Prince Rupert Dad? JUttos Lto. Monday, May 17, 1948 AIR PASSENGERS Outbound I j Vancm,.. 3500 Mend Rotary Meet BIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil ventlon are Dr. Oswaldo Aia:-(Special! With an attendance' ha, former Foreign Minister of f i,nn i znn .,.i I Brazil who recently "Was Presl- F. Newell. A. W a,m,.,' ' CAHADAlS ' FOR OPEN AIR Rut It Should Be Governed By International Convention MONTREAL "Canada Js still Oowan, G. Beswick, Mr. stew art. d",ly '''"PaP" devoted to the upbuilding of Prince fcupert ,,LcoIn'!5unltlf s 'omprlMng northern and central British Columbia (Authorized aa Second C ias Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by e Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, pilnce Rupert. British Columbia Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION From Vancouver -Mr. and Ul IIIUIL lltMII SblkUl .llllfl UIM1 . , I dent of the General Assembly ' members of their families from, . ..... ,. ,,. of the United Nations: The " iwuu, mr, anr w r ehun, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gomez, SUBSCRIPTION RATES . City Carrier, per wee. 15e; Per Month. 8Sc; l"er Year, 7.00 By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4.O0. for he open air," said H. J. Symington, C.M.G., K.C., director of TransCanada Airlines and former president, addressing 150 members of the Aviation Writers' ! Seattle , . M Europe, Asia, Africa, the Island?! of the Pacific, and North, South and Central America, the 39th annual convntioiv of Rotary International will convene here Sunday. Two chartered steamships and BIG BUSINESS Every day and night in Canada 50 railroad cars are loaded with pulpwood, pulp "and paper. MEItfllANTSTnTyIT'know that the Daily New., i i... .. Association who spent Sunday in Montreal at the close of their Honorable Lewis R. MacOregor, Australian Minister to Brazil; and. General Angelo Mrndes tie Morals, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro. Principal convention addresses also will be delivered by Ro-tarians from Australia, Brazil, England, Norway, Peru, Portugal and the U.S.A. Included in the colorful entertainment program which the Brazilians have arranged for their Rotary guests are a spectacular water carnival In the i. ".""NfinJ many special airplane flights four-day convention In New York. ' But," he emnhnxizeil "!L brought 1,500 convention attendees to Rio from the U.S.A. In effective medium of advertising must be in the form of a nroner international convention where rune nuneri: No one misses your messav if nv every country gives up the same what was perhaps the greatest j mass civilian movement ever i made from North America to ! Brazil I, HfaUh authoritie, rights it receives and where th( vrrlised In the News. It's I he really efficient way of pulling it 'over. lfu. ( "me and . Powder i restraining miluence of con 'beautiful Rio Harbor, and a 'Miration Of IrJ AWARDED AIH TROPHY Captain B. A. Rawson, director of flight development for Trans-Canada Air Lines, Winnipeg, has been awarded the MeKee Trophy for outstanding contribution to Canadian tinued meetings to m this and Keynote ol this Hve-day that privilege would cease to ex-! gathering of business and pro-ist. It must be a convention j fessional executives representing where all who want to fly across , 6.500 Rotary Clubs in 80 coun-otir countries may do so unri!iH.w ic ih i.,. , .,, Brazilian "Festn," featuring music, duncing and pageantry typical of the country. President Guernsey announced today that 'during . the first the Rotary organization and Its 'I n i 'I i i 'j Hope Transforms World A GREAT ACT of fait.h in mankind has thrown rays of hope against the darkest cloud of history. Once again the lives of men of goodwill throughout the earth are being transformed by the hope that the great moral forces will overcome the threatening evil and build a firm peace. One of the greatest military leaders has conceived and put in motion a plan for peace which gives expression to the moral force surging up within those who are spending themselves to dyke the tide of evil. The greatest investment in the well being of man ever made in human history may save the measure of civilization men have achieved; but should it fail to preserve the superstructure of the free world, it Will remain as a firm foundation upon which men who will win freedom again can build a stronger society and a firmer 'peace. Those who believe that the supreme value is human personality and who have faith in the power of the spiritual forces to generate goodwill and overcome evil, should not fail now to uphold the grearhumanlta-rian endeavors of the free world with both their spiritual and their 'material program of service by the In elcvn months of this Rrthiv points In dispute be left to an international body nnrl nol lo any one country." Recalling the first civil aviation conference in Chicago foil.