4 Prince Uuprrt Oaflp rectus KLtD. ' Tuesday, February 24. 1948 ! ARE TIED FOR Bowling League HOIKESTAD TTotfatpj in &por PIN SCHrn , Feb vat .... w - ivir Vl.-.u:. lies vs. (;,, H neers ' Adrtise ln ,hf0. Going cam SHORT SPORT I Some fan.s are of the opinion that Maurice (Rocket) Richard I of Montreal Canadiens isn't , 'doing his best to shake a sea- , , ... ,. . son-lone slumn while others be- lieve there's internal friction in the club and that his team - ' ,..., n .,, hi. .jii.iiia uuu v oiin linn, ! Timor SVro.w.in nf the Mnnl refil' I Herald boldly disput? the fans' way of thinking and uses a few quotes from coach Dick Irvin to back up his theory. ! Irvin, in a recent interview, said that "every player on the team knows that Richard is our key man tha! Hip elnh lines a 1 LtAUlfiO Rupert Holkestad still leads the Senior Basketball League scoring race. With play going into the last three weeks, scoring has narrowed down to a duel between Holkestad and Lindsay with several players having a slight chance of breaking past the top two. The leaders In the different departments are: Holkestad 88 fll'kl "lll's; Lilulsay 43 fn'p game and tied with MacPhce ! throws; Lindsay 28 points in a , for most field goals in a game, 12. MacPhee and Flaten are still 1 tops in free throws with 9. j Following; are the records of : the top 10 scores: j G FG FT Pts. Holkestad (Si 17 88 42 218 Lindsay ( C 12 81 43 205 Hartwig 1B1 18 67 30 164 MacPhee C'i 13 64 35 1(13 Form an 'Bi 15 55 41 151 Arney (Si 13 f.2 22 14G j j Jr;itp(i Ci . 11 57 28 142 1 Morgan S 17 53 24 130 ij Davis 1 Si 13 53 19 125 M Thompson i B l". 44 19 107 Key: C.-Games; FG.-Fleld Gouls; FT. -Free Throws; Pts- Points. Richard goes-and every player McMeekins. Mansons vs. on the team i.s pulling for him." Apr. 5-Mansons vs MrMeck- nick ir1nii! Ihp tne 'Rocket" Rocket, who wno ms- Brownwoods VS. Amb.l.s.sa-actuals rf MiUklns Vs Home Oil. , . . V. 1 i .. - ,ri KT.i t ( 1 TT,-.. I Alt n ... .:!... .... D .. . . .,).... DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHONE 654 25c per dozen paid for empties. Please have them ready when the driver calls. COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS' CAPiLANO BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. 1 '-VFifH I PB4 PARTS or This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FORD PRODUCTS BILLIARD FINALLISTS Cameron and Simonson tn Meet in Canadian Legion 1 ournov Two games were played in the English billiard tournament a. the Canadian Legion last night and only the finals now remain to be played. In the last game of th? third round. W. J. Ranee ux35i bnaL J. Campbell, last year's winner, by a score of 150 to 140 after a hard fought game. Campbell, who had a handicap of minus 50, made breaks of 27 and 28 while Ranee's best effort was a well played 23. In the semi-final R. H. Simon-son (-35i beat W. J. Ranee tx35 by 13 points in a keenly contested match both players bMng even at 137. Neither player was seen in his b?st form and the only break during the match was a 22 by Simonson. The final match of the tournament between Neil Cameron i playing 15 points or no count i and R. II. Simonson -50 i.s scheduled to be played on Wed nesday night. It is planned to start another English billiard tournament the first week in March for those players who wer? unable to take part in the contest now ending and lists are now open in the Legion Hall. at Civic Centre WEDNESDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 - Bo-Me-Hi gym class. p.m. 1 :00 Bo-Me-Hi gym class. 2:30-King Edward. 7:00 Rup-Rec intermediate girls. Basketball Pfae-tices 4:30-Hiah School junior girls and Bo-Me-Hi girls. 5:30 Gyro juniors and Pt . Edward. 6:25 Merchants ancTswcet Sixteen. 7:20 -Peoples and Morgan's. 8:15 -Fashion and Brownwoods. ! 9:10- Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi. Special F.vents 1:00 Gyro luncheon, i 2:00-Ladies' bridge. 7:30 - Kinsmen Executive. 