THIS AND THAT ltinte ttuncrt Oailp rectus LtD. Tuesday, February 24, 1948 MacCALLUM IS TORONTO MAYOR TORONTO Controller Hiram E. MacCallum was elected mayor of Toronto yesterday by the city council, succeeding Mayor Robert Saunders who resigned to join the Ontario Hydro Com Six Envoys l!To Alaska C FOR .THRIFT " AND QUALITY mission. NOT FUN, SAYS JUDGE MONTREAL (P Recorder Le- Terrace Board of Trade to Send That Number Committee Named ILV i W r W r m Mm dm kT M rnmW M M M M - ROBERT once Flame ciroppea nicneis ( into a seized slot machine and MITCHllM.r TERRACEAt the first meeting -"in i didn't get one free game dur- , ing trial of a man charged with possession of a gambling machine. "It might be all right for of the year of the Terrace Board ; of Trade held in the Oddfellows' Hall, the new president, Duncan J some people, but as far as I'm M ft M H M a u n a i I :3 . a a 01 m u a n 9 J 3 3 concerned, it's not much fun," said the recorder, reserving judgement. nmmusx t Advertise in the Daily News: Kerr was in the chair, over a i fair attendance, it was decided 'to send six delegates from the j local Board to the next meet-' ing of the Associated Boards in Juneau. Alaska. ! Discussing an Experimental j station for Terrace the Board I felt that, if the one at Smithers i were moved to Terrace, greater ; benefit would be derived by all. I I Norman Arseneau was welcomed las a new member of the Board. 1 1 to .01 her liiili hi'eiHj , "If Mm cuuld nut f Tapping Toes Annoy Tenants SOUTHEND, Eng. Miss Peggy Flnch-Wn:t,e has wen ordered observed JU,, w "she should h.tve tips on her heels" Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections ' I The Ail.m F.rv-r, li"V V . to quit her upper floor apartment because the tap-tap-tap 1 noyed the people downstairs. Advertise tn t,lt , "Those are fighting words where I come from and that's how we'll fight with WORDS!" in.get. There were no naval move One in Prince Rupert, one Dresses A La Mode Ottawa and the third deceased I j New committees were an-; nounced as follows: i I j Finance W. A. Kirkpatrick. V. ! Osborne, S. Kohut. I ! Entertainment H. Philip, M. . Peeke-Vout, Hans Koch. Business and Hrof essiona Sheriff M.M. Stephens, Max I Wade and the late Major I Charles Halsey. That tells of a ; little group associated In busi ments off Prince Rupert al- though vessels of His Majesty's j fleet and the Canadian Navy '(steam-sail era cruiser Egeria) j i Ottawa-station Nlobei would sail in from time to time, look '. around and sail away again, WhatUty Council Did SMITH & EL KINS LTD. i WALLACE'S 1 Of Course John -:os: CAKPKNTER. CABIXETM.V and PlumWri- and Hewing inglneers this being merly a gesture without significance. ness on Rupert Road in the early summer of 1909, a good 39 years ago. The Sheriff is still going strong. Wade, in the Federal service, 13 understood to have been superannuated. Halsey veteran of the First Great War, died in '17, at Proctor, the school to the city for $5,095 City Council transferred the school to the school board for the same amount. ... Adopted a report of the licencing committee authorizing Radio C. J. Norrington, W. ; Chesher, S. Howlett. I Highways G. McAdams. J. II. ; Smith, C. J. Norrington, Member. 1 Membership J. H. Smith, Mrs C. J. Norrington, Mrs. W. Osborne. National Affairs J. S. Stev-: enson, S. F. Campbell. Industrial H. Spencer, O. T. Siindal. D. G. Little. P.O. Box 2T1 PHONE R5D1: Old Bill himself was doing a Phone 174 spot of shopping along Third : . . . Approved sale of the former McKenzie residence, corner of Conrad Street and Nintn Avenue, to Harry A. Nelson, with provision that it be moved from the site by April 15. The house is on the brow of the city sand spit and must be moved before any further quantities of sand can be removed from the pit. