.. V HOBTEfRN AND CENTRAL BJUTLU COLOMBIA'S MSWSPAPCR . r - ... . w ITTfTTTI TTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTV. v' ; hone Z3 1AA1 lie STAR Blue 3 j Cabs-J t-'t l.Al'K and white cabs Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." EAA VOL. XXXVII, No. 46. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS .AAAAAAi )mmunist Victory In -Czechoslovakia Expected i' i : liiion Wins Double CITY TO CLEAR STREET RUBBISH AT OWNER'S COST Scandal In CAPITULATION OF ANTI-RED N.H. League FORCES NOW SEEMS IMMINENT Lvti In Rwt-Inrtinnr Property holders in the city will have to make sure that the Uly III U7 L.lwv.uunj 1 .S-C 2 ' 7 - " PRAGUE (CP) Premier Klement Gottwald last w 1 1 c. 1 , Mr. :,,...':. o Boston Bruins Players Alleged lo Have Bet Against Their On 11 Team In Gambling Ring? r.F. In Both Saanich and Cariboo OPJA K'P) The British Columbia coalition i 11 nuines aie clear 01 lumuer auu . . . . . . , . . I , . quick communist victory m the , , night predicted a the City win see that I struggle to control Czechoslovakia. "It may be sev- j lt is done at the home owner's ' eral hours and it certainly will be within several i cost, on recommendation of the clays," the Communist Premier said at a meeting to j Board of worts, city council last form an "action committee' or Prague. Mean while the Opposition,- , , , 1 1 it known that "unless all lum- nt which has lost but two by -elections in its DETROIT, (t A police commissioner said today - that information had reached him concerning two National Hockey :lr tenure tonay new victorious banners on ,.r nu'ivli' r-dinnlete returns from Kaanieh sreming a.mos reay w cap..u - ..Ia nt-.nj4 4-tint ti-a IH Tiari 1 , , '. r it ? Liberal-Projrressive-, ; 1 id .League players with an ex-con- ,!, Candidates of the vicl of heading a a ' ! . ...,.. 1 . .-.,.4. ....... Z ... . '"''.r. ," , streets and lanes is removed abandoned "all legality and con iitive lUSHin renisu-it-u a nuuiue ictoi,y 111 gambling ring. The commission- within 30 days, by the owner, it Three Dead In Engine Plunge Triple Fatality On C.N.R. will be removed by the city at his 1 the owner's 1 expense." Premier Byron I. Johnson's first cr said he was seeking a test at the polls. . plete report of the whole affair." In Vancouver Island's Saanich s Earlier, the Detroit Times, in mJ : r II III' . I I ilt tl I Jatodd 110 BE riding Arthur J. R. Ash, old grocer and former Ottawa West of Kamloops stitutional methods" In his cam- paiyi to grasp full control of the country. A score . of Czechoslovak se-1 1 urity police, now controlled by ; the communist element of the ! rwernment, entered headquar-I ters of the Social Democratic i party late today armed with ' bayonet-rifles. Move of the com-1 munist-U.vected police was not ; Immediately explained. The Social Democratic party a copyrighted story, said the ' police had information that "at ; least two" National Hockey J League players had made ''sub- j stantial bets" on games in' which they played. One player, the newspaper said, had bet . fiTl . alderman, was conceded election J jLJU I II '' 10 hour and twenty-five min WAGE BOOSTS ARE APPROVED City Workers to Get From $9 to $17.50 Per Month More utes auer me pons ciosea. Asn will occupy the seat left vacant Monday after- CARUSO'S BIRTHDAY Tomorrow will be the 75th anniversary of Enrico Caruso's birth in Naples. Mrs. Brigadier A. Smith, veteran Salvation Army officer, in Toronto, vividly recalls the occasion when the golden-voiced tenor stood beside her at a Salvation Army outdoor meeting and sang hymns. $550 against his own team. The Times said that the two1 players were members of the Boston Bruins team. j and salary increases Wage Channel, the boat Louisa Ahi.