DIRECTOR TH ISLAND THAT 5 Prfttce Uttpcrt Daflp rJctos Friday, December 17, 19-18 : 'r- -' F f1' - tr r- ENGAGEMENT OF TERRACE GIRL TERRACE An engagement Party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Crego on Monday eveniriR for their daughter, Elsie, Whose emrauniiit in BEING NAMED Terrace Civic Centre Association Hum Lively Kens I oh son. i , , From Sandspit S. N.' LiJcki I.TD. . , i oood Place to Buy" A. Hendry, Mr. Walsh, Mf. Owe L. YoUng, L. Priest. At. . Donald Hull was formally an-' TERRACE feB"' AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver O. Jakanovlch, Miss E. Ball, Miss A. Fether-stone, M. Gall, E. R. Carswell, W. L. Robertson, C. C. White-man, E. Sweeny, Miss 3. Urqu-hart, C. D. Lambly. To Sandsplt Mis R. Coltin-son, Misa D. Jones, Mr. and lvlr's". meeting of the Terrace and Dls-: noun('ed- There were games and LT AHBIVKrv-McBrine t g XmasGifti ROY CLIFFORD TELLS OF TRIP Terraee Wolf Cubs Have Father and Son Banquet TERRACE The Terrace Cuba under the leadership of John Haaland, held their flfst "Father atld fiott Banquet" on Monday in tle Oddfellows' Hall. There" were ovef 100 present and a splendid dinner was served by" the ladles with Mrs. J. Mc-Leod as cohvenef. Special guest of honor was Roy Clifford, who spoke of his recent investiture at Ottawa and held the Interest of those gathered there. John Haaland, chairman, welcomed everyone in the name of the Cubs and Constable Thomas met civic Centre Association Z, PP a Dy Rev" SchJn" crti Monday night in the civic IT Cre?0 and rie8 Sie" Centre clubroom the main bust- "i Vos present ere Rev-new of the meeting was to t Schindell, . Mr. and ehoose from nmnni fv, j. , Mrs- Siebln, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Gladstone S Rageae. 1 en applicants a surrem- tn if r-0ld Best' Shirley and Clifford ! T. E. Holly, G. Greeh, Mrs. M.i Green. I From Vancouver W. H. Suth- erland, R. G. Van cier Sluys and ; Lei Guard -1 I Yoxall who Is leaving at the1, ' ry Llttle' raham end of the year. The choice nar-, f ks' Clara Warner' Ann rowed down to six and a ballot r ami the Creg0 family" Uhing new m u1Sn L covering. See these. MEN'S AND funs' CLOTHES AND SHOES AT GREAT SAVING PRICES MEN S DRESS SHIRTS $2.35 to $4.00 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $4.75 to $5.75. MEN'S SILK TIE.V 50c to $1.95 - MEN'S SCARVES argP assortment of Floor was taken of these. It was decided to contact Ernest Lee, provincial recreational super- TERRACE VILLAGE latest design, n npS, ndid rhoice of Lamp jdes. . Stephen Hewlett announced have a few Cellarettes Mlnut arriving. LUMBER SCOW ARRIVES HERE The Ketchikan tug Timber-man, Capt. Clarence Purdy, docked here at 8 o'clock this momintt towing a scow containing five carloads of lumber, consigned by Ketchikan Spruce Mills to the American market. The load is the second to be brought here this fall from Ketchikan. It will be shipped by rail to the east. Paisley's, etc. -$1.50 MEN'S SQX for Dress 45! to $1.25 MEN'S DRESS GLOVES' $2,45 to $4.00 MEN'S HANKERCHIEFS 20c to 50c and ,yCieSi Wagons ,,1 Cars. the intention of the Symphony TERRACE The Village Corn-Orchestra to becoming an ac- mixsioners met lust week in the tivity of the Civic Centre Asso- j municipal office. Uatloh on the same basis as tho The Women's Institute are to Drama Group. I be allowed to leave their be- Further details were planned longings in the building neat for the New Year's Eve cab- the Civic Centre until next aret, the floor show to be un- spi'iiw when they may resume I . .1 jf 7) - ''" (tol Smln, Ime. if :argc slock of Furnish- a MEN'S BELTS and BRACES Yes, tms is the residence of T. J. Flynn, attorney at litw , - proceed with the questioning." 