f 9 Ptfnrc Rtipm Daflt? T3cto Uttr. Monday, May 17, 1&43 LEAFS SIGN STRONG TEAM TTofBayi hi Sports 4- -A- -x. I son. Th. Lynn finj LOUIS-WALCOTT , FIGHT TICKETS SELL AT $10 TO $50 ' NEW YORK 0 The Twentieth PORT EDWARD ATHLETIC CLUB NAMES OFFICERS PORT EDWARD Port Edward Athletic Club Sunday elected a slate of officers and team officials to direct summer sports at the cannery centre. Hill 120 ; 34.600 rawi Ladies Bowling!! J. iWCIJill u." VI M. Wide 218 TORONTO 0 -President Conny Smyth, of the Toronto Maple Leafs has signed 11 piayPr3 who hnve been members of two sue cessful Stanley Cup championship teams, for the 1948-49 sea- 119 112 193 131 59 805 yjj Century sporting club ticket tie-117 partment is predicting a million ' 100 dollar gate for the Louis-Wal- j 628 cott fieht 'on June 23. Tickets j Menzies 147 Hiinfiicnt-i VARIETY 179 tin -" ' " uiawit Hum icsiu- i nristianns Kristiannson ents of other coast villages who Lykeeaard T.vketxajtrH , , went, on saie lociay wun prices ChUdrrnF,! , ou Innoh in a?rfrX?j? 50c. card, "'Thanks 'n9"-1. minimum charw, SOc. Birth Nottew Death Notice,. Funeral Notices Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2 -lalfll SEC,AL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE .lasslfled Advertising U payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. ranging from $10 to $50. - -Hi if. 237 131 99 160 Cembella 171 McLean H5 Handicap) 40 Total 899 are worKing at tne cannery. President, Joshua Campbell, Hazelton. Vice President. Robert Harris. FOR SALE BOATING POPULAR? Rotterdam, most Important 122 .a 133 211 174 128 120 40 811 154 151 94 143 142 108 792 mASTRRS Kitwanga FOR SALE One acre property inside Terrace Village limits, Including one house, four cabins. Rental income of $5200 a month. Price $2500.00. E. T. Kenney Limited, Terrace, B.C. Treasurer, Dennis . Morven, 128 1. TtiU : 742 135; MILLER BAY-IS! Peterson 224 Y'j Roberts 245 i? Asclioff 124 o Vincent 148 84 ' , Low Score 92 I Handicap 17 J74 ' Total 850 MANSON'S kit Dell 135 iiy, Christensen 92 Hi Coweill 122 ,j.y? Dldorak 124 v- Rudderham 179 I Handicap 30 139! Total 682 jtl : LUCKY STRIKES i L Boulter 174 127 81 92 191 108 17 616 1G6 129 108 155 132 30 720 Scharff no Knutson 115 Tubbs 13a Winrile n; FOR SALE-1947 Plymouth special deluxe. 8000 miles. heater, defroster, etc. Al shape. Bill Morris, Box 81, Smithers, B.C. mG, Aiyansh. Gllmour " i(ii Secretary, Johnny , Moore, Canvnn fltv hns fi'.most as many canals as It has streets. 19n 12 - jjjj WROTE FIRST WHODUKITS 194 Edgar Allan Poe is gem-rany 3(1 rixaartiaA nu flm n,(Itln..t... . k nanaicao i()8 Total 788 (1181 FOR SALE Modern electric t rangette, thermostat oven SCUBY'S Braun tM FOR S7M2 Furniture, like new. Phone Black 990. H21) ,the pure detective story. Best offer. 1424 8th East. 1 General Manager, Reuben Samuels, Massett. Team officials are as follows: Baseball captain, Joe Daniels. Baseball assistant captain, Peter Campbell. Football captain. Pat McMil (116) 121 133 147 188 181 52 822 Handicap Urtliuiuuu 31 Jl 95 ,i Vuckovich 194 31 740 Total 837 ijk hall, Furnished 4-room R Smilli L. Thornton 138 Steeves 88 J. Thornton , 149 Van Meer 297 Handicap 52 Total 889 ORANGE V Anderson 197 FOR SALE Piano $150; wine studio couch $35; 2 dressers: rocking chair; 3 small tables; electric graniaphone and records $20; 2 tiridse lamps $3 52 751 A. Smith 163 105 178 159 183 21 869 112 Uifi 139 157 25ii 21 851 wartime house. 