-h took the 1 when it was Mas in Wright . ill be lowed iM-'iiirtitioniiii!. headauarters are on one of ranpinu from S9 to $17.50 lot I '! , of I ..lf a." by the appointment of Norman W. Whittakrr. former Speaker to the Supreme Court ot British Columbia. He topped the five-man contest Hh 5,621 votes on 1 the basis of forty-seven of the forty -eight polls. The runner-up , Colin Cameron of the C.C.F. had '4.156 votes Major A H. Jukes, Social Credit: Thomas Nixon, Prague's main shopping otr;ets.monthly for four groups of city. About ten riflemen also re-1 employees were given interim City Must Raise $100,000 mained at the offices of the) approval last night by city j . Nationalist Socialist party whose .council on recommendation of a f wii' IpfprK ScllOOL 01 lilKllft Police said they did not know the names of the players involved in the report. Coalition, ten C.C.F., one Labor and two Independent. seized and special wage committee wnicn J cj headquarters were LYTTON CP) Two trainmen are known to be dead and a third is missing following the plunge of a Canadian National Railways freight engine and tender down a 54-foot embankment fifty miles east of here. The extra freight, weist-bound out of Kamloops, struck a rm-kslide near Cossett late last night but only two of the 15 freight cars were derailed. The dead are Engineer Archie Legg and Fireman C. A. Merrick, both of Kamloops. Missing is Brakeman (j. F. Donley, also of Kamloops, who was riding the engine. The bodies of the engineer and fireman were recovered. Auxiliary crews, sent from Kamloops, reached the scene arrived here k in low o( c lug Kaien. . She is now licis uet 11 ucti gaming v n.11 uni Back to Board in Cost Protest representatives since early in searched yesterday. Police said they has assigned a defence guard and similar guards at communist ii ': . k v.ii-re her en-j Independent Farmer, and W R. tW.'.l cv.i:wd against the Smith. Democrat, polled only PR EM I It JOHNSON IS WELL PLEASED Premier Johnson, the year. Included in the report were j City Council laxt night referred back to the School wage increase for electrical Board estimates which would cost the city molt than $100-workers, "inside" workers of the 000 during 1948 for operation of eight schools in Vne district before she negligible votes. who took '4 , The Coalitionists also swept, ; 0Ver from Premier John Hart r hull is un-Mo victory In Cariboo riding. iast December, expressing satis- Civic Employees' Union, the city : serving 1,200 pupils- The crisis developed on Friday when twelve anti - communist ministers resigned from the cabinet. President Edouard Benes so The school budget to returned to the Board for recon 'Continued on Page Two) THE WEATHER Synopsis tne viol nt bat- Walter Hogg, 60-year-old re- j faction at the by-election re- ,ws which sank tired rancher, topping the C.C.F. j suits, said: "The election of jwever is slight- nominee, Charles A Thomas, by 'Arthur Ash and Walter Hogg to i flames which 378 votes. Result from forty- i nil the vacancies in the provin - sideration little nure than an hour before Mayor Nora E. Arnold left the city for Victoria to join other executive members of the Union of B. C. Muni- ; far refusing to accept the cipalities in a move to have the k out when the . two of forty-nine polls IromiCui legislature is convincing f "isE.-iJLi'j -riwWneial-overnmerrtr-ghare- a CO-OP-ANNUAL-MEETING HERE ot the slide early -today and expected to have the "line cleared shortly after noon today. Meanwhile, all trains have been diverted. greater proportion of school costs. I Total school budget for Prince Rupert this year was $178,309, of! POLICE PACT IS APPROVED ::i.,w-l u she heeled w hich return had been received I proof that the electorate desires iL smkiiR. I howed Mr. Hogg had polled j the continuance of a sound busi- j Ljfc . Todd was raised 1746 votes. ' ness administration under the j nthii 1 -h y. Leading Point. "The standing of parties in the ; coalition of the two democratic! 4k Ci .: . 