prlnre Huprrt Dailp J3tto Friday, December 17, 1948 ) j r rnn.Kadio UiaLv f I I A 1240 RUocVoi usubject to Change) BURNS CLUB ORGANIZED Ccttcr English By D. C. WILLIAMS I First United Church on Wed ;,: , - I J. A. Frew is Elected frrside nt To Honor Immortal Hard nesday night. It was a Whit? Gift service in which each child brought a Rift in while of food or clothing to be .sent ovcrsi ;:s or to needy or Isolated families along the coast. 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "No less than ten people applied." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "lapis lazuli?" 3. Winch one of these words is misspelled? Ransom, ration- XMAS GIVING IS EMPHASIZED While Gift Service at First United Chirrrli Tlif idea or Christmas giving rather than receiving was practically exemplified at the annual Sunday School concert of Angela LANSBURY cilie, rathskcllar. 4. What does the The concei t progium, atlcnd-ed by some tw( hundred pei-sons, consisted ol carols and songs by beginners' and prim word FK11MT PM-4 (Hi-Ecl MeCuraj smgs 4:15 -Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Story Teller 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 String Styllngs 5:30 Wraltz Time 5:45About Town 6:00-Musical Varieties 6:30 Malktn's Melody Money Time 6 ;4; Plantation House Party 7:00 -CBC News 7:15-CBC News Roundup 7;30Fcidler Conducts The memory of Scotland's famed bard. Robert Durns, will take on an added glow in Prince Rupert following the forma tion here last night of a Burns Club, the first to be organized in the city. - The club will honor Burns' memory with a banquet in lull traditional manner on the anniversary of his birth on January 25. The meeting, attended by 15 meretricious" mean? 5. What is a word beginning ary departments of the Sunday j mm 1 m&im. School led by Mrs. E. D. For- vo u-.-.rrl :.nd Mrs C J. O Olsen 'a outcry?" I" " with JANET LEIGH DAME MAY WHITTY BINNIE BARNES Answers 1. Say, "No fewer than ten people applied." 2. Pronounce lap-is laz-u-li, both c's as in 3 respectively. Rev. R. A. Wilson.,1 the pastor, presided and M in y I Pluym acted as pianist.. ! Santa Clans appeared during: the evening. j men of varying degrees of broad speech, was hrlu in the Civic acid, first i as in it, u as in unit second as in ice. accent both'l cmre wncre onicers ana corn- I N, 7Wp " ,!TO0N I first syllable 3 """ces were cicceu aua initial w onls on 1 plans laid for the Burns night A MU itllt fMIAlll 8:00 Your Favorite Band 8:30 -Citizens' Forum 9:15 Emma Caslor 9:30 Prairie Schooner 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC News 10:15-Bill Clifford's Orch. j Rathskeller. Alluring by banquet. false show. "People are often de-' ceived by meretricious displays." me wrucr w.m vinclie- mate vindication In th, Iveness nnrl .,n.rn: on.- Krnnu .. "' I STRONG CAST IN ... PART OF SPECTRUM The white light rays of the sun are composed of many colored light rays and also contain ultra-violet rays. HxxxxxxtixxxTSX'sxt-ix-z !,. .. . U,IB, tnc W( oman he loves brui-, You saw it n- Hie Many News: narrative to a el,-i him to trial in a powerful courtroom scene. His refusal to take the easy way out and his ultl- ' a toy Orficers ate: President. J. A r rcv. Vice-President, Robert Cameron. Secretary, J. . Irvine. Treasurer, Alex Haig. Entertainment Committee climax 10:30 Bilt more Hotel Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. SATURUAT A.M. 7:00-Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News B:15P;ck of the Hits 8:30 Mornin Devotloni 8:43 Little Concert A y y y y 3 i James Nicoll, Graham Akxand- cr, Doug McGillivray. f y y y v y y y v y y y v y y y y y Membership