r:..Jl..:.A 131 ; OUOIJC A Promp Service ' rnVHt At All Hours VICTC' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER LIBRARY DRUGS a rr MES. i fORIA, B.C. ma IfIf V " PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 118. PRINCE RUPERT B. C, MONDAY, MAY 17, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS tomic Contra Ag Effort Off Is Fish err & Forces ;4re Pressing Against Tel Aviv U.fJ. Commission Gives Up Two-Year Attempt LAKE SUCCESS (CP) The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission decided today to end its two-year effort to agree on world atomic control. The vote was 9 to 2. Russia and the Soviet Ukraine voted against the suspension which was proposed originally by the United States, Great Britain and h Capital Bombed Industry Training Air This Morning CORRESPONDENT FOUND DROWNED SALONIKA, Greece 0 A Greek cabinet minister hurried here from Athens today to Investigate the death of George VI V (CI') While the ifrmy of newborn t ! ii. i ...... ,. e il. .... i. -i. France. hni'il ii is near uiu tajjiure ui wie rtrau city the north ana has struck seven miles into a .... i: i 1 il. a Russian delegate, Andrei Grorii-yko, declared that the Soviet stands for an international sys- Polk, an American radio correspondent, whose trussed body. OFFICERS FOR PRINCE GEORGE with a bullet In the head, was! At the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert local Employment Advisory Committee on Friday evening last discussions and meetings that have been held for some months were crystallized Into definite action when an Advisory Committee on Technical Training In connection with the fishing Industry was formed. For some months the local Employment Advisory Committee has been urging action to correlate some of the courses in the High School with technical I tern of inspection and control. No agreement was possible, he lanoil, ten uvea nave inxu laKeii as me cost ir raids which have been pressed on the .ital of Tel Aviv for thfe last three consecu- I Aviv was bombed found floating in Salonika Bay yesterday. Polk, aged 34, disappeared added, under the United States control plan. It is believed that Crass office. A Middle East after telling friends he was on his way to interview the leader of the Greek cpmmunist guerillas seven days ago. cs took part In the broadcasting station is reported i One of tlicm was as having said that Syrian and idium bomber. The Iraq troops have joined forces :arenlly, aimed at In the Samakh area, on the in. 'southern tip of the Sea of Gall- at Cairo the Arab lee. ATOMIC WEAPONS BEING IMPROVED ommittee said 1 Arab volunteers - are said to 1VC (.' training in the various phases of the fishing industry. Prince Rupert's most important Indus- try. A delegation met the local school board some weeks ago.- ivptian troops nau NORTH MANITOBA GETTING FLOODS WINNIPEO f Northwestern Manitoba buildings were pre- ji! thirty miles o. have captured Lydda airport, inside Israel territory less than ten miles from Tel Aviv, also another strip at Qualandia, a r an advance o: The fishing industry, both em- WASHINGTON D. C. H The White House today reported tests involving three atomic weapons of improved design had proven successful in ail respects recently at Eniewetok atoll in the Pacific. The tests are called a "milestone in atomic ployers and employees, showed Jules into Palestine. definite interest in the pro Jewish colony. At Bagdad Iraqui id that the Jewish iUthorizcd the sur- mlnlsters Pard today to receive 135 fam- posed courses as they recog illes from The Pas district farms nized both the need and value liws in tne city o. The families have been forced to of such instruction. Conditions of sur- development." ( leave their homes by spring I70YAL ROADS--When ' Royal Roads," the Canadian Services college near Victoria, opens for a new term in mid-September cadets from the Navy, Army and Airforce, for the first time in the history or the college, will lake up their studies side by side. The former Royal Canadian Naval College was reorganized a year ago to form a combined R.C.N, and R.C.A.F. College. "Royal Roads" now plays a large role in the combined service colleges plan for 'training of officers. (Above i The castle-like edifice comprising the combined services college "Royal Roads" is situated on the shores of the Esquimau Lagoon near Victoria. The "Castle," shown above, houses the administration offices and sick bay as well as class rooms. It was taken over by the Royal Canadian Navy in the early part of World War II to train reserve navai officers. (BELOW i When a busy day Is the routine at the R.C.N.