1320 Pigott Warren lan. 31 851 208 152 113 195 Avp. (116) 128 93 123 21 733 -Detault. I WESTVIEW McDonald O. Thain Savillc Football assistant rrintnin 98 114 197 ' Handicap 216 Total 104 1 BANKERS i-uk oale Pleasure craft, 20 158 96 83 1 177 1 143 Gardner 97 each; arm chair $2. PhoheiTed Venn. r ivnn 157 Hartwia ZZ'.'.Z 159 four hp. Easthope. Can be seen at Yacht Club. Phone Red 914 or Green 902. (121) Softball captain , knii . , , I A. Wide 183 T Robert Jack- Lund 97 O. Newton 123 (17 ! WATTS NICKFRRON 104 112 123 93 104 80 616 91 Handicap ... 127 Moxlcv 154 195 FOR 8ALE-Enternrl.se EnaniPl ! , 141 149 Tofnl B16 Blue 148 after 6 p.m. (116) ' .i iinn ac- ctnnf Handicap 80 Total 7U7 . .....vailt uawtuill. Ar- BIG SISTERS 116 Apply 20'J tnur LeeS()n oil range, $125.00. 6lh E. FOR SALE One coal and wood 94 164 129 211 37 830 159 165 Alexander 172 37 LMckeiM , 185 215 9;ii 184 226 80 118 77 911 ,1Z1 Baseball and Softball team burner cook stove, and two Kellett 119 manager, Wallace Danes. 7go Rothwell ZZZ: 1S9 Mn III f Iran ii 117 153 2U1 132 204 57 8?4 burner oil cook stove. Apply Knutson 148 J Menzies :.. 183 FOR RENT 1228 Park Ave. Blue 773. U18 tricK.Min inj FOR RENT Flat, ftanri Hlneif liUVMJNi; SfHIIAIIITT L'lMcOalhim 185 ou jsneiiion z3 770 A. Wrathall ... 95 V. Wrathall 148 Pierre 212 158 Handicap 37 11. T;tal 889 in: 20'? ANNETTES 176 Monteomerv 31 Ostashower 156 803 McMeekin 203 .Pmilh K13 1fin Dickens 190 I Low Score 95 102 Total 807 ih i rriMPTs .... vitni iia ., 4,11 I Handicao 77 134 Total 895 127 9 192' ROSA LEE 8, M """" Handicap ... Apply Max Hellbrnner, Jcwel-ler- (tf) FOR SALE Rupert Roller Rink inquire at the rink between 1 T f4. vtiiirtv vs. i:nnv:rfr F.a.y.gintve(,and 00d., f-oafer. puyOU on friendly ,,,m!,ilh ' "h o.mforl.bleand.oHell bull,. Huy , pajr'a from now .,,, ( 140 156 165 162 184 807 97 gouK ; ICO 151 235 108 227 149 31 901 106 83 125 170 118 71 073 109 Basso-Bert' 13 ,1 . 12.'i and 11 p.m. (113) 31 849 162 129 176 210 205 FOR RENT Bedrooms 'lfh MLVS eMli,er Bav- Toilers! BI.OWERS- v !Orn,'vt- aSa,y.Y vs- Blowers. Morrison e us''ft s' Keaves M tr.M i ,!4Wf,stVip' vs- B'K Sis- Houston f55 LkleA vs' Bankers. Rosa Mclntvre iees vs. Cosmos: ennui. . noii,, 154 Iw 186 225 229 3 952 199 142 219 3 848 0. nanisev ... 719 Hedlev 1. Ramsay ,.. Handicao . 1TR I l'tal Without breakfast. 2104 Atlin Ave. (tf) l-'l -! . . FOR SALE Wartime Hou.se, large 4 on Overlook Street, view. Armstrong Agencies. (118) e slxtee.n' Watts & Nicker- Hunrlicnn 71 71 90 t'UBMUS- rteiti inu Pearhev 75 Itirt 1i 195 129 158 251 14') 3 883 16S 243 1 7u Hi 102 956 Total Z 953 877 FOR RENT-Two sleeping rooms L May 18 Variety vs. Blowers oau in Ave. East, on bus line uiance vs. Luckv Strikes: Mm.' V-WF 119 Bln'k . 158 115 81 Holkestad 142 159 166 Llndseth i.,f) no . MnrruAii tun W FOR SALE One Deagan - xllyplibne, 3V2 octaves, price 107 14;i McKenzie 130 McBeth 101 Handicap 120 Total 750 RWPFT STYTPPM (116) p,Vo SoMoose; Toilers vs. An- McEwen 89 0 - i llSfr vs ScubVs. H. Astoria 150 May 20 Rosa Lee s vs Bank- Hilton no dwelling, 'ers, Big Sisters vs. Miller Bay Tavlor " " 41 114 123 128 113 171 86 182 120 109 120 788 141 150 183 139 205 165 149 92 92 FOR RENT 2 room 710 McChesnev .'. I Handicap . Total 145 77 126 128 129 87 692 819 776 viwsteis : - " vs. Losmos: WatlJ! anil rhrist.nn)iiTs inn 1 i itiiiiii.il. iiiiMr 111 Hnn 1 108 Duncan 166 Biggar Place or Phone nWM i.ICS"S? 2&!m- Westvie 87 Handicap H7 . . $75: one set orchestra bello, 3Vz Octaves, price $30; one melody saxophone, silver, Conn, $50. All in first class shape. Apply Percy E. Sparkes, Telkwa, B.C. H8i - 1 " Total 697 (w3 Maundrell 219 2' Hli single for the week was i 2,-r,VanJMH',r from Scubvs with 297 and htifh averace with 206 97 her total uins ,beim: fl8.. was 219 ona Headlev from Rosa Lee's ; '"l y"y oiAirfn. 