95c to $1.75 MEN'S WORSTED StTTS 5 Slid D' Uimis. t are here to serve you Perfect Fit and Good Make ii '"- "-uuciomjj ui oieve HOW- " c 1 utwviues mere ana WurDDlKlr I?! PE'T lett. villdsa will be held responsible i KKIiNL rLthl Brue welcomed them in the name of the group committee. Father" Racette spoke briefly oh the relationship between father and son and this was followed by a few words by Rev. Mallett. - At the head table were John Haaland, Miss J. Wade, assistant Cub Mistress, Rev. Mallett, Roy Clifford, Rev. Schindell, Constable Brue, Father Racette, Commissioner Haugland, , Sam fcirkaldy, Kteeve Keefer, Mel Peeke" Vout, Alt Yoxall. tfhe ,tables were placed In tiorseshoe fashion and "Wolf ISubs" In red letters were sewn ifjn the' table cloths. ; ;' Assisting Mrs. . McLeod were I Mesdames McGilvery, Mallett, Mrs. Florence Bailey, who will tor f.onds left there. ITH mo YMAQ Prince Ilupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions when the rhigr&tory ' fun develops in these waters,, The last recorded take in Prince ftiipert fisheries district was some 540 ' tons in Rivers Inlet. ' " ' ' ' -V .V- -' tch our Winaow uispiay J " " -u"i'ci,e cnarge or the - - "Ja in xraaes letiei VPP'-r, gave ner pjans for that concerning tne zoning of the mt 775 3rd Avenue 1 evening Selneboats which had Been prospecting for" herring in this area during the last fpw wesfcs and . picking up the odd lots here and there have left during village was tabled until word is recehed from the Victoria office concerning the zoning bylaw. The health unit by-law as re Advertise in the Daily News! TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East- ; ..'', I Monday, Wednesday, . Friday, the past week for Vancouver and drafted was given its first read- I 8:00 p.m. , ; other southern ports for Che FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM $37.50 MEN'S TOPCOATS $22.00 MEN'S PANTS For Dress and Smi-Dress $4.50 to $9.50 MEN'S GABARDINE COATS Tailor-Made. All-Wool . Regular $45 NOW $30.00 i MEN'S HATS New Styles and Shades $3.00 to $6.45 : MEN'S DRESS SHOES Solid Leather, Good Fitting Black and Brown $6.00 to $10.00 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Assorted Shades - $1.45 to $1.75 V BOYS' HELMETS Lined 95C to $1.25 . ing and the former by-law is to be rescinded. Christmas and New Year season Front the East- ' - Schindell, Irving, Clifford. Mar- and will not be returning . until Tuesday, Thursday, Saturci January or later, depending oil 10:45 p.m. Hn, Jones. f In the kitchen were Mrs. Am- dam, Glanzer," Julseth, Melvin, Haaland and Theresa Johnson. At some future date, the flagpole af the TerraPe Hotel is to be moved and placed at the municipal office. George Martin, waterworks contractor,. is going to set up a ui Christmas tree offered by Little, Haaglund and Kerf. The Power Company will supply the energy" for the colored light bulbs and holders. 1 -5f ?. rm mm. m E-asnionedforE-un BOYS' GOLF HOSE Pute Wool 90c to $1.15 r luaif'edi: c per wora per tnaerUon, minimum chmrr. Me. Birth flout: 60c; Card of Thank. Death Notice, Funeral Notice, fcUrrlaap nd Engagement Announcement: . , SiPECIAL DISPLAY. "DOUBLE PRICE .olded Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from ttlephontnf . Our new collection of party-goer gowns are sure popularity BOYS' BELTS and BRACES 50c to 85c - osvtrc Ait lATkrkt trirT WEDDING NOTICE FOR SALE The wedding of George Cloutier Fnp slIPnt !',,. , v n nuK- ti uuu m r v k .i JACKETS Plaids It eleVenBr7clock SatuK ' " condition.""410 6th "Ave. . g ?'e'even "clocr s?Pur? West. Phone