K diseases and even changes ln u Is Now Prlnce ftttpett Cteflp Bctos Uta. Monday, May 17, 1948 I TRACE VITAMINS I 5 food habits can increase your r.eed for certain vitamins. The facts are hard to get because human chemistry Is so Involved. But clues and discover- TO FINAL POINT Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections a j diet with low protein to one del Plant fever were also found To e5f rete this same substance from tyro- of hight protein, your body again needs feiore vitamin C. for good health.-he added. The vjjta- north-central British Columbia coast following approaching completion ln readiness for the 1948 season's operation of the reconstruction of the central canning section of the plani. Last year the company rebuilt the receiving and cleaning end of the cannery, an undertaking comparable with the canning section proper. Before next sea-ym it Is planned to complete a three-stage modernization program with the reconstruction of svw "annrry and Store les from many laboratories are,sine because of a lack of vita-helping to map the vitamin trials mln C. The disease may increase Involved Chemistry of Man Makes Clue Chasing Difficult Rut Labs Report Continued Successes By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE L-tlale Following Suit t.hroiip-h this furtfrlA of human v- - r r- o I and quaffing was performed de trng - me m-cu lur vitamin v, vi. oca-x mm researchers now are L plant of the B.C. Pack- cently and in order. AMES, Iowa P Scientists art 11 . . 1 said. The discovery may One Important cine, said Dr.! a clue of the fac" Robert R. ealoek. Iowa State .supP'.y u.onf claim vo m-tng a , jay salmon cannery of the beginning to lift the curtain oi Dr. Nash of New York Univer to determine just how miach vitamin C Is needed with jif-ferent protein Intakes due to different kinds of food hawks. ''tors ln rheumatic fever A full fledged war breaks out between the Jews and Arabs. Well, "River Jordan" will be easier to spell, write and remember, than the names of some of those unholy streams ln Europe that we were all too familiar with from "39 to 45." College biochemist, came from i secrecyon exactly what happens sity tells Montreal he considers rela- The tyrosine-vitamin C Eurone in Kt.ndips nf ArlHIoon'sl some tionship - is suspecd of disease. This is is a a chronic enrome weak- f matter of the Bankruptcy of Lm MOORE and the CHAW- the 'cooking section of the big five-line plant which for many wean-, ,,- , ... .. . ' nH , .,. riispasPS Otjier the moving picture a "mental flop house." How does he reconcile that conclusion with the fact of the -screen being used. I J- a . i j UUaAlUlC lllllUUlRC 111 lllRil WIWU ' e rAmiwn rnMPNv emng urease, usually iaiai, anu - ori hinr Erlieri: pressure. Debur to the vitamins you eat and what they do. The new Knowledge is important to health and may aid In understanding such diseases as rheumatic fever and high blood pressure. It. shows that som? If you change suddenly from the same connection. , r F1 - . ... c- ,4 kj rH .... in it the skin turns a coppery bronze color. The European Investigators found that doses of more and more, In the public schools of this continent? If there Is blame, anywhere, It Is The mayor says Prince Rupert is beautiful for situation and natural environment. One has to go away from home to realize how true this is. Prince Ru vitamin C cleared up this dis-j n6t the fault of the marvellous Invention we call the movie years has been one of the coast's most Important canned salmon producing establishments. While the new cannery building has many striking and modern features such rs full concrete floors, spaciously high ceilings, the show place of the new construction program, running now Into '$250,000, is the modernistic and streamlined 'store 'which is Included under coloration. It didn't improve the other symtoms of the disease. The copper color was due to melanin, a skin pigment which when present In smaller quantities Is the sun tan pigment. idiperi. " ......... - ,, the th dny of May 148. meeting of credit first , ' ,1 the be held on the 1st day of i,4B at ne hour of 2:30 ln tnt ,n in ' " ''"ce of tne Officii elver. Court House. Prince I b l'. VOTE THEREAT. proofs of snd proxies must be filed with i..r thereto. HE HAVINO CLAIMS afcnlwit ... must file the same with Woman Paralytic Is'Writine Book Life in 'a 'Wheelchair Subject of 'From Where I Sit" pert is steadily emerging from the small town class, after 35 years of toll, more or less