1 . Prince tlupett IDailv r-Jsros LtD Tuesday, February 24, 1918 SCHOOL BUDGET (Continued from Page One) Local News Items... j CONGREGATION HAS DINNER school costs in 1946, 1947, and those estimated for 1943 was Basketball tonight. Senior oeanes yualily Cleaners.; same. 9:15. Brownwoods vs. pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. i I rienclly Gathering At First Baptist Church Friday Night CAPTAIN JOSEPH FLOOD PASSES Veteran Coast Master Mariner Dies in Vancouver master mariner in the ships of the Canadian National Steamships and Canadian Government marine. Surviving members of the family are Mrs. Flood, three sons, one brother and two sisters. A son is Francis, located (It) HI) Savoy. I muiwioi-uu MOTORISTS Do you you reallZ' rcau Father Joseph Carroll, O.M.I., . - ... , i i t. CmHav that in rno UPPK K t HP tnP 1 returut'u to uiu city un out'j , . - ; thp ,,f jread to council by the finance committee chairman. It said: "In 1946 the estimated proportion of school costs payable ! by the city was $97,760, against ; which was credited $2,926, leav-! ins a net amount to be found by ithe city of $94,833, producing a ! mill rate of 21.64. This repres a pleasant congre i, ... y i - gational dinner. Planned as a morning s train irom L-ejuc, .jviuiur vemci'j where he has been relieving for force? See us at once regarding TEA The funeral of Captain John ; in the Queen Charlotte Islands. the past few weeks as principal the Public Liability and Property ; - - of the native industrial school, Damage Automobile Policy. II. G and sailed last night on tiie Helgerson Ltd. 50i Joseph Flood, aged 58, well known coast pilot, was held in j SHELBURNE, N.S., Q Moth-Vancouver last Tuesday, the ' r nalure Plaved a fatal trick on After being warmly welcomed ! KPrvir.p takino- niar in the a hive of bees here recently, in- for a two m ,.. ented the full cost of operating ; Princess Adelaide weeks' trip to Vancouver on ecclesiastical business. duced by bright sunshine to venture outside, 1,000 perished in the bitter cold. the city 'on the Princess Ade- the mincer. Rev. Fred An- Church of Our Lady of Perpe-laide Monday afternoon from a trobus- seventy persons sat downitual Help. Death occurred in brief visit to Vancouver. to a hot dinner prepared by the j Vancouver the preceding Fri- ' cily scnoolii for tne lr8t : ! three months of that year, and AIK PASSENGERS ! 79 per cent of the school costs, To Vancouver It. Boycey, J. .both city and district, for the Binder, W. Anderson, B. Feist, : remaining nine months. lacues or tne congregation. day. SALE SALE! SALE! Dresses. Less than cost, while they last. Star's Stylewear. (tft Moose meeting to- j An entertainment program' A native of Ireland, Captain night at 8 o'clock j followed which included a piano Flood, ever since 1929 had been i "In 1947, the city was assessed : 81.16 per cent of the combined in Moose Temple. duet by Paul Antrobus and Ross a member of the British Colum- To Sandsplt G. Mills. From Vancouver ( Monday I W. Tacher, F. J. Hicks, A. Gillis, W. Ilirt. Presbyterian Missionary To.: bia Coast Pilotage Authority dti ,Martin, also a piano solo by La- : school costs, the citv's share 1 Sale of home cooking, C.G.I.T. ."7 F ij'itt and; ;l jt,i .... ji... city at the; V''i ...-.r. li'.m Cumshe- j , , , charlotte Is- j r ' i.ulMav visit with ' h i . I'A'i vears since . , .,., I.'.rr and they, ' ll',c ( tP-" 1 '.:r'''s 1,ul" ! Ji: i I .- f. i.i tn-' Daily News. and before that served as a verna Linney. amounting to $80,090, which was j table, home-made candies,' knit-offset by a surplus from 194G ted articles for baby. Mrs. W. H. Brett M.L.A. sailed on n- T T I.I I C Kfj H QUI UIUO llUill li71U w.j.w-.v.' ' ' J ... , TV nve, -rf- ,,v- t nr-t - - . . , l- " Iesme,H o: - . fJpfirpf. Mitrh's 3S3 Fifth Ave. . lne UOquiUam tms anernoou, c u.a . u Bamu the B.C. Fishermen's Co-opera-; '. V" , """" " ""T V.J o- ; ,.,n , 'lor Victoria. in which "Share the Wealth" of E. Wed. Feb. 25, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. fered real fun lessoned not at (46i Mrs. tive Federation and former resi- 7 ' hUgi 1a"d nd lmPvement dent of Prince Rupert, arrived , ,.' f, taxes of $72,306, or 16.13 mills. """,u" ""J'- u' ""'"" a because "Osrar" nairi nut in Battleford, Saskatchewan, who "Mononolv" mnnpv in 1111. vn,j HHJiiua aiituiuuu (jDELICIOUS! fS Serve hot as I (WftftJJM vegetable or fiy! co' soad J fljuPi ALWAYS I "Although the school estimates for 1947 exceeded those on the Princess Adelaide to attend the annual meeting of the Dt-iii, .ji Punni-I IT , t.