Red 402. (298)1 $5.95 J SILK DRESSING GOWNS , ; Shantung. Hand-embroidered' ; Made In China Reg. $22.00-1 NOW 1 morning. iec. io, ai me , . . .. Church of the . Annunciation,. rDR SALE Davenport. Table, lit! 4 chairs, maffazlnp staort tn;? winners. Select yours now for m the gay, social evenings of the Holiday Season. We also have a fine selection of Sequin-Trirhmed DRESSES arid GABARDINE DRESSES. HOT 6 TO SANTA , ; a. HANDBAG ... a BLOUSE . . . match. Steel bed and mat-' CARD OF THANKS tress. All in pood condition.! Phone Green 751. (299) The Trades and Labor Council i;p FOR RENT wishes to tltank those who-. suDnorted them at the polls $8.95 ' ' 5-PIECE LUNCHEON SETS Beautiful Designs . . , Reg. $4.50 NOW , $2.25 yesterday. FOR RENT 2" room apartment furnished.- 221 5th Ave. East (300) LADIES HANDKERCJIIEFS J FUK SALE FOR SALE 36 foot trolling boal Phone Blue 981. . t298 FOR RENT Street level offices z and warehouse. Phone .640 or Embroidered and Lace" Edges; 35c to 95c J BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL (tf) 530 JjADIIir HOSE M 5 Va NIGHTIE . . .. aHOUSECUA'l" g ... PYJAMAS or LINGERIE J make gifts a lady appreciates. ' Do you know that a small de-9 . posit will hoki any merchandise g : you select arid When you pick up" '55r in SI .05 FOR SALE New Hand-made Indian Hues at big reductions. See B.C. FURNITURE CO. ( tf FOR RENT Blnele sleeping room, furnished. 6a0 7th Ave. Kvirnvr. ivnoi. w East. Phone Red 471. (tf) Skeins and Balls. Best Quallt' PRINCE RUPERT TTLK COLLECTOR i a and 4-Plv Riff Varletv i , . , 30c and 4-oz. 60c ' MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING WD MESSENGER A Waterman's pen . . . dim, trim . . . li:lit aft a fcailier, feminine a a kish,! A laih's choice, too, for its variety of luunl- I your, purcnase, isweei oiMtnu V Personalized Budget Plan may I' be' used to pUy ttte balance. No I Interest-No Carrying Charges. t FOR SALE New Cuds and Saucers 4 for $1.75. New kitchen Stoves. Slifihtly Used 3-oiece Chesterfield Suite. Gramophones. Underwood Typewriter in best coridition. Small Tables and sther useful articles at very reasonable prices BC FURNITURE CO.. Phone Black 324. , tf) FOR RENT To quiet couple, 4 . room flat. Apply 215 4th East. . .. , .. ; -.f ; (tf) FOR RENT Single room, board if desired. 812 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 976. : - . (296) : WANTED BOYS' PANTS Tweeds and Worsteds Big Assortment. Prices Beer, Soda. Perfex and Ginger Ale. Bottles PHONE RED 751 i proutxl l-kt.,gol! nilis, $2.75 to $4.75 ! BOYS' SWEATERS All-Woof Assorted Prices , $1.30 to $3.75 plus ( )ne-Sl(ike 1- iller uml exclusive Inquadiict I'Veil. Thrill Iier a WANTED Middle-aged man wants board and room. Write P.O. Box 1825. . ' (297) FOR SALE Electris tiain, excellent condition, $40iO Phone Red 447. - ' (?96) PHONE . BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials Dunlopillo Mattresses iTAL HORK mmmm FOR SALE Modern six , room i pLUMBI Installations and 1h house on waterfront lot at Dodce Cove. Apply P. O. Box Drapes , " Curtains . Repairs.- :BHBBT,mbi ai WORK. Tar arid Gravel Roofing. & .Sons. 629 Sixth West." Phone 543. . (tf) Spreads 7 Cushions, etc. 644, " Prince Rupert, B. C. . 29 ) Second Hand Furniture . The GARLAND, In Blue, Maroon, Jt Block or Gre.$I6 06; let $22 90. Other Waterman's pent from $4.16 up. Frini inchtdm mix MtmulochtrinQ Tan. LOST AI D iOV'ND w Blue 818 - P.O. Box 521 FOR SALE 1932 Buick Special Sedan. Apply 1344 Overlook HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 035 niter 3 D.m. ' 330 Second Avenue . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. " PETER FOUND Gold locket on 3rd Ave. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying " for this advertisement. " ' ' (tf) FOR SALE-1940 Ford DeLuxe 5 pas.senaer Coupe, new rubber. Rood condition. Phone Red 244. (2971 iEORGE L. RORIE ie Accountant, Auditor, etc. me Tax Returns ComplleOi FOR SALE -Pair , of . Baby Doll 7 th Ave. 650 Shoes, size East. PAN GIFT SHOPPE Xmas Cards ." Novelties tut. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS sner Block Phone 387 FOUND Small brown pup near King George Hotel. Owner In-aulre at Daily News for Information and to pay ,fof this ad. , , (tf) FOR SALE-1928 Model A parts. Phone Red 890. (295) PAPER HANGINO AND DUKS METAL WORK FOR SALE 4 room house, 1381 Overlook Street. Excellent condition. Priced for quick sale. WOOD FINISHING Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners Tlnnsphnldnrs ' Install, a steel st Shades, Styles and Colors . Xntas Gifts jKy' Lending Library Phyllis Pullen I ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit Terms available. . ui FOR-SALE Mantel Radio $30. Console Radio $15. Electric Washer $45. Phone Red 660. (298) J. P. MOLLER - Phone BLUE 155 PHONES 229 Third Avenue West HOME-MADE CANDY i XMAS GIFT BOXES W Order Now Blue 3S9 Black 687 Red 894 evenings DR. P. J. CHENEY P.O. Box 1670 Stand under your on arum, anrf eliminate that fire haz-1 ard. Call THOM . SHEET j METAL LTD.. Black .884, 253: East First Avenue, : ;. (tf ) , MACHINERY FOK SALE . TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and uo-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. ' . (tf) WANTED Car iaueries. car radiators, brass and eooner: payina eood prices. See ac. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. DENTIST WITE 5, SMITH BLOCK WANTED Junk scrap iron and n' 7G5 . P.O. Box 1401 scrap steel, rraone ou. "" REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED HELP WANTED MUKh bh.AU 1 Ir UL. 1 MAIN . ; EVER AT BULGER'S . . . I i Just received, a large shipment of Costume &at.prices ...1.00 TO 6100 Earrings, Pearls, Necklets, Pins, etc.. , 1 A wonderful assortment of Diamond Rings . ?Zd.., 25.00 TO 450.00 PIANO TECHNICIAN FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed n'ng, Voicing and Repairs HELP WAMTLD Clerk for office, corrme'.ent tq keep books and records and be able to handle typewriter and do aen-israi stenojraphv. Please write statine q lalif ications; evperi-ence arid lalary expected. Box 422. DttH? News. ' , . A GOOD GUESS In 1550 a book was published by a Portuguese navigator, Antonio Galvao; demonstrating a canal could be cut at PariUma R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East 9 Wells Cartage Ltd. xzr ... 34.50: UP Bulova, Waltham, Gruen and Elgin .Wrist. Khes. 29.15 TO 65.03 p Commcdore Cafe Complete Moving Service QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. ating Packing Cartage1 t'E 780 BLUE 980 -a M ( . FOR YOUR ; VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, U p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMrSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOl'TII Ql'F.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKlNNHt Ruoert Aaent Prince 588 Pb"ne Third Ave. A metal moulding for home-craft use. Simple to cut and easy to fnstal. Supplied in eight Practical shapes to suit every home need. No special tools required. THOrtPSOM HARDWARE CO. LTD. Drop In and browse around. You'll find many in teresting and practical solutions to your gift prob lems in our varied stock. i m . U TlFI.IVER m COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever-Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Mt Bride fit. X Phone 311 f