1 on Saturday by Legislature remains at 35 for the j parties." j t Armor S.iiwoe Co. derrick ! which city taxpayers would be province today. This is causing rain along the southern coast and rain showers in northern coastal areas. The interior is mainly overcast with widely scattered snow flurries. Improving conditions are expected tomorrow when drier air will begin to move across British Col required to pay $100,233. It was j Annual meeting of the Prince ' Rupert Fishermen's Co-opera- tive Association opened this morning in the Oddfellows' Hall 1 with scores of members and of- asd The city's 1948 contract with the British Columbia Police for policing Prince Rupert was approved by city council last night on recommendation of the police Freak Accident Causes Trawler To Sink During Monday's Gale .returned to the School Board mainly as a protest against the , taxation set-up which digs so (deeply into the municipal purse I to finance school operation. "In 1943 it cost Prince Ru noers attending. Tne session will continue daily until Friday. Delegates from other tsher-men's co-operatives tn the south "iiiiht :;orth for ex-iii'l possible repairs. :k;,iy a was learned ill be towed south. iit on the vessel, leading from Hartley 11:11 was Lewis Ho-1 cannery manager, . skipper, and Doug-bo' h of Deep Cove. umbia. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Char- committee. The contract calls for payment by the city of last Mc- lie-floated by an Armour Salvage Co. crew iii.rht thp ir-fo'(it lani trawler Kndvour is at j No Agreement On j Bread Price Rise I OTTAWA- Heads of Ontario i chain store organizations, ap-' pearing yesterday before the Parliamentary committee look-' ing into price increases, told of I successive boosts in the price of i bread imposed by baking con-; cerns but denied that there had i been any agreement with the j baking concerns. 524.949, which is arwut sijw lottes and North Coast Cloudy 1 above last year's contract price. With rain showers today and Lean's Shipyard, Seal Cove, today for reconditioning after a freak accident that caused her to sink and Although he voted for pas- Wednesday morning, clearing ; 1. 1 irk 1 Ur v V. 1 rw of sage of the recommendation, Alderman George Casey warned 1V- Hogan's body . on(anr(.r the lives of her three crewmen in the nar- ic ir - .. - d but ! tlmrn there ' or Langlll. Wednesday afternoon. Southwesterly winds (15 m.p.h.). Normal temperatures. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow, Port Hardy 35 and 45, Massett 35 and 45. Prince Rupert 32 and 45. and from the B.C. Co-operative Federation include T. H. Soren-son. Federation president, A. Eyton, of Steveston, R. McKay, of Fanny Bay. Vancouver Island, W. J. Peck, Vancouver, A. V. Hill, Vancouver, L. J. Wylie, Vancouver, J. Donaldson, Vancouver, and others. J Annual reports from various departments of the Co-operative t that "it behooved this council to consider if we are going to keep up this high -cost police bur Monuav aiienioon. , then climbed through -.... house, the Canadian Re cmd by i.. curf.iK 'window 011 the port side. I got pert $70 per capita to operate its school system," Mayor Arnold told council. "This year, the per capita cost is $146. The Cameron report has not only boomeranged on us but on every municipality ,in the prov-vince." Of the $178,000 budget, basic provincial government grants would provide only $60,800, little more than one-third, according to the detailed estimate provided by the school board. Actual operating costs would take more than $150,000. ''I have been informed by Isory Savings system or think about creating on top of the pilot house with only one wet foot." Taylor said r iiiiii;, v.'v. i.v Capt. Harry Trimm. were Cap'.. Frank Gale, owner of the En- Next Month I - f,-i Ren, ,,d Howard after ne naa reacneu 4.., our own police force. I think j $25,000 a year Is too much for get more money, it seems in line policing a city of this size." that the policemen should get Alderman Arthur Brooksbank it too," he said. l-""ul u. - p " 1 ...... ...j.. .n 11., .,( ant UTUIII any A M.l lull or- iniirD : . 