-1 1 ,i r ,i V- Po. of 194(;the effect of implemen has been visiting friends at' Two films were shown by Syd Massett for the last couple of Hamblin, depicting parts of his months, sailed this afternoon Recent trip to California, on the Coquitlam for Vancouver General convener of the din- Hotel. . Arrivals operative which is being held !' not lo" ,-f aim"n Rep." i only offset this Increase but this week. 1 t (also resulted in a reduction in j ' money to be found by the city for school purposes. jon her way East. She arrived in ner was Mrs. W. D. Smith whose ' (the city Monday on the Cas- committees included: j siar- j Menu Mesdames P. H. Linzey, TOO LATi: TO CLASSIFY Made - to Measure CLOTHING NO INCREASE OVER PRICES OF LAST FALL There's no question but that a special-measure job does something for you. In addition to perfect fit you have a wide I choice in styling and j fabrics . . . No question either of A Don Ritchie, T. A. Johnstone. ' timiu:k h.u.k X3Kiix Table Mesdames Henry Van- SEALED TenUers will be received riprhvrie A F Martin Prince Kupert A. Eyton, Steveston; R. McKay, Fanny, Bay; C. Alberg, Massett; T. H. Sorenson. Hollyburn; W. J. Peck. Vancouver; A. V. Hill, Van- PACIFIC REPAIR FOR SALE - Porcelain topped j "Tne Picture in 1948 is as fol-table $6.00. Modern 4 poster lows: tne clly is required to fur-double beo vwth coil spring :ilish $100,232.98 for school pur-and mattress, $25.00. 101 7th l)asrs after taking into consid-Ave. E. (48 lcration the 1947 surplus of $948. b the Minister of Forests at Vic- , .. . Kitchen- Mesdames T. Chris- toria. B.C.. not later than 11 a m. on It should be noted that, due to couver; P. Tessen. Massett; R. E. the 12th aaj oi March. 1948 for the t.off, T R Lloyd B P Jcrdon L. p cence "Q u, cut InvltalionRev'. Antrobus! Brophy. Vancouver; J. WylK oj F. Vancouver; J. Donaldson, Van- Hemlock on an area adjoininK Timber Mrs. J. Armstrong. c o n c e s s i o n s in assessments granted to unorganized dis- Program Mrs. J. C. Gilker. We Service ELECTRIC MOTORS COUVer; Mrs W. Guv, North Bat- Licences 1951p Pulp Licence 76 and ,.,' S8:J4p Pulp Licence 84. vicinitv of Ueford; ,w Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ttt Hus- sltWeatt. Lake. Cumshewa Inlet. i tricts. the citv's share of the Queen Charlotte Island Land Dis- Q C K H E D S Two (21 years will be allowed for two oanoei of peroxiiw vowitr from removHl of timber. your druggist. Sprinkle on & hot. wet cloth combined school costs now7 amounts to 87.5 per cent. "This factor, together with Increasing school costs, means I band, Queen Charlotte City; F. L. Couling, Vancouver:, E. II. Mc-Correston. Massett; J. E. Orm-heim. city; Mrs. R. MacDonald, CONSISTENT vertising !1)1D.T PAY SO MANY wgLtijn't BE ADVERTISING 1 1 : Daily Kews Further Dartlculars of the Chief nl pply to U fce ntlir. Every bwcii- GRAMOPHONES (Electric and "Spring) etc. 326 2nd Ave. West Red 367 iiuolved. The one ufe. tar or District "ed Forester. Victoria. BC nd timple war to remove blackhead. that the amount to be found by the city for 1948 is almost 39, BO Massett. Forester, Prince Rupert . I ! m A I COTTAGE COTTAGE CHEESE CHEESE j per cent in excess of the 1947 figure. "The amount produced by one mill in 1948 cannot be definitely New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE known until after completion of ' the Court of Revision but, based on last year's rate, the increased the superlative cut and workmanship in suits designed by our makers, whether they be for oldsters, youngsters or in-between-ers . . . Sniff er-Hillman 57.00 to $87.00 ! 