INVENTED CORDITE ptince Uupnt Vails i.mvt ito. Monday, May 17, 1948 GET 'EM FRECH tluth Fresh stains are easier to n. . en t,-. move than old ones. If the table fyre ' r r D n W fcSic'M til K 1240 Kilocycle Subject to change! Cordite, u.sed as the propel-lant explosive in guns of the British Army, was invented by two British scientists, Sim James Dewar and Sir Frederick Abel. STARTS TODAY FOR problem this summer tagging a Beluga whale to trace its migration from Hudson's Bay and the northern straits. Nothing is known of the Beluga, a white whale, and the crux FISH SCIENTIST HAS PROBLEM OF TAGGING WHALE I WINNIPEG 0 Dr. K. H. Doan, .director of the Dominion Fish-erics Station here has a unique whale with the tag being visible. He plans to tag it with an ln- PRICES FOR THIS SHOWT MATINEE 2 P.M. . v,... MOVE SLOWLY IN POLICY DRAFT OTTAWA Redrafting of the Progressive - Conservative party's platform is going ahead more slowly than was originally expected. When the annual meeting of the Progressive-Conservative Association of Canada ended last month it was hoped that the party platform could be given the "new look" by August 1. Since the meeting, however, party leader John Bracken and his parliamentary colleagues have not had much opportunity to work on it. Several are participating in the Ontario pro- of the problem is how to tag the delible, skin-penetrating stamp. -""Hi 7:30 '"" AIM I TS ( IIII.DKKN ADULTS ... LODGES HOr (,,(.,:s Now On At RUPERT PEOPLES STORE SIMPSON PLANS SPORTS PROGRAM PORT SIMPSON The Port Smpson ceslebration committee is planning a large and diverti-ied sports program for May 24 and 25 which will include track and water sports, ball games and a children's program that is far more ambitious than anything attempted here in years. Water sports include log rolling and four different types of boat races, while tho track activities will number a dozen and include everything from the men's hundred-yard dath to the pole vault. The children's program will include races for youngsters ranging in age from 7 to 13. Elimination baseball. ..oftball and football games will be played on May 24 and finals on the following day. The ccltbration wili open at 10 a m on May 24 wiLi 3. grand parade '-.hich will culminate in the crowning of the May Queen. The committee in charge of the sports program consists of Paul Price, chairman; Charles Dudoward, Fred Dudow?rd, Ralph Hayward and Andrew Green." WW,' YOU HAVEN'T SEEN J VETO CUEnvBAiMi JCCIWl PRE SEBSOfl sale SEtf IT TWICE! At MONDA -it M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Lyle Evans 4:45 Magic Adventure 5:00 Springtime 5:30 Vaughn Monroe and Orch. 5:45 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Int. 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Summer Fallow 8:00 Open House 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 TJ3.A. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Let's Dance 11:00 Fish Arrivals and News 11:05 Weather and Sign-off TUESiMJ. A.M. 7:30 JWusical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Kindergarten of the Ail 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather rorecast il :31 Message Period 1 1 -S3 Rpoorrtprt Interlude BATH I NG SU ITS Jantzen and Rose Marie ReidStock Carry-over 1 J'W vincial election campaign. Others are campaigning in the British .Columbia constituencies of Yale and Vancouver Centre where federal by-elections are to be held. One party official said he dyes not think Progressivc-Conserva-'tive supporters will be too dis- appointed if the platform was not announced before August 1. A Liberal party convention is ' scheduled for August 5, 6 and 7 i to choose a successor to Prime m "i a w Group No. 1 Group No. 2 $395 $595 Minister Mackenzie King and draft a new Liberal platform. There would be nothing to pre Triced $0.93 and vent the Liberals from drafting Itcgularly $7.9i into their platform any attrac -New Styles Hog. Price $8.!)5 $9.95 .SIZES 14161820 AND 404244 TOO All Types and Colors tive measure in a Progressive- Conservative platform. SIZES 14 1G and 18 Also Two Beach Coats On the other hand, there will be nothing to prevent the