-years ago, Mr. Symington said that Canada went to It In the dividual Rotarian U his local fiscal year, 273 new Rotary Clubs community, his nation, and to had been organized in 34 coun-the family of nations. : tries, bringing the membership Presiding over the convention f l'" world-wifle ""vice or-Ls the President of Rotary In- "'" 10 "-' 'W(h ternatlonal, S. b,,st,,es-s an Vrtea Kendrick 'Ouern- , , sey of Jacksonville. Florida J ,"ei,"VM h" are mem-U.S.A.. who has reeenii, J.' i of 650 Rtary'CI.w In mi belief that air transportation aviation in 1!M7 it was announced by the Minister of National Defence this week. In recent years he has acted as adviser to the Canadian government on matters relating to the International Civil Aviation Organization. The " award named his technical work on air navigation facilities, his International duties and his ability to co-ordinate the work of U.S. nd Canadian federal and state aviation bodies in qualifying for the annually awarded trophy, most coveted aeronautical emblem in the Dominion. countries. tk n AVtAnHnrl f ki n Hi.. i. would change the face of the world and brought with It the first mul material agreement which was. the basic document at the conference, mit tf which grew two great progressive organizations. I.C A.O. und LAT A. "If the Canadian agreement had been accepted," he said, "it would have changed things even more and it would have been an v,vi ,.uv,v linn ui ntmiry iiudS in Australia.' New Zealand China L . uprnsoy also announced that, and Great Britain Rotary International will shortly j complete iu campaign to raise The Rotary convention pro-;a fund of $2 million for its Ro-gram Includes addresses and tarv Fotitidatiun. whfch has as discussion forums keyed to the lts immediate objective the pro-current International situation, i motion of one of the principal the enactment of legislation and programs of Rotary Clubs in S1 hours roSANIISIMT l HOI K 10 MIMTf example to all other conferences WINNER OF J.C. me eiecuon or international of- miougnout the world the art- which have followed and run fleers. vancement of international understanding, good will and ut.ic BULLETIN PRIZE into Similar difficulties. Today we are farther away from such to TOUT IIAICDVTJ HflUltS S0 Among the outstanding scheduled to address the con- an agreement than we were in Chicago." HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASm.RY Margaret Brain, 17-year-old Grade Eleven student at Booth Memorial High Scnool, will DAILY KXC.F.n SIMMY TransCanada Air Lines' As was to be expected in a North i Stars. period when the world I - - v'lL HUIIU was VVtAO How can I remove oil nmi ...uuij i'v.ut l JVTVV.1 HIIOU watch whidh she won this week- : ushering in the new kingdom of 'G. R. McGregor, president oflKreuse stains from lenthro T.C.A., who was chairman, paid; A By dabbing the spots with ena tor ner prize-winning de- me air, "we are going through sign for a cover for Prince Ru- I troublous times," he went on, a tribute to the nvhilinn liivliiff Prince Hnprrt 11:50 a.m. Standard Time far UifarmnUm n.( rturrthont, , n ........ . . , . . pert Chamber of Commerce' , but, "in spite of our difficulties. when he said: "No matter how spirits of sal ammoniac. Allow this to remain on for a short time, then wash with clean water. Repeat the nrree if monthly bulletin "Jay See-Saw. I am sure that the accomplish-! well we may organize, no matter menu of the future will be be-1 how well we fly, It is only Margaret's well-conceived de sign, Illustrating the steamer necessary, hut he mr.f.ii nt yond the visions of the most through the pens and typewriter of your members that, iwimio rtin Wniure ihn r.,iir r.f Prince Rupert in the city harbor, bordered by two totem I'SK AIRMAIL HEraHHtj visionary of us." Canada's attitude and out riiiiw ui wnat is Doing done No u w wen to experiment rtn an poles, with a leaping salmon at 'RECOGNIZING 'COMMUNISTS !T IS WEJjL 'thtit 'the government should take I steps ;to exclude cdrrimunist agitators from 'Canada; but the difficulty will be to recognize -a communist when lWe see one. If we accept the official definition -of Communism and -exclude only those who advocate overthrowing the government by force, we 'Will ndt-exclude very many, nor will they be the most dangerous ones.' The real menace of communism is not the method by which it'hOpes to attain power but the use it will make of power when attained. Communism has more than one string to it bow. It does not depend on 'force as the only means of obtaining power. It Hid not Use force to' get control of Czechoslovakia; it used the political knowhow, a much more subtle weapon. Its ability to deceive people into believing that it is their trustworthy friend and protector, while all others are traitors to the common good, is responsible for whatever, strength it has in 'Canada 'today. The only defence we liave against such tactics is the common sense which will enable our citizens to distinguish between genuine and spurious -reforms, -and the independent spirit which will not submit to arbitrary means no matter who enacts them. oociy or men and women en- look, he was sure, was an lnter- the bottom, won first prize in competition wiht five other en-'" ZnTZ telter an havhe avi -tries in contest beaun three 1 glve more lnan we wUI re" a ii,.n ..rU . .., . weeks ago. !eelve 10 a pwper air world.! "'" ",ru "('w unseen portion first. Q Whut is a pood tonic' To.-ferns? A. Use the leftover coffee. Pour a little fresh water through the grounds to weaken the coffee slightly, then pour aroun-.l the ferns. I this about once a week. Slie was surprised and pleased "Competition is going ' Vp be j Other speakers at the luncheon this mottling when she learned very, keen and we hope for alwere'R. A 'C Henry chairman that her drawing had won first convention to stop international I of ih Ait- t..J n.- place and that she would re- blckcrines which ihe urnri.i fun ir. . ' . ceive the wrist watch posted bv ill afford." lini, , ,w ., Q. How can I clean a rubber ai Manson, Junior Chamber vice Mr. Symington spoke at a .Air Force; H. O. West, president:' article? '""""-on sneered me visiting; of Canada Air Limited, spokes- A. Use a solution ,. of house-I i ,, .. . 110 ,M can hardly believe It," she aviation -writers in the WinriVr ,, .1. ... .. gabardi said. "I hadn't anv idea thL nu, fn ' .! . ' .. .. . ... . . 4","uum" nlrcn,u -" warm water. my entry would win " ! Z ' 17. ""raf l J""""' ad 1 nis wl" rub- Marciret who lives y 1 w" K uullocfl- Pro-Mayor, who wr. but. will keep It soft and ',, VariWIS tyPS Uf 'airrari mn "tended the welcome of the pliable. city Ninth Ninth Avenue a w k West, has been a marten im.r r ih. .it Th..r'i,..,., . . qadab Ob student at Booth High School new to 0 .nd wer QZ d the thank's ofThc r You saw 11 In the News! erits, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie "A. 1 Vancouver Hears Rupert Pioneer LETTERBOX Brain, Trom Vanderhoof. Previously, she had gone to school Jr-H vv 1 p ..Ho he phi Tliis Wfl!-t;iiri'(l (Imvn-Uit'-front I'qtiall.V lit liome Dr :it (lie country tii ifly ti!n '! wca'r-iiliillty. In bcift'P or paste! louon g mm MINK 'TtANCH NOT OPEN Zl Z . . , ta t'acher ls John t Editor, Daily News: "?r a0rt IlPnry n ' ' ' h To correct a wrong Impression l'1 Sta"; , Mare that f h that has e always arisen from an article published in your Issue of Fr i,af te" 'nte,restetd drawi at she plans to be a 8teno-Permitted day, absolutely no visitors are on minlfranches dur- Zl 2 ( ol. Leroy Grant Speaks Before Southern Hoard of Trade One of Prince Rupert's first townslte engineers back In the days of 1907 and 1908, now professor of engineering at Queen's Universitv at irinn.fn l 11 W - m. l V IB B i ing mating seasonthat is, in flUY WITH C0NFI51 .having served in both world this locality, from May to 'July 1. fn t n ? ,1', bUt ars was a speaker -at -Stanley You article on "Open -Week" i" fr J n v' Park, Vancouver, last Friday at 'm'the local industries published T., -t!, o o a joint luncheon of the enain- the name of "Mattson's