-R.C.A.F. College, H.M.C.S. "Royal "Roads," plenty of good wholesome food is welcomed by the cadets. "Tucking" into it are senior term naval cadets (facing camera t. left to right, Robert J. McAllister, Westmount. P.Q.; Hartland L. Price, Quebec City, and Allan ficle that the Jews pledged today that the Iraqui Army, togethet with other Arab armies, would fight to the last man to rescue Palestine irrespective of the nature and ex-tent of foreign support for At Friday evening's meeting the Advisory Committee on floods which have destroyed their 1948 crops. t arms, men be Con Technical Training was estab Farmers, Indian trappers and ors of war and wo-ildrcn be handed THE WEATHER CALDWELL CAPT. game guardians in canoes and barges will assist in the evacu international Red Israel. Senior officers appointed to lished with the following members accepting definite assignments covering all the aspects of fishing, from the prepara ation. the Canadian National's new coast passenger ship Prince Synopsis 1 Weatiier conditions are improving generally over British Columbia today Clearing skies and higher temperatures are Milking cattle that are evacu CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TO tions for catching the fish to the George, now. undergoing comple ated will graze beside local cem final marketing of the catch: eteries in order to use all avail Harold Thorn, Norman Bellis, able pasture land. MURED IN NEW SERVICE H. Robbins, J. C. Gilker, George expected in most regions today and tomorrow. Forecast . , . C. Rowlands, Westmount, (back to cameral Peter bniney, Cochrane, Out. (lefti, and Dennis H. Pratt, Victoria. . - . . . -x i ly service betweea Vancouver and Prince i all Queen Charlotte Island points will be fl y the- Union Steamship Co. in its schedules l "Tit1-i i ' 1" I tion at Yarrows Limited, Esquimau, were announced recently by Bernard Allen, C.N.R. manager for Britinh Columbia. Chosen as master of the '$3,000,-000 vessel Is. Captain- E. B. Caldwell, of Vancouver, who has been in charge of the company's ss. Prince Rupert for several years. Leslie Wilson, Vancouver, will be chief engineer; A. H. Robson, Vancouver, will be purser, and J. Kerr, also of Vancouver, will be chief steward. imintr summer which will bnncr all tne com iree crack liners Coouitlam, Camosun and - Prince : Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coasts-Cloudy, with scattered showers today. Cloudy tonight and Tuesday. Wind westerly (15 miles per hour), little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Tuesday Port Hardy 42 and 60, Massett 43 and 55, Prince Rupert 43 and 60. I into Prince Rupert as well as the popular TODAY'S STOCKS' Courteajr 8 O Jt.tinMim Cn. I-fl Vancouver Bralorne 8.60 B. R. Con 03 B. R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 150 Dcntonia 01 Grull Wlhksne 04 Hedley Mascot 50 Minto 01 Vi Pend Oreille 4.20 Anderson and A. M. Hurst. ' The 'Tmit :lTtorftrrr,s''anrl Allied Workers' Association will be asked again to send a representative. This committee will prepare a brief on the courses needed to give the technical training and with A. M. Hurst, principal of the local High School, will make plans to coordinate the Instruction with the practical participation in the industry. That the industry recognhses the value of such courses is shown by the offer of the Finning Tractor and Equipment Co. veteran Catala. The Coquitlam will carry out the Islands service, the Camosun will take the i ritcner is of Fame Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stew art route and the Chllcotin will H. 9 -Tracy Barrett, GRISLY MURDER IN LOS ANGELES . again be operated, as she Vancouver pitched Pioneer 2.90 Premier Border .03 il fortyish, ' Ji'i baseball's 1's jne Sunday fratcr- LOS ANGELES Robert wilh a to supply instructors and machinery to enable the students to I si" .W.V I !)"'' Wf Hansen, aged 24, was booked for investigation on murder charges carry on the necessary prac tices. Qualified instructors will today following discovery of two Board of Trade Here fig perfect no-hit, He led Seattle Pacific Coast League i'ue. 1 r Sacramento. Not ached first base, been a profession- be sought from the industry to partly-cremated human heads supplement the instruction and four hands in an incinerator last year, on special weekly scenic cruises through here as far north as Ketchikan. The Catala will