wages, some disappointment, occasional tears and a couple of wars I PGAHO -X n11an. or wnn me irom the general cannery building. disease victims had Wo VANCOUVER CPUndaunted much melanin. by misfortune, Mrs. Dorothy Dr- Sealock, then at the Uni-ing Thompson, war widow, i3 fight-' versity of Rochester, and co- and winning a two-year Before aiatrvmiiion J P otherwise the proceeds ol In this 30 by 90 merrantlle es thrown ln. But, after all, what's 35 years? Meanwhile if Rupert has not the new look, what she has will make her, in time, one of Canada's most handsome cities. battle against paralysis here.' Lrtif.s tnereto w.tnouv bus,ness worners ioi a me reason wnjr. The melanin was formed be- in atmosphere Most of her days are spent in 0-FD AT PRINrE RUPERT. B such as no cannery plant on this coast has so far offered! Air- a wheelchair, and she Is writing one important cnemicai ! 1 fXMffiii I .. i4h day of May. 1948. a book "From Where I Sit, oi v"11'' """6 u yiij. Oi-orne L Rone. Custodian. Hi ix 130. Prince Rupert B C lltl conditioning and attractively A cc-lluloid ousiness card, finished in pastel green shades, bearing the portrait of Martin It was only last Thursday that O'Reilly who sold suits and socks the new store was officially and shirts here in the lone aeo Baseball Scores National SATURDAY Cincinnati 5, Chicago 2 Boston 1, 'Brooklyn 0 St. Louis '8, Pittsburgh '3 Philadelphi 7, New 'York 0 SUNDAY Cincinnati 2, Chicago 0 St. Louis 6, Pittsburgh 5 American SATURDAY Detroit 4, St. Louis 1 Cleveland .7, Chicago 1 Boston 5, Washington 0 Philadelphia 3-8, New York 1-6 SUNDAY Chicago 6-2, Cleveland 4-9 St. Louis 3, Detroit 2 Boston 14, Washington 5 Pacific Coast SATURDAY Seattle 5, Sacramento 3 San Diego 10, Portland 6 SUNDAY San Diego 12, Portland 1 . her personal experiences as a'emlcal was an amino acid, cripple. tyrosine. It's one of the more "I'm not writing a sordid ' than 20 amino acids from which book," said the former diving all proteins are made, champion and ballet dancer, j Lack of vitamin C, they show-''1 m just goingto mention the ed, broke the Chain of steps in humorous situations you can the body's proper use of the nlK SUPREME COURT OP BKITISH !.UMB1A IN PHOHATK XUtter of Ine AilmllllHrillon AM" Anil filler r Hie IXflte of Alflftl iere:.el, ' I itt'. n4- g. you M-rve "Roy. 1 City" I JJ ' ' .' Bartlett Pear. lOWI 1 CAR E I . F 01 IS eet into in a wheelchair." .tyrosine. One of the broken kF, NOTICK tnnt oy ijroer m ir. Jiid1"1 w. u. ruuon. ix- opened and quite a celebration has been dug out of the muskeg. I was made of the nccasion with Martin, once had his shop handy Plant Manager M. H. MacLean to where the CN R. general and Store Manager Norman offices now stand, and, did quite Campbell in charge of the pro- a tidy trade. He was a cheerful eeedings and company execu- soul, and like everyone else had tive-s present ln the persons of considerable confidence ln "next Comptroller G M. Perguson and year." 'Purchasing Agent Gordon An- drews. - In the spring of 1911, hotels In Namu plant, wiich includes Prince Rupert, if not reflecting fvrttM- of the supreme court ot (VilumhM. I wild on ine sutn h i April. A O. 1948. appointed links formed a substance that produced the melanin. SCIRVY SYMPTOMS A practical use for this finding was discovered by Dr. S. Z. Levine of Cornell University medical centre. Premature Mis. Thompson is attending a school of physical rehabilitation here. She lives in a downtown hotel and has to be transported daily to the hospital school. Two years ago she was in hos tiiMrntor nr the KMite 01 Aiireq lute or Atim. urilLsn rmrm- li.v died on or about the 18t.li rVbrmiry. 11)48. at Atltn. Bn- ilunilim All persons Indebted , estate mv rrrnilretl lu pay pital completely paralyzed, the babies, fed on cow's milk, de besides the 6.000 case per day, the height of luxury and fin-salmon cannery, reduction and esse, could not be said to be after effects of an earlier spinal velop symptoms of scurvy. The I. mil T OI llli-ir inwnjijii v ttiwith and all persons havln? aeamst the aald estate are Los Angeles 8-3, Oakland 5-10 cold storage plants, in addition Francisco fracture received in sports. icow milk has more of the tyro- San fi-5, Hollywood scarce. There were no less than six, and all doing well. There were the GTP Inn, the Premier, KAIEN CO CP l to file tnem witn me pro- . fh ,tnrtlne tin nf the con- rifled on or before the 15th 5-7 EAiutatcu iii iuiuuiitrtju, o.io miie man muuici a num. uv was junior