Committee Capt. J. R. Elfert, William Rcid, William Barton. Membership committee plans to get in touch with prospective members prior to January 14 when a meeting' will be held to finalize banquet plans. Just in case there is a run on the market next January, the club has already placed an or 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band fUand 10:15 World Church News , Toronto 1Q30--Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC Nens and Coinnirntay 10:55 Weather Report I OA5TERS AUTOMATIC IRONS BOUDOIR LAMP SETS RADIOS COLUMBIA RECORDS ELECTRIC RAZORS y DRESSES By PEOPLES STORE Holiday Time means Dress Up Time for ladies. You'll find our selection choosy but not expensive. der for 25 pounds of haggis. IVrfuiiM s, t uloKiies, Iialh Salts and Gift Sets hy . . . Varilley, Itiiheiistein and l)u Harry Gift .Sets by , . . Seafwrth, Yanllcy and Williams Kitiisun F.ishlcrs Pen Sets liill Folds For HER For HIM i 11:00 Musical Procxam mainstay of Burns night fare A suggestion that the ireet- U:30 Weather Forecast LIKE MOVING DRAMA "If Winter tomes," Tells Story of Couple Made Victim of Gossip With Walter Pldgeon, Deborah Kerr and Angela Lansbury In its pivotal roles, filml.alion of A. S. M. Hutchinson's novel of bigotry and Injustice. "If Winter Comes," is the week-end attraction at the Capitol Theatre here. -Laid In a small English village at the outbreak or World War II, the story tells of a liberal minded te.Ubook writer and a lovely girl, each of whom has made an unhappy marriage he to a narrow-minded and unimaginative woman, the "irl to ai gambling playboy. - The girl is resolved to leav her husband but honor and compassion prevent her from doing so when the war send.? him away with his regiment The writer, in the meantime, ha become the target of scurrilous attack due to his having befriended the daughter of a fellow employee who has been thrown out of her home of an alleged misconduct. When the girl, waltin" in vain to hem from the soldier who has gotten her into tituble. learns trie writer is being sued for divorce, her feeling of guilt l.i so Rreat that she commits .suicide. It is now that the whole town turns ing also take steps to revive' 11:31 Message Period the defunct St. Andrew's Society j U :33 Recorded Interlude THE WAV YOU TO LOOK l ! y ! m L U agreed that they would take 11 :4j Personal Album LIMITED NUMBER OF GENUINE LIONKIi KLKCTKIC TKAIXS sympathetic action if such a move were begun. RUPERT McCUTCHEON PHARMACY PEOPLES STORE "j'5 i.ninio - AT TIiJ1L AVE. and SIXTH ST. a y PHONE 79 PM. 12:00-rMid-day Melodies 12:15 Recorded Interlude 12:25 Preigram Resume 12:30 Sat. Afternoon Record Taradc . ! ' 2:00-Ma'.lcal Program 2:45 Tills Week 3:00 Piano Classics . Classified advertising alwajc brings results. tX'SXXXX'tXXf ctttx-zx XX RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC xxxxxxxxx.'rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxitt tufted the best Announcement . . . uuAi uwBiia are inviieu to visit our sIio-aiu' to SEARCH FOR OIL SYDNEY, Australia tf The Shell Co. intends to spend 750,-ooo ($3,000,000) in the next two years searching for oil in Queensland. The company has spent 1250,000 since 1940. Adv?rtise in tn Dally News! the SIMPLEX Gus and CUMMINS Diesel Engines im u for host and guest display. We maintain a parU and first class repair service and a -6 LI dot "t bat HIT Le i 1 -Tr . ii - J -'"V ( m IP' m u m -fc-, m "Vi i m : tn T' 6i - m 1 Slaatff :.' 