8:00 - Little Theatre. Citizens Forum. PHOTOGRAPHY Developing, Printing enlarging. Picture Framing Chandler and Cowuill 218 Fourth Street Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTOI LARGEST STOCK BASKETBALL CHATTER Brownwoods, t h e problem . ' team of the Senior Basketball I League, is in for some chances I tonight that should produce results at last. Art Murray has ! IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLIM Phone Wire Write BOB PARKER LIMIT! P.O. BOX 38 " The Home of Friendly Service" tw serurert the services of none Brownwood's losses that some-olr-er than Alex Bill, coach of thing just had to be done about Bo-Me-Hi, and the all-star team 1 getting an older player to steady and his steadying influence may the lads down and Alex Bill BOWLS HONORS Triple XXX and B.C. Packers Show Way in Mixed League Triple XXX moved into a first place tie with B.C. Parkers in the Mixed "B" Bowling League Sunday by winning three games from Cougars who defaulted while the Packers defeated C.Y. O. two games to one. Miss or Hits remained in third place by virtue of a clean sweep over Islanders while Ideal Detergents took the odd same from Brownwoods. Ladies' hiuh single score was by A. Hamilton of Miss or Hits with 202 while, both she and B. Vuckovich of Triple XXX shar ed high three honors with 655. Men's high single and three were scored by J. Comadina of C.YO. with 341 and 832 respectively. Team high single was bv Ideal Detergents 1212 and high three by B.C. Packers -3371. Standings to date: B. C. Packers G Triple XXX G Miss or Hits 9 C. Y. O. . 13 i Brownwoods 11 13 Cougars 15 Islanders 1G Ideal Detergents .... 19 BROWNWOODS Grace Brown 148 158 149 G. Brown 209 215 135 D. Woods 129 165 164 R. Woods 159 251 4 R. Telford 183 117 J. Reil 188 244 230 Handicap 13 13 13 Totals . ... 1028 1163 1052 IDEAL DETERGENTS H. Schmidt 124 209 207 J. Sehroeder 141 ? R. Suden 103 145 100 E. Mussallem ,110 270 20(5 M. M-atheson 105 189 123 D. Houston 128 218 194 Totals 711 1212 lOr.O BC. PACKERS I. Dunbar 225 267 202 K. Paul " 169 134 146 v. Ciccone 193 222 281 Y. Turcot te 149 107 127 B. Fndderham .... 239 291 207 E. Barber 149 135 133 Totals 1124 1153 1091 C Y. O A. Pierce 170 171 230 I. Dumas 163 165 100 M. Bvuce 100 l'ij 44 T T" 1 1 A 176 115 m. Amadio ' .. . .. . 140 161 157 J Comadina ....;... 224 341 267 28 28 Tota?sCaP 970 1207 941 . ANDERS 162 1R4 jov Leeming . .. .. 114 139 106 H.' Duncan 152 116 157 153 105 Boas0" .; 171 189 182' Low Score"".'. 121 133 155; Handicap 75 75 75 ! it iis yoo 967 964 mtsVor HITS j A. Hamilton 208 262 185; Hartwig JOl i I 1 , Wmdle 121 151 155 s. Scharif 168 172 113' B Malson 225 151 198 B. Seharff 207 209 165 ! Totals .. 1114 1096 1000 j COUGARS -M. 187! Seharlf 139 146 ' 1 'ir i 1 ii iifl I r:. Peharff . i tj iio ioo B. Vuckovich . 142 136 m1. R. Tubb 211 164 171 Totals . 671 559 750 TRIPLE XXX-(Oime defaulted i. A. Matheson 224 179 180 K. Tnimbrll 146 156 195 B. TJslck 1 5 152 17 Viictnvieh 'fi 221 179 S.' navisr.n' .4 ?19 m i nn J. Thornton "01 inl in .i 1 r. 7 Totals 1193 1033 1051 Try a Cm.trtPn lr in Trie tvtew-- Add a tunny vtlvtly pttel ton o your wtlli nd cilinj let your furnishings ppttr in a nw letting. B-H FresconetU Ont Coat Velvet Finish offers today 'r most reliable One Coet quick-diyin, easily epplied ptinL Let us show yon the color card. - 1 . " McBride St. Phone 311 Time-Table for Men "A Five Pin Least"' Schedule for Men's Five piu ! "A" Bowling League is nounced as follows: i Mar. 1-Kilowatts vs. Man-1 sons. Maikins vs. Morgans, North Star vs. Continentals. Burns vs. Ambassadors. Home : Oil ys McMeekins. Revellers vs.! H l II W nu i li ill s ! Mar. 8 -Brownwoods vs. Me-, Meekins. Kilowatts vs. Revellers. I Morgans vs. Mansons, Home m w,,.-th i,,r ju.iifhw vs i Ambassadors, Burns vs. Coutia- 1 '' 1 M,lki,,s vs NoI.Ul ' V..a,..: .' T'nS.!r,';.,.,,,t . otiii , runiir un v.t. v "in in' ii i Kilowatts VS. UrownwniKlS, Mor gans vs. Revellers, minis vs. Mansons, McMeekins vs. Ambassadors. Mar. 22 - Burns vs. Morgans, Mansons vs. Brownwoods. Revellers vs. Home Oil. McMeekins vs. Continentals. North Star v.s. Ambassadors, Maikins v.s. Kilowatts. Mar. 29 Revellers v.s. Continentals. Bonis vs. North Star. Mureans vs. Ambassadors. Mal ... , i-;.. ti tr; i, i i t, UlimS VS. rVllOW ,1 1 IS, nr.nii I t vs. woiin mai. rais.i - A)r jj . Revellers vs. Ambas - sartors. Kilowatts v.s. Home wn. vs North Star. Brownwoods vs. Burns vs. McMeekins. Morgans Tontinentals. Maikins v.s. Man- sons. n 111 . 