37.8- 'tf. ivj3y.3.T- ' TOILERS i B. Ellison 107 . NOwaK 122 8o Nelson 174 FOR RENT 2 rooms, furnished, tUEickei?"n: Savoy Vs. 336 9th a (ir( tVPJ'.y Strikes, Comets vs. An- i inn neii.es. 1 . I FOR RENT FnrnixriPrt PMill RLU."'" May H V Suggest FOR SALE House. Snap. Atlin Avenue. Hot air furnace. 'Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf 1 N, THC ti. nice, cledn and warm. ll42 :rn.mneeL?ix5een: Blowprs vs cosmos, Rosa Lees Park Port Ave. a Phone nu Oreen 991 June iV!.rst vs. .v' Coasters ..!.?: 1 I after 5 p.m. (117i igi"es Watis vs- Bin Sisters, PIPE-PLEASURE WITH ) OLD VIRGINIA Vou Join (he Kin Club oavuy vs. uranire- Tn pic m FOR RENT FnrniuVwi ,.,iin' 'Comets, Manson's vs. Annettes' festivities on this clay 'Help Kinsmen Help Kiddies' I I three and four rooms. n,: Blow'ersS le'ffi clean and warm. 1142 Pari- jlLv?--Swe?it sixen : Moose vs. Ave. Phone Green 224 after !S Vn. Ce VOU SALE-White enamel Mc-Clary range, like hew, equipped with Kemak oil burner; also burns coal and wood Has hot water tank Appl 544 9lh Wnst. (120) :FOR "SALEB-room house, with ' full basement and three lots. Apply Andy Honky, Terrace . Bc- . (25) Remember therp mnv h FOR RENT 5-room annrtmnnt !Tojlei"Ls- A"nPtte;s vs. Westview! ' FORD IX VOIR F I TIRE! Two bedrooms and bath rCVE Strikesvs. ' stairs. Near Blue 334. school. Phone ooaea vs,- Miller Bav: Blowers' X iQ?;, ,Bk,Prs- BiK Sisters vs. (120) ! Sweet Sixteen. ' L.. i i ' " .It I i H60M AXD BOARD j .'" j FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special , Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. - Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) . . ii j j i huwm ANU BOARD $45 each double; $50 single. Sleeping-rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tf) RUPERT MARINE REA FOR SALE Partly demolished house arid lot, cheap for cash. Phone Black 854. (tf) Finest Selection of CRUISERS (J. C'LAl'SKN & SON) We Take Listinqs of . . . HELP WANTED FOR SAL E Acme cook stove with pot burner and blower. Apply 99 Taxi. (tf; BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARE I! I 1 ! I : ;. .. ! J''! j WANTED-Experlenced bar ItKOKKKS IN BOATS, MARINE AMI I ISIIIXC E((l 1M FOR SALE-Two lots, 6 rooms and bath, with cabin at rear. 839 9th Ave. West: a 16) tender, references. Philbert 1 Hotel, Terrace, B.C. U2li I HELP WANTED-One girLeT- ( perienced in dry cleaning ( ' work. Apply Pioneer-Canadian TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QI'K'K SALES OK CilAliTIKS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) AND FOR SALE Empty 500-pouhd steel drums. Apply Daily News, (tf) Box 548 I'hcme Cml uuiiury. ai7) PERSONAL FOR SALE As good as new, ScottAttwater outboard motbr. Phone Blue 441 after 0 p.m. (117) FOR BEST HOTEL SERvlciTn ALL SORTS OF CHECKED OUT. DOOR SHIRTS. A(GME CLOTHING STORE GREER & BRIDDB ""c '"nor, Slop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince Oeorge. (tf) BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR FOR SALE-Small 4 on 8lh East Furnished, lot cleared ami . house in Al shape. Full price j $2200. 