland delegation and .nor fur his country, looks on. ' (CP. Photo) an increase in pensions to meet the high cost of living. Pension allowances are now trustees race with 821. The present School Board, Board, which Includes Mrs. E. W. the ; coast other than the two based on the 1924 cost of living. major -Hues, Canadian Pacific road d , U L . , t The Hollar now purchases as Becker and A. Bruce Brown who sought office again, was re much as 49c did then, it is said and. TransCanada. Q.C.A. oper-j through the "snow belt" of the atc$ air airmail sentec between IN and some civil servant pension loer Skeena elected. Aid. Q. B. Casey won over Efforts will be made to keep the -roaiS Tra iromrrnee" RU-; IRICA ers are trying to get along ou less than $50 a month. A resolution is hi process of preparation asking that allow-hiiccs be increased at the next session of Parliament. Bonus of $10 per month which Is being sought is "sufficient to compensate, ai least to some extent, for the present abnormal Increase in living costs." Vancouver and Tahsls, Zeballos and" Xyuquot. on, Vancouver -Is- lanij.;. '-v.-'-;.; V, ' f.v'.u-: . The company plans to station a ' six-passenger seaplane at Prince .Rupert for charter work next summer;: company- off iclals say.' ' '' ' . " ,r. ' n'hefumpany was the first line to establish air service at Prince Rupert more than two years ago, but ' withdrew'- when ; it lost to i JANK1RO, tl" - More e hundred persons arc I hundreds ui e missiir; mikIs homeless in two Brazil today in the huvy ruins which scut ! floods over wide BIG HAUL OF DRUGS VANCOUVER Itoyal Canadian Mounted Police today recorded what is believed to le the largest .seizure, of heroin in Canadian history 'W ounces w ith a black . market value of SOOO.ono. Josc)h Denizet, 37, has been charged with possession "of the narcotics following his arrest and seizure, of the drug in a west-end hotel yesterday. k.C.M.P. officials withheld details of the seizure ahead, coming out with a majority of 146. Of the three pleiscites, the one seeking' opinion on -the telephone rehabilitation plan received the largest majority, although approval in all three cases was overyhelming. Of 1,192 votes cast on the telephone plebiscite, 920 favored the plan. Voters' attitude in this regard will likely bear weight with the provincial government, whose approval must be obtained for a money bylaw which must be submitted to the ratepayers before the proposed $550,000 could be borrowed. It was an election vagary that gave Alderniau George Casey a majority and also approved the bylaw which he had bitterly opposed prior to the el C.F.A. its bid to operate a sched AW.- Rubert McKay- Ui a -spirited contest fo rtlie one-year alder-manic term. Despite the fact that this year's voters' list contained almost 500 more names than in 1947, there were fewer voles cast yesterday than in the civic election a year ago. Thursday's vote was 1,304, while in 1947 1,366 ballots were cast. The results: ALDERMAN Two-Year Term (First Four Elected) Harry M. Daggett, 737. Harold S. Whalen, 651. James N. Forma-n, 644. Wilfried J. McLean, 512. George E. Hills, 498. George D. Frizzell, 464. August Wallin, 442. George D. Anderson, 390. Elmer D. Manson, 256. ALDERMAN One-Year Term uled air rball and passenger line lo VancoifVer.