continue on the Van-couver-Skeena River-Prince Rupert route. The Coquitlam will commence the ten-day service to the Queen Charlottes with the sailing leaving Vancouver June 3 and arriving here early Tuesday, June 8. Thereafter she will arrive here on Saturdays and Tuesdays in the tend-day intervals. Coming given in the basic subjects by behind a radio repair shop in east Los Angeles. the teaching staff of the high 1 player for twenly- school. There will be no need The human parts were in Prince Rupert will be host to a party of 75 to 90 members of the Vancouver Board of Trade volved as being those of Ralpii Dirksen, operator of the shop. for much expense by the local board of school trustees as the Intention Is to plan the course Privateer 22 Reeves McDonald 2 00 Reno 08 Vi Salmon Gold 18 Sheep Creek 110 Taylor Bridge 40 Taku River 41 .Vananda 38 Vi Congress .03 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalg 02 '2 Central Zeballos 00 Sllbak Premier 38 Oils A. P. Con 20 '2 Calmonf 58 C. 4c E 6.95 Foothills 3.10 Home 9.20 Toronto Athona ' .08 Vi on Monday, June 21, 4f plans Queen of May Hails from North; Outdoor Girl to Reign May 21 and his wife, Ollva. Hansen was employed in the shop. initiated by the Vancouver Board at the end of the week materialize. Negotiations have ITES PEACE over a, three year period with ordinary basic courses in school directed towards active participation in the fishing Industry. That will provide locally trained The charming little lady, Barbara Ball, who will been opened with the Union north from Vancouver the vessel will do all Island points bo.i south end and MassetU Depart Steamship Co. for the charter reiim as Queen of the May when the Kinsmen hold JKOUGH ff-Emman- ing of the steamer Camosun ure from here will be at 11 p.m. their Victoria Day celebration, hails from Telegraph personnel for the Industry as a whole and for advanced scien ministcr of war on tne ruesoay or oawiuoj Creek. At present she is attending Conrad Street 1'nan of. the Labor tific positions when available. evenings, also doing all Island which would leave Vancouver on the night of June 18, calling at Ocean Falls on the way north and arriving here at 9 o'clock The Employment Advisory points on the way back to Van 'aled today for in-eo-nperation to end of war "before It is ! School but her home is in that little northern com-imunity which became world famous as a hopping- off point to the gold fields of! couver. Committee found the local unemployment situation had been Monday morning, June 21. Remaining here until late that The Camosun. replacing the Cardcna out of Vancouver June the Yukon in '98. Her father, George B. Ball Is well known in the north as a guide and pack- "lake it clear to all, this con try or over- FORD SEEKS CUT IN WAGE Automotive Workers Asked to Take it Immediate C.I.O. Rejection DETROIT, iff Ford Motor Co. asked Its unionized automotive workers to take a wage cut today. It was the first time that a major automobile manufacturer had made such a demand. The proposal, which met with C.I.O. rejecti on, came against the' back drop of a major strike in the industry and a hint. If Shinwell that wc of and Socialist no war." B.C. MINISTERS TO VISIT RUPERT At least four provincial cabinet ministers will visit Prince Rupert during the coming sum- night, the party would sail for Ketchikan where a visit would be made the next day with a brief call here southbound that night. The return voyage back to Vancouver might be broken with a call at Namu or some other cannery point down the coast. ,- ' Principal Interest of the visit 25, will arrive here Sunday evenings and return south from here Tuesday afternoons after making the northerly voyage out of here to Alice Arm, Stewart and other points. The Chilcotln will be here June 14 on the first, of iter special summer cruises which will bring Horses have always been important to the Ball family so Barbara's love for Uieiu comes naturally Riding is her favorite form of recreation and.'allhoiigh as speaking at tlw lie party's forty- Aumaque ' -16 Beattie 65 Bevcourt 38 Bobjo 12 Buffalo Canadian 09 Vi Consol. Smelters 114.25 Con west 109 Donalda 75 Eldona 115 East Sullivan 2.45 Giant Y'knlfe 4.60 God's Lake .74 Hardrock ., .19 ' Harricana -08 Heva ., -12'2 Hosco 31 Jacknife - -OS Juliet Quebec 36 Lake Rowan 09 '2 La pas k a 05 "inal conference. greatly relieved by seasonal activities and with the progress reported in connection with the Celanese project at Port Edward, employment