1 ti nnr iaas a ,s r 1 t e a a 1 1 1 1 j t e--o- jt oiner Es Slain In Feud yri: An Ji 1:0 into the mails Taylor, crew mcmorrs. The Endvour capsized in though." will be presented, and matters of policy discussed. the; III to Canadians hav- i Taylor saia uiai me wiu.-u. Cow Bay at 3! harbor npposile i- i-oninm fur minimi- , 1 Ur prt over si noeniy wiu n uiv o'clock when her beam 11 a w 1. t trawl net dropped Into the water iii connection with ! declared that most of the increase was accounted for by higher wages. I "Since it looks like .everybody working for the city is going to Alderman T. B. Black pointed out that lajt year police court fines had offset policing costs and it is likely that the same thing would occur this year. carried aloft on the boom, dropped into the water when a ixe 111 194:2. The be sent out. six fast. I LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, February 25, 1918 High 2:00 21.8 feet 14:01 23.3 feet Ol ! ice is able to ab- members of the School Board that only about $20,000 is available for repairs and improvements to school buildings, the NORTH VANCOUVER (f Police today pressed the search for William Piercey, 35 - year - old lather of four children, in connection with the shot gun slay- and that there was no time to do anything but get clear. Th? Skedans. moored at the Atlin Fusheries dock, headed for the Endvour immediately. Repair of the equipment in the vessel probably will prove costly, since much of it was modern electric and electronic I halyard broke while me vessel i was travelling at full speed. A : heavy southeast wind was blowing at the time. J The boom swung outboard. I dropping the huge trawl net I into the water 011 the starboard 7:57 20.21 4.3 feet 0.8 feet :: TODAYS STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. rest is fixed charges," Mayor , Low-Arnold told council. Largest item in the school - ; ing of Bernard H. Smith, 39-: year -old North Vancouver mill j worker. budget was teachers' salaries which, Including a wage in- side. Pushed by a .strong wind , from port.. the vessel heeled over. tax in 1945 for school building purposes. The board is seeking authority to spend that money this year. Of this, more than I crease authorized this montn, lis estimated at more than and filled with water, salvage "A charge of murder will be laid against Piercey," said Sgt. Thomas Herdman of the British Columbia provincial police here. 4 lines were placed aboara Dy i"-Skeclans and Armour Salvage ' ... J Smith was shot in the back 1 instruments. The Endvour was! only recently equipped with a J depth echo sounder. She also carried radio direction 'finder J and radio-telephone. j The Armour Salvag? derriclt scow pulled alongside the sunk- j en vessel at the Home Oil wharf ( at 5 o'clock last night. Salvager! was completed by 10 o'clock. j Even harder hit than the city taxpayers are those in the rural section of the school district. With a rural school popu Bevcourt 48 Bob jo 13i,2 Buffalo Canadian 12 Consol. Smelters 95.50 Conwest .86 Donald a 80 Eldona 89 Elder 65 Giant Yellowknife 5.40 God's Lake 77 Hardrock 17 Harricana 06i Heva 14Vi tug Kaien and the vessel towed to the Home Oil Co. wharr where she remained with the tio of her mast showing until raised a few hours later by the salvage comoany's derrick scow. lation of about 60, taxpayers ! outside the city are required to rajse $14,977 to support educa-'tion, an item that is no small burden on the sparsley popu $4,500 was raised in the city. In the detailed estimates, total figure under "maintenance of school plant and grounds" is only $9,601, of which $5,201 is rt quested as the School Board's share of the cost of reconstructing Booth Memorial High School. The board anticipates that the provincial government will provide an equal amount for this purpose. A memorandum