-; ' ' liivi' beaten down with ivmtoluiiy for 15 days C.P.R. CONTESTS TAXATION RIGHT ('asp is Before Supreme Court of Saskatchewan pert to Tyee and that section is today reported to be in good shape for travel. JOBLESS ARE FLOCKING IN VANCOUVER H Unemployed are estimated to be flocking into British Columbia from the prairies and Eastern Canada at the rate of two hundred per eek. Unemployment service officials are under orders to give no iVr-tlier figures on what they call a normal winter influx of jobless. . Welfare people disagree that it is a normal situation. Police are also in a quandry. They blame much of the recent crime on floaters. FINED $300 FOR iatfi of Hio re Janeiro Onus and were 'tt iiy a cloudburst two ''J' i of biilli stales '! hundreds were injur-" antliorities have a.sked "niment to rush mill--'"es to the worst hit 1 p.iraehule medicines Muff.s. ection. HEOINA, Tlie Canadian Pacific Railway stood pat today on its contention that an agreement entered into with the federal government in , 1880 cx-emfll.ed its property in Sas peal, counsel saying that the 1880 agreement . which stated that neither federal nor provincial or municipal body could tax any part of the Canadian Pacific Railway was still' in effect. Y. : ' The right of Saskatchewan municipalities to tax C.P.R. property comes up with the contesting' by the railway company of the validity of Saskatchewan govornnient - amthdments giving the municipalities the power to tax the company. Thursday's vote count began at 8 o'clock and was completed by 10:45. Use of the Hunter ballot, a patented voting scheme katchewan from municipal business and property taxation. The point was raised by company counsel at yesterday's opening of a two-day session before Saskatchewan Court of Ap- but said it was the largest ever made in the west and probably the biggest ever made in Canada. DOUBLY ORPHANED VANCOUVER Little Norma Mary Whitfield today is a complete orphan. Eighteen days ago the six-month-old girl was found crying in a perambulator in the hallway of a downtown hotel. Police found her mother, Jeanie, and her four-year-old brother, James Michael, dead in a gas-filled room. Tragedy came again last night. Iter father, Leslie Whitfield, tow boat man, was found dead in a gas-filled room. He left a note signed "Les." saying: "Don't forget, I'm going to Jeanie. I'm still sane." ' ; ' . ASI lORL IN I IARBOR . VANCOUVER A 7,000-ton Swedish motorship, Paraguay, went ashore early today in deiio fog in Vancouver harbor'but was later released, little, it any, damaged. The thermometer went down to 20 the lowest temperature here above zero here today, so far this winter. SENTENCED TO HANG mnMTiMi'Af n(iii4.l;is Pcrreault was convict- W!;aii Mi VIHtIM! d-itt rrn are niovliij! north Pacific again, which permits all votes on the ballot to be counted at the same time, was credited by City Clerk H. D. Thvln as being respdn-slble for the speedy count. Use of the old type of ballot would have made it impossible to complete the count bei'ore midnight, Mr. Thain said. ILLEGAL FISHING Fine of $300 was Imposed by Magistrate W D. Vance in city police court this week In the case - milder weather to the :.- TODAY'S STOCKS : : (First Named Elected) Aid. George B. Casey, 594. Aid. Robert McKay, 428. . Henry N. Powell, 209. SCHOOL BOARD (First Three Elected) Dr. R. G. Large, 821. Mrs. E. W. Becker, 787. A. Bruce Brown, 718. Mrs. J. S. Black, 471. Peter P. Forman, 399. Hugh A. MacDonald. 321. PLEBISCITES Charlottes and North of the local fishing vessel Stra-fen, owned by Peter Anderson, which wa3 convicted of fishing hllbut illegally in Area 2. The Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. t td. 'Kkv but also conslder- and rain. Over the "T f the province the; charge was laid under International Fisheries regulations with 'iH ii'iiiuiti cloudy and ,;iy. iiiui;ei'a;,ing tumor-. "' Hurries (ire expect- LOCAL TIDES Saturday, December 18, 1948 High 2:54 19.3 feet 14:25 22.1 feet Low 8:26 8.2 feet 21:10 1.8 feet evidence by American author f avoring Chloramination, 894; ties. Rod MacLeod acted as n"st M'ctlnns liiiiiiiiTow. counsel for the prosecution and . Against, 345 l'nrt'east 1 niarloUes and North Bruce Brown for defendant. Favoring Telephone Rehablli- It(Tinii,,ent mixed wiow "11 lodnv tmrt ( .v.... .........v,- "b seatiiCred showers Wind Miutherly, 20 f "- ".." -..... ,,-.