1 Vl HI vos r 1 j cost would necessitate a mill rate for school purposes of 22.42 I rris7 f V I I l 111 II II ill I'L I mills this year, as against 16.43 last year." t AUI OF THANKS I'OIC THK Wr.T march vi;atiii;u aui:ad ('ervnursi'lf ont' of our John Lombardi 52.00 $77.50 r English Gabardine RAINCOATS On behalf of the Prince Rupert District Boy Scouts Association, niny f takf this means of thanking all those friends of the Association who helped to make last week's observance of Buy Scout-Girl Guide Week a success HMCS Chatham for the use of the Naval Drill Hull: Messrs. Watts and Nickerson and Gordon's Hardware for the use of their advertising space in the Daily News. CFPR for the time on the local broadcast: Hyde Transfer for the loan of a truck; Arrow Bus Line for putting on extra buses; Ormes Drugs Ltd., Gordon's Hardware and Silver- ! A rV-W-. : I NEW RED AND W I'RICKI) AT ONLY $27.50 X DKY i(OI)S ANO MEN S WEAK DEPARTMENT Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association WATERFRONT i SiffQZy'S r.,,'., W ... in full foree: Iho. four fa.nou. JeU-O WHITE rmldin-Nauilla, Butterolcli. Caramel, Chocolate -you U i PAj T fT 1 1 I A DTI . ' UULU JLHL LHULU llu-. on vour grocer' Sl.elf now, rPi!..ry. Fiijoy .tliofc crcainN-cinoolli, delicious Jell-O I'lithlinfTS for J MiMHnBMMBmBKHBnM i lunches ami cuppers ami dinner. Knjoy their i-pced ami I AProdurtoi eac antl econuuiy, tool Gnral Food 1 1 rrr,.." "Like Gran.lnia'o only more so"-fcrvctliem plain, or l f (YTTf Till KIP Ayilm(ftA tMy v.ru..i ...?g.-eie.i ou ti,c p. ( NH uliiLii InlNu sides Bros, for window displays, and last but by no means least, The Prince Kupert Daily News and yourself. Mr. Editor, for your continued efforts on be-hair of the boys and girls of Prince Rupert. A. VAN MEER. Secretary, Prince Rupert District Buv Scouts Association. Ormcs Drugs XpRUGS J YOU CAN POSSIBLY PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Announcements All ndvrrtlnriiicntH In this column will bo churtrrd (or n full month nt 25 cents a word ) VANILLA BUTTERSCOTCH CARAMEL CHOCOLATE g jf ,mwm-T M O U trod-ark owned by , XtJ Grol food., lMild I EVER COSTLY Daily car delivery service irom 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. i nicrgenry bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday DO WILL PROVE SO ..AS TO , ' i You saw It lr tne Dailv New?! PHONE 81 CityMeirhanls Hollywood Cate PRINCE lU'PEKTS NEWEST A NO MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:06 I'.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN FOB OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 Canada's Unsolved DUOR PROBLEM City merchants are asked in future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist, the mechanical department in keeping to the Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. George Mitchell's, Feb. 25. Card party. Catholic School Hall, 8 p.m. February 26. Kinsmen Leap-Year Dance, Civic Centre. Feb. 27. Conrad P.-T.A. White Elephant Sale, Feb. 28. 2 p.m. Women of the Moose Spring llazaar. March 4 and 5. Galloway Rapids I.O.D.E. tea, March 6. March 17 Catholic School Hall Tea, Home Cooking, Apron and Novelty Sale. 2:30 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. Presbyterian Tea. March 18, Presbyterian Church Hall. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Da r foil 11 Tea, March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue. March 31 and April 1, Navy Drill Hall. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Analican Easter Sale, April 1. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 13. YOUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS TO FORGET YOU! oil wiwBy regular hour for publication. j IB LOU IDr. JOHN COBURN Js'TK'tiuy, Canadian Temperance Federation 'I ,n's vital question at a j Public Meeting light at 8 United Church Hall Illustrated with Moving Pictures E 1 2 f or WHILE THE) LAST! LIMITED QUANTITY EXCELLENT QUALITY ADVERTISE in Women of the Moose tea at j I Packing Crating, "K and General , lie and Storage Veto, Reliable and ent Service, call ys Cartage. Storage nd Parlt Avenues Wished 1910 fces 60 and 68 LING THE TAILOR We arc taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. FIIONE 649 220 Sixth Street Hosa-Lee ear WE CAN GIVE YOU A BATHROOM LIKE THIS AT A REASONABLE PRICE. ESTIMATES FREE Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating PHONE 108 the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, D46 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May C. TJ.F.A.W.U. wmst and cribbage, Metropole Hall, every Saturday, at 8 p.m. "YOU II OWN NEWSPAPER" "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 345 West Third Avenue PHONE GREEN '514