city diving champion larger amounts of the tyrosine for the time struetion program being, is engaged now in receiv- the Central, the Royal, the Knox ! June. 1MB. falling which dis-iiin will be made having re-i.nlv to swh Malms of which 1 have heen notified. at the age of 17, and danced meant more vitamin C was professionally since public needed than the babies received h.ilhut nnri ninre the "u le "musor. ine noiei ing school days. in their diet. Dr. Levine gave Prince Rupert was on the 'way. Pioneer citizens and transients :m at prince Rupert, B.c. tni opening of the 1948 season, has " "' lf... honHlnrl unme 50 000 nounds from Her husband was killed In the Dremature babies more vita- LET US SOLVE YOUR ROOFING PROBLEMS MINERAL -ROOFING "SHINGLES ," ' Vt TAR PAPERS SPECIAL SHEATHING ; BUILDING PAPERS 'ROOFING PAPERS ROOF CEMENT WATERPROOF Gl'M ' '- JUST PHONE WE DELIVER Seattle 8-3,' Sacramento 7-0 Western Intranational SATURDAY Wenatchec 10, Bremerton 8 Tacoma 10, Spokane 3 Salem 8, Vancouver 3 Yakima 5-5, Victoria 4-6 SUNDAY Bremerton 2, Wenatchee 0 Tacoma 12, Spokane 10. service with the R.C.A F. over Germany, March 13, 1942. Her min C, and they could take the cows' milk, without the threat offiemi Administrator; I incoming vessels. Namu provides ' 8" nad. a natural enough thirst, M""' m) 'a normal payroll of about 150 J and has a permanent commu- tluction plants in this area op- father was 'killed ln the First 0f SCurvy, World War while with the Royal jpneMK court op inlty of 35 families established .erating full blast. With William Other d iscoveries followed THE SU1 Flying Corps. BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In comfortable houses. There Is wiaicoimn as manager, Buwaaie a school population of 28. has a crew of about 80 now. i 251 3rd West, Box 1121 Phone 179 l i. Mailer f Hie I -late fir run quickly. At New York Univer-. sity. Miss Ella Fishburg found that In a certain, fairly rare j disease, something Is in the mean? Inilrew Siirlililder. Ileceatcil, Intestate 5. What is a word begir.nin" Ar.other plant following suitl in planning improvements Is the Canadian Fishing Co. at fcKE NOTICE that by Order of His Modern Etiquette By ROBERT A LEE I Better English By D. C. WILLIAM." 1. What Is wrong with with tu that means "disturbed" blood which decreases the nor Juiin W. O. Fulton, Local ff the Supreme Court of Brl- this ! ANSWERS mal Oxygen-carrying capacity of Butedale which this fall con- The Popular ulumtmi. I aa on the 7th day you 1 1. Say,'"I dislike to see ynu go Q- f one nas a large number a i) ii)48. appointed Admin- templates the major construe-! sentence? "I hate to see s.s. ,I,iii,P.i. u,r.n,,. nrrnrram of rebuilding itsiul maim you icm-is w wme, rB,,tdrwJ-hrdVari;..lorty.yearli cannery. j. be Eogd..form KUyp pr0." 2. Preferred pronunciation Is ka 2. What Is the. correct pro- nin, a as,a say, 1 as in line, ac nunclation of "canine"? cent on first syllable. 3. Under 3. Which one of these words rate. 4. Unruffled; peacefu' about the 3ist day of January. Durjng the " past " winter a large them.' at the City of Prince Rupert. , i A No the hlood. This something proved to be one of the broken links again from insufficiently-used tyrosine. When victims of the disease received more vitamin C, the condition was remedied. Some children with rheumatic in order to show sin if y RUPERT h Ci.lumhla All peraons mocot- urw 11.111 icm""B oiv cere appreciation and retain the is misspelled? Unconformable, quiet. "His piacici expressio. the said estate are required to erected in connection with the uti- uiniiunt ;esteem of vour friends. they hint of the steel. in hi IJh .u'trfw cold storage section at Butedale j undemonstrative, Underate. gave no ' . . . u ui.. 'should 'should be be nersonallv personally written written. 1 -a urunt .hA H.ri -ni'.MH" ehnmrfjr M H T Tumultuous. nmtiltnntis. lo me forthwith Sail For the suid onH the wharf was considerably t; chtims against i n-uutred to file them with v,or,rf.H . , An exception would be a gift iht v vc-r tied on or oelore me ft nay oir j.me, i48, iuihuK which i Like Namu, Butedale also had I .utiou mil be made having re- f t oulput of h meal and from a business acquaintance that is dellevered to the office, and even then a personally written letter would be more courteous. Q. Should new cards always be provided when one 'is giving .my to Kiiih claims of whirh 1,011 early mis spring tnrouBii iu y.u at Prince Rupert. B.C., this recjuction plant, operating on ';omtoN Vraser porbes. 