-:,:.- --.,---,:-" " . -: ,wlfcW:,"-' ? J "'t:y and fonittlit. West, t'riorrow. Milder to-i,oui,;,t, nn, hU-hr. Port Hardy 30 and ;il'tt 34 and -in, Prince W and 37. Vancouver Seattle. . . .. .55 Bayoune - 05"4 Beveourt ' ..." , .25 . Bralorne 7.50 Bobjo ..,..k.,. ; .13 B.R. Con 03'i Buffalo Canadian .17 B. R.X. 08 Vi Consol. Smelters .121.75 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Conweat :..:..::...... J 1.30 Congress 03?i , Donalda :.:.:.:::.:.l..:.:.-:.. '.62 Hedley Mascot 40 ' Eldona 72 raciflc Eastern - 04 East Sullivan. - .. 3.00 Tend Oreille 5.65 ', Otant Yeliowknlfe ...... 4.70 Pioneer :. 3.15 Ood's Lake .38 Premier Border '.. , .02i , Hardrock . -20 Privateer , 15 ... ttarrlcana ;.-.........'. .08 Reeves McDonald 2.80 lleva -::.':.., .'. .VM Bheep Creek 1.03 Hosco t .18 tlilbak Premier .36 Jaeknife MVz Taku River -28 ' Jollet Quebec .42 Vananda .41 take Rowan .06 Kalniou Gold .10 Lapaska ; ..... .08 Kpud Valley .05 , Llttle Long Lac ; .80 Oils Lynx .nVt Anglo Canadian ............ 4.00 Madsen Red Lake 2.42 A.P. Con. .21 McKeilzie' Red Lake .... .32 C. & E 6 00 ; , McLeod Cockshutt .94 Central Leduc 1.45 " Moneta , .40 Home 12.50 . Negus , 2.22 Mercury 20 Noranda 84.50 Okalta 150 Louvicourt .37 Pacific Pete 2.60 Pickle Crow ...1...... 2.11 Princess .33 ' Regcourt .054 Royal Canadian 10 San Antonio 3.80 South Brazeau '- .20 . . ; Senator Rouyn ..... .... .42 Atlantic .85 Sherrltv Gordon ....... 199 Toronto . 31 ; Steep Rock 1.70 Athona ". '"AZ".'': : Sturgeon "River ...... .12!4 I Aumaque .16 -Silver Miller .35 !' $1000 IN ed last night of murder in the slaying of Constable Emile Duranleau in a bank ho d-..p las Se, teniber were lu led. He si 1 hang in which two policemen March 2b. Two weeks ago Noel Cloutiei, 1, had n convicted of a second shooting and sentence, to hnng March 11. Donald Perratilt no nhlumoL Douglas, is the last of the trio yet to ace trial, probably at the spring session of the court. BRITISH FIRED ON P.ElvLIN A British Army spokesman said to-,1-iv soldier had been fired on by UriUsh 1 nt a ton rvmlvd badly injured al- S st 1 alive after at first reported as having I XiMl The tidier and eight co.nrs were fired S oVl upon 'ione when Wednesday they accidently night while crossed hunting into rabbits' Kus The eight other men were captuml by sian troops and are still being held. CHIANG WITHDRAWING , of Chiang lieadMuarters NANKING Supreme Kai-Shek's East China 'kn AI"il:JUlDE .'"""st taxi .driver last saved a visiUiiR couple anxiety In addition to '"'s l's. Henry Knutseu bis fares to a rcsl-011 'Si'Vent.U Avenue ." Aru'l' Hie trio he found !"6 s,'''t of t.hf ear :i iiorNi" aiillL' n 1,,,,.. ( 1, ., ' Much In Mw.i ,.i.n. lle wallet was .Imine- ' ret u r n o ri 4i 41 o WITH FRONT LINES OF NATIONALIST FIGHTING NEAR SUCHOW-Chluese Communist soldiers captured on the Suchow front are shown with their captured weapons. Red troops have since occupied Suchow. Three government army groups had been evacuating the city and the Communists entered without having to fight. Meanwhile heavy fighting Is reported between Nationalists and Communists along the Huai river, 140 miles from Nanking The Canadian embassy in Nanking is headed by Ambassador T. C. Davis. rfS, Mr r,,, . i.. withdrawhiT from tnreaieneu hX""-.t't 011 Of Hart.lpir.in.,, -jiug a visit, to. the. city. ; ft,mi.Min sncieni i eiping. conunuing w s are