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE PRINCE RUli Nelson, victim of tuber- J. G. Warner to enter business, near as a fuel dealer. I BOTTLE COLLlI DIl. I. J. CUKNEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7fl5 PO. Box 1401 culosis contracted at the front in France. And time marches on. Avenue the other morning and finally turned to go. j "Not forgotten anything, have , you Bill?" A moment's pause. j "Oh yes! Harry Lauder's wed-; ding breakfast." J "How much, and what? S.iy it again please." and MESSES PHONE GRES i . . . Accepted a report of the j Pioneer Home committee advis-ine ...,.. that ... Mr. and ,. Mrs. Georee n C.1 I Hints of hostilities rm rennest. from the were noi unKnown in ana Agent for Pacific Bill Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Phone 775 327 GEOKGE L. ROME Resolution;; G. McAdams, C. Michiel, C. Adams. Agriculture H. King, Peter van Stolk. T. B. Olsen. Municipal Affairs C. Adam.C Haugland The first named are the chairmen and are also members of the executive School Board, voted $14,000 forJackson nave bpen recommend-! arouud Pnnce prior to expenditures for the board fored t0 take charge of the home August 1914. Indeed, one appre-thp month of February. L. ,.t ..v.roi hensive day, the Muskeg Scouts "Say it twice? Wot the blazes? ', Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. THO.M SHKKT ! Income Tax Returns Compiled. rpflino to a I nnnn thrnnuli resignation of Mr.1 iJu'u'c "" . . .Gave initial Besner Block Phcne 387 For years tin- annual Nenana 1 ! and Mrs. Peter Montchall. The litriu flunicvuicic ii an iiiuiaii war on the terrain between I hole-in-the-Wall and Hagwil- March 1. This is the Season for bylaw transferring title to Conrad Street School to the school board. Under terms of the 1948 agreement with the City Council. Central Housing and Mortgage Corporation turned over ice guessing contest has drawn interest all over the north coast and it's none the less this year. Ten thousand more tickets have been ordered. Last .Tar's gross cash receipt tolallitl $168,217 93. Someone l.s going to make a nice HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS LTD. HOI 0':.x SiJfij'Ui'; M.iniic :i:.'l Ger.c MKal V-.:k - It Acetyl-'!:.' . i ( T.tnk. .jis- Gut: it V ?rt 203 EaM P.."'.! rh'ir.e B:i DOOR MATS I iion of a road approach joining . . . Ordered filed a letter froi:-.the Fairview Bay nsilermen'.; the federal Deputy Minister joals with the road built ,ast Fisheries advising council thai SUmmer by the city. When the an appropriation had been re-1 appropriation is approved, the nr,-,i,virt,T r ar t tVio TiaiAa rt tVl on f . . Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions fat killing, long ere the ... . may-! 3 D ,. , r Uu binru or all kinds. flowers . , , , ... ... ,Bu ding and Repairs bloom. Is this indulging' in chance? Certainly not sir.; Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burner of Public Works for construe-Lhv. ,un ,.itv iv,o lttr aiH Please don't call It that. It hurts me so! What about the sweep for hospitals and wor folk? Ah! That's gamblin'. DON PHONES: Green 48 Red 894 NT WXAY : 5ILIS M British India Coco Fibre Mats TWO SIZES 16x27 each S1.G5 20x33 each $2.40 Heavy Duty Rubber Mats 12x20 $1.55 17x27 2.75 20x30 $4.50 SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone G32 712 2nd. Ave. I GASOLINE ... Approved a recommendation of the Board of Works that the petitioners for improvements on Eleventh Street be ad-used that this work is included in the council's program for 1948. SKUVIC .. C.:' AVAILABLE AT Steamship Sailings for Vancouver Monday ss Princess Louise H p.m. FUI'KKIOU rKCOHATOKS PALVINO :: PAPERILANGING Blue 952 or Black 245 LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. luesaay-ss LataU 1:30 pin Prince Rupert 1 Ler Kitchens Bill Thornton Thursday -ss ARE UNITED IN . CHURCH WEDDING 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. WEEK DAYS 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Sl'NDAV SERVICE RUPERT MARINE REALTY 11:15 p.m. from Vaniouvci Sunday ss Catala 4 Monday ss Princess If It's R.K-k Wurk-CAI1 BLH: m. saint: CONCP.t-SIDEWALKS - B-l 4 p.m. Louise HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOT Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. ZOO 4th Street Phone 653 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Ruiiert. 