Mink . Ja See;Saw .c"r des- Bl - J3LA1N your last-minute studying eering bureau of the Vancouver Farm." As there is nff establish- WJS lven P'aee by the Hoard of Trade and the Assnei. ment in the citv fcv 'that nim. Jud?es becausc U conveyed the , mi nit evening not me miiune. of the night. And plan to have the a w ik irTTr 1 for ation of Professional Engineers t is breamed it is meant "Star ZT ' . . . wide-awake energy you need exams by having -rmnt n- t IM Mink nk Ranh" Ranch" -which t I finest 7 ' uu.iujr uou tourist of British roliimhln The article indicated that per- """" T,' ,. '523'TiriKf) AVENUE 'WEST - ..... guv.iv uv .nv JltTAL mission had been obtained. 'As far-as Ave are concern w.i. mpeE 01 the Junior Chamber A -GOOD 'Breakfast 1 . absolutely false. No official of T be ;"ne ? hnl the award wil1 f0rma"y made' the Chamber of Commerce ever contacted us on this siihiect. NOTICE RE DOG Ul Including Delicious Grape-Nuts j vi- 1 AI31,E. was any invitation extended at; Legend savs that. ei,nnm lh,g Tax for the year IMS was flue and pM VpelT, Comish workman . ..... made King . ViVT: " bi"b Dinn . Arthur's round ...... ,u table uuuiv aitci after to kittens 'now lie An 'exelt.nhle l,.u ,.... tm -Janttary 15th. hi Hie lollins "1"ul "Male 2'w : 'Female n,) wa? (( 1)K owners 'are 'warinetl prosmilio" ,.. ... , muicmcu Hie King s KnigllUS ZTatL "I '!2f ' P-edence .Vu young 'at the sight of 1tmg table. a stranger or 'hearirtg a stranee 1 msise vm Place, one of the city streets, as named after Col. Grant. ; ' Col. Grunt made mention of I Prince Rupert on more than one -occasion in the course of his .discourse and disclosed that it .-was here that he had met his wife who was- daughter of "Mayor McLean, the 'first ehief .-magistrate of Vancouver. Col. Grant spoke on the drift of young professional men from .Canada to the United States, a -tost-gradaate migration -which he held was quite unjustified. ;"There is nothing holy or saered ..about the United States," he de-; clared in deploring wrrat so often appeared to be an attttwie of inferiority in Canada -as far as the United States -is concerned. "What -we Canadians need is more honest confidence in ourselves and pride in our achievements. We hnniri wi ! fuiliire t pay this Ux' (IRAPE-mm contribute a lot to a RmhI, balanced 'breakfast car-oohydraies, proteins, minerals. And rhey make any breakfast more Tempting, more enjoyable. 'Remember, Grape-Nuts are the' most' economical part of a good breakfast you need only 2 tableipnons of Grape-Nuts for your Cereal. 'All grocers have 11. l). TirUN'r ; uioi KO.Mttait,dinm stand to lose neavlly if this happens. 'After 'July ;1 the pubtic are welcome 'to come -and see our "St-up. Star Mink Ranch, Arvid "Mattsoti, 'Manager. PAINT UP CAiMl1' Tor Shlngles.'Fenres and HsjJ '' 'Use SHINGOLEEN For Oitsirte Wood Work. P"rfht , , a wrrn n!TDr .PAIl1 Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Kverything'in high-clams stationery. Cards for every iteration. Fountain Pens. DIH ri TRIED 2,260 YEARS 'AGO Applus 'Claudius, In '312 B.C., was one of the first to try to dralh the Port tine marshes In Itary. The land was drained and reclaimed ' by Mussolini. USe -BArLU -rw - , THOMPSON HARDWARE . Miva GRAPE '1.1 Crop as Americans do, that the job each of us have is the finest in the world and our town the tnest in the world. And -young Canadians, If they only realized "it, can do just as -well here at home as In the United States. : then 4 ,0M..'bu,,, MANIA FOR STEALING A kleptomaniac, a person who has -on insane desire tn m.h UmR dish P.rJiM tven 5 tVJ Rex Ca ' Bake in s slow " Printing n . . . --i e- Often picks on one nnrl inl,i , Itmorr " l'" .boMlr rnA old' nun "" JW-"' type of object to collect. let. Serve n- - ,F0K TASTV V0 "BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE ' 9 4 WtlMP""' SEE FARM EXPORT DROP T United States agriculture experts predict a drop of from 15 to 20 percent In farm exports in the 1948-49 crop season, with better foreign crops foreseen. CAM DA'S FIRST CANALS The first eanals to be hunt '-l nop nuvj f,j 'v, OPEN . urn Srt1 1 nltk 1 MP :. CHINESE HIM" ' ' AM. TO 2lA.M in Canada, along the Bt. Law InranDeRloDDi . I pure-- rence, were started In 1799. SKCOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE A Product f Oanvrol Oanvrol Foodi Foodi