19 - Burns vs. Home Oil, Moraans vs. McMeekins Kilo watts vs. Continentals. Mansons vs. Ambassadors. Maikins vs. Revellers. Brownwoods vs. North Star. Anr. 2 - Kilowatts vs Ambas-j ruiors. Mansons vs. North Star. Revellers vs McMeekins. Maikins vs. Continentals. Burns vs Rrnwnwnnri Miiroans vs. Home oil May 3 Morgans vs Brown- witnns. M.UKiin v.v ivu "'-. Home Oil vs Ambassadors. Kil-wats vs North Star. Malisons vs Continentals. Burns vs Revellers. UNBARF.ABLE VANCOUVER 't An apartment-house manager here, "fed up" with his neighbors, has appealed to police His complaint: nude persons run up and dow n the street In the early hours of the morning And. he said, honking automobile horns add to the confusion. Classified Advei : l.iifig Pays' INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Be R. E. MOKTIMEH 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFTO) PANTS for Outdoor Workers Humph icy, r.innix Ulmrn and Hopper Kiir; 1(MKf. Wool ant,s lU BIW K I K Vi lli It FOOTWEAR IOIt Ot TIMiOlt MEN Acme CLOTHING STORE We're Tops in M (Ireasinu l-tiliriealinff DAN'S SERVICE STATION McBride Street Green 605 1 SAVOY HO TEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert l-auiuu.-ui'U a nauuiiai inn rj League record by scoring 50 goals in the same number of eames 111 the 1944-45 season, and finished second in the point de- partmcnt last season, may not recover his scoring ability in time to help the club gain a playoff berth this season. But he says, ""there's always next year." Frank Selke, Canadien's general manager, bailed Irvin with the suggestion that Bud Poile of Chicago might take the league's all-star right wind sel- ection. Irvin had a fast answer to the . quest ion, "can you pick I one to beat Poile?'' "Sure. Richard and I'll tell you why. "For three seasons Richard has been the most closely checked player in the business. He'.-: ! been hwiked. held, tripped, chop- pt d and hammered into the s fences. He's scored goals with i players actually on his back. He; ! has been driven to distraction 'with illegal cross-checking tac-, tics used against him. But now that he's in the middle of a scoring slump, the boys are liabl? to lay off him and give him an even, break, then he'll get going . again." The Popular S.S. PRINCE " RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTF.KM:rIATE POUTS RACII THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDSHiHT Fnr Information call or write City pr pept T"V"t Offi"t PRINCE Pvl'PF.KT. B.C. THIRD AVENUE r YOUR Bit EATING PL1 FM.i.-innw i 11 a m. t lit B.VVtl'FT MALI LUNCHBOXSJDff AND PACT C II I N I sr Dl'l II CAFE Wg :ii'd Ave W f ATTENTION FISHERMEN! Install a Marine Muffler On Your Hunt Engine and Avoid Harmful HACK IMtESSl ItE We make mufflers to suit your eni'.ine. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Black 8R4 I 1 be all that tljc young Brown- woods club needs. In Saturday ' night's game as in so many others, the shoemen were out-1 ls' Till-; si l'lci;li; 01 HT oi Itlll I l-ll ( tl. I Mill I iv I'ltoftui I In till- Mutter nr tlie l-Miilc i.r luiiii-l Willi. 1111 I. hilt-. IH'ic-:im'iI. Inii'siali' TAKE NOTICE Unit bv Ordpr of His Honor Judge W. O Fulton. Loral Jiiclp or tin- Suim'mo Court of British Columbia. 1 wan on the 'l"th clay of February. A U. 1!HH. appointor! AilllliliiKtrntor of the Estate of Daniel Wiillnm Little, late of Orean Falls, British C'oltmibin. who died on or nboiit the 14th day of October. !'I47 fit the City of Vancouver. British Columbia. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay u,;o:d''ann';;(!;s::ns'iav" ins claims nuainst the said Kstate are '"i""'" '". in nii on- pro-1 prny verified on or before the :!!;;! day of March. HI48. faillim which distribution will be made- haviin; regnrd only to such claims of which I shall have been untitled. DATED at Prince Hupert.. K.C. (his 17th day of Fcbruarv. A I) 1H4H. XMON FltASKIt l-'ODBES Official Administrator Prince Rupert. BC ( 54 1 IN THE BUPKEME OOt'RT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES WILLIAM VANCE. DECEASED. INTESTATE . TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Juduc W. O. Fulton. Local Judtie of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the I7th tiny of February. A D. 194H. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Charles William Vance. late of Telegraph Creek. British Columbia, who died on or about the 15th day of AllKllst, 1947. at Telcstraph Creek. Uritlsh Columbia. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith mid all persons haviim claims against the Raid Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or be- lore the 31st day of March. 1048. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notilied. DATED at Prince Rupert. P. C tills IAl.li lav of February. A D lfl4H. ROBERT F. JOHNSTON. Official Administrator. Telegraph Creek. 11. C. (-53) I played in the final minutes to lose to the strong Co-op entry. They were seven points down at the half-way mark, a point at which they usually lead, and were three points up by the three-quarter rest. That meant oittscoring the all-star laden Co - op team by 10 points in th.? tnird quarter, a fairish feat for i the youngsters. It has been a question of inexperience in so manv of the should bill the vacancy. Tonighi the Savoys, will be out to even things up in the league race with Co-op by marking up an-' other victory over the shoemen In the last meeting of these two teams, Brownwoods led until the linal two minutes of play and .ed at that point by six points, yet they managed to lose some- now. How they lost even their jivn players cannot figure ouii and it wasn't as though they hadn't bei n told, judging from the commotion around the coach's belief. Whether Prince Rupert Will year to llave the provincial Senior B niav-OIIS tie r! here is et un settled it has been reported by members of the league executive that plans are not, going as they should and the trouble lies in the inability of the local body to get anything definite from the B.C. Amateur n.isifethn.i Association. However, evervone interested in the popular indoor ' sport is tub-thumping the pro-; ject and it is likely that, if pre- J sure is brought to bear, they j will be successful in gettin? some recognition for our ath letes. 4 Terry Connelly, flight agent on the Canadian Pacific Air Lines plane from Prince Rupert to Sandspit, was caiied suddenly to Vancouver Mondav bv news 0f the death Of his mother ulr1' ' ' " NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue C-O-A-L j I nlil (he strike is seltleil In Allirrla th' onl' COAI, thai se ran deliver will I" miLKLEY VALLEY LUMP COM Place Your tlrders Early ALBERT & McCAFFERYLTD I TK LINK OF I'.l ILI'INC SI I 1 " .re rii'1! COMPI PHONE 11C THY SEE I S IOIt All, ItrctM IREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class' stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DI6B PRINTING COMPANY SUMMIT ICE CREAK FOR YOUR PARTY It is Onod, FRESH MADE anil Irli'itw inW1 - a V ALFNTIN DA ft' ee mm - - Phone G.V7 FOR THE REST IN Al'TOMOTIVE Sl'liV" f ore l 1'in n GENERAL MOTORS BESNER BLOCK LO VI NS BI I E 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CFPR) CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mail Order Service DEALf ( hov (i.M.f. Clirvrolrt I5ni(4t Pontine Oldsnioliile Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES ' room , rn STONE f S-SS j mil.DINO 1 JlSt'jX M If sHs 1 NEW , rj ! PHONE s . ' BLUE 593 J 1 MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & M TERRACE, B.C. A PIECE OF GOOD LUCK And it won't come by picking up a horse shoe. You'll have all the good luck you need for buying or selling needed services and articles by using the classified section of The Daily News, The Daily News OflTR c-CIM TRY OUR CLASSIFIED AOS THEY EVERYBODY ELSE DOES! MJL WW o o