'the phenomenally large run of official Administrator, herring at Ogden Channel which 0 i-nnre ku,mti. oy. . , nuc ,i ,h. re- VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY. AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNICHT F"r Information call or write City or Depot Tkket Offim PRINCE RUPERT, B-C. (126) a bridge party? Two sailings per week for : VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART and "ALICE "ARM Sundays, 12 midnieht t QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT ' CLEMENTS May 14 and 2811 p.m. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May lfi and 3011 p.m. i FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert At,ent Third Ave. Phone 508 A. While it is not necessary to have packs of cards with un Business and Professional FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE broken seals, the hostess shouH be sure that the cards are in good condition, just as she would provide Immaculate silver and linen at a luncheon or dinner. Q. May one puint a spoon toward the mouth when eating soup? Hhe lainnioTuis DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK ne 705 P.O. Box 1401 WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. Regardles sof the kind . Of 57 faramily is commplIeTte agaimi l.ITII & ELK INS LTD. mi ? food that Is being eaten, the spoon is Used ln 1 but one position. Its side lies parallel to the lips. IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule; Charter Service Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing Ctmd' Plumbing and Heating . Engineers JONES NEWS STAND We' handle Eastern and Western P.O. Box. 274 me 174 INCOME TAX SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. John f. l. hughes Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 RETURNS PREPARED SEE R. E. MORTIMER Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK Terrace: -W. H. Martin, 23 PHONES E. T. Kenney, Ltd. 35 Prince Rupert Red Top Cabs 349 i 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi iO Box 894 Phone Blue 442 Appetitss that have hankered for many missing Heinz varieties can be happy again. Mouths will . tart watering with welcome when those once familiar jars and tins begin bulging your shopping bag. Heinz Cooked Spaghetti and Macaroni', Baked Beans of two kinds, numerous long-absunt Pickles, Relishes, Spreads and Dressing, Peanut Butter these are the old-timers among the newcomers. Add to these, Heinz Soiips, Baby Foods, Junior Foods, Tomato Products, Sauces, Mustard and Vinegar, and you could feed the whole family from Junior to Grandpa simply by reach ing into your Heinz-stocked shelves. 'Be patient with ytnir grocer if he is sometime short; There is going to be grab-bag demand for a while until all the faithful Heinz fans get their fill. GEORGE L. RORIE PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 13G1 Overlook Street pWic Accountant, Auditor, etc. ome Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu NEW ROYAL 'HOTEL ; : A Home Away From Home ' , I 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold ' Water . J :' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 211 P.O. Boz 1M y3f GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlig Beauty Culture in all Its branches a pwmj P.O. Box 1428 Phone 855 Pi Bacon St. Phone Green 394 204 4th Street STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Ormes Drugs A.. DRUGS llM95 411 West 7th Ave. Finish Your Attic With Wallboard It will make a pleasant room qf yoiir attic. Easily Installed. Insulates against heat, cold, BOimcT. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 3G3 Builders and Contractors Train Schedule Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners f' the t.an PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE IIOURSr-WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. i Monday, Wednesday, Friday p m. frm the East- PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 Tuesday. Thursdav. Saturday 10:45 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. f and Sunday i Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. COTTAGE CHEESE New creamed Fresh Madej Serving the Fisheries Industry Well, (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY 'REPAIRS For ' Dfrwntrodden Heels ; and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. li PHONE 81 ' VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally 'ALL-WEATHER SERVICE crlage, Labelling, Weighing n,' El80 BLUE 980