10:00 a m. ENGLISH 1 V; ' A wedding of much local in- terest took place in St. Paul's Lutneran Churcri recently wncn Miss Ruth Giske became the , bride of Arvid Sandals, son of i ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Sandals of Dodge Cove. Rev. Earl Soiland Vimr liiiiisc and ktl CUPS & SAUCERS (J. CLAUSEN & SON') We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OK CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phoie Green 075 Insured while I Friday ssCardena p.m. Friday ss Cardena. niictnight. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 12 midnight. from Alaska-Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING JONES NEWS err, We h;indii V FANCY DISHES for TEAS and DINNERS Box 1428 Phone Black 439 P.O. 147 4th East NANA1MO FSB otnclatccl at the ceremony. The bride, lovely in a white net floor-length dress, with finger-tip veil and carrying a bouquet of red roses, entered the ! church on the arm of her father to the strains of "The Wedding March" played by Peter Lien. Miss Gunvar Asprem, acting as maid of hoi.i, was cnarminx j in a dress of tea-rose moire, carrying a bouquet of picotie AYAH-'- Quickly Relieves Distress of Victor - Ni W Sixth Street Co. SneetyStuffy STEPHKN" EE' ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight F.xpres Phone Blue 209 322 Sixth St Night Calls Green 882 1, RED 400 518 Third West I carnations. P.O. Box 1118 Tl'MNG AN'dF' Groomsman wa: Farstad Hu 411 A little Va-tro-nol up each nostril promptly relieves snlffly, stuffy distress of head Black lr3 soy and the ushers were Pat Phillipson and Richard Giske. During thn sinnini? nf thp reir- ! Hit Parade of records you have been w aiting to hear Ballerina Now is the Hour Golden Earrings How Soon I'm My Own Grandpa Civilization With the Roses in Her Hair In a Little Book Shop Al Jolsrn's new record No. 21269 ''Let Me Sins and 1 11 Be Happy" "If I Only Had a Match" Above records now available Also RCA Victor "Fideltone" Needles (l AUTY BH1 or D,.uiilrll,'i All! ktips prtvint many ....a Morn 1 Serrlnf the Ftaherlef Indnatry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelllnr. Weljhlnt coias irom developing; If used In time. Try ill You'll like It I Fallow i.ster, Mrs. Jarvis H. McLeod Eang "Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses,' accompanied by Peter Lien. A reception was held in the MAC SHOE I Olrectlons In package. Box 171 BLUE 780 BLUE 980 VICKS VATROnOL Electrical WIRING SERVICING RADIO REPAIRS RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Oddfellows' Hall, which was ; beautifully decorated for the occasion. Some 90 guests were ' received by Mrs. Carl Giske, mother of the bride and Mrs. J. Sandals, mother of the groom. ; The guests later sat down to; a delicious cola supper, served under the convenership of Mrs. OCEAN HOTS Phone 614 Box 1321 B. Roald. 1 Fiirmf fly A three-tier wedding cake, .ONDIE which centred the bride's table. By Chic Young Ouift. 11 A 1 ,f We have in stock now the necessary materials to renew that old roof. Asphalt Shingles (Hf.XAGON and Sql'AKK BUTT) ALL COLORS Cedar Shingles ,.:1,e to Ml ...Til IJ.mniS was duly cut by the bride and groom. A toast to the bride was proposed by George Hills and responded to by the groom. Farstad Husoy proposed a toast to the maid of honor. After the wedding repast, the bride and grooin stood under an archway to receive congratulations from their many friends. The happy Lirup;e "nave taken up residence at 861 Summit BEFORE WE WERE I I TNC NiGWT VOU j I NOD SA'.D J--., j Li'i.'l!! t,;!v;- ' ( MARRIED, VCJ PROMISED ( PROPOSED YOU SAID VOU'D BE MVj L-X J ,tL BEr they'd V r,T,7i i ' ( NOLfO DRY THE DISMES ' MY SLIGHTEST WISH) (ETERNAL) -i. A YOUN3 MARRY US JUST 7 'p FOB ME EVcRY NIGHT V WOULD BE voue jr. SLAVE yC FELLOW HAS THE SAME WITHOUT I II ? f. -rr' COMMAND Y-S r"VX S- TO BE SO rpBOflSINSTHEM,. V. S""- V; Xo'i (CAREFUL WHAT n-. ALL THAT jl-J $J-, " t HE SAYS r ( NONSENSE OWV liaES W mm New PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 652 Coal Lumber Paints Uuilding Supplies I :'You saw it in the Dally News!