'Aptily Robt. E. Monta-i dor Ltd., Room 7, Stone Block or Phone 11. , (ii7, Classified Acrvcrus-.fig Pays! Repairs Construction Altera! Floor Sanding a Specialty tic yout ppe IN THE SUPREME COURT r,P ' BRITISH COLtTMBIA IN PHOBATE " """ M!,M-r "A.lmlnlmn.tio,, Ait" ... "' FOR SALE-Baby carriage, $25 .1400 6th Ave. East. (H6) P.O.Bm Phone RED 5G1 WE SELL 'ALL TYPES OF STANFIELD'S tS'Dl'RWEAR ' (120) i FOR SALE New and ITseri Pnr. "an,e, iI"" 1 "r .'""t Ill VIXOI'INT. -Wl niture. Used chairs 50c; house wl"""1 '"-" '"'-"I.". !.,,. "i" " ' desk $2.50; kitchen set, five-1 take notice that by order or hi. Piece $12; hassocks $1.50; hot ITZm ' ?Fu,t Plates $2; spring for double iVy MnUiTtn," 8LONDIE EXLAllulMi si rrr.rAV rw -Love Thy Neighbor! By Chic Young KOD.U HltOME nd B . .... ,.i jui-ks, j-ion size $2; .men's bicycle $12.50; bedroom LING THE TAILOR We are taking rleanfng anil pressing and strain pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Stree t FILMS Chandler & H .o.i.Lt.,, eiecinc washing ma-' chine; Frigidaire; caulk boots-cooking utensils from 10c, etc. Come and look things over B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. i All parties havlni; claims asnlnst tht-said estate are hereby reqi, red to St n.' prorly Jril7. I me on or before the 15th Unv of mnlT "ft-r wl11 claims flV, k may be paid without reference to MS1 of which 1 th- h" " All parties Indebted to the estate their Indebtedness to me forthwith GORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator. Fourth St. PRINCE EUPEBT. J FOR S A L E-Five-room house with all fixtures. $500. Phone Black 990. i2D )l rnnce Rupert, BO. I ininrn IN THE SUPREME COURT op MACHINKK1 TOR SALE Available at DAGWOODJ :- . weM' VNOU.DMT CltM L ,X -( AND PUT IN EXCELLENT J I WHATS THIS ) . j i oX,L firtW$'k '--WW W euTTEB.' ip I'M v f VCONCHTIOHNO MATTEO J . BILL? -0 , ?2?J VWitf Jtime going to use Mh 'SVWHAT .,T costs ' U psmtoollarss- (WjtAWJT'i ALL SUMMER, I'M V p O! ClS yf?S l1 S flRlNG Q' U 7 l F tfelL Mi That Won't Help Elmer's Worms! IRiPill -.lliilihililllliiiiipr : THe VETEWNAPlAN J v rZlZj ' ' ' PJi Mil I' ' OTlMTTim iPiPMM' Save me these wow- . I cut cut the nonsense, ) 1 i.iisvjiuu 1 1 s-r -- PILLS FOP ELMER J (THE SIZE T ELMEP, ANO TAkTE C COME ON J I WONCEC "T TO TAKE j- I OP THEM' vM3U? PILL yZJ 7 ' V ' nni l 1SH COLUMBIA : IN PROBATE a"7 '" tMlttr "f "race McMliia,,. (lierle known as ifle AIU MeMllla,,. neceavd. I,iletaie TAKE NOTICE that by order or m Honour JiiH(? w r i . PHILPOTT, EVIIT & CO. B PHONES C"1 fi"'3 PAINT8 COAL - LUMBER - TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver , B c- ()' Judge of the Supreme Court of Brl- i,8h..COlUmbl' 1 wa8 " h 5th day of May, A D. 1948. appointed Admln- mo, F Lthe E&tR ot g McMillan. Otherwise lrnr.,., M"ueMaCMillan' ,ate of Stewart, Brl- Complete Line of Building Supp" i.. v-uiumoia. wno died on or about the 23rd daV of Mnrrh 1C14Q . "j oi mnce Kupert, British METAL WORK All persons Indchterf in v,. 'state are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness in n,- PLACE YOUR ORDERS how for summer Installation of cett Air-ConrlitInnin r-mni. FOR THE BF.ST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE rriurDAi MriTDRS DEA with and all perrons havini? clim apalnst mhiuc. ifioi the ue Bald nia estate estate are are requirei required THOM SHEET METAL T.Tn "le thprn with me nronerlv veri 253 East First Avenue. Phone! W".BS. VSZ."? Black 884. (ft i illon'wlll be made havlnir reaBrrt nnit, to aucb claims of which I shall have ...... jjj,. runt lac Olilsmohile . . . . . cnrarlAL'n PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing, Letourneau 3c Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 643. (tf) iMTvii nntiuea. DATED at Prince Rupert, BC this 5th day of May. 1048 riORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. BO ' (123' MACHINE WUKU n j ' Terrace Machine Shop I TERRACE,