rtgarding (Continued on Page 3) at his home here last night while he was gathering firewood. The shooting, police reported, appeared to stein from a longstanding neighborhood feud involving the bmlth children and those of another family in the district. Police have the description M P Only the tip of the Endvour's . .1. l.n- 41,1-un liie HKoaans iouis. . . , and landed" , crew men aboard Drougui in. the alleged slayer and found his abandoned car two miles from the Smith home a short time Vancouver Bralorne 10.00 B. R. Con 03 'i B. R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 1.90 Dentonla 11 Grull Wihksne 044 Hedley Mascot 75 Minto 02 Peni Oreille 2.30 Pioneer 3 40 Premier Border 04 Privateer 25 Reeves McDonald 1.10 Reno .' 10 Salmon Gold 19Vz Sheep Creek 1.02 Taylor Bridge 451,2 Taku River 55 Vananda 17 Congress .04 Pacific Eastern 06 Hedley Amalg 02 V2 Spud Valley 13 Central Zeballos 01 'i Sllbak Premier 43 Oils Calmont 46 C. & E 3.90 Home 5.90 Toronto Athona 08 Aaumaque 22 Beattie .70 lated Skeena River district. HIGHLIGHTS OF SC HOOL Bl'DGET Here are highlights of the school budget, at which city council balked: Total ordinary expenses $178,309.47 1 P'CE LEADER -Rev. ICoburn of Toronto. them at the Home Oil wharf when the Endvour was brought in. The Endvour. which landed 18.000 pounds of flatfish at the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. Monday morning, was proceeding to the Edward Llpsett Co. dock when the mishap occurred. The three men were in the pilot house at the time. Capt. Oale and Chris Berg were thrown into the water PARTITION BOARD MEMBER RESIGNS LAKE SUCCESS, ! Senator Vincintc J. Francisco, delegate for the Philippines, said today that he had resigned from the United Nations Palestine commission, Francisco's resignation followed disciosure last week Krct I'tary of the rn. I Deduct basic gov't after the slaying. F. R. Anderson, a lawyer, told the police that man came to his home last night and said, "I shot a man. I need help." Mr. And?rson said he refused M. J. Saunders left Monday night on a business trip to Burns Lake. He expects to be away for approximately ten days. l"iance 1 deration. Pars Hosco 35 Jacknife .05 Joliet Quebec 37 Lake Rowan 12 Lapaska 07 Little Long Lac 125 Lynx 10 Madseil 2.95 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.41 Moneta 36 Negus 2.60 Noranda 44.75 Louvicourt - 1.28 Pickle Crow 2.22 Regcourt 07 San Antonio 3.95 Senator Rouyn 56 Sherrit Gordon 2.20 Steep Rock 2.15 Sturgeon River 18 Silver Miller 33 r-se of western grant Tuition fees Surplus, 1947 Rural area 60,800 1.350 948.59 650.17 "d in t.hn k.. 1 i of growing friction wnnin tne starboard : five-member commission which I'tcrmion from Van-jd will proceed East 1 b' train tomorrow P". Coburn will ad-timblic meeting in through the open to discuss the matter find called for the police. Before officers arrived, the man fled. The mill worker is survived by his widow and young daughter. Piercey is believed to have crossed the harbor from North Vancouver in a dinghy after the killing. . $63,748.76 Prince Rupert municipality (cost 1 $100,232.98 Rural Area total requisition) 14,977.90 Included in both city and rural area estimates is $5,201 which was raised by a special one-mill Delayed again by connections at Jasper Park owing to transcontinental trains "being delayed by prairie weather, tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45 tonight, Is three hours and fifty minutes late which would bring it in at 2:35 tomorrow morning. pilot house door and clung to j has the task of partitioning the Land. The resignation was the bow until they were picked, Holy up. However. Howard Taylor sent to Manila four days ago had not yet been accepted ,. m, ni nnp wet foot, but ea Chin- "ch toniaht speak before the when Francisco confirmed it 'inn Qvrn riiiw "When she went over, I hung ItDnuirrow. onto the inside of the pilot j here.