c o n d i 1 1 o ns are much brighter. Figures supplied by E. V. Whiting, local manager, showed a reduced number of applicants for unemployment insurance benefits. InformaUon that an order had been given for five thousand tons of structural steel to the Dominion Bridge Co. at Vancouver for the Port Edward project was an encouraging feature. It Is hoped also that local citizens who will be taking part in " to live In peace but to no way to trade In she lias had a number of spills, e expect It lias not lessened her love for , mer, it was learned oy a uany the sport Barbara has not had News representative on a recent the opporunity to develop a 'visit to Victoria. First will be her to Prince Rupert each Monday afternoon northbound and for a brief call Tuesday nights southbound. not a threat, of a second such walk-out. ' OUVER GIRL Five thousand car plant work liking for grojip games but she enjoys skating, swimming and hiking. to Prince Rupert of the leading Vancouver businessmen would be a trip to the site at Port Edward where the $25,000,000 cellulose pulp mill of the Celanese Corporation of America is under construction. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will make arrangements for the re With the steamer Carclcna transferring to the Rivers Inlet; r-UT STAR ers across the country are in some way directly involved. Barbara. II years old, is tiny NlSR M ft r ir st r e t Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests, who will he here late this month or early In June in the course of a trip north to visit his home town of Terrace and his constituency of Skeena. Other ministers coming later aro. expected to be Hon. R. C. MacDonald, minister of and dainty, has blue-grey eyes Bella Coola run out of Vancouver June 27, the steamer Catala will be relieved of those and ""oiiver ballet star, has "roadway and success. ?yilg OI1C Of (hp lnnrlK the "Clean-Up, Paint-Up" cam oilier calls northbound and will ception of the party here as soon paign will get in touch with the and light brown hair. This is her first season in Prince Rupert where she is receiving her fifth 'grade instruction. She .90 .09 2.60 .46 1.12 .36 Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen R. Lake McKcnzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt . Moneta Yoi'k hit show "Look as advice is received of definite decision on the visit. local Employment Office when they need to hire help. There incing." be in better position to maintain the schedule which calls for weekly sailings southbound from here on Friday nights. Fish Sales American Yaquina, 40,000, 19c, 18.1c and 92c, Booth. Canadian Five Princes, 11,000, Co-op. -North Forland, 6,000, Co-op.' lav.e-orf on bal- are many "over forty years" of age available for such Jobs. '3';i municipal affairs; Hon. W. T. Straith .minister of education, and Hon. Frank Putnam, minister of agriculture. wen runninn on These are experienced, willing Slllee Jimnnrv nrhm workers. f s first played undcr- Chairman J. S. Wilson, presid Reed. Then, when became 111. she t.nnk ed at the meeting, with James took part in the recent Music and Drama Festival as a member of Conrad Street School's senior choir and her interest in music has added to her enjoyment of piano study. On occasion she plays and sings for her friends. ALSO C OMES FROM NORTH Dark curly - haired Bertha (Continued on Page 3t LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, May 18, 1948 role. CORRECTS DEFORMITIES Orthopaedic surgery is a branch of medicine that concerns Itself with bones. Joints, muscles, nerves or tissues that are suf Negus 2.49 Noranda 50.50 Louvlcourt 65 Pickle Crow 2.15 Regcourt -05 San Antonio 3.60 Senator Rouyn 45 Sherrit Gordon 2.80 Steep Rock 2.14 Sturgeon River 17 Sliver Miller 27 GREATEST FLOOD OF STOCK ORDERS NEW YORK f The greatest flood of buying orders since 1929 swept the stock market Saturday. The high speed tape lagged as much a 15 minutes behind actual trading. y dancing star start i High TRUST MUMICIPALITIES Local administration in Denmark is to a great extent entrusted to the municipalities, but is subject to a certain measure peer under Juno Rnor Nicoll, J. S. Black, George Anderson, J. C. Gilker, Harold Thorn, Norman Bellis, A. M. Hurst, Col. Hamilton Grant, E. V. Whiting and H. C. Whiffln present. 17.7 feet 19.7 feet 7.1 feet 5.6 feet 9:44 22:17 3:41 15:54 Fe won a scholarship ficiently diseased or injured to Low of supervision by the state. deform or impair their iunc- tions. "l London.