4 MORf day ; son, i w 4 2:Ct 5 a Inti w tak; mei ,1 .j f FO J , ! hou J FOR . - Cat Phc 4 I for : Fi ,r hOl A ' to vie-. F , For? auj , FOR, Ne- Mb FOR va1) ! Pa FOR 1 he ; 821 4 , FO! ca dlt soi FO. , FI fli CO Sr " FOB J la: jer , R ft FO! vi 31 -P- . , FOI , a 0 1. FOI ti o it P " t: D a FO I f t FC 1 1 a . I I i i FC I vMial. u m itkc hii in.iKes aim types in internal wn busllon engine.. t At litis musoii, lime Jioi toured custom it is to civ to Iispense eheer, to play host, to etrrnpllirn the Londs of friendship .. . all symbols Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections If you are contemplating the purchase of a new motor !) sure to sec the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMINS Diesel line T large range of and types to choose from. Economic, to buy, dependanblc to operate. Bytovn Machine Works (W. J. UK IIAItnS) of old fashioned hospitality in our good eounlrj. In this hospitality, Prineeton, as for tlie past generation, is rated th If you have 0c uac of a post office box It's not a complicated process lo keep It empty, there- miispensable complement to the festive hoard ith host and guest, travel not to be rccontniended hv Canada, particularly during winter. I by relieving the pressure on ex alike, lo most folks, her tra busy clerks and, finding out at once whether or not there's a cheque or a lawyer's letter in the mail, for you. ahouts, it is the beer for Your Xmas (Bift STORE For llic Ladies Giv Practical Gifts Tliat Please which there in nn y V V y V V V V y r acceptable substitute. 'MS. W X.'W -MA. 1 LOVELY LINGERIE GREEK & BlUDDEN CONTRACTORS ; and BUILDERS Delightful three-piece ensembles. Truly a wuinlerliil gi for her. ' One of the melancholy things' of life is to have someone nod and call you by name and re- turn the salute without being j quite sure of the other's name. It is also deuced embarrassing! lo suddenly forget when in thej middle of an introduction. Yetj these unhappy incidents wlllj occur despite perdation and i ' rrp.Oints BLOUSES They are dreams Embroidered. haiid-D.iiiiteil and bear ed. All sizes and colors hiclinllim black and while. The lar? f CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS est stock of blouses in the city. HOSIERY Bhcer Nylon pencil seams, so practical a gitt. MEN SHOlTEIta WKLCOMR-EVEKY COUK'l'ESV EXTENDED Xmas Oilt Boxes free Annette Mansell If oleomargarine is gouig to sell at somewhere around 35 cents and butter is something else again, the man with a big family and small salary Is not going to ponder any advice he may reeeive concerning marketing except in one direction. Floor Sanding A Specially RLD 5U1 525 3rd Ave. W. IMiune 1 P.O. BOX 21 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtttxxxttt Unemployed, hearing of British Columbia's mild weahtcr and encouraging industrial outlook, are reported' doing their utmo&t to reach the coast. They hike and ride the rods a form of fC Santa Claus in Person AT t T'' ': LAND RBtfc3TRY ACT lie: Ortiricale of Title No. 2731-1 to ltl Oue Tlimutanl TUree Huu'Jretl aud Three (1303), nun rive ll I, :oit.t District. WHKHEA3 bHtLUctor? proof of hwa of the above Certificate of Title Uiiiied In the name of Anthony Trrcfcc-henko has been filed In this office, notice la hereby given that I shull. at the expiration of one month from the date of the firt,t publication hereof, tsun a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of hhI1 lost Certificate, unlesu In the ineautlme valid objection be made to me in writing- DATED at the Laud IlegiHlry Office, Trliice ilupcrt, B c. this Hth dav of fJecembcr. Ifl4 A D ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (18) Gordon & flcM5et'sons fiiia auvciiiaeir nr,i r,,,k. ,rk.i .j:.. I .1 , kw t-u ur uiipnyea oy tlie Liquor Control fWd or by the Government of British Col Admission insmeiKPrj Centre 75c