Progressive - Conservatives from Terrace Is Visited By Masonic Party Mr. A. Roy Nichols, District Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic order, paid an official visit to the Kitselas lodge accompanied by Mr. Justice A. M Manson who is a past master oi Grand Lodges In B. C. With him also were past masters of Rupert lodges, W. Crulckshank, M. Benson, W. D. Vance, Stafl Sgt. G. A. Johnson. doing the same to the Liberals if they withhold the final draft Group No. 3 Sizes 14-16-18 Regularly Priced $7.95 $8.95 $9.95 $4.95 0VlOO.SaZNICK'J,rt:i,ulMRGARnITCHUlJj(r,,(fc1(S Pnlir UITU TUT 'TillW! I of their manifesto until after the Liberal convention. Though the Dominion's power to leglslaf' for Labor is being 11:45 Lets Waltz A Limited Number of Rose Marie Reid Sizes 121418. Reg. Price $8.95. $1.95 wuns. nun im ninu technicolor u,., clark emit . VIVIEN LEIGH . LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIA de HMlSS a (EUNICK INTERNATiOKAt PICTURE littcttf t VICTOR FlEMItt Ink tf Uu ttimr . Serin ft, j Wl ,nrt " METRO GOWrN MAYER MASTERPIECE RELEASE Also present were the master of the Tyce lodge, F. Skinner and A. Rivctt. A banquet was given on Thursday In the Silver MATINEE WEI. 2:00 P.M. challenged in the courts, it U not expected that the government will try to defend its authority in the lower-court stages. Proceedings are being opened in Toronto before a magistrate. Informants here say the gov-j t r.i.iS 7:311 p.m. No Exchanges No Refunds All Sales Final v $1.35-$ 1. 45 Substandard Crepe, Lisle and NYLON HOSIERY Limited Quantity 79c f.K 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadest 12:55 Recorded 1:00 Symphony Orch. 2:00 Sheila Presents 2:30 Commentary and E. Hobbcs 2:45 Western Five 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody TERRACE Tip Cafe and the visitors returned by car to Prince Rupert Fatal Air Crash In Eastern States COLUMBUS, Ohio t A twin- $7.50-$8.95 LADIES' SLACKS Sizes 12 1416 18 Large Assortment 83.99 engined cargo plane crashed ernmcnts will not do anything at present, but will take action by an appeal in a higher court if the magistrate should hold that parliament has no jurisdiction in Labor relations. The legality of the Dominion Labor legislation is being questioned by four shipping companies, who claim Labor relations are provincial matters. SUMMER INQUIRY Government sources indicate Into the ea3t airport here last night after losing its rudder. The pilot and co-pllot were killed when fire-trapped. Two Ohio naval reserve pilots were killed earlier In separate accidents on training flights. $4.50 Jantzen and Pride of West PULLOVER SWEATERS-A11 Sizes Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. Gleircv THEY'RE HERE AGAIN The Popular CONNOR "TIIKKMO" Wa.lur STAINLESS MOM.l. MIT Al. H It TIIEKMO-INSl l.ATl I) Al'TOMATIC PKESSl l!E KIM. I It FOl K-YF.AIt Gt'AK.VNTI.E SEE THEM AT RUPERT RADIO 8 ELECTRIC if 41'; $2.99 At , drove to Prince Rupert on j Thursday being accompanied by Mrs. E. T. Brooks who re- Values First All 4 .. l the next day by train t.h.'it. Mm nripfs pnmmltlp mnv u vays commis- " return journey Mr. ano ; continue to sit as a nox i;:i PHONE Ml 313 TIHKI) A VI. M E WIST sion after parliament prorogues UIg"ey were ompwued , at the end of June. Investiga- ft,Mr!-J P0" an Hincn-! e Smlthers both Of whom lions into meat anri vn.thlP I j . , .... AnA Ua r( A t.l Expert (Peoples Store In Prince Rupert. Mrs. I. Finlayson returned from a visit to Stewart on Wed ncsday, returning by plane from Prince Rupert. textiles, feed grains and building materials still are on the agenda. The vegetable probe is expected to take a fortnight anu ?x-tiles at least, twice that. The other subjects would require substantial periods to cover as fully as the committee has probed meat prices. Engine Tune-Up RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE ECONOMY Now that your drivinu h mi Imiu'T eonl hied to town become Mrs. Hinchliffe of Smlthers spent the weekend in Terrace as the euest of Mr. anrf for r;lrr. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 But government sources em-'gey phasize that the future of the MEMO TO ADVLKTISKUS For the information of our advertisers, ABC. auditors make a ' complete, annual audit of our circulation To ensure maximum effirirnry ami trmililf-fiw rcii cal operation have your car tuned up Ihe MMSA '' Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Mayo returned by plane from Prince Rupert on Wednesday arte! spending a few days In the city on business. modern scientific equipment and trained personnel. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. to Mrs. Earl was a visitor Prince Rupert this week. committees has not yet been fully considered. DUFF PATTULLO TO PAY VISIT Visited at his home in Victoria last week by an old friend of the Daily News staff, former Premier T. D. Pattullo, who for nearly thirty years was Member for the Legislative Assembly for Prince Rupert, intimated his intention of revisiting this city during the coming summer. In addition to meeting old friends, Mr. Pattullo is particularly interested In seeing the trans finest Audited Distribution Jor your Advertising QUALITY sp Jimmy Arseneau has returned to Terrace from Vancouver where he spent the winter months as a student at the Technical school there. Ur-st garden Ins J 1 equipment, enricn-Ing fertilizers, Iiihcc- NOTICE ucicics! we nave cm i. Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and (leneral Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and SB all to assure you oi ZJP ' j a fine productive N j' f. ', ja In order that our advertisers may have this information and thus uA-able to invest in advertising in The Dally News on the basis of known, verified facts, we are members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. formation which has occurred , recently at Port Edward on the j cellulose pulp mill site. In the early days, Mr. Pattullo was garden. V , For your gardening supplK-'s l,llt,m' ur c '"' TiEESEEEEOziajr The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are askad to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified GOOD advertising copy and attractive layouts are, of course, essential to the success of your advertising But from the standpoint of final results the answer depends upon the distribution of your advertising. When you buy newspaper advertising you are paying for an opportunity to talk to people about your merchandise and service. What you get for your money, therefore, depends upon how many people there are in your audience, where they are, how this audience was obtained, and many other facts that indicate the value of the circulation as a market for what you have to sell. associated with a power company which started construction of a power house at Port Edward, the walls of which are still a landmark. Mr. Pattullo expects to make his trip in company with D. G. Stenstrom, consulting engineer for the Celan-cse Corporation, who often comes here. A-3 M. Bride Strrcl lXLA The Bureau is a national, co-operative association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. Every year one of the trained auditors employed by the Bureau makes an audit of our circulation records. This audited information is Issued in official A.B.C. reports covering each member publication. You avoid guesswork and speculation when you advertise In an A.B.C. newspaper. Summer Accessories JSow Available! YOUR BEST ( ALL-AUSTRALIAN CAR An all -Australian car U expected to be on the market "down under" by the end of this year. About two dozen cars will be built this summer for tests. Firework lehUails-l'11'1 Flags Sand Tails and Sl EATING PLACE FlLL-COtKSE MEALS . 11 a.m. to I p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES Prince Rupert Daily News -ABC This newspaper ia a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Abk for a copy of our latest A.B.C. report giving audited circulation facts and figures! - A.B.C, Audit Bureau of Circulations Facts as a measure of advertising value SAVOY HOTEL Games CHINESE DISHES DDHAhUAVl Carl Zarelli, Prop. v l u M v If M I CAFE Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL i'i ri fun rinn FRASER STREET MlAfprtaUtot; r , 03rd Ave. W. ; Phone 200 ', i THEY GET S TRY OUR CLASS! FIKD APS